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A report on

Organizational behavior
Table of Contents
Executive Summary......................................................................................................................................i
Task 1..........................................................................................................................................................2
P1 Analyzing how organizational culture, politics and power influence individual and team behavior
and performance with special reference to 4com Plc.............................................................................2
Task 2..........................................................................................................................................................4
P2 Evaluating how content and process theories of motivational techniques enable effective
achievement of goals in 4com Plc............................................................................................................4
Task 3..........................................................................................................................................................6
P3 Explaining what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team....................................6
Task 4..........................................................................................................................................................8
P4 Applying concepts and philosophies of organizational behavior to 4com Plc....................................8
Bibliography and References.....................................................................................................................11
Executive Summary
Organizational behavior is an integral part of any organization that shapes the overall behavioral
pattern of employees and management. It also shapes the organizational culture, political practice
and power implication rate of the organization. It directly affects the employee performance as
their working environment and their perceived goals are related to the organizational behavioral
pattern. In this report, the influence of office culture, politics and power practice on employee
performance has been analyzed with viewing the 4com plc. which is a medium sized
organization serving telecommunication solution of corporate organizations.
Motivating employees is one of the essential parts of organizational behavior and it effects
directly to the achievement of goals of the organization as employees feel much free to engage
themselves in work as they feel motivated toward the organization. This report brings out that
how motivational theories enables effective achievement of organizational goal analyzing the
scenario of 4com plc.
The report also shows the impact of the effective team on achieving organizational success. A
team becomes effective when every member of the team becomes active and complement each
other in their task. So making an effective team goes with a gradual procedure. Finally, the report
shows the implication of organizational behavior concepts and philosophies within 4com plc.
and the overall behavioral pattern that can help them in achieve organizational success.

Organizational behavior is mainly the viewpoint, experience or philosophy of any organization
that enables the member of it to follow a specific behavioral pattern to have a smooth operation
as well as to balance the overall management process of the organization (Robbins & Judge,
2008). It plays a vital role in every organization achieving the main objective or vision of the
organization. Organizational behavior is not only confined with the management aspect but it
also includes interpersonal behavioral pattern within the employees and work practices that
determine the culture, practice, and motivation of the working people. In this report, the analysis
of organizational behavior and its different type of effects on “4com plc.”, a medium size
organization providing communication service in the corporate sector.

Task 1
P1 Analyzing how organizational culture, politics and power influence individual
and team behavior and performance with special reference to 4com Plc.
Employee performance and behavioral practice depend on different internal and external factors.
For any organization, it is very important to identify those factors and act in such a way that the
overall management helps the employees to be positively affected by the organizational behavior
and work practice (Robbins & Judge, 2008). For achieving the ultimate goal, every organization
needs to engage their human capital toward the goals and for that, organizational culture and
working environment should be carefully maintained. Here is some discussion regarding the
effect of organizational culture, politics and power practice on the overall performance of the
employees both individually and in a team.
Influence of Culture
Organizational culture reflects the vision, working practice and overall operation process of the
organization. So such factors clearly affect the performance of the employees. For example, if
any organization is task oriented, then the employees of that organization always feel pressure
and that directly or indirectly affect their quality of work. 4com plc. is a medium size
organization that has equal working practice and less bureaucratic structure that positively
affected the employees as employees get much flexibility in their work and needs to the faceless
problem because of the hierarchical channel (Palmer, 2011). It also eases the working process
that also works positively in employee’s mind, motivates them internally and that brings positive
performance from their activity. Their HR department also believes that the main task of HR is
to maintain the balance between employee’s professional and personal life. So employees feel
like the organization is helping them to be happy in their life and as a result, the employee gives
their best for the organization. The result shows openly when 4com plc. was named the best
organization of “The Sunday Times Best Companies to Work for” which is a national level
survey of employee engagement for the organization.
Influence of Power
Power practice is also an important element that affects employee performance and
organizational success. The traditional viewpoint of power practice has some limitations and that
might critically bring a negative effect on employee performance. If we consider professor
Hofstede’s model of national culture, which says that power distance index rate has a significant
role in determining employee performance and office environment. According to the model, if
organizations practice much power distance in the organization, that organization tend to have
much hierarchical structure and it might bring fear and imbalance in the working environment
that will affect negatively on employee’s mind (Hofstede Insights, 2018). In the case of 4com
plc, they have less hierarchical structure and follows the equality concept in the working
environment that makes employees more engaged and motivated toward their work. As there is
less power implication practice within the organization, employees can easily share their ideas
and viewpoint and also get clear attention from the organization with minimum influence of
power (Tjosvold and Sun, 2006). Such organizational practice brings best from their employees.

