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fo Department ore Publication No. FHWA HIS7-013 Revized November 1868 Federal Higttwry Adeinisiration NHI Course. Nos. 13221 and 13222 Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations Workshop Manual - Volume I i Ny HH i National Highveay Iastieute NOTICE This document is dissaminated Under the sponsorship of the Deparment of Transportation in the interest of information exchangs. The United Staiss Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereat. The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers names appear heroin only because they are considered essential to the ebiect of this document. Technical Report Documentation Page 3. Recents Catalog No. FHWACRI-OT-O13 [Tip ane aati Domgn and Censinastion of Driven Pils January 1997 - Rensed Now 1993) Foundations - Velurne | Pritionte tee ea 1 Pertomang Organization Report No 7 Ran Hennigan, PJ. Soble, GG, Tendean, G. Likits, GE and Rauscha, F. TE. Werk Ur No. REE ‘Goble Pausche Liking and Assac ates, Ing. 4596 Reraissance Parkway Ti Gatta cr Gert Ho, Clevelane, Ohio a4 12g. STFH61-97-D-0002. Tp tad ee tod al Ragort - Revision 1 an ant tice oF TEcnnclcay Applicalian Gtice of Engnaanagaicior Division Federal Fughvay Administration 1, 400 Sevanih Staek SW, Washurgion, DG aveat [TS Ranetemeniany Trane FHWA Camvacting Officer's Tesnrival Representative, Chier-Tan Chang, HTA-20 FHWA Pravact Technical Manager: Jey GiMeggea, HNG-31 Tear This macual is interded 1 sarve a dual purpoee. wel as a parncipant’s manual tar the FHW's National Highway Institute courses an driven pile foundations and secondly as FHWA's primary roierence of reconmanded practos far diven pile foundations. The Oesign snd Conshuctinn ef Diven Pile Foundations manual is directed to gootaennizal, stustural, ad construction engineurs involved in tre dagign and construction of pile supported siuclures The manual re lended [e 3érve as a pracical taierenee on driven pile toundations Volume | of tha manuel add-osses, Sesign aspecis inuitcting subsurface exploration, laboratory lestirg, static analyess, 36 well ag spacificalian and foundatan repn-r preparation Yalume Il covers conslruction aspects including dynamic tormu as, wave equation analyses, dynamic testing, sialic Ibad testing, Slainamic testing. the Osterbarg cell, pe woil as pile driving equipment. pile BeCessOres and pile instalation inspention Step by slap pronecures, uerksnop problems ang soluliuns ate plowed la demangiraie Se Of the manuel material TE Ry Werk TDiesiiarion Srateonent nde tnundations faundanon denen, No restictions. This dngumant 4 awailalila ta the SADC aNaySis, foundation canslivalign, dublic from lhe Maticnal Teennical Informetion nippaction Serta Soringheld. Virginia 22160 [75. Sacuriy Ciel, tnd ee report BO. Satarity Clacal. [ol ths page He Pe | a2, Bow Unetassitied Unclassiied B26 l Fom GOT F 1700.7 &-72) . WPEVEA, 12/03/53 Reproduction of tamplatsd page authorized US. - 51 Conversion Factars From Te Multiply by Quantity From Ta Multiply by English al 3I English tt m 0.3048 Langth m ft 3.2808 inch mr 26 40 mn inch 0.089 i m o.c929 Area m iy 10.764 inch? mm? $45.2 mm in? 0.OM5 mi! 0.028 Volume mw [ote 36.714 mam? 18387 mm? | inch’ | etxto* mt 0.0086 Second m* tt 118.856 mm* 416231 [Moment of Areal mm‘ inch* axt0% kg 0.4536 Mass ko Ibert 226 lomytt? | keg 16.02 Mass Density J kg/m? | Ibmyft? 0.082 Ib N 4.448 Force N Ib 0.2248 kip [kw 44g kN kip 0.2248 Ibstt ym 14.59 Forea/Unit- Nim logelt 0.0685 kipst | kNym 14.59 Length km | kipst | 0.0685 ibsiin? | kPa 6.895 Force/Unit- kPa | Ibsiir? 0.185 kipsfin? | MPa 6.695 Area: Stress; MPa kipsiin? 0.145 tgett® Pa 47.88 Pressure: Pa Inset! 0.021 kipsa? [kPa 47.88 Elastic Mod kPa _j kipsft’ | 0.021 Fram, U.S. - S| Conwersian Factors (continued | taunply By Ty Engtish Force/Linit- Ninn Quantity From To | Multiply by st | English G.0064 Volume O.0684 Moment; or Eneray 0.7375 t-kip O.7aTS et | aim 3 2806 Damping sift l 0.3048 blows/Ht | blows/m Blow count blows/t 0.3048 PREFACE Engineers and contractors have been designing and installing pile foundations for many years. During the past three decaoes this industry has expenenced several najor improvements including newer and more accurate methads of predicting capacities, highly specialized and sophisticated equipment tor pile diving, and improved rnathods of canstruchion fontrol, In order to take advantage of these new déveigpments, the FHWA developed # manuat in cannection with Demonstration Project No. 66, Design and Construction of Driven File Foundations. The primary purpase of the Manual was to support educaticnal programs conducted by FHWA for transportation agencies. These programs cansisted ot (1) 4 workshop for geotechnical, shuctural, and consiruction engineers. and (2) field demonstrations of static and dynamis load vesting equipment Technical assistanre on Construction projects in areas covered by thie Demonstration Projact was proviced to transportation agencies on request. A sécond purpose of equal importance was to serve as the FHWA's standard relerence for highway projects iavoling driven pile foundations. The original Manual was vritten by Suneal N. Vanikar with review and comment trem Messrs Ronald Chassie, Jerry DiMaggio, ard Richatd Cheney Alter a decade of yse it was necessary that the Manual be updated and modilied te include new developments that had] taken glace in the intervening years and to lake advantage af the expenence gained in using she Manual in the many workshops that were presented by Demonstration Project 66. The néw version of the Manual was prepared by Goble Rausche Likirs and Associates, Ine. under contract with the FHWA. The Manual is presented in two volumes. Volume | addresses design aspects and Volume Il presents topics related to driven pile installation, mantoring, and inspection. Tha new Manual is intended te serve dual purpose. First, as 4 workshop participant's manual for the FHWA’s National Highway Insttute Courses on Driven Pile Foundations. Sunilar to the earlier demenstration manual. this document is also intended to Seve as FHWA 8 primary reference ot recommended practicg for driven pile foundations. Upon completion of NH] Course 13221. participants wall be able to: 1. Describe methods of pile foundation design. . Discuss driven pile construction materials and installation equipment. we Desctiba the timing and scope of the involvement of foundation specialists ag a Project evolves from cancept through completion. = Perfonn a foundation economic