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Application Guide

© 2013, Alstom GRID

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Application Guide – Implementation of MX3EG1A (Auto-Synchronizer) in P40 Agile Issue - A
Record of Revision:

Issue Author Reviewer Date

A Harsh Vardhan Sukumaran Sunish 26/3/2013

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Application Guide – Implementation of MX3EG1A (Auto-Synchronizer) in P40 Agile Issue - A

This document describes the context for the implementation of Auto Synchronizer
(MX3EG) in P40 Agile.

Software Used:

MiCOM S1 Agile V1.0.1 Build 4.0.0

IED Description:

IED Name P14DG

Variant P14D
Software Version P14DG___2__500_E
Configuration Courier
Communication IEC 61850

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Application Guide – Implementation of MX3EG1A (Auto-Synchronizer) in P40 Agile Issue - A

When a Circuit Breaker is to be closed, it is imperative to ensure that the all the
parameters of the voltages on either sides of the CB are in synchronism. Closing
CB without ensuring required synchronism level may result in system
disturbances, Shock to generators and sometimes, a serious damage to other
electrical equipments including generator.

The three factors, also called synchronizing variable, that are to be monitored to
achieve synchronism are:
• Difference between Magnitude of the Voltages (∆V)
• Difference between Frequency of the Voltages (∆F)
• Phase angle Difference between the voltages(∆Φ)

Ideally, the above three factors should be zero. But, considering practical system
limitation, a small difference is allowed. Thus, the above three factors shall be in
defined range to achieve the synchronism.

Methods of Synchronization:

There are two methods of synchronization:

• Manual Synchronization:
The Operator would manually adjust the frequency & Voltage and would
ultimately close the CB. Synchronizing trolley/panel having double
voltmeters & frequency meters is used to provide information to operators
for manual synchronization. The addition of a synch-check relay (25) to the
manual synchronization process assists with proper synchronization. It
ensures that the voltages are in synch while executing the final CB closing.
• Automatic Synchronization:
In Automatic Synchronization, the Auto-Synchronizer (25A), monitors
frequency, voltage and phase angle, provides correction signals for voltage
matching and frequency matching, and provides the breaker closing output
Thus, the Auto-Synchronizer (25A) will generate output command to
control the Excitation system (and hence the voltage) and Governor (and

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hence the frequency) of the generator so that the synchronizing variables
are within limit. As soon as the synchronization is established, CB is closed.

Auto-Synchronizer (MX3EG) Scheme:

In the conventional Mx3EG scheme, both the voltages are supplied to the relay as
shown below.

CB (52) Status, start & Stop “Auto-Synch” pulse and Close on “Dead Bus” signals
are wired to the relay as shown below:

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Operating Modes:

1. Live Line - Live Bus Condition:

When the relay receives a “START LB” pulse, it starts monitoring the
synchronization variables and generates outputs according to the delta limits
(∆Φ, ∆V, ∆F) set in the relay.
To control the frequency, the speed of the governor is adjusted using output
contacts of the relay as shown below:

E.g. when frequency is low, contact K119 & K113 are closed and the governor
starts increasing the speed which in turn increases the frequency. As soon as the
frequency comes within the defined limit, the contacts are opened (OR No more
controlling pulse is generated – depending upon the output configuration.)

To control the voltage, the voltage regulator is adjusted using output contacts of
the relay:

E.g. when voltage is low, contact K129 & K143 are closed and the Voltage
Regulator starts increasing the voltage. As soon as the voltage comes within the
defined limit, the contacts are opened (OR No more controlling pulse is
generated – depending upon the output configuration.)

2. Live Line - Dead Bus Condition:

The scheme has an option to allow closing of the CB when the bus voltages is not
available, known as dead-bus closing.

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When the relay receives “START-DB” pulse, it starts monitoring the input Voltage
& Frequency, if the voltage & frequency are within specified limit; a CB Closing
pulse is issued.

Output Contacts Configuration:

The relay has the following two modes for output contacts configuration:

1. Continuous Mode:

In this mode, the controlling output contacts are continuously “CLOSED” until
the respective signal reaches the predefined limit.
E.g. In the above example of frequency control, the contacts “K119 & K113”
will remain close until the frequency reaches within the limit.

