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First of all, what can we define the word `vaccine’. It sounds complicated yet strange
for those who did not know how it is working. There is a statement, `Vaccine is really
important in our life’ especially for kids. We could not deny this statement as it is a biological
preparation that can boost immunity to a specific disease. Thus, all children can immunise
from six childhood disease. Well, not every disease can be treated by using medicine only,
so the use of vaccine can save one’s life. There are many diseases that can be treated
through vaccination. As example, BCG vaccine used to immunise body from Tuberclorosis,
DTaP vaccine used to immunise body from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis while Hepatitis
B vaccine used to immunise body from Hepatitis B.

So, how the vaccine functioning to make the body’s immune system become more
immune to a specific disease?. A vaccine usually contains an agent that made from
weakened microbe that is similar to microbe that causing disease. The body’s immune
system will be stimulated to destroy foreign invaders that attack the body. The immune
system will `remember’ for future encounters any of the microorganisms to identify and
destroy it. We can classify vaccines into five types that is live, attenuated vaccines,
inactivated vaccines, subunit vaccines, toxoid vaccines and conjugate vaccines. First, live,
attenuated vaccines is the vaccines that can be described as a good `teacher’ because it
can stimulate strong cellular and antibody responses, and often grants long time immunity.

Second, inactivated vaccine is vaccines that were produced through killing process
disease-causing microbes and it is weaker immune response than live vaccines. Third,
subunit vaccine involving the essential antigens that stimulate the immune system. It has
lower chances of adverse reactions. Fourth, toxoid vaccines is the vaccines only used when
illness are caused by specific toxins. Fifth, conjugate vaccine is a special type of subunit
vaccine that made by linking the polysaccharides with toxoids or antigens that recognised by
infant’s immune system. Kids needed to be vaccinated to make sure that they are
immune .Meanwhile, at the parents side, they should be alert what methods of vaccination
that their kids have to take.

There are three methods of vaccination that commonly used. The first one is single
vaccination. It means that one specific vaccine is given during one session. The second one
is simultaneous vaccination which the vaccination is given in separate shoots in one session
such as BCG and hepatitis B. The third one is the combination vaccines where several
different vaccines combined in one shot such as MMR and DTaP vaccines. But, there is an
issue when there is a concern some parents that vaccines are not good for their children.
There is no concrete reason why they are thinking so, but it is all about parent’s natural
instinct that had been inherited from their parents. Eventhough the use of vaccine has
proven the good result especially to treat disease, it seems that parents still hesitate to let
their children for vaccination.

As example, parents think that vaccines can cause autism and claimed that vaccines
contain harmful substances such as mercury or arsenic. But, the main question that playing
in our mind is `Are their children will be prevented from the disease and is it a safe option for
not vaccinate their children’ ?. The anti-vaccine movement has become more local where
they can spread the disinformation about vaccines through internet easily. Besides, this
movement also happened due to the lack of confidence among public institutions such as
doctor ,universities, and research. What make the situation become worser, the politicians
also take advantage of the fear of vaccines to increase their voter base. Lastly, parents feel
worry safety of vaccines because there is no guarantee of the vaccination towards their

In spite of this challenges, the use of vaccines in medical had lead to its success. It
has save many life in this world and has proven that the revolution was invisible. The main
problem is people is more worry about side effect than its advantages. There are many
public health impact of taking vaccine such as preventing cancer, antibiotic resistance,
healthy ageing and protecting from infectious disease. As a conclusion, I can conclude that
the vaccination is a must in order to have a healthy life for the future. I hope all children will
be vaccinated and the negative stigma about vaccines can be changed.

Written by,


Muhammad Haikal Bin Abd Rahman,

Class J1.2,

PPISMP Special Education Department,

IPG Kampus Ilmu Khas


Ismail, D. Z. (2018, July Thursday). What's in the vaccines we give our kids? Retrieved from

hin, T. S. (2018, July Thursday). Are Vaccines Really Dangerous For Our Children. Retrieved from

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