arglysis and determine the need for a driven pile foundation, w Recognize the pile type selection process and the advantages and disadvantages of common driven pria types. a Compute single and group capacities of driven pilas lo resist compression, tansion and lateral loads. Identity when and how dynamic tornulas, wave equation analyses, dynamic pre testing and static Igad testing should bé used on a project, o Discuss the components of structural foundation reports and controlling issues of specications and contracting documents a§ relateo tc a successful construction Project . Gescribe the goncept and project influence of driveability, pile retusal, minim and estimated pile toe elevatipns, soil setup and relexatian. Upon completion of MHI Courge 13222, participants wil be able to: 1. Describe methods of driven pile construction Manitoring and inspection practices and procedures 2. Discuss pertinent driven pie specification and contact document issues vi ow Describe wave equation, dynamic tasting and static testing results in terms of their apphcation and interpretation on contruction projects. * Identty the basic components and differences between various pile driving syslems, associated installation equipment, pile splices and pile toe attachments. « Interpret a Set ol divert pile plan detals and specifications. 6 Inspect 4 drive pile project wth knowledge and contidenca. The authors’ rasognize the atforts of the project technical manager, Mr. Jewy CiMaggia, FHWA Senior Geotechnical Engineer, who provided invaluable guidance and input for Ihe new manual The authors’ alsa acknowledge the additional contributions of Ihe fotlawing tachnical review panel members fisted in alphabetical order: Mr. Gthen-Tan Chang - FHWA, Mr. Richard Cheney » FHWA Mr. Tom Cloary - New Hampshire DOT Mr. Kerry Cook - FHWA Mr. Chris Dumas + FHiA, Mr. Garl Ealy - FHWA Mr. Sam Holder - FHWA Mr, Paul Macklin - Colorado DOT Mr Paul Passe - Ficrida DOT Mir Jatt Six - Oregon BOT “ir Suneel Vanikar - FHWA, The authors’ also wish to acknowledge the following individuals af the author's internat Peer frewiew team for their technical advice and contributions in Preparing the new manual, Dr Joseph Caliencio « Utah State University Dr, 0. Michael Holloway - InSituTech Mr Robert Lukas - Ground Engineering Consultants vi Lastly, the authors’ wish ta thank thé following Goble Rausche Likins and Agsaciales, Inc. employees for their wital contributions and significant effort in Préparing this manual: Ms. Barbera Strader. Ms. Beth Richardson, Mr. Scott Webster, Mr. Neil Harnar. Mr. Jay Berger and Mr, Joe Bena. vili Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations - Volume 1 Table of Contenta NEED FGA A PILE MANUAL 1.41 Scope of Manual . 1.2 Information Sources . Rejerences - ECONOMICS OF STRUCTURAL FOUNDATIONS . 21 Altemate Foundation Considerations 22 Wse of Value Engineering Proposals 23 Design - Build Proposals . 24° Examples of Cost Savings by Utilizing Modem Design and Construction Contral Practices Fielerences ee ee eee OVERVIEW OF PILE FOUNDATION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 31 Design of Pile Foundations 3.20 Construction af Pile Foundations . 33 Geotechnical Invowement in Pile Foundation Project Phases 34 Driven Pils Design-Construction Process 35 Communication SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS 4.1 Subsurface Exploralion Phases... 1.2... 4.4.4 Planning the Exploration Program {ottice work). 4.12 Field Reconnaissance Suey 4.1.2 Detailed Site Exploration : 42 Guidelines For Minimum Structure Exploration Programs . 493° Methods of Subsurface Exploration . 44 Soil and Rock Sampling , sees 441 Disturbed Sail Samplers... 442 Undhisturbed Soil Samplers 44.3 Rock Core Samplers . 45 Gtound Weter Monitoring . 46 Subsurface Profile Development References . ween al 213 ‘Table of Contents (continued) IN-SITU TESTING . 51 Cone Penetration Test (CPT) and (CPTU} 5.1.1 Equipment Description and Operation , 5.1.2 interpretation ct CPT/CPTU Test Results 5.1.2 Advan 5.2 Plessuremeter Test - (PMT} . 53 Dilatometer Test - (DMT) 5.4 Vane Shear Test 5.8 Dynamic Cone Test References: LABORATORY TESTING 6.1 Types of Tests . 6.1.1 Classification ana Index Tests 6.1.2 Sheer Strength Tests 6.1.3 Consolidation Tests : 6.1.4 Elecire Chemical Classification Tests 62 Laboratory Testing tor Pilé Criveability Considerations References FOUNDATION DESIGN PROCEDURE Fi Foundation Design Approach 7.2 Consideration of Spréad Fooling Foundation . . 7.3 Establishment of a Need For 4 Deep Foundation Reterences .. : PILE TYPES AND GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION 8.1 Qvenaew of Typical Pile Types . 82 Timber Piles, - 83 Steel H-Piles 4 Steal Pipe Piles 85 Precast Cancrele Piles 85.1 Prestressed Concrete Pilas &5.2 Reinlorced Concrete Piles 45.3 Concrete Cylinder Piles , 6 Cast In Place Conerete Piles 8.6.1 Cased Daven Shell Concrete Piles 862 Uncased Concrete Piles a and aaacwantages of CPTJCPTU Tests 1 2 Be 6-6 Late 6? Bo el ha Te a7 6a Bo Table of Contents (continued) Composite Pies - Q.7 1 Precast Concrete - Steel Piles 4.7.2 Woad Composite Piles . 47.3 Pipe Carrugatad Shell Piles 4.7.4 Gamposite Tapered Precast Tip - cen) 8.7.5 Polymer Composite Piles Design Considerations in Aggressive Subsurface Environments 6.1 Carosion of Slee Piles . : 8.82 Sulfate and Chloride Altack on Concrete Piles 8.63 Insect and Marine Borer Attack on Timber Files &.6.4 Design Options fer Piles Subject ta Degradation or Abrasion Selection of File Tye Referances STATIC AMALYSIS METHODS: 31 ge 94 ga 96 26 a? Basics of Static Analysis Everts During and ater Pile Driving. $21 Cohésionless Soils 922 Cahesive Soils Load Transfer : Effective Qverburden Pressure Considerations in Selecugn of Design Soil Strength Parameters cee . Factors ol Satety Design of Single Files 9.7.1 Beating Capacity of Single Piles 87.1.1 Bearing Capaenty of Pilas in ‘Cohesioniess Sails 37.11a Meyerhot Method Based on Standard Penetration Test (SPT} Osta 97.1.1b Nordlund Methad Bearing Capacity of Piles i in Cohesive Soils oo. 97.128 Total Stress - a. Method 97.1.5 Effective Stress Method 97.14 Bearing Capacity of Piles in Leyes Soils xi Page 8-30 5-30 8-30 8-30 8-31 8-31 8.31 8-32 8.33 8.35 $36 O37 S41 Bt ga a5 oT? a? 5-10 12 EaK! IT O17 SAT 22 939 S39 9-468 8-52 28 ORe O73 Tatle of Contents (continued) 97.1.5 Baaring Capacity of Piles Using FHWA Computer Programs, , 9.71.58 The SPILE Computer Program §.7.1.5b The ORIVEN Computer Program 2.71.6 Gearing Capacity of Pies on Bock . Methods Based on Cone Penetation Tast (CPT) Data , 97.1.7 Nottingham and Schmertmann Method 971.76 Laboratoire des Pants et Chaussees (LPC) Uplitt Capacity of Single Piles . Lateral Capacity af Single Piles 37.31 Laleral Capacity Design Mathods. 