Journal of Materials Processing Technology: Mechanics of Fracture in Single Point Incremental Forming

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590

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Mechanics of fracture in single point incremental forming

Rajiv Malhotra, Liang Xue, Ted Belytschko, Jian Cao ∗
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Single point incremental forming (SPIF) is a sheet metal forming technique which has gained considerable
Received 8 September 2011 interest in the research community due to its enhanced formability, greater process flexibility and reduced
Received in revised form 1 February 2012 forming forces. However, a significant impediment in the industrial adoption of this process is the accurate
Accepted 29 February 2012
prediction of fracture during the forming process. This work uses a recently developed fracture model
Available online 12 March 2012
combined with finite element analyses to predict the occurrence of fracture in SPIF of two shapes, a cone
and a funnel. Experiments are performed to validate predictions from FEA in terms of forming forces,
thinning and fracture depths. In addition to showing excellent predictions, the primary deformation
mechanism in SPIF is compared to that in conventional forming process with a larger geometry-specific
Material instability punch, using the deformation history obtained from FEA. It is found that both through-the-thickness shear
and local bending of the sheet around the tool play a role in fracture in the SPIF process. Additionally, it is
shown that in-spite of higher shear in SPIF, which should have a retarding effect on damage accumulation,
high local bending of the sheet around the SPIF tool causes greater damage accumulation in SPIF than
in conventional forming. Analysis of material instability shows that the higher rate of damage causes
earlier growth of material instability in SPIF. A new theory, named the ‘noodle’ theory, is proposed to
show that the local nature of deformation is primarily responsible for increased formability observed in
SPIF, in-spite of greater damage accumulation as compared to conventional forming.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction formability in SPIF. More recently, Hussain et al. (2007) formed

axisymmetric funnel shapes in which the profiles of the compo-
In single point incremental forming (SPIF) a peripherally nents were arcs of different radii of curvature and showed that
clamped sheet is imparted a desired shape by moving a single hemi- the maximum formable wall angle depended on the radius of the
spherical ended tool along a desired profile so as to locally deform curvature of the funnel component’s profile. This indicates that
the sheet along this path (Fig. 1). The sum total of these local defor- formability in SPIF depends on a combination of the global shape of
mations gives the sheet its final shape. Significant advantages of this the component and the process parameters, and therefore essen-
process over conventional forming include greater formability, low tially on the deformation mechanics of the process. Filice et al.
forming forces and generic tooling configuration. One of the major (2006) explored the possibility of detecting fracture in real time
research problems of considerable interest to the sheet metal form- based on the trend of the forming force. Szekeres et al. (2007)
ing community is the accurate prediction of fracture in SPIF. This showed that while the force trend methodology for detecting fail-
is important because an underestimation of the fracture depth will ure can be used for a cone shape, it does not work for a pyramid
result in a loss of the advantage of enhanced formability of the pro- shape. This observation again highlights the fact that occurrence
cess and an overestimation will cause component failure during of failure in SPIF depends significantly on the process mechanics
the forming process itself. Furthermore, a better physical under- itself.
standing of the mechanisms of deformation and fracture in SPIF Attempts have also been made to use the concept of conven-
is of great importance since this can aid the choice of appropriate tional forming limit curves (FLCs) to characterize formability limits
process parameters for the process and can lead to modifications in SPIF. Filice et al. (2002) demonstrated that the failure strain in
of the process to further enhance the achievable formability. SPIF significantly exceeds that in conventional forming. Hussain
Early work in SPIF (Jeswiet et al., 2005) indicated that the maxi- et al. (2009) derived empirical forming limit diagrams (FLDs) which
mum formable wall angle could be a good indicator for material used the reduction in cross sectional area at tensile failure as a
means of predicting failure in SPIF. However, they stated that their
empirically derived FLD depended on the process mechanics itself
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 847 467 1032. and was only valid within the range of the tool diameters, incre-
E-mail address: (J. Cao). mental depths and feed rates used in their work. At the same time

0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1574 R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590

Fig. 1. Schematic of SPIF (dotted lines show motion of tool in the profile view).

