Global Warming Essay Outline

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Global Warming

Essay Outline

Introduction to Global Warming and Definition

Fact or Fiction
How Harmful is Global Warming.
Causes of Global Warming
Greenhouse effect
Growth in population
Effects of Global Warming
Ozone Depletion causing diseases
Abrupt climate changes & extreme weathers
Acid rains, floods, droughts, tropical storms, effects on agriculture
rising sea levels and melting glaciers, wasting drinking water
extinction of species & biodiversity
How to curtail Global Warming
Kyoto Protocol
Control by law and regulation, more on developed countries
Increase of forests
Controlling human population
Awareness among the masses & individual level work
Thought about future generations to come?
Time is ripe, and time is now to control Global warming.

Global Warming

One of the greatest of all challenges faced by planet earth is Global warming. Earth, which has housed
numerous species for billions of years is facing continuous threat by the effects of Global warming,
which include lethal diseases, extreme temperatures, and natural hazards. According to reliable
scientific studies, Global warming can turn the earth into a ghost planet in about a million years, wiping
off life on earth except some forms of microbes that may survive. Further indications show that
atmospheric temperature will become unbearable in half a million years and a number of species will be
significantly affected in coming centuries leading to their extinction eventually.

Global warming in simple words, is the gradual increase of Earth’s atmospheric temperature. The rise in
temperature is due to increase in greenhouse gases by some natural and some humanly reasons. There
are however, two school of thoughts on the burning issue. One which believes that Global warming is a
genuine threat and needs immediate attention, the other believing that, the issue is hyped up and not
really as big as it is projected. There is enough evidence to support the former. Surveys conducted
recently show that year 1991 was the hottest year of the past century and 2010 being the hottest ever
on record. They also tell us that, sea levels have globally risen and natural hazards including hurricanes
and storms have increased in number and intensity. All this due to massive increase in greenhouse

Altering the greenhouse effect balance due to increase in greenhouse gases is the major cause of global
warming. These gases trap the solar heat in Earth’s atmosphere not allowing it to radiate back. This
helps keep the Earth temperature warm, without those gases, atmospheric temperature would be
unbearably cold. Some of those gases are naturally present, however massive increase in greenhouse
gases is disrupting the balance and further warming the global temperature. These gases include Carbon
dioxide, Chlorofluorocarbons, water vapours, methane and others.

Carbon Dioxide emissions being one of the major contributors of rise in global temperature. This is due
to burning large amount of fossil fuels, oil and gas mainly. Various studies have shown that industrial
revolution that began in 1800s have been a major contributor of CO2 emissions hence increasing the
greenhouse gas concentrations and leading to global warming. Fuel combustion, plants and machineries
etc release large amounts of CO2 which remain in the atmosphere and contribute to the warmth of
temperature. These emissions increase at an increasing rate as the world develops and human
population grows.
Growth in human population means growth in industrialisation and increase in transport vehicles and as
a result growth in CO2 emissions. Transport vehicles used for convenience release gasses that cause
Global warming. It has been tested that less fuel efficient vehicles relase greater amount of CO2.
Different appliances used in homes e.g. refrigerators, microwave ovens etc release chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs), another greenhouse gas and a by-product of technological advancement. Greater human
convenience is leaving a warmer atmospheric temperature for future our generations causing imbalance
in nature at the cost of advancement.

Deforestation is yet reason why the global temperature keeps rising. Large amount of trees are cut and
dismantled for their use in building and furniture industries. Trees, as we know absorb CO2, and use it in
the process of photosynthesis to acquire energy. Trees also release oxygen in return which is essential
for human survival. Sometimes deforestation occurs naturally in case of bushfire in Australia and Africa
when acres of wood catches fire and burn to ashes releasing CO2 in abundance. Deforestation on large
scale is contributing towards the natural imbalance of atmospheric temperature.

Gradual increase in temperature may not sound a short term issue, but it has far reaching consequences
over life on earth, affecting every aspect of human life and continues to remain a threat to our survival.

Ozone layer depletion is one of the major and direct consequence of increase in greenhouse gases.
Ozone layer is a shield of Ozone molecules (consisting of three oxygen atoms) over the Earth’s
atmosphere. This blanket of Ozone absorbs ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun before they reach us.
These rays being harmful in nature can cause lethal diseases like skin cancer and blindness. It has been
scientifically asserted that greenhouse gases are gradually depleting the ozone blanket allowing more
ultraviolet rays to reach the earth’s atmosphere and cause the diseases.
Abrupt climate changes and extreme weathers have been felt in different regions of the globe in past
century and Global warming is contributing factor to the sudden changes. Different regions have
witnessed extreme cold or extreme hot weathers, causing uncertainty in climatic conditions disturbing
humans and animal species. Increased precipitation in dry areas and droughts in some tropical regions
are an example of sudden climatic changes which may become even more uncertain in years to come.
This will have a significant impact on the way of living of those affected regions.