9.73.2 Brome’ Method |. 9739 Reese's COMé24P Method Design of File Groups. aa BB2 9.8.3 984 Axial Compression Capacity of Pie Groupe 98.14 Pile Group Capacity in Cohesioniess Soils $812 Pile Group Capacity in Cohesive Soils $813 Block Failure of Pile Groups Settement of Pile Groups . : . Elastic Compression of Piles bce cee 9.8.22 Settlements of Pile Groups in Cohesioniess Sols |... . 98.222 Methad Based on SPT Test Dara 98.22b Method Based on CPT Test Data... . 986.23 Settlement of Pile Groups in Cohesive Soils ee S824 Settlement of Pile Groups in 1 Layered Soils os 9825 Settlement of Pile Groups Using the Janau Tangent Modulus Approach Settlement of Pile Groups ‘sing the Neutral Pane Method - Uplift Capacity of Pile Groups 224.1 Group Uplift Capacity by AASHTO Code Tomlinson Group Uplift Method Lateral Capacity of Pile Groups - aii Page 282 3-62 $53 954 985 955 2-63 269 3-70 O73 o74 O88 388 $100 8-100 8-102 9-104 3-108 9-106 S107 a0 107 9-108 od O11 - Se1B4 9-127 9.127 9-128 “8440 Tabla of Contents (continued) 99 Special Design Considerations 3.9.1 Negative Shatt Assistance or Dewndiag 88.4.1 Methods for Determining Negative Shall Resistance @9.1.1a Traditional Approach to Negative ‘Shalt Resiatance: 89.1.2 Methods for Reducing Negatine Shatt Resisiange Forces 832 Verteal Ground Movements trom Swelling ‘Soils 992 Lateral Squee7e pf Foundation Soil Solutions to Prevent Tilling 9.9.4 Bearing Capacity of Sites in Soils Subjact to Scour 995 Soil and Pile Heave . : 99.6 Segmig Considerations : 3.1 Additional Design and Construction Cansitterations 9.10.1 “ime Effects an Pile Capacity 8.10.11 Soil Setue 9.1912 Relaxation . 9.10 1.3 Estimation of Pore Pressures During Driving . 910.2 Effects of Predliing cr Vetting o cn Pile Capacity 9.10.9 Effects of Site Dewatering on Pie Capacity 9.10.4 Gensitication Elfects on Pile Capacity andi Installation Conditions 9.10.5 Plugging of Open Pile Sections 910.6 Design Considerations Que te Pile Drwing induced Vibwations . toe 910.7 Pile Onveabinty . ee Factors Attest fing Driveability 910.72 Methods tor Determinng Pile Oriveability 9.10.73 Criveability Versus File Type References: : . Student Exercise #° - Construct A p, Diagram Student Exercise #2 - Nordlund Capacity Calculation Student Exerc'se #3 - C-Mechod Pile Capacity Calculahon Siudent Exercisa #4 - O-Method & Nordlund Method File Capacity Calculation i1 a Layered Soil Profile sau Page 2148 : 9-135, 8-139 9-139 9-143 8-145. 9145 2146 9146 a149 9-150 $152 S183 9183 S154 9155 S156 $158 9-189 » 8160 . 2162 9-165 9-166 9-167 8-168 9-169 . 2179 9-183 . 9-189 Table of Contents (continued) Student Exercise #5 - Etfactive Svass Pile Capacity Caleutation in a Layered Soil Profile : we Student Exercise #6 - LPC Methad Pile Capacity Calculation Student Exercise #7 - Pile Group Settlament in Layered Prafile Student Exercise #8 - roms’ Melhad Lateral Capacity Analyas .. OVERVIEW OF DYNAMIC ANALYSIS METHODS 10.1 Need for Modern Dynamic Analysis Methods 12.2 0 Methods of Modem Bynarne Analysis. 10.3 Driving Aesistance Criteria References . ALLOWABLE PILE STRESSES 11 Factors Alfectirg Alluwable Design Stresses, 11.2 Driving Stresses . : meee : 113° AASHTO Allowable Design and Dring Suesses 11.3.1 Steel H-piles : a 1132 Steel Pipe Piles (unfilec) , vee 11.3.3 Steel Pipe Piles ttop driven and concrete filled) 11.3.4 Precast, Prestressed Concrete Pilas , 11.3.5 Conventionally Rentorced Concrata Piles 11.36 Timber Pites . Referonces CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - bbe eee 12.1 Overview ot Plan and Specification Requirements “22 Background and Reasons For Spacificabon improvement . 12.4 Seneric Oriven Pils Soeciication Reterences cee vee PILE FOUNDATION DESIGN SUMMARY 13.1 Introduction... wee oan 13.2 Block 1 - Establish Requiremanis for Structural Conditions and site Characterization #29 Glock 2 - Obtain General Site Geology bee 13.4 Block 4 - Collect Faundation Experience trom the Area 13.3 Block 4 - Develop and Execute Subsurlace Exploration Program . sees oe xiv Page 3-199 3-203 9-208 9-213 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-6 Table of Contents (continued) Page 136 Blocs § - Evaluate Internation and Select Foundation Syslen : - 1S 137 Block 6 - Daep Foundalicn Type : 137 18.8 Block 7 and & - Selec! Drmen Pile Type Lo. WRT 13.9 Block 8 - Select Pilg Length and Calculate Pertormance Under Specified Leads : -- 136 13.9.1 Single Pile Capacity ....0.. 0... totes 1o& 13.92 Ple Group Capacity cee 13.8 13.93 Group Settlement Calculations... 0... 13-13 1394 Laveral Pile Capacity Analysis 13-14 13.95 Uplill Capacity Calculations 1315 13.9.6 Negatwe Shalt Resistance ISB 1397 Lateral Squeeze Evaluation ISA? 13.9.8 Overall Design Assessment see see ee WRT 12.10 Block 19 - Calculate Crivesbility bones - 2. WTF 13.74 Block 11 - Gesige Setistactory? : cee 1318 14.72 Block 12 - Prepare Plans and Specifications, Sot Field Gapacily Determination Procedure 13-18 18.53 Block 13 - Contractor Selection 2... 2, oe 19-16 1344 Block 14 - Perform Wave Equation Analysis of Contractor's Ecuipment Submission see 1215 13.°5 Block 15 - Set Preliminary Griving Criteria wee 19-19 13°68 Btock 16 + Drive Test Pile ano Evaluate Capacity 1319 13.17 Block 17 - Adjust Driving Critera er Design... . . 1219 1318 Block 18 - Construction Control cee 12-20 FOUNDATION OESIGN REPORT PREPARATION bette eee TA 144 Guidel nes For Founciation Design Resort Preparation’ 14-2 ta2 Paris of a Foundation Dasiqn Repert . bee wee 143 143° Information Made Available to Bidders 14-10 Reterences . - - voce W411 APPENDIX A APPENOIX B APPENDIX G APPENDIX DB APPENDIX E APPENDIX F APPENDIX G Table of Contents (continued) List of Appendices List of FHWA Pila Foundation Design and Construction Feterences : : List of ASTM Pile Design and Testing Spacitications , Information and Data or Vanous Pile Types Pile Hammer Information Subsurace Exploration Results for Peach Freeway Design Proplem sae - Peach Freeway Example Problem Calculations Student Exercise - Solutions . ., xvi Page Table 2-4 Table 2.2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 4-4 Table 4-5 Table 2-4 Table 4-7 Table 5-1 Table 5-2 Table 5-3 Table &1 Table 6-2 Table 7-1 Table 8-1 Table 8-2 Table B 2 Table 9-1 Table 9-2fa) Table 9-2ib} Table 9-3 Table 8-4 Table 8-5 Table $6 Table $7 Tabla $-8{a) List of Tables Cost Saving Recommendations For Pile ®oundations Foundation Cosi Savings Far The Alsea Fiver Bridge . Foundation Cast Savings For The Third Lake Washington Gndge ... . Foundation Cost Savings For ‘Oregan Bridges: . Subsurface Exploration Phases . . Sources Of Subsurface information anc u oe Exampla Fiald Reconnaissance Repo Form .. . Methads of Subsurface Explorations Empirical Values For #. 