Emmens and van den Boogaard (2009) showed that FLCs have cer- primarily responsible for failure is difficult. Jackson and Allwood
tain drawbacks when it comes to predicting failure in SPIF. It is (2009) showed experimentally that deformation in SPIF consists
known that FLCs are not valid when there is bending and through- primarily of stretching perpendicular to the toolpath and through-
the-thickness shear, both of which are significant in SPIF. As a result the-thickness shear perpendicular to and along the direction of the
modifications of conventional FLCs by incorporating the effects of toolpath. They also showed that shear increased with the depth of
changing strain paths (Yao and Cao, 2002) and the effects of large deformation, was greater on the inner side of the sheet and was
normal contact pressures (Smith et al., 2003) would still not be greater along the direction of toolpath motion than in the direc-
able to predict failure in SPIF accurately. Therefore, the prediction tion perpendicular to the toolpath motion. They observed that as
of formability in SPIF with conventional FLCs might not be feasible. the component was formed the structure became stiffer and the
Numerical investigations using FEA have also been conducted to deformation transitioned from a more widely distributed area to
investigate the deformation force and mechanisms in SPIF. Henrard being concentrated into a local area around the tool contact zone.
et al. (2007) modeled the contact between the tool and the sheet In addition, they mentioned that unusual choice of material, sheet
using a moving spherical tool method, in which a dynamic explicit thickness and wall angle used in the present experiments probably
time integration scheme was used instead of the usual penalty caused strains that have some differences to more typical ISF exper-
based contact algorithm. The main improvement was that a bet- iments which use thinner sheets and steeper wall angles. Allwood
ter force prediction was obtained using their methodology even et al. (2007) also showed experimentally that significant through-
though computational time was reduced by using a larger ele- the-thickness shear is present in SPIF, by tracing the history of a pin
ment size. Cerro et al. (2006) simulated SPIF of a pyramid with a inserted perpendicularly into the blank during deformation of the
75◦ wall angle with shell elements and obtained a 5% difference blank. A valuable work with reference to the mechanisms responsi-
between the maximum values of the measured and calculated tool ble for increased formability in SPIF was performed by Allwood and
z forces. However, no attempt was made to predict fracture. van Shouler (2009) in which the M-K analysis was extended so that all
Bael et al. (2007) extended a Marciniak-Kuczyisnki analysis (M- six components of the stress tensor were non-zero. This represents
K analysis) to predict localized necking and fracture in SPIF. They the typical state of deformation in SPIF. This work provided sig-
showed that while the forming limit predictions were higher than nificant circumstantial evidence that through-the-thickness shear
that for monotonic loading, their models still underestimated the might play a significant role in fracture in SPIF.
forming limits obtained experimentally in SPIF. This was attributed The current work goes beyond the previous discussions focusing
to the fact that the input for the M-K model was obtained at a on whether hydrostatic pressure or through-the-thickness shear
pre-determined location through the thickness of the sheet which contributes to the significant increase of forming limit in SPIF.
meant that interaction between different layers of the sheet was Instead, we uncover the unique role that material localization plays
not considered. Huang et al. (2008) used Oyane’s fracture criterion, in SPIF. The approach is to use a fracture model in FEA to analyze
an empirical fracture criterion, to predict failure during forming of the mechanics of deformation in the SPIF of a 70◦ wall angle cone
a conical cup using SPIF. The model was found to capture forming and a funnel shape. The experimental setup is shown in Section
limits in SPIF reasonably well, however, the predictions of forming 2. The material model is briefly described in Section 3, in which
forces were not satisfactory. Silva et al. (2009) extended a mem- the fracture envelope is expressed in the stress space and is a func-
brane analysis of SPIF to incorporate a damage model in which tion of the hydrostatic pressure and the deviatoric stress state (Xue,
damage accumulation depended on hydrostatic stress and showed 2007a). More recently, it has been shown (Xue, 2007b) that only
that such an approach could be used to predict fracture strains in stress triaxiality effects cannot explain the phenomenon of frac-
SPIF. Malhotra et al. (2010a) investigated the use of various material ture in shear and the material model used in this work combines the
models and element types to simulate SPIF using FEA and showed effects of plastic strain, hydrostatic pressure and shear on fracture.
that a fracture model considering triaxility and shear as presented Therefore, this model is ideal for examining the combined effects
in Xue (2007a,b) can predict forming forces and fracture occur- of stretching along the component wall and local bending around
rence much better than other common material models. The results the tool (indicated by the hydrostatic pressure and plastic strain)
were promising and have led to the further investigations on the and through-the-thickness shear (indicated by the Lode angle).
mechanics of fracture in SPIF, which will be presented in this paper. Note that stretching, bending and shear are among the deforma-
While predicting forming force and failure limits in SPIF is tion mechanisms said to very dominant in SPIF (Emmens et al.,
important, a more interesting challenge is to understand why SPIF 2009). Corresponding experiments are performed to compare the
results in a much higher formability compared to the conventional forming force history and fracture location predictions from FEA.
forming process. Emmens et al. (2009) proposed that while bend- The mechanics of SPIF are then analyzed in-depth in Section 4 by
ing, shear, cyclic straining and hydrostatic stress are the dominant examining the deformation history through the thickness of the
deformation mechanisms in SPIF, pinpointing which factors are sheet at four locations along the formed component wall and the
R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590 1575

plastic strain (εp ) and a reference fracture strain (εf ). In particu-

lar, we chose the stress-based fracture envelope for its simplicity.
The damage coupled yield function is

˚ = eq − w(D) M ≤ 0 (1)