2. Pulse – Pause Mode:

In this mode, two timers are used – Pulse Timer and Pause Timer. The
controlling output contacts are closed for the time of “Pulse Timer” only. Once
this timer elapses, the contact is opened.
Before generating next pulse, there is a wait time which is defined by the
“Pause Timer” i.e. next pulse is generated only when this timer has been
elapsed and the desired variable is still out of limit.

Predictive Closing:

The relay can take care of CB Closing delay time while generating CB close
command so that required synchronism is ensured at the time of closing.

Maximum no. of Parallel Attempts:

The relay has an option to choose “between 1 to 10” as the number of CB closing

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Implementation of Auto-Synchronizer in P40 Agile:

The functions of Mx3EG1A, as described above, can be implemented in P40 Agile.

In order to make it easy to understand, the implementation has been divided in
the following parts:
• Measuring both the voltage inputs.
• Providing CB Status, “Auto-Synch” Start pulse, Emergency Stop pulse,
“Dead Bus” closing pulse and “Load Pulse” input to the relay.
• Calculating voltage and frequency difference and generating control
commands accordingly.
• Generating the “CB close” output, once the Synchronism is reached taking
“CB Closing delay” into consideration.
• Increasing the Frequency if Load Pulse is ON.
• Allowing only one “CB close” pulse to be issued within one Auto-Synch
Cycle and to terminate the sequence after that.
• Making this type of “Auto-Synch” CB closing completely independent of
Manual CB Closing.
• Generating “CB Close Fail” Alarm for “Auto-Sync CB Closing”.
• Generating “Auto-Synch Fail” Alarm.
• Provision for “Dead Bus-Live Line” CB Closing.
• Management of FKey1 LED.

The following paragraphs explain how to implement the above parts.

All the Pictures, I/O, CT-VT signals, DDB’s etc. shown below pertain to the
particular relay model mentioned in the IED description.

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Measuring the Voltage Inputs:
Both the voltage Inputs are wired to the relay at the respective terminals.

Providing required Inputs to the relay:

CB Status is wired to the respective opto-input terminals. In our case, we are
using Input 1 & Input 2 for CB status. The same is assigned in the PSL as shown

We are using Function Key-1 & Function Key-2 to Start & Stop the “Auto-
Synch” Sequence respectively.

Function Key-3 is used to start the Dead-Bus closing.

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LED mappings:

• Function Key LED-1 is shows the status of “Auto-Synch”. “Auto-Synch

running” is represented by RED LED. GREEN LED shows that the Auto
Synch is OFF/Not running.

• Function Key LED-2 RED signal shows that CB has failed to close in
response to an “Auto-Synch CB Close” command OR “Dead-Bus” closing
command OR “Manual Closing” command OR “Remote Closing”
command. Function Key LED-2 yellow signal shows that Auto-Synch
function has failed to achieve Auto-Synchronism conditions within the
specified time.

• Function Key LED-3 GREEN signal shows that a “Dead Bus-Live Line” CB
Closing is initiated.

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A consolidated list of signals used in the implementation is shown below for easy

Input-1 CB AUX 3Ph 52-A
CB Status
Input-2 CB AUX 3Ph 52-B
FnKey-1 Start Auto-Sync Basic “Start-Stop”
FnKey-2 Stop Auto-Sync Inputs
FnKey-3 Start “Dead Bus – Live Line” Closing
FnKey-1RED Auto-Sync Running Default - Green
FnKey-1GREEN Auto-Sync NOT running
FnKey-2RED CB Closing Failed
FnKey-2 Yellow Auto-Sync Failed to achieve Sync condition
FnKey-3 Green Dead Bus – Live Line closing initiated
LED-1 GREEN Synch 1 OK – CS1 OK
LED-2 GREEN Dead Bus-Live Line
LED-3 RED Increase Voltage output command
LED-4 RED Decrease Voltage output command
LED-5 RED Increase Frequency output command
LED-6 RED Decrease Frequency output command
LED-7 GREEN Synch 2 OK – CS2 OK
LED-8 RED Auto Sync CB Close Command
Output Relay
RL-5 Increase Voltage output command Pulse-Pause Mode
RL-9 Decrease Voltage output command Pulse-Pause Mode
RL-11 Increase Frequency output command Continuous Mode
RL-10 Decrease Frequency output command Pulse-Pause Mode
RL-12 Auto-Sync CB Close Command
Control Input
Control Input 1 Load Pulse ON/OFF Latched

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Calculating Voltage & Frequency difference:

The relay has the following in-built DDB’s to show voltage difference-

This DDB is “SET” when Line Voltage is lesser than Bus Voltage.