0., and Unit Weaght of Granular Soils Based on Corracted MN [atter Bowles, 1977) Empirical Values For Uncontined Compressive Strength (q,) and Consistency of Cohesive Soils Based on Uncorrected N jslter Bowles, 1977) Undisturbed Soil Samples Summary of in-Suu Test Methods - Drill Rig With 45 «N Push Capacity Truck With 189 KN Push Gapacrty Laboratory Tests on Soils For Foundation Design Typical Values of Sensitwity From Sowers (1979) Foundation Types and Typical Uses Technical Summary of Piles Bile Type Selection Based on Subsurface and Hydraulic Conditions , . Bile Type Selection Pile Shape Effects Methods of Static Analysis tor Pilas in Cohesioniess Sails Design Table for Evaluating K, for Piles when @ = 0° and = 9.0099 10 9.0830 ym Design Table for Evaluating K, for Piles when i - 0° and V = 0.090 10 0.930 mm . Methods of Static Analysis For Piles | in 1 Cohesive Sails Approumate Range of § and N, CasHicients {Follenius, 1991) Engineering Classification for In-Situ ‘Rock Quality CPT C, values Driven File Type Catenoiies tor LAC Method Curve Selection Based on Pile Type and Insertion Procedures far Clay and Sit vil Page eT a8 ant 4-2 a4 a5 49 aig 418 4-20 52 55 63 BB F3 ad 8.39 840 B18 fad Table 9-8(b) Table 9-9 Table 8:10. Table 9-14 Table 9-12 Table 9.14 Tabla 9-14 Table 9-18 Table 916 Tae 11-1 Table 11-2 Table 11-3 Tanlg 11-4 Table 11-5 Table 11-8 iabe 12-1 Table 13-1 a) Tahle 13-1fbj Table 43-2 Table 12-2{0) Table 13 2ich Table 13-3iaj Table 13-3(b) Table *2-4(a) Table 124ib1 List of Tablas (continued) Curve Selection Based on File Type and Insertion Procedures for Sand and Gravel wae Cone Bearing Capacity Factors tar LPC Method! Values of Coefficients n, and n, for Cohesive Sats Values of K,, For Cohesioniess Sails Representative Values of €,, for Clays Pepresentative « Values lor Clays ang Sands Typica: Modulus and Stress Exponent Values Laterally Loaded Pite Groups Studies Soil Setup Factors (ater Rausche ev al, 19865 Maximum Allowale Stesses For Steel H- Piles Maxirnum Allowsible Stresses Far Uniilled Steet pe Piles Maxmum Allowable Stresses For Top Driven, Concrete Filled, Steai Pipe Piles so : Loe Maximum Allowable Srrasses For Precast, Prestressed, Conerete Piles 2... . oan Maxinum Allawabe Stresses For Conventionally Fentorced Concrete Piles bee Maximum Alicwable Stresses For Tmber Piles Aitomate Approval Methoo : : North Abutment Pile Capacity Summary for 14.5 rv Pile Embedment tenes Nerth Abutment Pile Length Summary for a 1780 KN Ultimate File Capacity Pier 2 Pic Capacity Summary [or 10.0 rn Pile Einbedment . see . Per 2 Pile Leriyth Summary fore 1.780 kN Uitmate Pile soe . : Pier 2 Pile Capacity Summary Belora and Alter Channel Degradation Scour Based on Nordlund Method Fier 3 Pile Capacity Summary ter 13.9 m Pile Embedmert bee oe Pier 3 Pile Length Summary for a 1,780 kN Litim ale Pile Capacity Loneee Seuth Abyiment Pile Capacity Summary fora 17.6 m Pile Embedmert bene South Abuimen: Pile Length Summary tor a 1.780 kN Ultimate Pile Capacity ait Page 385 365 9-75 9-75 96 9-98 2121 $188 9-156 Ai-e 11-6 116 41-7 11.6 11-9 12-15 13-9 13-10 » 19-10 13-10 11 12-11 a2 . Tele Figure 3.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 43 Figure 4.4 Figuie 45 Figure 4.8 Figure 5.1 Figure 9.2 Figure 8.3 Figure 5.4 Figure 7.1 Figure 8.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.4 Figura &.4 Figure @.5 Figure 9.1 Figure 9.2 Figure 8.3 Figuie a4 Figure 9.5 Figure $6 List of Figures Onyen Pile Design and Ganstruction Process . Design Stage Communication Caonstructian Stage Communication Split Barrel Saripler {alter FHWA, 1972) . SPT Harimer Typas SPT Test Results for Salety and Automatic Hammers (ater Finno, 1989) . Charl for Correction of N- values in Sand ‘pt Influence of Effective Qverburden Prasaure (afler Peck. ef al. 1874) Thin Wall Open Tube (atter FHWA. 1972) Rigid and Swivel Type Double Tube Core Barrels (alter FHWA, 1972] Terminology Régarchng the Cone Penelrometer (irom Robertson and Campanella, 1989) Simplified Soil Cagsitwation Chart tor Star dard Electronic Friction Gone {after Robertson st af. 1986) Typical CPT Data Presentation . Wane Shear Device (after FHWA, 1972) Situations nm which Deep Foundations may be Needed (moadilied from Vesic, 1977) Pile Classification Typica Prestressed Concrete Files (atter PCI, 1983) Typica! Details ot Convantionally Reinforced Concrete Piles (alter PCA, 1951) Concrete Cylinder Pile Less af Thickness by Gorosion for Steel Piles in Seawater (atte: Morley and Bruce, 1883) Situation Where Twa State Analyses are Nocessary - Que 16 Scour - Situation Where Two Static Analyses are Necessary - Due 16 Fill Materials Compaction of Cohes cnless Soils During Drrar'g of Piles (Broms 1966) te Disturbance of Cohesive Soils Curing Driving al Piles (Bravis 1966} Typical Load Transfer Profiles Effective Overburden Pressure Diagram - Water Table Below Ground Surface... 2. eee eee XK 34 312 aaa az 413 414 416 418 41g 5a 87 5-8 Sil 76 a2 et 322 $24 a 3.3 O68 36 89 oi Figure &.7 Figure 9.8 Figue 9 Figure 9.10 Figure 9.14 Fgure 912 Figure 9.13, Figure 9.14 Figure 2.15 Figure 2.18, Figure 8.17 Figure 918 Figure 3.18 Figura 9.20 Figure 92) Figure 9.22 Figure 9.29 Figure 9 24 Figuie 4.25. F.guié 9 26 List of Figures (continued) Efiective Overburden Pressure Diagram - Walter Table Above Ground Surtace Seil Pratila for Factor of Satety Discussion : Nordlund's Generai Equation for Ultimate Pite Capacity Relation of 64 and Pile Displacement, Y, for ¥arious: Types of Pies (after Nordlund, (97a) oe Design Cutve For Evatuating K, For Piles When @ = 25° {atter Merdlund, 1979) Design Curve For Evaluating K, lalter Nordlund, 1979) s For Piles When ¢ = 30° Design Curve tor Evaluating K, for Piles when @ = 35° (after Nordtund, 19793 Design Curve for Evaluating K, for Piles when ¢ = 40° taller Nordlure, 1979) Correction Factor For Ky Whar 6 = ¢ falter Nordlund, 1979) Chart For Estimating o, Coefficrent and Bearing Capacity Factor N', (Chart modified from Bowles, 1977} Relationship Between Maximum Unit Pite Toe Resistance and Friction Angie tor Cohesionless Soils (after Mayerhol, 1976) Adhesion Values for Piles ir Cohesive Scitg ister