where  eq is the equivalent stress,  M is the undamaged matrix

stress which is a function of the plastic strain to include strain hard-
ening, and w(D) is a weakening factor used to describe the material
deterioration. The weakening factor w is related nonlinearly to the
damage variable D by w(D) = 1 − Dˇ , where ˇ is a material constant.
The weakening factor w is treated as a scalar for isotropic dam-
age models like the present one. To model matrix resistance the
Fig. 2. Profiles of (a) 70◦ cone (b) funnel formed as part of experiments.
Swift-type hardening relationship is adopted as show in Equation
primary deformation mechanisms which affect failure in SPIF are  εp
found. Contributions from hydrostatic pressure and through-the- M = y0 1 + (2)
thickness shear to fracture are quantified. In Section 5 additional ε0
simulations are performed with a reduced tool-sheet friction coef-
where  y0 is the initial yield stress, ε0 is the pre-strain, εp is the
ficient to examine the effect that through-the-thickness shear has
plastic strain and n is the hardening exponent. The associated flow
on formability in SPIF. Furthermore, to better understand the failure
rule is enforced. Accumulation of damage is modeled as a nonlinear
mechanism, simulations are also performed using the same mate-
function of the plastic strain (εp ) and a reference fracture strain (εf )
rial model for forming of the 70◦ cone with a conventional forming
and is expressed in the rate form as
process using a larger punch. The deformation mechanisms and
the occurrence of material localization in the larger punch case are  m−1 •
• εp εp
compared to those in the SPIF case in Section 6. Motivated by the D=m (3)
εf εf
results from these two cases, a new ‘noodle’ theory is proposed here
to explain the essence of enhanced formability seen in SPIF. Finally,
where m is a material constant. In the finite element model an ele-
inferences on the nature of fracture in SPIF are discussed in Section
ment completely loses its load carrying capacity and is removed
7 followed by conclusions in Section 8.
when the value of the damage variable D reaches 1.0. When all the
elements through the thickness of the sheet are removed then a
2. Experimental setup of forming a cone and a funnel using
crack is said to have occurred at that location. The reference frac-
ture strain (εf ) is first expressed as a stress envelope  Mf , which
takes the form of a modified Tresca type of pyramid (Xue, 2009) as
Two shapes, a 70◦ wall angle cone and a variable angle funnel
(Fig. 2) were formed using 1 mm thick AL5052 sheet, with a tool

diameter of 9.5 mm and feed rate of 150 mm/min. The blank size   3
available for forming inside the clamp was 80 mm × 80 mm square Mf = f 0 1 + kp p (4)
2 cos L
for the cone and an 80 mm diameter circular area for the funnel
case. No tool rotation was allowed and PTFE based grease was used where  f0 is a reference fracture stress, kp is a material constant
as lubricant at the tool–sheet interface. The incremental depths related to pressure sensitivity, p = −( kk /3) is the hydrostatic pres-
used for the cone and the funnel were 1.0 mm and 0.5 mm respec- sure and  L is the Lode angle, via which the deviatoric component
tively. A spiral toolpath was used in which the tool followed the of the stress state is incorporated into the reference fracture strain.
three dimensional profile of the shape to be formed while moving An example of this reference fracture strain in the space of the prin-
simultaneously in the x, y and z directions (Malhotra et al., 2010b). cipal strains (ε1 , ε2 and ε3 ) and the hydrostatic stress p is shown in
The z forces on the tool throughout the forming process were Fig. 3.
measured using a Kistler dynamometer model 9255A mounted
below the fixture and the tool tip depth at which fracture occurred
was also recorded. Each experiment was performed three times and
the final fracture depth for a component was taken as the average
of the observed fracture depths from the three experiments.

3. Fracture model and its implementation in FEA

This section describes the material model used and its imple-
mentation in FEA to predict fracture in incremental forming. The
predictions from FEA are compared to measurements obtained
from experiments.

3.1. Fracture model

The present work uses the damage plasticity model proposed

by Xue (2007a) in which two independent internal variables, i.e.,
the so-called damage variable and the plastic strain, are used to
describe the material status. The constitutive relationship consists Fig. 3. Illustrative example of the reference fracture strain envelope used in this
of a damage coupled yield function, the evolution laws for the work.
1576 R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590

The reference fracture strain εf used in Equation (3) is obtained Table 1

FEM model details.
from the inverse of the matrix stress as:
 (1/n) √
(1/n) Simulation case Tool speed Target time Simulation
f 0   3 (mm/s) increment for time (CPU h)
εf (p, L ) = ε0 1 + kp p −1 (5)
y0 2 cos L mass scaling (s)

SPIF: cone 3000 1.5e − 06 78

Therefore, damage accumulation in this material model SPIF: funnel 1500 1.2e − 06 115
depends on the plastic strain (εp ) as well as on the current state of Conventional forming of cone 3000 1.5e − 06 13
hydrostatic pressure and deviatoric stress state, via the reference
fracture strain (εf ). Xue (2010) showed that this type of I1-J2-J3 Table 2
constitutive model can predict both the onset of ductile fracture Material properties calibrated from tensile tests.
and material instability at the same time. Note that in this material
 (kg/m3 ) E (GPa)   y0 (MPa) n ε0
model there are four material constants which cannot be obtained
from tensile tests and therefore, a calibration procedure with dif- 2680 68.6 0.3 117 0.22 0.0045

ferent mean stress and deviatoric stress states should be employed.