Influence of politics
Office or corporate politics is a common term in a modern business organization. Corporate
politics has some merits as it increases the competition among employees that might bring the
best ideas from employees to compete with others. On the other hand, the negative side is also
visible when there is the nasty practice of politics associated with the negative influence of
power within the organization (Palmer, 2011). That brings negative impact on employee’s mind
thinking that management is acting biased against them. This mentality reduces the quality of
work served by the employees and also might increase the employee turnover rate. In the case of
4com plc, there is less practice of bad politics within the organization as it is clearly be seen from
their organizational culture and power practice. Some rays of corporate politics are still there that
brings a healthy competition among employees to prove themselves with better ideas and
knowledge sharing practice that brings tremendous success for the organization.
So it is quite clear that effective organizational culture, politics and power practice bring positive
changes within the organization as they bring motivation and engagement of employees towards
the ultimate goal of the organization.

Task 2
P2 Evaluating how content and process theories of motivational techniques enable
effective achievement of goals in 4com Plc.
The motivation of employees is the main differentiating factor among organizations as highly
motivated employees bring considerable progress for the organization using individual effort and
synergic team effort. On the other way, dissatisfied employees become a burden for the
organization in some context as they perform less that reduces the rate of outcome in terms of
expenses for the organization. Again, it is a hard way to identify real motivation factors for
employees as every person has their own perception of motivation (Mullins, 2007). So
motivating employees are the most challenging task for any HR department within the
organization. Here is some discussion regarding how motivation theories (both content and
process) of management enables effective achievement of goals in the context of 4com plc.
Content theories of motivation
Content theories of motivation are mainly the theories raised in the early stages of motivational
research and also be called “Needs theories”. Though these theories have many criticisms they
have an immense impact on evaluating employee motivational factors (Leonard, 2018).
Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory suggests that human needs go upward by completing
previous need. He made the hierarchy of needs starting with Psychological need, safety need,
belongingness, Esteem need and ends with self-actualization. It suggests that an employee gets
motivated by achieving needs hierarchically. So organizations need to identify employee needs
according to the hierarchy and fulfill those needs to motivate employees. This will work the
same for the 4com plc. HR department of 4com plc. needs to identify the needs of each
employees as everyone has their own need according to the hierarchy. If they can identify actual
needs of the employees and can act accordingly to fulfill them, employees will feel motivated
and will give their best for the organization.
Same way goes for McGregor’s theories of ‘X’ and ‘Y’ where he suggests that management
always assume their employees within this 2 group of employees and manage accordingly. As an
organization, 4com plc. needs to identify the category or groups where their employees fit best.
If they are in theory ‘Y’ then there is the huge possibility to motivate employees by giving them
freedom for their work with less pressure. Such practice will bring the best from the employees
that will directly affect the achievement process of organizational goal.
But the most competitive and realistic theory has given by Herzberg in his two-factor theory that
identifies different factors categorizing in 2 perspectives. He suggests some factors as a
motivator and related them with Maslow’s need theory by emerging them with growing need and
some factors as hygiene factors and related them with deficiency need. According to him,
employees need achievement, recognition, advancement opportunity to be truly motivated
assuring interpersonal relationship, environment, salary etc. HR of 4com plc. ensures such
factors identified as a motivator to motivate their employees and as a result, the ultimate target of
a business organization that is maximizing profit is ensuring that is reflected by their Annual
turnover rate.

Progress Theories of motivation
Progress theories of motivation are confined to identifying how the motivational process works
and considers to be more realistic than content theories. Modern researchers are working more
on these theories to enhance the thinking.
The most discussed theory is called equity theory that says that employees always tend to
compare their effort and reward level with fellow employees. Such comparison brings the
motivation if they find a balance. 4com plc. takes such behavioral pattern in mind and ensure the
equal working environment for the organization to encourage employees to flourish themselves
and ensure proper reward system for the achievements.
On the other hand, Expectancy theory says employee decides to be motivated evaluating effort
and potential outcome. Keeping it on a mind, HR of 4com plc. ensures better rewarding and
performance appraisal system that brings the better outcome for employees whose work is up to
the mark of praising.
Such motivational aspects bring employee engagement in work and also ensure a balance
between employees working in an organization to bring out a common goal. With satisfying
need and other relevant factors, the employee feels the determination to work for the
development of the organization and it clearly ensures organizational goal achievement in an
efficient way.