Torntingon, 1979) . Adnesion Factors for Onven Piles in Clay (alter Tamlinsen, 1980) Chart tor Estimating 2 Coefficient versus Soil Type o' Angie (alter Fellentius, 1991) beens Chait for Estimating N, Coefécient yereus Soil Type ¢° Angle falter Fellenius, 1991) . : : Fenetrometer Design Curves for Pile Side Friction in Sand {after FHWA Implementation Package, FHWA-TS-78-209) Design Curve for Pile Side Fretion in Clay fafter Schmertmann, 1978) - llustration of Nottingham and Schmertman Procedure fov Estimating Pile Toe Capacity (FHWA-TS-78-209) Maxnnum Unt Shait Resistance Curves for LPC Method Soil Sesistance to a Latersi Pile Load (adapted from Srnith, 1989) , x Page 11 O15 g-24 9-29 oa eae 9-33 9-26 5-38 3-43 aq oF 9468 9-60 a71 Figure 9.27 Figure 9.28 Foue 9.29 Figure 9.30 Figure 9.31 Figure 9.32 Figure 9.33 Figure 8.44 Figure: 9.35 Faure 236 Figure 9.37 Figure 9.38 Figure 9.39. Figure 9.40 Figure 9.41 Figure #42 Figure 9.43 Figure 9.44 Figure 9.45 Figure 9.46 List of Figures (continued) Ultimate Lateral Load Capacity of Shorr Piles irs Cohesive Soils . - Ultimate Lateral Load Capacity ot Long files in Cohesive Soils Ultimate Lateral Load Capacity at Snort Piles in Cohssicnless Soils. Ultimate Lateral Load Capacity of Lang Piles in Cohesionless Sails we Load Deflection Relalionship Used in Determination of Brome’ Maximym Working Load : Lateral Deflection at Ground Surface af Piles in in Cohesive Soils - Lateral Detlection at Ground Surtage of Piles in ‘Cohesionless Soils - COMB24P Pile-Soil Model : Typical p-y Curves for Byctile and Brittle Sail latter Coduto 1994) ‘Graphical Presentation of COMEze ‘Resuks (after Reese, 1986) Comparison of Measured and COME2aP Predicted Load. Detlection Behavior versus Depth (ater Kyfor et af 1992} Stress Zone trom Single Pile and Pile Group {afler Tomlinson. 1994) . : Overlap of Strese Zones far Group of Fries ten Piles | (after Bowles, 1998} vee Measured Dissipation of Excess Pore Water Pressure i in Seil Surrounding Full Scale Pile Groups: {alter O'Neill, 1983} Three Dimensional Pile Group Configuration (after Tomlinson, 1994) Equivalent Footing Concept Typical eiog p Curva fram Laboratory Consolidation Test . Pressure Distribution Below Equwvalent Footing tor Pile Group (adapted trom Cheney and Chassie. 1993) .. Values af the Bearing Capacity Index, C’. for Granular Soil (modified after Cheney and Chassie, 1993) The Non-Lingar Relation Between Stress and Strain in Soil (alter Fellermus, 1990) , a2 9-83 eas 8-86 9-80 9-90 B93 3-98 10 3-103 9-105 . 9-108 2 ot) 9112 9415 8118 Figute 9.47 Figure 9.48 Figure 9.49 Figure 9.50 Figure 9.51 Figure $.52(a} Figure 9.52(p) Figure 9.53 Figure 9.54 Figure 9.55 Figure 0.56, Figure 9.57 Figure 9.58 Figure 9.56 Figure 124 Figure 13.1 Figure 13,2 List of Figures (continued) Neutral Plane (after Goudrealt and Fellenius, 1994}... . Uptift of Pile Gioup in Cohesionless Soil (after Tamiinson, 1994} . beeen ee Uplift of Pile Group in Cohesive Soils (after Tomiinson, 1994) oo. Iustration of p-muttiplier Concept for Lateral Group Analysis bene vee Typical Plos of Load versus Deflechon and Bending Moment versus Deflection fer Pile Groug Analysis (adapted from Brown and Bollman, 1993) . Common Downdrag Situation Due to Fill Weight Commen Downdrag Situation Due to Ground Water Lowering Pressure Distribution Chart Beneath the End ol a Fi {After Chaney and Cassie, 1963) Examples of Abutment Tiltitg Due to Lateral Squeeze Local and Channel Degradation Scour Balance of Forces on Pile Subject to Heave {after Haggerty and Peck, 1971} sees Excess Pore Water Pressure dua to Pile Dri {after Poulos and Davis, 1980) _ . . Plugging of Open End Pipa Piles {alter Paikowsky and Whitrnan, 1990) . eee tee ee Plugging ol H-Pilgs {after Tomlingen, 1994) Pils and Oriving Equipment Qata Form Oriven Fite Design and Constuction Process Peach Freaway Subsurtace Profile ing we Page 2125 3129 . 9129 S131 9-138, 8-138, 9-138 lal 84148 o148 9-151 157 9163 - 9163 » 1241 13-2 13-6 PoP > p A LIST OF SYMBOLS. Pile cross sectional area, Pile cross seclion area at pile toe of an unplugged pie section Pile shalt extenor suriace area. Pile shalt interior surface area. Pile toe area. - Width of pile group Projected width of pile group al depth d Pile ciareler. Distance from. mudpoini of slope to centerline of embankment fill - Wave speed of pile matenal Conwarsion tactor tor cane tip resistance to s:eeve Inction. Compression index. Recompression index Pile perimeter at depth d Correction bactor for K, when Ss. Correction lactor for SPT N value. Dimensionless shape factor. Cohesion Effective eohesian. xxiii LIST OF SYMBOLS (continued) Adhesion of shear stress between the pile and soil at failure, Undrained shear strength or can be determined fram we. Average undrained shear strength around pile group. Undirdinad sheer swength below pile toa jevel. Pile embedded length. Pile embedded length into bearing stratum. Relative density. Depth. Length of pile segrnent Modulus ol elasticity of pile material Manufacturers rated hammer anergy Soil modutus, Void ratio, Eccentricity of applied load for tree-headad pile, Initial woid ratie, Cone unit sleawe friction, Average cone unit sleeve friction. Ulurnate compression strength tor concrete Negative unit shalt resistance over the shalt surface area, xxiv LST OF SYMBOLS (continued) Effective prestrass alter lagses. Positive unit shaft resistance over the shaft surface area. Interior unil shall resistance. Exterior unit shall resistance. Yield stress of pile material far steel. ‘Onginat thickness of stratum. Ram sake. Height of embankment fill, Moment of inertia, Influence factor fer group embadment Stress exponent, Ratio of unit pile shaft resistance to cone unit sleeve friction tor cohesionless. soils. Cone bearing capacity factor. Coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction. Caefficient of earth pressure at rest Rankine passive pressure coefficient. Coeticient of lateral earth pressure. Slope of soil madulys. Pa LIST OF SYMBOLS (continued) Total pile length Length of pile s2tween nwo measuring points under no load conditions. Resisting mament of ‘he piia. Cimensionlass modulus number, dimensionless recempression modulus sumber. Uncorrected field SPT resistance value. Corrected SPT resistance value. Average Curected SPT resistance value. Number of harimer alow per 25 mm. Dimensionless bearing capacmy tactor. Dimensionless baaring capacity ‘actor. Toe bearing capacity coficient, Empirical costficient for calculating tha coelficient of subgrade reactian. Emp rical