These parameters are  f0 , kp which quantify the reference fracture
strain (Equation (4)), and ˇ, m which are related to how the damage where K0 is the bulk modulus of the material, I and II are the second-
and material softening evolves (Equations (1) and (3) respectively). order and fourth order identity tensors respectively. Equation (10)
The material constant  f0 is the matrix stress at fracture under zero shows the condition in which the material is stable in a Hadamard-
mean stress condition, i.e., tensile condition. The parameter kp is Hill sense, where g is a vector denoting the direction of particle
responsible for the contribution of hydrostatic pressure towards velocity. The material has lost stability at a given state when, for
the evolution of εf . The material constant m signifies the rate at some direction h and velocity g, the left hand side of Equation (10)
which damage accumulates in an element and therefore how fast is lesser than zero.
the element is removed. The inclusion of a nonlinear damage evo- g:A:g≥0 (10)
lution law takes into consideration the common observation that
damage accumulation rate increases as the plastic strain increases. 3.2. Implementation of the material-model in FEA
The value of ˇ dictates how the material loses its capacity to carry
load as damage accumulates. Note that since m influences the evo- The above described material model was implemented using a
lution of the damage (Equation (3)) and ˇ influences how this user subroutine in LS-DYNA. A schematic of the FEA model used
damage affects the weakening of the material (Equation (1)), both for simulating SPIF is shown in Fig. 4a. The blank material was
these material constants are together responsible for the softening discretized using eight reduced integration linear brick elements
behavior of the material as damage develops. through the thickness of the sheet. The blank was meshed so that
In addition to the prediction of damage accumulation and the region to be formed had a radial mesh with a maximum in-
fracture, the occurrence of diffused and localized necking during plane element size of 0.50 mm in the radial direction and 0.35 mm
deformation is predicted analytically using this material model. Dif- in the circumferential direction (Fig. 4b). The tools and the top and
fused necking is predicted using a three dimensional generalization bottom clamps were discretized using planar shell elements with
of Considere’s maximum force criterion to a maximum power cri- an element size of 0.20 mm for the tool and 2.5 mm for the clamps.
terion, as derived in Xue (2010). The closed form expression used Furthermore, the tool speed was artificially increased and mass
to predict the onset of diffused necking is shown in Equation (6), scaling was used to speed up the simulation. The friction coeffi-
h wD Dε

 cient at the tool–sheet interface was specified as 0.15 (Eyckens et al.,
+ ≥ cos L + (6) 2010). The Belytschko-Tsay hourglass formulation was used to con-
M w 6
trol hourglassing. All simulations were performed on a workstation
where wD = ∂w/∂D, Dε = ∂D/∂εp , h = ∂ eq /∂εp and  L = Lode angle. with four processors at 3.66 GHz speed. Details on tool speed, mass
The equal sign in Equation (6) denotes the onset of diffused neck- scaling and simulation time are shown in Table 1.
ing. The effect of damage accumulation and weakening on material The material parameters E,  y0 , n and ε0 were obtained from
instability is included in this expression via the term (wD Dε /w). uniaxial tensile tests and the values are shown in Table 2. The
Note that higher rates of weakening or damage accelerate the onset four material constants  f0 , kp , m and ˇ were calibrated manu-
of diffused necking. The occurrence of localized necking, i.e., of local ally by matching the tool z forces from simulation with the same
shear bands post diffused necking, is also predicted in a Hadamard- obtained from experiments for the case of the 70◦ cone (Table 3).
Hill sense by examining the positive definiteness of the acoustic The methodology used to find the values for these materials con-
tensor at the current stress state, as shown in Xue and Belytschko stant is as follows.
(2010). The form of the acoustic tensor A is as follows The values of kp and  f0 control the initial slope of the force
A = h : Cedp : h (7) curve. A higher value of kp and  f0 results in a greater slope and vice
versa. The values of the parameters m and ˇ are usually between 2.0
where Cedp is the elastic-damage-plasticity tangent matrix and h is and 3.0 for most metals (Xue, 2007a,b). If the value of m is too high
the direction in which instability might develop. The tangent matrix then the occurrence of fracture is delayed and the softening part of
Cedp is expressed as the force curve is higher than that from experiments. In this case,
 2G   w D  the value of m is decreased to increase the rate of damage accumu-
0 D ε
Cedp = wC0 + ␴ − 2wG0 r ⊗ r (8) lation so that fracture occurs at the correct depth. After this, if the
h + 3G0 w
where r is the deviatoric stress direction, ␴ = 1/3 kk I + 2/3 eq r, G0
Table 3
is the shear modulus of the material, C0 is the isotropic Hookean
Reference fracture strain parameters calibrated using trial simulations with 70◦
matrix for the undamaged material. C0 is expressed as shown in cone.
Equation (9).
  f0 (MPa) kp (MPa−1 ) m ˇ

C0 = 2G0 II + K0 − G0 I ⊗ I (9) 490 0.0001 1.80 2.5

R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590 1577

Fig. 4. (a) Schematic of the FEA model used to simulate SPIF. (b) Top view of the mesh used to discretize the blank.