Global warming also causes an increase in in sea levels. As the temperature increases globally, glaciers
eventually melt into the oceans and this in turn will raise the sea levels. According to IPCC
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) global temperature may rise from 1.4 to 6 degrees celsius
and sea levels to 20mm by 2100. According to scientific studies the maximum estimates are more likely.
Increase in sea levels by melting of glaciers mean wasting a lot of pure water. Different countries are
almost at war on the issue of clean water and its wastage is an unbearable loss to underdeveloped

It has been seen natural hazards e.g. acid rain, droughts, floods, hurricanes and tropical storms have
increased in ratio as well as intensity in recent years. Findings have shown that Global warming is
causing all that. Floods will have a major impact on people living in coastal areas destroying their homes
and adding to the number of refugees, e.g. recent flood in Sindh and Balochistan left hundreds of
thousands of people homeless. Disastrous hurricanes like Katrina and Irene were witnessed in the US
different parts of Europe. Hazards like increased precipitation, floods and draughts are significantly
affecting the agricultural industry destroying enormous area of cultivated crop every year. This has
worsened the already vulnerable issue of food crisis in underdeveloped regions.

Global warming is not only harmful for humans but also severely affects biodiversity. Different species
require different temperatures for their survival, and extreme weather conditions, abrupt changes and
warm atmosphere is leading to their extinction at a larger scale, this also hampers medical research
which requires certain kinds of species for production of live saving drugs. Not only that, it also serves as
a barrier to life cycle which consequently may lead to an equal extinction of various living organisms
depending on extinct species for their survival.

Knowing all that, Global warming paints a bleak picture of life on planet earth. It’s never too late to act
and contain the menace. There is a lot that can be done in this regard.

United Nations being an autonomous forum has to accept responsibility and take charge. The body must
enact laws to curtail global warming and encourage countries to comply with the laws or face sanctions.
UN has recently taken an initiative and made a body called IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate
Change), the body consists of scientists responsible for investigating climate change and submitting a
yearly report with findings and recommendations to contain Global warming. Such steps must be
appreciated and supported by all countries particularly the developed nations.
Kyota Protocol agreement is an example of another such initiative. A meeting held in 1993 attended and
endorsed by all major powers including USA, China, Russia, India, Pakistan and others. The first meeting
in which all the countries agreed to contribute in reduction of global warming in the best of their
capacity. Unfortunately no concrete steps have been taken and no visible results appear to seen in this
regard. Initiatives like this must not go in vain and ought to be taken seriously.

It is estimated that 70% of the Global warming is caused by US and China alone. Developed countries
being major contributors to global warming must accept responsibility and share the burden. They must
allocate separate funds for reduction of global warming which may then be used to develop clean
technology which might eventually replace the conventional, hazardous CO2 emitting technology. These
countries must lead and enact such laws which require ban on extensive use of fossil fuels and increased
use of green fuel like nuclear energy and renewable resources which have fairly low or no greenhouse
emitting gases.

Increased forestation helps in reduction of Global warming by absorbing greenhouse gases. Plantation
initiatives, replenishment of dismantled trees must be regulated and monitored in order to decrease the
effects of Global warming, this is by far the easiest way to sustain the environment and contain global

As we have established that most of greenhouse gases are caused by human activities. Controlling the
human population would mean enacting a barrier in use of technological goods which emit greenhouse
gases. This in turn will eventually reduce the effects of Global warming. Steps must be taken to control
the growth of human population which is increasing at an increasing rate and contributing to global

Educating the masses and spreading awareness regarding the menace may lead to gradual decline in
Global warming. Countries must finance mass awareness campaigns by educating the citizens to limit
their use of fossil fuels and transport e.g. sharing a car on the way to work and back, encouraging the
use of public transport, not using plastic bags which take years to decay and release abundant amount
of greenhouse gasses. Such small steps do count collectively and make a difference. Both citizens and
Governments of the countries must share responsibility to control Global Warming.

Time is ripe, and Time is now to take small steps in prevention of Global warming. These steps will serve
as a gift for our future generations, leaving them with a cleaner and sustainable atmosphere. Developed
countries should take the lead be a specimen to be followed by the smaller nations. We have caused
Global warming, and now we have a choice to make, inaction or caution, this is a life and death decision
for our future generations to come. Containment of Global warming must begin now before it crosses
the threshold and starts to perish life on Earth.

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