coetficient for caloulating the ccelticlent of Sutgrace reaction P-multiplier for p-y curve, Soil resistanee per unit pile length, Change in pressure. Pregonsolidat on pressure. Effective overburden pressure at the center of depth increment d rary Pope pp Qo 1 a a LUST OF SYMBOLS (continued) Design foundation pressure. Pressute, Effective ovatnurden pressure. Average effeclwe overburden pressure. Total overburden pressure, also effective overburden pressure al the pile tos, Load. Load increment, Allowable design load of a pile. Dead ipaq on a pile. Live ioad on a pile Maximum allowable lateral working load. Drag Ioad on a pile. Ulimate pile capacity, Uhimate pile group capacity. Cone tip resistance. Average cone tip resistance, Limiting unit toe resistance. Unit toe resistance over the pila toe area. Uncontined compressive strength. Xvi 5 Sy 5, LST OF SYMBOLS (contnued} Friction ratio or fsva,. Wlumate pile shall resistance, Ultimate pile toe resistance, Ultimate sail sesistarce. Section modulus about an axis perpendicular to the load plane. Sensitivity of a conasive soil Estimated total settlement. Set per blow. Settlement at failure, Oisplacement, Pore water pressure (neutral pressure). Voluma ot soi) displaced per uni length of pile, EXfective weight of pilesso® block Weight of sod plug. Lateral soil (o1 pil6} deflection. Length of pile group. Pigjected length of pile group at depth a Pilé spacing An empirical adhesion factor soxwiit a, ey 4 Yo ve Ke LIST OF SYMBOLS (continued) Ratio of pile unit shaft resistance to cone unit sleeve Inction for cohesive sails. Dimensionisss factor n Nerdiund method (dependent on pile depth width relatonshipl. Beta shat resistance coefticient, Dimensionless length facter ter lateral load analysis. Elashe compression Maximum excess pore aressure. Friction angle between pile and sal. Strain. Strain at 2 maximum principal stress Dimension length factor far lateral load analysis. Pile group efficiency Toral unit eveight of soil. Buoyant unit weight of soil Dry unit weight of soil Unit weight of embankment [ill Unit weight of water Normal or total overbyrden stress (pressure). Effective stress or (a - u}. oxic LIST GF SYMBOLS {continusd) Masirnum allowable stress in compression parallel to Ihe wood grain. Precanschdaton pressure or stress, Vertical consolidation stress. Effective stress aller stress increase, Effective stress aricr to stress ne¢reasa, Constant reference stress. Shear strength of soil. Angle ct internal fiction of soil Effective angle of imernal friction of sci Angle of pile taper iran vertical 200% IEED FOR A PILE MANUAL In 1985 the Federal Highway Administration gublished the first edition af this manual The goals of that work are unchanged. so if is uselul ta repeat them bere with riocest updaling 1. There exists a vast quantity of information on the subject af pile toundations which Presently is not compiled in @ form which is useiul ta most practicing engineers There are proven rational design procedures, intormatien on construction materials, @qupment and techniques, and uselul case histones. Unfortunately. much of this infonmetion is tragmented and scattered. Standard texttyooks and other publicalians on the subject tend to be tnearetically oriented: practining design and censtructinn engmeers alten tind them lacking in practical aspects. ne Many of the methods currently in practice olten lead to unnecessarily conservative designs because they ale based solely on experignce and tradition with ite theoretical background. Newer and more rational design procedures and techniq ses can be applied to provide more economical pile systems which will safely suapert te applied structural loads wtnout excessive salety factors. oa Dunng fiscal year 99, FHWA and the Stale Transportation departments spent approximately 5.0 billio? dollars for constructing, replacing. or rehabilitating bridges. Of that amount approximately 1.5 billion dallais were agent on bridge substructures and of that. al least 750 million dollars were spent on foundations. la acddion city and County gavernmerts, whose practices clesely follow tha Stale practices, spend large amaunts on construclion of bridges There are opportunities lar substantial savings in foundation construction. costs, scecifically in the area of pale ‘oundatiens. Cost savngs can be achieved by the use of improved methods of design and construction Lechnalegy 4 minimum of fifteen percent of the substructure cast can be easily saved by util7ing such methods and, in most cases. the savings are more significant. 4A comprehensive manua has been needed tor some time to tanster avaliable technology and to upgrade the level of expertise in pile foundations. This marwal is intended to fulfill that nged as well a6 fo establish minimum design standards. a] 5. Design criteria tor major and Unusual bridge structures is becortung more complex and sophisticated. Extreme design events such as scour, debris loackng, vessel impact, and seismic events produce great need for foundation performance under lateral ancl upkft loading, group behavior, and substructure - superstructure interaction. Thus new series of peffennance criteria frequently result in foundations which are more costly, more complex to dagign, and more difficult to construct, The original manual represented a major advance in that it eluded the mest modem technology for pile design tnal was available At the same time. the manual presented {ig technology so that it was usable te ihe practicing engmeer. The work was very sutcessiul helping many transportation departments i modernize their design piocedyres. Ten years have since elapsed. Changes in pile design. constructicn, and erlonmance requirements make it necesgary 1a update the manual 1.1 SCOPE OF MANUAL Since mod? pilas used for highway structures are driven piles. and ta keép this manual fo a manageable size. this manual is limited 10 driven piles The manual has been deed into lwo volumes, Volume! covers the design ol pile foundations and Volume. HV cavers instalation, construction control, and inspection. However. sufficient information is provided in Volume Iso thal spread footings and drillad/bored piles, e.g, Griled shafts, auger cast piles, etc., can be congidgred in the foundation type selection Process. This manual js intended to serve as a reference to all practical aspects of the dosign and cansituction of drwen pile foundations, All aspacts Of pulé foundation design and construction, including subsurface exploration and laboratory testing, design