initial slope of the force curve and the fracture depth are found to be 3.4. FEM model of the conventional deep drawing process
matching well but excessive weakening is observed then the value
of ˇ needs to be increased. In this work three trial simulation runs To analyze the difference between SPIF and the conventional
were performed to calibrate these material parameters (Table 3). deep drawing process, the forming of the 70◦ cone with a larger
To show the quality of the damage model calibration the forming punch instead of with a SPIF tool was also simulated. A schematic
forces in the z direction obtained from experiments and simulation of the FEA model used for this simulation is shown in Fig. 6a. The
for the 70◦ cone are compared in Fig. 5a. corner radius of the punch was the same as the SPIF tool radius, i.e.,
4.75 mm, and the material properties and mesh size of the blank
3.3. Verification of the material calibration results as well as contact properties were the same as those in SPIF. In the
SPIF simulation, the outer periphery of the blank was constrained
The calibrated FEA predicted that the cone fractured at a tool so that the blank was completely fixed in the xy plane, i.e., there
tip depth of 16.1 mm in experiments as compared to a tool tip was no material draw in. The top and bottom clamps were used
depth of 14.8 mm predicted by FEA. Furthermore, the maximum to constrain motion of the unformed region of the blank in the z
thinning just before fracture was 64% from experiment and 63% direction. For the conventional forming simulation, the boundary
from simulation. The same model was then used to predict form- of the blank was not constrained, i.e., draw in was allowed. The
ing force and fracture depth for the funnel case (Fig. 2b). In this case, blank holder and the die were only used to prevent motion of the
the experimentally measured fracture depth from experiments was unformed region in the z direction. The punch was displacement
15.2 mm and that predicted by FEA was 14.5 mm. The tool z forces controlled such that if the SPIF tool tip was at a depth z at time
from experiments and simulation for the funnel are compared in t then the flat face of the punch was also at the same depth z at
Fig. 5b. The thinning before fracture was measured to be 65.8% from time t. The coefficient of friction between the fixture and the blank
experiments and 63.64% from simulation. was specified as 0.15, the same as in the case of SPIF. The punch
The forces on the tool relate to the state of stress in the mate- movement in the negative z direction was set such that the flat face
rial, maximum thinning relates to the strain experienced by the of the punch was at the same z depth as the tip of the SPIF tool at
material and the fracture height relates to how well the damage any point during the simulation. The predicted fracture depth for
evolution function (Equation (3)) incorporates the physical effects this larger punch forming case was 13.5 mm, i.e., the formed depth
that govern fracture in SPIF. It can be seen that the tool z force pre- in SPIF was greater than that in the punch forming case. The plastic
diction, the maximum thinning and the fracture depth prediction strain just before fracture was 1.43 for the conventional forming
from FEA all agree quite well with those from experiments. case, as compared to a strain of 1.83 for SPIF. Also in the punch

Fig. 5. Comparison of tool z forces between FEA and experiments for (a) 70◦ cone (b) funnel.
1578 R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590

Fig. 6. (a) Schematic of the FEA model (b) occurrence of crack predicted by FEA, for the punch forming case.

forming case fracture occurred as a continuous crack all along the It can be seen that in both the cone and the funnel cases, the dam-
circumference of the component (Fig. 6b). age variable evolves faster for element 8, i.e., on the outer side of the
A comparison of the hourglass control energy, kinetic energy sheet, than for element 1 which is on the inner side of the sheet. As a
and internal energy of deformation for SPIF and conventional form- result, in FEA the element on the outer side of the sheet is removed
ing simulations showed that the kinetic energy and hourglass first. This phenomenon was also confirmed by a visual examina-
control energy were less than 4% of the internal energy of defor- tion of the FEA results. Physically this implies that in SPIF the crack
mation. Therefore, the effects of hourglass control, mass scaling initiates on the outer side of the sheet and propagates inwards.
and artificially speeding up the tool on the simulation results was Note that in Equation (3) the damage variable D is directly propor-
negligible. tional to plastic strain εp and inversely proportional to the reference
fracture strain εf . Therefore, to investigate the reasons behind the
trends for damage evolution shown in Fig. 8, the evolution of εp and
4. Deformation analysis of incremental forming εf at sections A, B, C, D shall be examined next.

The predictions in terms of forming force, fracture depth and

4.2. Evolution of plastic strain (εp )
thickness reduction obtained from the FEM model embedded with
the fracture model provide a good foundation for further analyz-
Fig. 9 shows the evolution of plastic strain (εp ) for elements 1
ing the fundamental deformation mechanics in SPIF. The question
and 4 at sections A, B, C and D for the cone and the funnel cases.
to be answered is, which factors contribute the most to the occur-
For both the cone and the funnel cases, the plastic strain at any
rence of fracture in SPIF? This section analyses the key indicators
section is greater for the outer side of the sheet (element 8) than
that can be obtained from the FEA to answer this question. These
it is for the inner side of the sheet (element 1). This is because of
indicators are: the damage variable (D) in Section 4.1, plastic strain
local stretching and bending of the sheet around the tool which
(εp ) in Section 4.2, hydrostatic pressure (p) in Section 4.3, through-
causes the element on the outer side of the sheet (element 8) to
the-thickness shear (ε13 , ε23 ) in Section 4.4 and fracture strain (εf )
stretch more as compared to the element on the inner side (ele-
in Section 4.5. The combined effect of these indicators is analyzed
ment 1). This results in a higher plastic strain on the outer side of
in Section 4.6, to pinpoint the primary deformation mechanisms
the sheet. Since, damage accumulation is directly proportional to
affecting fracture in SPIF. All the analysis starts with an examina-
plastic strain (Equation (3)), a straightforward conclusion is that by
tion of the deformation history at four sections A, B, C and D along
itself, local bending of the sheet around the tool will attempt to increase
the profile of the deformed shapes in the simulation, section D being
damage accumulation on the outer side of the sheet as compared to
closest to the axis of symmetry of the formed component (Fig. 7a).
the inner side of the sheet.
At each of these sections the four elements through the thickness
However, attributing the damage behavior observed in Fig. 8
of the sheet are labeled ‘1’ to ‘8’, where ‘1’ is the element on the
entirely to this phenomenon would be premature. As shown in
inner side of the sheet which is in contact with the tool and ‘8’ is
Equation (3) it is not only the plastic strain εp but also the ref-
the element on the outer side of the sheet (Fig. 7b). This work con-
erence fracture strain εf that plays a role in determining damage
centrates on examining the deformation of elements 1 and 8 at each
accumulation. The following sections will explore this facet further
of the four sections A, B, C and D. The key deformation indicators
by examining in greater detail the factors that affect εf , i.e., hydro-
mentioned above are plotted versus the z displacement of the tool
static pressure in Section 4.3 and through-the-thickness shear in
Section 4.4.