This DDB is “SET” when Line Voltage is greater than the Bus Voltage.

The relay has the following in-built DDB’s to show frequency difference –

This DDB is “SET” when Line Frequency is lesser than Bus Frequency.

This DDB is “SET” when Line Frequency is greater than Bus Frequency.

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Controlling the Voltage & Frequency difference:

As we have the above four DDB’s, the respective output commands (Relay
outputs) can be generated by using a simple PSL. However, while issuing the
controlling commands to control the “Voltage Regulator” and/or “Governor”, we
need to take care of the following points:

• The controlling process shall START only after the “Auto-Sync” START
command is initiated, AND the CB status is “OPEN”, AND “Check Sync
CS1” is NOT OK, AND both the voltages are within set limits for
synchronization i.e. neither under voltage nor over voltage*$.

• The controlling process shall END if the operator has initiated an “Auto-
Sync” STOP command OR the “Auto-Sync” Timer# has expired OR the
signal has reached the specified range.

* Under voltage and over voltage limits for synchronization are set under the
“Group1 System Checks” settings of the relay as shown below.

The “Check Sync 1 OK” signal is “SET” or “RESET” as per the delta limits set in
the “System Checks” settings. This is worth noticing that this is applicable only in
the case of Live Bus-Live Line.

# “Auto-Synch” Timer decides the maximum time up to which the “Auto-Sync”

sequence shall run provided all other conditions are satisfied.

$ To check if the Line Frequency is within limit, Frequency Protection DDB’s

can also be used in the logic. Check “Dead Bus” Closing section for more info.

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The PSL shown below shows the basic “Start” and “Stop” conditions for the
“Auto-Sync” sequence.

As shown in the PSL above, the output “Condition 1” is “HIGH” until the “60
seconds-pulse timer” expires AND other conditions are also satisfied. As soon as
F2 is pressed, the output of “S-RD” Latch becomes “HIGH” which in turn stops
the logic. Also, once an “Auto-Sync CB-Close” output is generated, the logic is
stopped after 20 msec of this. This 20 msec time is required to provide enough
time to generate the output for CB Close.

“Check-Sync 1 – CS1” parameters are used for the controlling of voltage &

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Now, to initiate the voltage & frequency controlling, the “Condition 1” shall be
“HIGH” as shown below.

As shown above, as long as the “Condition 1” is “HIGH” AND the desired

quantity is out of “CS-1 Sync” Limits, an output will be generated.

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Output Contacts Configuration:

Similar to “MX3EG”, this output can be used to control the output relays in two

1. Continuous Mode:

In the above PSL, Output Relay “R11” is shown to be configured in

“Continuous Mode”. As long as the input is high (i.e. Output of “AND” gate),
the output relay shall be in “Closed” position.
As soon as the input is low (i.e. either the signal has come within limit OR the
“Condition 1” is “LOW”), the output contact is opened.

2. Pulse- Pause Mode:

In the above PSL, All other three output contacts (R5, R9 & R10) are
configured in “Pulse- Pause” Mode. Timing of the “Pulse” is being defined by
the “Dwell-Time” of output relays. In the PSL shown above, the Pulse time is
500 msec.
“Pause Time” is being defined by the “Pulse-timers” shown in the PSL. In the
PSL shown above, the Pause Time is 4 sec.
1. The frequency controlling is very sensitive. There might be a case when the
outputs for “Increase Frequency” and “Decrease Frequency” are generated
simultaneously during controlling action. To avoid this, a “drop-off” timer is
used at the “output of each frequency controlling” which holds the controlling
action of the other frequency control according to the “drop-off” time. This
“Drop-Off” time provides a stabilizing time for frequency controlling.
E.g. In the above PSL, a “drop-off” timer of 100 msec is used. Suppose first
the “line frequency is lesser than the bus frequency” AND “outside the sync
limit”, a “Decrease frequency” pulse shall be generated. Next pulse for
“decrease frequency” shall be generated only after “4 sec” if other conditions
are met. However, the output for “Increase Frequency” shall be generated
only after “4100 msec” if the required conditions are met.
2. The configuration of output contacts (Continuous Mode/ Pulse-Pause Mode)
can also be selected using Control Inputs.