Task 3
P3 Explaining what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team.
The organization doesn’t refer to an effort of one person, but it is a place where a group of
people works together to achieve a common goal. Many organization fails to go a long way just
because of the lack of good teamwork in the organization. The team needs to have a synergic
power of employees that makes the team unique than others and that brings a prospective future
for the organization. Hence, building a proper team is necessary for ensuring organization
strategy implication and also for keeping balance in the workplace. On the other hand,
ineffective team becomes a burden for the organization as there will be no synergic power within
the group of people. Ineffective group of people is harmful in a sense that they will hamper the
overall workflow and efficiency of the organization by reducing the required or estimated
outcome from the organization. Ineffective group also stagnant the growth of the organization as
they cannot contribute and bring out extra outcomes or ideas that can lead the organization
As a medium-sized organization, 4com plc. also takes a good time building a good team for
different functional tasks. They have an assessment center where teams are formed for different
purposes and keep under different training and engagement program that will strengthen team
bonding. According to their belief, a completely new group is hard to manage and take much
time for development. Hence, they usually mix the employees based on seniority and makes
team accordingly where there is at least one experienced person will be there to lead the group
(Mawhinney, 2008). They also have succession planning for group members as well where
potential employees are trained for taking responsibility. Usually 4com plc. follows Tuckman’s
team building model to bring a new group of employees to work directly from the making day.
Tuckman says that every team building goes through a processor phase of time that will
eventually make the team more accurate and effective in their work. They are:
Forming stage is the beginning of the team building stage where organization brings some
randomly picked or specifically picked person who will work together for a specific task. In this
stage, employees are not aware of their task and responsibility and sometimes feel anxious about
working with strangers. In such stage, 4com plc. arrange some team working activities like short
task completion, case solving, team discussion, shadow tasking, and other relevant activities in
their own facility to make members introduced each other. As every group has an experienced
person and take the place of a team leader, this stage helps the overall team to understand the
leader's viewpoint towards the group. Leaders also set a team vision that reflects the ultimate
work that they need to do for the organization.
Storming is the most crucial and vulnerable stage where members are aware of their responsibly
and start working together for the given task (Levi, 2014). They face the first difficulty in this
phase as a different person has a different way of thinking and doing things. Sometimes,
members view doesn’t match with the leader. Hence, many teams demolish in this stage. 4com
plc. gives some soft training or learning to leaders to tackle this phase in the group. They suggest
to the leaders to understand group members and try to set the strategy in ease for the members
and if they are wrong, try to make them understand the real scenario.

Norming is the establishing phase where every member finds a way to work together as a team
and organization can give them assigned the task in this phase as they need that confident that
they can accomplish their goal by themselves. In this phase, they start discussing their task and
find a collaborative way of problem-solving. 4com plc. monitors team activity in the norming
stage and give them small tasks so that they can start working on something. Even the
organization tries to bring them together with team outing that is believed to increase team
Performing stage is the final stage when a team is finally formed with proper understanding and
match of members. 4com plc. usually makes team for specific tasks like financing, marketing
projects, and teams got their final project in this stage. The project needs to be done within a
specific time that makes the judgment easy for the organization if they are fully ready or not.
This is the whole gradual process that makes an effective team in 4com plc. with the help of the
observation from the organization.