analysis, foundation report preparation, and construction: monitaing are covered in» systematic manner. Theoretical discussions have been included only where necessary. Specific recommendations are mada wherever appropmate. Workshon exercises are includad to prowde hands-on knowledge ta workshop participants and manual users Ihis important for design and construction engineers and pile construction inspectors to be amiliar with dite driving equipment, accessories and inspection procedures A Sépiate section on this subject is included in this maryal to tultill thig need 1-2 Quring the pariod thal the lirst edition of this manuat was in use, several changes: ‘occurred in design requirements. For example, more slangent raquirements for scour, vessel Infact and seismic events have been implemented in design. The scour fequirements make pile driveability anatysis mare critical For vessel impact and seismic considerations, both pile uplit and lateral analyses are becoming more important. It has become much mare common to consider the effects of spit Strength changes with time in the design and construction process. In the past len years, a better understanding of pile group behavior has been gained and this inowedga is now being put into practice. Finally, Systems internatonal (Sl) units are being adopted for highway construction anc they will be used throughout the updated manual Ag wilh the previous donument, this edition is still the basis for a course on the design Of driven pile foundations. This course will continue the ariginal geal of modernizing transportatian department practice in this aréa, Also, new engingers continue to join fransporlatian department organizations and require Updating at their knowledge in the Practical aspects of pila design and installalion. The use of Load and Resistance Factor Design (LAFD} for highway bridges has been approved by the Subcommittee for Bridges and Structures of the Amencan Association of Stale Highway and Transportation Officals (ASSHTO) This design Philesephy includes toundations ant. of Course. driven piles. Thes manual will continue to follow the aorking stress design philosophy but il is appropriate to wctude @ brief discussign of LRFO here to offer a conceptual introduction to the method. In tha LRFD design approach, the traditional "Satety Factor’ ig divided into a number cf Partial salety factors on the toads, Load Factors, as well as factors an the suength, Resistance or "“@-Factors.” The Load Factors have been developed tor the various loads and selected load combinations by steuctural engineers using grobablistic concepts. They have also developed the necessary @-Factors for the various structural materials, elements, and failure modes. The resuits of resgarch sludies have been extensively Sublisned and discussed in the structural design community, The @-Factors for foundation design have also been selacted (Barker ez al 1991} The general methods of Load and Resistance Factor Design have been presented in engineering schools for the past 30 years in structural design courses DUT iis generally 4 few concept 10 most foundation spacialists. 1.2 INFORMATION SOURCES ‘The intormation presented in this manugl has been collected fram several sources. The information has been condensed, modilied and upcoted as needed. The sources include state-of-the-art technical publications, manufacturers’ literature, existing Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Transportation Research Board (TAB} publications, Standard texthooks, and information provided by Stale and Federal transportation engineers. Reference lists are provided at the end of each chapter. REFERENCES Barker, F.M.. Duncan, JM , Rojan. KB. Ooi, P.S.K., Tan, CK and Kim, 3G. (1991) Manuals for the Design of Bridge Foundations. Repert $43, National Guoperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board, National Research Catneil, Washington, 0.0. 2 ECONOMICS OF STRUCTURAL FOUNDATIONS. Foundation design snd construction involve engineering. econamic. and cangtructability considerations pertinent ro the particular site in question. The engineeing considerations are addressed by determining the foundation loads and performance requirements. development of the foundation design parameters and design analysis. The design analysis coupled with past experience will provide geveral feasible foundation alternatives. The nex step involves an aconomics avalustion al polenta loundatens, Several foundation allernatives may be satisfactory for the subsurface condinons wnile alec meeting superstructure requirements. However, cf all IN6 foundation alternatives. generally only one wil have the least possible cost Last, the constuctability of a potential foundation must be considered. 4 potential foundation solution may appear to bé ihe most economical from purely a design perspective, bul may not be mas! secnomical when limitations on construction activilles are fully considered. Gonstructability issues such as impac; on adkacent suuctures, equipment. access, methods, work hours, ef., must be considefed in design. 2.1 ALTERNATE FOUNDATION CONSIDERATIONS Ta determing the most feasible fauncation altematives, both shallow foundations and deep foundations should be considered Deep foundation altematwes include beth piles and drilled shafts. Propnetary deep foundations systems should not ba excluded as they may be the mos! econaminal alternative in a gven condition This manual covers the design and constructan of daven pile foundations. Therefore, design and construction procedures tor shale foundations and drilled shafts will not be covered herein. Addktianal details on spread footings for highway bridges may ba fourd in FHWiA/RD-86/185 Spread Footings for Highway Bridges by Gifford et af. (1987). The FHWA/ADSC publication FHWWA-HI-SB-042 by Reese and O'Neill (1988) summanzes design methods and construction procedures for drilled shafts A cod! evaluation of all feasible foundation alternatives is essential in the selection af the ‘optimurn founcation system. Pile foundation cost data Io completed projects can be ‘Obtained from statewide average bid prices available from state tansportation agencies. Foundation contactors can alsc provide rough estimates on foundation items. 