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Closing the Circuit Breaker:

CB shall be closed only if:

1. “Auto-Sync Timer” is running. AND

2. “Check Sync-2, CS2” is OK. AND
3. CB is OPEN. AND
4. No “Trip Signal is Available”. AND
5. CB is Healthy.

CB closing shall be inhibited if:

1. Any of the above conditions is not satisfied. OR

2. One CB close pulse has been generated during the “Auto-Sync Timer”. OR
3. User has stopped the “Auto-Sync” manually by pressing Fkey2.

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1. In order to take care of “CB closing delay” while issuing a close command,
“Check Sync 2 – CS2” is used for only CS2 has the option of “Predictive
Closing”. To use the predictive closing, “Cs2 slip control” shall be set as
“Freq + CB comp”. “CB closing delay” is defined in the settings of the relay
as “CB close Time”.

Also, it is to be ensured that both CS1 & CS2 are enabled in the setting and
have the same configuration parameters.

2. As shown above in the PSL, this “Auto-Sync CB Closing” is completely

independent of “Manual/Remote” CB control, for all the required
interlocks are being checked in the PSL and output is generated according
to this.
This ensures that the relay can be used for both “Auto-Sync” closing and
“Manual/Remote” closing with individual CB control parameters as shown

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Provision of Load Pulse Configuration:

Similar to MX3EG, a frequency increase pulse can be generated when:

1. Auto-Sync CB Closing pulse is generated. AND

2. Load Pulse input is ON (In our case, Control input1)

This is used to prevent energy returns from occurring.

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Generating “CB CLS FAIL” for “Auto-Sync CB Closing”:

As “Auto-Sync CB Closing” is completely independent of relay’s internal CB

closing process, the internal “CB Cls Fail –DDB 160” cannot be used to generate
CB closing Fail Alarm.
In order to generate a CB Closing Fail Alarm, a PSL has to be used. Status of the
CB is checked after a “Feedback Timer” which initializes once the CB closing
pulse is generated. If after the expiration of the “Feedback Timer”, the CB status
is not “Close”, A “CB Cls Fail” alarm is generated.

To generate an alarm, the generated CB Cls Fail signal is linked to “MR User
Alarm 18”. The text of this alarm can be edited to “Auto CB Cls Fail” using the
“Menu Text Editor” of the IED.

To show that “Auto-Sync CB Closing” is successful, the above generated signal

can be used with a “NOT” gate and can be linked to an available LED.

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Generating “Auto-Sync Controlling Failed” Alarm:

In order to generate an “Auto-Sync Controlling Failed” alarm, a PSL has to be

used as shown below:

The status of “CS1 Ok” is checked after the expiration of “Auto-Sync” Timer, if
the process has failed to achieve “CS1 OK” condition within the time, a failure
alarm has to be generated.

The failure condition is also linked to “MR User Alarm 19”. The text of this alarm
can be edited to “Auto Sync Controlling Failed” using the “Menu Text Editor” of
the IED.

It is to be noted that the failure condition shall not be alarmed if the used has
manually stopped the “Auto-Sync” sequence.

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Live Line - Dead Bus Closing:

To use this feature, the user has to manually start the “Dead Bus” Closing
sequence by pressing Function Key-3.
When the “Dead Bus” closing is initiated, the relay check if the voltage &
frequency are within specified limit, If it is so and CB is open, a CB close
command is initiated.


1. This CB closing is directly linked to relays’ internal CB closing process. Hence,

no separate interlocking condition is required. Also, no separate “CB Cls Fail”
signal is required.

2. To check whether the frequency is within limit, we are using “frequency

protection” DDB’s. To use these DDB’s, frequency Protection must be enabled
in the relay. Also, the protection stages used here shall be removed from
default Tripping PSL.
Frequency is checked per cycle.

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3. To check whether the voltage is within limit, we are using “Volt protection”
DDB’s. To use these DDB’s, voltage protection must be enabled in the relay.
Also, the protection stages used here shall be removed from default Tripping

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Management of Function Key-1 LED:

Function Key-1 LED shows the status of “Auto-Sync”. As long as the “Auto-Sync”
is running, the RED LED shall glow.
As soon as the “Auto-Sync timer” expires OR “Auto-Sync” is stopped manually
OR first CB Close command has been generated, the GREEN LED shall glow.

Default status of the LED is GREEN.