4.1. Damage evolution indicated by damage index (D) 4.3. Hydrostatic pressure (p)

The damage plasticity model uses a damage variable D to sig- The evolution of hydrostatic pressure (p) in forming the cone
nify the accumulation of damage and loss of the material’s ability and the funnel is shown in Fig. 10. The hydrostatic pressure, p, is
to take stresses during deformation. An element is removed when positive on the outer side of the sheet (i.e., element 8) and negative
the damage variable D reaches a value of 1.0 and a crack is said to on the inner side of the sheet (i.e., element 1). This is because once
occur at a location where all elements through the thickness of the the tool has passed over a certain region of the sheet, that region of
sheet have been removed. Since we are interested in the occurrence the sheet undergoes local springback. This results in the hydrostatic
of fracture therefore, in this sub-section, the evolution of damage pressure on the outer side becoming positive and on the inner side
variable, D, in SPIF will be examined first. Fig. 8a and b show the becoming negative. This effect is seen more clearly by examining
evolutions of the damage variable D from section A to section D for the hydrostatic pressure contours in a certain region of the blank at
the cone and the funnel, respectively. consecutive time steps during the simulation, as shown in Fig. 11. In
R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590 1579

Fig. 7. (a) Schematic of sections A, B, C and D along the component wall at which the deformation history from FEA is examined. (b) Nomenclature of elements through the
thickness of the sheet (contours of damage variable D shown).

Fig. 8. Evolution of damage variable D at sections A, B, C, and D for the (a) 70◦ cone (b) funnel shape.

Fig. 9. Evolution of plastic strain εp at sections A, B, C, and D for the (a) 70◦ cone (b) funnel shape.
1580 R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590

Fig. 10. Evolution of hydrostatic pressure at sections A, B, C, and D for the (a) 70◦ cone, (b) funnel shape.

the contours shown in Fig. 11a the highlighted region of the blank is (1 + kp p)1/n in Equation (5) will be greater than 1.0 for element 8
in contact with the tool. Fig. 11b shows the same region of the blank and lesser than 1.0 for element 1.
after the tool has passed over this region and local springback has
occurred. It can be seen that the local springback results in negative 4.4. Through-the-thickness shear (εzx , εzy )
hydrostatic pressure on the inner side of the sheet and positive
hydrostatic pressure on the outer side of the sheet. Since the Lode angle  L , in Equation (5) denotes the shear com-
In terms of the effect of hydrostatic pressure (p) on εf (Equa- ponent of the stress it is also worthwhile to look at the shear stresses
tion (5)), the trends shown in Fig. 11 mean that the pressure term in SPIF. Along the direction of the tool motion (i.e., along the hoop

Fig. 11. Contours of hydrostatic pressure on the deformed blank at simulation time of (a) 2.3885 s (b) 2.3942 s.
R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590 1581

Fig. 12. Evolution of through-the-thickness shear along the tool motion direction (εzx ) at sections A, B, C, D for the (a) 70◦ cone (b) funnel shape.

direction of the component) the tool drags the material along with for element 8. This is to be expected since the hydrostatic pressure
it, causing a through-the-thickness shear εzx . Fig. 12 shows that εzx is negative for element 1 and positive for element 8 in both cases
increases from sections A to D and is higher on the inner side of the (Fig. 10). Therefore, if the Lode angle terms for elements 1 and 8
sheet, i.e., for element 1 than for element 8. are comparable, the product term for element 8 should be higher
Since a spiral toolpath is being used, the tool continuously moves than that for element 1. This should in turn cause an increase in the
down in the z direction while moving in the x and y directions and corresponding εf for element 8. However, Figs. 14 and 15 show that
therefore drags material in a direction perpendicular to the tool- for both the cone and the funnel the modification term is actually
path as well. Fig. 13 shows the evolution of through-the-thickness lower on the outer side of the sheet (element 8) than it is on the side
shear in a direction perpendicular to the tool motion, i.e., εzy . Again, in contact with the tool (element 1). This is because in-spite of the
shear is greater on the inner side of the sheet as compared to increasing pressure term the Lode angle term is so dominant that it
the outer side of the sheet. Note that there are three important reduces the modification term more significantly on the outer side
trends associated with shear, i.e., (1) greater shear on the inner of the sheet.
side of the sheet, (2) increase in shear along the toolpath motion Since the Lode angle is representative of the deviatoric com-
with deformation depth, and (3) shear along the toolpath direction ponent of the stress, this difference in Lode angle terms can
being greater than shear in a direction perpendicular to the tool- be attributed to the difference in through-the-thickness shears
path motion. All these trends have been shown in the past work of between the outer and inner sides of the sheet (Figs. 12 and 13).
Jackson and Allwood (2009). The effects of the observed trends of Therefore, it is the through-the-thickness shear and not the hydro-
hydrostatic pressure and through-the-thickness shear on εf will be static pressure which dominates evolution of the reference fracture
discussed below. strain εf in SPIF. Furthermore, since εf is inversely proportional to the
damage variable D, taken by itself, higher εf on the inner side of the
4.5. Reference fracture strain (εf ) sheet will cause retardation in damage accumulation on the inner side
of the sheet as compared to the outer side.
In the present material model εf depends on the hydrostatic Therefore it can be said that higher shear on the inner side of the
pressure p and the on the shear, via the Lode angle  L as shown sheet is a deformation mechanism which will try to reduce dam-

