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Do Heaven and Hell Exist?

Marietta Bunagan
We live our lives in curiosity, doubt, insecurities and confusions. As a person, we cannot evade
ourselves from all the mind blowing questions running in our minds. In my mind, I always ask this
question; do heaven and hell exist? Some people ask this to, but do they really exist?

I have read a book about a Korean Christian narrating how the Lord appeared to her and gave
her a tour of what heaven looks like. Roads paved with gold, castles and mansions made for special
people, people robed in white wearing crowns on their head and worshipping the Lord.

The Lord also showed her a place where people are screaming and running, from a lake that was
spewing out fire. The Lord said to her that it is the place for people who do not know him would go.
Then there were people walking round and round in circles with head bowed, hopeless and despairing.
The Lord told her that he showed of those because he wanted to tell her that he was coming sooner. His
kingdom was already prepared for those who were awaiting Him, and for those who did not believe that
heaven and hell really exist.

Now, from what I’ve read, my mind was cleared from the questions that have kept bothering
me. I now believe that heaven and hell exist.

If there is a risk that we shouldn’t take, it’s the risk of not being able to make it to heaven where
we will spend our eternity depends on how we live our lives now. Let us open our hearts and minds to
God now and live eternally.
A Test of Honesty

Roland Rumbaua
Have you always been honest? Is there any instance in your life that someone tests your
honesty? “Honesty is the best policy”, does this quotation pops in your mind every time you tell a lie?

We know that honesty is like doing the right thing or simply telling the truth. There are
situations in your life where in honesty is being put and tested. Sometimes, we can’t help but to tell a lie
just for the sake of something. We admit that being honest all the time is hard. Being honest is difficult
especially when you have something to lose like maybe love or respect of your loved ones. But if you tell
the truth, you will feel the warmth in your heart. They mat hate you or become angry to you but there
will be a time that they will forgive you because they’ll realize their mistake too.

Thus, honesty is the best policy to enjoy a good and respectable life. Honesty indeed, take a
person to level where he deserves to be. We must remember always that “To commit mistake is human
and forgive is divine”. So if you commit mistake, coming out clean is the only option. You may be
punished or you might bear the consequences, but if you are honest you will gain forgiveness and
respect. Honesty is undoubtedly the best policy.

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