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Known Limitations of current Implementation:

1. Maximum no. of Attempts:

Mx3EG has an option to define the maximum number of CB Closing Attempts,
to be chosen from “1 to 10”.
Since current PSL has no counters, it is not possible to use the same feature
in P40 Agile.
Considering this, only one CB Closing attempt has been made.

2. Predictive CB Closing delay:

MX3EG has an option to select the CB Closing delay between “0.02 -0.99
sec”. While in P40 Agile, the maximum CB closing delay that can be set is
500 msec.

3. Frequency deviation measurement:

Before starting “Auto-Sync” sequence, MX3EG checks if the Line frequency
and Bus frequency are within range. If it is found within range, the next
action follows.
P40 Agile has no default DDB’s to measure the frequency limits.
Considering this, frequency protection DDB’s are used.

4. Voltage deviation measurement:

Similar to frequency deviation issue, P40 Agile has no default voltage
measurement DDB’s.
Considering this, Volt protection DDB’s are used.

5. Changing the Output Mode:

In order to change the output mode from “Continuous” to “Pulse-Pause” or
vice-versa, the user has to edit the PSL. There is no option to do it from Local
HMI of the relay.

6. Dependency on PSL:
It is not possible to change the timer values/output pulse time through the
local HMI of the relay. Generally, these values are changed frequently during
actual operation; complete dependency on PSL makes it a cumbersome task.

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Also, need of a laptop/PC is inevitable.

7. Accuracy of Timers:
Since the implementation is largely based on PSL timers, the accuracy of
timers has a huge impact on the performance of the functionality.

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Annexure – A
Simulation using Omicron’s State sequencer:

The above described implementation was tested using Omicron’s State

Sequencer as shown below:

The synch parameters set in the IED are:

1. ∆F – 50mHz
2. ∆V – 5 V
3. ∆Φ - 20°

The various states of the “State Sequencer” are:

State 1: Line Voltage Low – Line Freq High (with respect to Bus parameters)
State 2: Line Voltage within ∆V limit – Line Freq High
State 3: Line Voltage within ∆V limit – Line Freq High
State 4: Line Voltage within ∆V limit – Line Freq High
State 5: Line Voltage within ∆V limit – Line Freq within ∆F limit

The behaviour of the IED is captured as shown below:

The various sequence of events of the IED are:

1. First, the IED generates two output commands – One is to Increase voltage
and the other is to decrease frequency.
(Now, in the next state, the voltage comes within specified range but the
frequency is still out of range.)

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2. The IED generates “Decrease Frequency” output one more time.
(Now, both voltage and frequency are within specified range.)
3. CS1 is ok when the phase angle difference comes within specified 20° range.
CS2 is NOT OK.
4. CS1 is ok.
5. CS2 is OK.
6. IED generates “CB Close” output.

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Annexure – B
Setting Equivalent of MX3EG1A in P40 Agile:

MX3EG1A P40 Agile

Synchronization parameters
Parallel sequence max. time “Auto-Sync” Timer – DDB 117
closing command pulse time Dwell Timer of “RL12”
closing delay Setting C.R. - 48.2F (CB Close Time)
fg/fn max. deviation Frequency Protection Stages
Ub/Ubn max. deviation Volt Protection Stages
Ug/Ugn min. generator voltage Setting C.R. - 48.22, 48.23 ( CS UV, OV)
max. frequency difference Setting C.R. - 48.1B, 48.20 (CS Slip Freq)
max. voltage difference Setting C.R. - 48.24 (CS Diff Voltage)
max. phase difference Setting C.R. - 48.19, 48.1E (CS Phase Angle)
dead bar Function Key-3
dead bar level Volt Protection Stages
Frequency regulator parameters
frequency regulating mode (CONT-PULSE) “Control Inputs” Can be used.*
frequency regulation pulse time Dwell Timer of “RL10” & “RL11”
frequency regulation max. pause time “Feedback Pulse Timers” DDB – 116, 132
Load Pulse (ON-OFF) Control Input-1
Load Pulse time Dwell Timer of “RL11”
Voltage regulator parameters
voltage regulation mode (CONT-PULSE) “Control Inputs” Can be used.*
voltage regulation pulse time Dwell Timer of “RL5” & “RL9”
voltage regulation pause time “Feedback Pulse Timers” DDB – 112-128, 113-129

* In the current implementation, the regulating mode (continuous OR Pulse) is configured

in the PSL. However, control inputs can be used to change the mode of regulators, if

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