in Equation (5). The product term [(1 + kp p) ( 3/2 cos  L )](1/n) , in age accumulation on the inner side of the sheet as compared to
Equation (5), signifies the combined effect of the hydrostatic pres- the outer side. This also correlates well to past work by (Allwood
sure and the Lode angle of the current stress state on εf . To examine et al., 2007) which proposed that greater shear can enhance
the individual effects of p and  L , this product term is split up into a formability.

pressure term (1 + kp p)(1/n) and a Lode angle term ( 3/2 cos  L )(1/n) .
The evolution of these factors with plastic strain is individually plot-
ted (Figs. 14 and 15 respectively), for elements 1 and 4, at section D, 4.6. Combined effect of local bending and through-the-thickness
i.e., where the through-the-thickness crack first begins. Note here shear
that a higher value of the product term implies a higher εf which in
turn means that damage accumulation is retarded, and vice versa. The analysis performed till now has shown two deformation
It can be observed that for both the cone and the funnel the mechanisms, which drive damage accumulation in SPIF. These
pressure term is lesser than 1.0 for element 1 and greater than 1.0 mechanisms are as follows:
1582 R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590

Fig. 13. Evolution of through-the-thickness shear perpendicular to the tool motion direction (εzy ) at sections A, B, C, and D for the (a) 70◦ cone (b) funnel shape.

Fig. 14. Comparison of modification factor, pressure factor and Lode angle terms for 70◦ cone.

