English As A Requirement at Antenor Orrego Private University

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It is often said that English is considered one of the most important languages
worldwide that provides greater professional impulse, this is the case of
university students who want to have greater job opportunities and be more
competitive. I believe that, this language is relevant to achieving professional
This wonderful language is essential in university centers, therefore it is an
important requirement to obtain graduate status. The reasons why students
must learn English is because there are many job opportunities and the best
books are in this language. The students should learn English because it is the
common international language from which many people have obtained
good jobs, it is for this reason that obtaining a job in another country has not
been an impediment.
I think that English at Antenor Orrego Private University is necessary and
should continue because it creates an environment of great potential in the
students, and they will also realize the importance of investing their time in
this language for their professional performance. Teachers should guide and
promote excellence so that students leave the comfort zone and can learn a
language that will be important to fulfill the dreams that each student has.
One of the requirements that should not be neglected is English because it is
very important in the professional life of students to achieve a great future in
the career they carry out, therefore, the teaching of this language should
continue at Antenor Orrego Private University to achieve the excellence they
seek as an institution and that is reflected in the quality of graduate students
they have.

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