24 Cost analyses of all feasible alternatives Thay lead ta the elimination ot some foundations Qualified under the enginesting study. Other factors that must be considered wi the final foundation selection are avelability of materials and equipment, Incal contractor and construction iorea experiance, as well as. any environmental lititationsyconsiderations on construction atcess or activities, For major prorects, if he estimated casts of alternatives during the design stage are within 15 percent of each ather, then alemate foundabon designs should be considered for iNalusi¢n in the cantract documents. I sn gliernate design is meluded in the comract documents, both designs should be adequatery detailed. For example, if wa Pile foundation atematives are detailed, the bid quantity pile lengths should reflect the estimated Pile engths for each aliernative, Otherwise, matenal costs andl nat the installed foundation cost will likely determine the iow bid. Use ot altenate toundation designs will generally Pravide the most cost elective foundation system As noted earlier, propnetary pits fyp8s should not be routinaly excluded Irom consideration In @.given soil condition, & proprietary system may be the mast economical foundation ype. Therefore, a proprielary system should be considered as @ viable foundation aliernate when design analyses indicate tha cosi la be within 15% of a conventional design, A conventional design allemare shoutd generally be included wath Proprietary design alternate in the tinal Project documents to stimulate competition, 22 USE OF VALUE ENGINEERING PROPOSALS Value engineering is 4 cast saving technique that can be used eithar in the pre-bid of post tid stage of a contact Valua engineenng consists of a five step logical thought process used to obtain the desired performance for the lowest cost achievable. The tive steps may be described as follows: 1. Information gathering, 2. Information analysis to urderstand the problem, 3. Creative thinking to arrive at altematves giving the same peflormance at lower costs, ae 4 Systematic judging of the results fron step 3. 5. Detailing of selected alternatives from step 4 Value engineering can readily be appled to foundation engineenng by allowing the use ot value enginvenng change propasals in desiga or construction contracts. The obvious. benefit of value engineering to the owner is @ lower cost foundation, The consuliant or contractor reward for an alteralive (oundation éatution 1 typically a percentage ol the cost savings reakzed by tha owner For value engineering to ba successtul, the owner must be assured that the foundation Performance criteria remain satisfied. This requires the owner 9 angage knowledgeable exper's 10 reviEW and Comment on submiltals a8 well as to be actrvedy involved in resolution of technical details. In some cases, design verification testing or more sophisticated SOnstTuction Control May Be required in ordér to confirm toundation performance critena. Lastly, the review of submitted proposals musi also be completed in a reasonable time period. Significant cost savings can result fram value engineering. However, the cast savings should not be achieved by acceptance ct unproven pile Types. splices, éi¢. Proposed substtutions should be of equivalent quably and have a documented perlermance record in similar foundation instatlation conchtiares. 23 DESHSN - BUILD PROPOSALS Anocber potential cost saving method is the use of design - build proposals. In this approach, the owner datails the general project scope and performance requirements and solicits design - build proposals. New cost effective solutions may emerge from the design - build mathad since mulple firms are locking at the design and construction issues rather than a single designer. The design - build method alse Slitws contractors to use their knowledge of special equipment or procedures. In design - bued proyécts, it is important for the owner to understand and cleally communicate the project scope. performance requirements, and desired end product a8 well as method of measurement for payment. Failure to do sp may result in a constucted product not meeting the owners expectatians or tailing to meet the agreed-upon budget. a3 2.4 EXAMPLES OF COST SAVINGS BY UTILIZING MODERN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CONTROL PRACTICES There are many factors which enter into the cost of 2 suuciure foundation. tallure to understand and consider any one of them will add ta the total cost af the work, Use of Qwerly conservative designs and Mappropnale construction practices may result in signficantly greater foundation costs. These practices aré also often associated with increased risk of large change orders or claims. Use of modern design and construction methods, techniques, and equipment can provide: an ellicient foundation system without compromising saléty o the service life of the structure. Outdated pile toundatkin practices usually lead either to extemealy conservative and efficient piling systerns ar unsate foundations. Opportunities for rational design, Gonstructon, and cost savings exist in several areas of pile foundations. These Opporututies are summarized in Table 2-1 Transportation agencies that are taking advantage of modern design and construction Sono] methods have reduced foundation costs while dolaining gréater confidence in the safely and the service fife of their structures. The tolleang case histories presen! these facts very clearly: 2d TORUDD UoHrAsuNE Pancuduuy wy 150 gs } amo Que eaepNYOD Aga Rules EOC Sle fun fq pareuUAS Bq UPS Bula fq Suan)poi0 Auseden aiequeysane + oy syne uty 55a) peo] aI aay UorERens Aypede> nec ue x03 siphoue 31 aouebachs $8 (RAUCH WoT 25) eM] ajWRUKD jo esr AUIS FEI) SHELA uoyjopeasut Buunp fyoedes peg) od ya UOURRMUURRRT MHA GEC) ‘AIL a WHS BAS SaOHE FIG] JNO] 7 cea wre you vomduice aoe J REG wuO SUSIRaR ABER | 20RGINO aa OL UoneaMOILH ateUNegNE aPiOI TBUIO URES 16 DIED 2a SAMUEL: LORIE! Bell us Satire woepuney RRA Jo UBIET ISU Bpguos “sInaleid sobeL 50.4 Fetud py aicis 0) gem Syl an] sic iopiea ssoynegne areninapeu| 08 aN SoyLae AOU) ‘SuONERyIpeds SYSFERUU oaun tw sasusaNE BurnoRe &q donna stuaves: 1500 10 SewmassOd ape uae Beh Aare) 318 subigep UOWREU aU IBIY SuRBEaWORS GUE Mae “ubisep worms eeu 2 sadly tare rageea JO7RUE syptiuey aed loys o) Bee) Apevad es bap ppd feuONBY ' RSGNRS) AWE 58) }0 FaNEdED BuKued Pao} NOTE SANE YOUN Bul aul0e sene33q DSSS 3S IR) ARIES KE UTE vou 10 wanied gg An uocEpuney 8 po 2e0o aeeevoap Jew gy OUR S110, 19 UORRADROUCD RUDGE (abe UCAS Tun Sys PCY) SAEED BED) auNUS RP UF SoD Causa we 3502, uo Bunsa: pery ag ober UisoD EEF) seo Amara vonanba ans wished veisen bo spoupen meouerd GUE [ELON @=r] SISRUIEIED UBS BUALLSIED 6] Sanit] OIE IONE] OE Ayes BupApU! 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