Zimbabwe School Examinations Council

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Section A

Physical Environment

1a).i. Distinguish between intrusive and exclusive forms of volcanic

activity. (2)

ii). Figs 1A and 1B show different types of volcanic cones.

Describe and explain the shape and size of each of the cones. (12)

iii). Volcanoes pose many dangers and yet people continue to live near
them. Explain why this is so. (4)

b). What advice would you give people living on a flood plain on ways
to reduce the impacts of floods? (7)

2a). Describe and explain the climatic characteristics of hot desert areas.
b). Fig 2 shows information recorded at a weather station for a week.

i). State the days with the highest and lowest humidity and give
reasons for your answer. (4)

ii). Describe changes in the weather conditions at the station during the
course of the week. (4)

iii). Explain the changes you have described in (b) (ii) above. (3)

c). Suggest measures which can be taken to reduce the effect of the
following weather hazards on farming:

i). frost
ii). hail storms (7)
3a). Outline the benefits of conserving wetland areas in Zimbabwe. (7)

b). Photograph A shows a degraded ecosystem.

i). Describe the scene in the photograph. (7)

ii). What processes could have been responsible for the degradation
shown? (4)

iii). If you were a lands officer, what advice would you give to the
people living in the area on ways to prevent further land
degradation? (7)
Section B – Economic Geography

4a). Fig 3 shows a map of the main fishing areas of Southern Africa.

i). Describe the distribution of the fishing areas shown. (3)

ii). State and explain the factors that have led to the development of
fishing in the areas shown. (8)
b). What problems are experienced in the exploitation of fish resources
in Southern Africa? (7)

c). What recommendations can you make to ensure adequate and safe
water supply for the people in your area? (7)

5a). Outline the problems being faced by cattle ranchers in Zimbabwe.


b). Study photograph B below.

i). Describe the scene in the photograph. (6)

ii). Describe the growing conditions of the crop shown in the
photograph. (3)

iii). Explain why the factory to process the crop shown is located on the
farm. (2)

c). Suggest ways in which subsistence farmers may be encouraged to

practice modern of farming. (7)

6a)i. What are the reasons for factory closures in an area you have
studied? (4)

ii). Give three effects of such closures on the local community. (3)

b). Study Fig 4 below.

i). Describe the distribution of Zimbabwe’s tourist attractions shown.

ii). Classify these attractions into natural and man made. (5)

c). Suggest strategies you would put in place to boost tourism in

Zimbabwe. (7)

Section C (Population, Settlement, Transport and Trade)

7a)i. Outline the main characteristics of the Central Business District

(CBD) of a town you have studied. (7)

ii). How do the characteristics of the CBD create problems for town
planners? (7)
b). Photograph C shows an informal settlement.

i). Describe the features of this settlement. (5)

ii). Describe the problems associated with such a settlement. (5)

iii). Name an area in Zimbabwe where such a settlement is found. (1)

8a)i. Define the term ‘population density.’ (2)

ii. Outline the factors which have influenced the distribution of

population in one country you have studied. (5)

b). Fig 5 shows life expectancy and natural population increase for
selected countries.
i). State the life expectancy for Japan and the natural population
increase for Zimbabwe. (2)

ii). Describe and explain the differences in life expectancy and natural
population increase between countries in groups A and B. (9)
c). Zimbabwe has experienced large scale outmigration of population to
neighbouring countries in recent times. Suggest measures which can
be taken to reduce such migration. (7).

9a)i. Explain the term ‘balance of trade’. (2)

ii). Describe and explain the causes of the debt crisis found in
developing countries. (5)

iii). Suggest problems likely to be faced as a result of the increased debt

and the measures that developing countries can take to reduce this
debt. (7)

b). Fig 6 shows the road network in an area.

With reference to Fig 7 only, what are the advantages and disadvantages
of the proposed wide tarred road? (6)

c). Fig 6 shows world trade trends in manufactured goods and raw

Describe and explain the trends shown. (5)

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