Task 4
P4 Applying concepts and philosophies of organizational behavior to 4com Plc.
Organizational behavior is not confined within the behavior of employees but it also goes far
away than individual perspective, that means it reflects the overall organizational working
practice and behavioral trait. Organizational behavior mainly deals with 3 type of behavioral
pattern including individual, group and overall organizational behavior or managerial behavior.
These behavioral perspective create the overall behavioral pattern of any organization.
Individual perspective
The individual behavioral pattern within employees plays a vital role in achieving organizational
goal. Individual behavior of any employee mainly depends on his or her personality, perception,
attitude (Kondalkar, 2014). For any organization, it is essential to identify these core elements of
employees those shape their behavioral pattern. The personality of an employee determines the
attitude that brings the intention of employees toward the work. On the other hand, perception
determines the viewpoint of an employee on a certain thing. Emotion comes in a combined form
of personality and perception that is also essential to understand by the organization so that
organization can identify the true self of an employee. In the case of 4com plc, the identification
of the behavioral pattern of employees is essential for business growth. To understand the
personality of the employees, 4com plc. can use Eysenck’s second order personality trend which
says that personality can be traced through two dimension, one is Introversion/extroversion and
another is Neuroticism/Stability. They can identify the perceptional knowledge of the employee
through Gregory’s top down processing theory which says that a person’s perception starts from
acquiring data from sensory organs, which is been processed by stored data in brain and it brings
the information that makes the perception. Attitude of an employee can be identified by using
social judgment theory where the attitude has been analyzed based on the perception of that
person with other related objects. 4com plc. can follow certain steps that starts with identifying
the critical behavior of employees. After that, they identify behavioral consequences and develop
interventions using those consequences and finally evaluate the improvement of employees
according to the organizational need. In this way, 4com plc. brings the modification of employee
behavioral pattern that shapes the overall organizational behavior.
Employee behavior doesn’t always come from the internal source, it also comes from external
factors including motivational state, office culture, working environment etc. for this reason,
4com plc. needs to adopt such managerial steps that ensure that employees are well motivated by
identifying their true need, office culture is a bit relaxing in terms of equality practice and power
practice, the working environment is friendly that will motivate the employee to engage more in
their task and internal communication.
Group perspective
Group stands for some number of people reporting to a common superior with having some
interaction. There is mainly two type of group formed within the organization, one is the formal
group that organization sets, another one is an informal group set by employees themselves.
4com plc. need to take a close look within these groups and their activities especially the
informal groups (Palmer, 2011). Informal group conveys much information that is not possible in

a formal way so 4com plc. need to manage these groups carefully. If the group brings a negative
effect in the organization, then they need to take steps against it. 4com plc. can adopt the concept
of teamwork that can reduce the negative sides of the informal group. They can form teams
rather than just a working group to boost their operation. They can follow Tuckman’s theory of
creating effective team that goes with the process of forming, storming, norming and performing
to become an effective team within the organization. For different tasks that can give a synergic
advantage for the organization.

Organizational Perspective
Organizational perspective deals with managerial or leadership abilities and responsibilities to
shape the behavioral pattern. Managers must have the abilities to identify and control the overall
organization as well as setting culture and working practice and individual behavior. 4com plc.
must train managers or team leaders so that they can adopt the path-goal theory of leadership that
leads to determine the behavior of leaders who can increase employee engagement, motivation
and empowerment so that they can effectively and efficiently contribute to the organization.
Team leaders of 4com plc. can use McGregor’s theories of ‘X’ and ‘Y’ to determine their
leadership strategies toward the employees where employees within theory X will face strict
leadership approach and theory Y will face relatively relaxed leadership approach to give space
for those employees to grow themselves as well as the organization. Organization or team
leaders can adopt Lewin’s three type of leadership strategy according to the need of the
organization strategy. Organization needs to take steps to shape their behavioral pattern but they
also need to take it in mind that employee behavioral pattern has been analyzed and
organizational behavioral pattern should not be tough for employees to adopt.
In such way, 4com plc. can adopt and implement concept and philosophies of organizational
behavior to make employees work together for commonly shared goals.

Organizational behavior plays an integrated role in achieving an organizational goal and many
organization fails to achieve the desired stage just because of the negligence of behavioral
pattern of the overall organization. In terms of medium-sized organization, 4com plc. must
acknowledge the reality and take necessary steps analyzing the employees, groups, and leaders
behavioral pattern. These activities and steps will, directly and indirectly, accelerate employee
engagement in their task and will bring success to the organization.

Bibliography and References
4Com - Inspiring Connectivity. (2018). About Us - 4Com Plc - Culture, Charity & Excellence.
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Levi, D. (2014) Group Dynamics for Teams. 4th Ed. London: SAGE
Mawhinney, T. (2008). Philosophical and Ethical Aspects of Organizational Behavior
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Palmer, A (2011). The Business Environment. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Publisher
Robbins, s & Judge T (2008) essential of organizing behaviors. New Jersey : Pearson Hall
Tjosvold, D. and Sun, H. (2006). Effects of power concepts and employee performance on
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