Fig. 15. Comparison of modification factor, pressure factor and Lode angle terms for the funnel shape.
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1. Local bending of the sheet around the tool, which causes greater However, Figs. 8a and 16a show that in comparison to con-
εp on the outer side of the sheet. The effect is to increase damage ventional forming, damage accumulation is much higher in SPIF.
accumulation on the outer side of the sheet. Comparing the ratio of plastic strain to fracture strain at sections A,
2. Through-the-thickness shear, which is lower on the outer side B, C, D for SPIF and the punch forming case (Fig. 19) shows that the
of the sheet and causes εf to be lower on the outer side of the ratio (εp /εf ) is much higher in SPIF than in conventional forming.
sheet. The effect is to further increase damage accumulation on Therefore, in-spite of a higher value of εf , the value of εp is so
the outer side of the sheet than on the inner side of the sheet. much higher in SPIF that it overwhelms the effect of higher εf .
Essentially, while greater shear in SPIF does attempt to retard dam-
The cumulative effect of these phenomena is to increase damage age accumulation as compared to conventional forming, greater
accumulation on the outer side of the sheet causing the crack to local bending in SPIF overwhelms this effect and causes greater
begin on the outer side of the sheet. Therefore, it is a combination of damage accumulation. This should result in the formability in
local bending and through-the-thickness shear that governs evolution SPIF being reduced as compared to conventional forming, which
of damage, failure occurrence and the crack initiation location in SPIF. does not happen. Therefore, increased shear only partially explains
increased formability in SPIF as compared to conventional forming.
The obvious question that arises is, if damage accumulation is
5. “Noodle” theory for fracture in SPIF
greater in SPIF then what is the reason for increased formability
in SPIF? The answer is obtained by comparing material instability
As mentioned in Section 3, the forming of the 70◦ cone with a
between SPIF and conventional forming, which will be discussed
larger punch was also simulated and the predicted fracture depth
was about 2 mm lesser than that of the same cone simulated using
SPIF. This section attempts to uncover the reasons behind this
5.3. Increased formability in SPIF: the ‘noodle’ theory
increased formability in SPIF by comparing the deformation history
in SPIF to that in the punch forming case in Section 5.1 followed by
As described in Section 3, the material model used in this
a description of the proposed “noodle” theory in Section 5.3.
work also incorporates material localization in the form of dif-
fused and localized necking. Examining these predictions provides
5.1. Deformation mechanisms in punch forming case an explanation for the increased formability in SPIF as compared to
conventional forming. Note that here material localization refers to
Fig. 16a shows that for the larger punch forming case damage the onset of material instability. Jackson and Allwood (2009) men-
accumulation for both elements 1 and 4 is the same. Fig. 16b shows tioned localization of deformation from a more widely distributed
that the plastic strain on either side of the sheet is similar as well. area to a local area around the tool contact zone as the formed
Examining the shear strains at sections A, B, C and D (Fig. 17) structure became more rigid. However, by localization they meant a
shows that the shear is several orders of magnitude smaller than in geometric concentration of deformation into the local contact area
SPIF, indicating that the dominant deformation mechanism in the around the tool. The geometric concentration of deformation into
larger punch forming case is tension along the component wall. a local area around the tool contact may or may not cause material
Observe that in Fig. 16a, i.e., in the punch forming case, the plastic instability.
strain and damage are concentrated at section D. Also there is a Figs. 20 and 21 show the localization contours, z depths and
sudden increase in the plastic strain and damage rate at section plastic strains for the punch forming case and SPIF, respectively.
D at a z displacement of around 11 mm. In comparison, in SPIF In the localization flag plots, the localization flag has a value of 1.0
(Figs. 8a and 9a) the plastic strain and the damage are much higher (blue color) when the material is in a diffused necking state and a
very early on during the deformation, accumulate more uniformly value of 3.0 (red color) when the material has reached a localized
along sections A, B, C and D and at no point there is a sudden increase necking state (i.e., local shear bands have formed). The contours
in the plastic strain rate or damage rate. Physically this means that shown in (a) are at the onset of diffused necking, in (b) are at the
in SPIF plastic strain and damage are spread out more evenly along onset of localized necking and in (c) are just before fracture occurs.
the formed component wall as compared to the punch forming case. Fig. 20a and b show that in the punch forming case diffused
necking begins at a z depth of 8.0 mm and localized necking begins
5.2. Impact of shear on increased formability in SPIF at about 11.0 mm. Once localized necking starts, the plastic strain
becomes highly concentrated into this unstable region of the mate-
The objective of this sub-section is to compare fracture in SPIF rial, till fracture occurs in this region (Fig. 20c) leading to fracture
and in conventional forming, and to answer the question, “Does within about 2.6 mm (i.e., at a z depth of 13.6 mm). This phe-
greater shear in SPIF as compared to conventional forming com- nomenon of localized necking being followed rapidly by fracture
pletely explain the higher formability observed in SPIF?” is a very well documented phenomenon in conventional forming
Fig. 17 shows that shear in conventional forming is negligible as processes. In fact the prevention of localized necking has been a
compared to shear in SPIF (Figs. 12 and 13). Past work has noted well known way of preventing failure in conventional forming pro-
this fact (Jackson and Allwood, 2009) and it has also been pro- cesses.
posed (Allwood et al., 2007; Allwood and Shouler, 2009) that this In contrast, in SPIF diffused necking begins earlier at a z depth
increased shear in SPIF might be the reason for increased forma- of around 5.4 mm and localized necking begins at around 8.4 mm
bility in SPIF as compared to conventional forming. Plotting the (Fig. 21a and b) respectively. This earlier onset of diffused necking
components of the fracture envelope for the punch case and the can be attributed to the inherently local deformation in SPIF. Local
SPIF case (Fig. 18) shows that εf is indeed much lower for the punch deformation in SPIF causes greater plastic strains to be induced
case as compared to SPIF, especially on the inner side of the sheet. in the material very early on as compared to the punch forming
Since the Lode factor dominates the value of εf in SPIF, and the Lode case, evident in sections A–C in Figs. 9a and 16b. This increases the
angle is indicative of shear, higher shear is the primary reason for damage rate (Figs. 8a and 16a) and weakening rate very quickly,
higher εf in SPIF. If shear were the only factor increasing formability early on during the deformation in SPIF. Since the onset of diffused
in SPIF and since εf is inversely proportional to damage (Equation necking is accelerated by greater weakening rate and damage
(3)), the result should have been lower damage accumulation in rate (Equation (6)), and early on during the deformation both of
SPIF as compared to conventional forming. these are higher in SPIF than in the punch forming case, therefore,
1584 R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590

Fig. 16. Evolution of (a) damage variable: D (b) plastic strain: εp , at sections A, B, C and D for the punch forming case.

the onset of diffused necking occurs earlier in SPIF than that in previously unstable region is lesser than it would be with a more
the conventional forming case. Consequently, the occurrence of global deformation as in the punch case. So the shear bands do
localized necking is also earlier than in the punch forming case. not grow as fast as expected. Therefore, local deformation in SPIF
If material localization is used as an indicator of fracture then one is responsible for the existence of a large localized necking region
would expect that since localized necking begins earlier in SPIF before fracture finally occurs. The effect of the previously formed
the fracture depth in SPIF would also be lower. However, this is material in SPIF undergoing localized necking without going all the
not the case. The reasons for this will now be discussed. way to fracture is that this previously formed region is able to take
A very significant difference between SPIF and the punch form- up some of the deformation caused in subsequent passes of the tool.
ing cases arises after localized necking begins. The z depth at As a result the component can be formed to a greater z depth and
fracture in SPIF is 14.81 mm, i.e., about 6.4 mm of the already formed a greater plastic strain without fracture using SPIF as compared
material is in a state of localized necking before fracture finally to the punch forming case. This effect is also seen by examining
occurs (Fig. 21c). This is more than twice that in the punch form- the plastic strain contours for both cases which show that in the
ing case. This is because, in SPIF, after the tool deforms a certain punch case (Fig. 20c) the plastic strain becomes concentrated very
region and causes localized necking it moves on and deforms new quickly into the shear bands in the localized necking region before
material. As a result the amount of deformation experienced by the fracture. However, in SPIF (Fig. 21c) the plastic strain is distributed

Fig. 17. Evolution of through-the-thickness shear along (a) hoop direction (εzx ) (b) component wall (εzy ), at sections A, B, C and D for the punch forming case.
R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590 1585

Fig. 18. Comparison of modification factor, pressure factor and Lode angle terms for 70◦ cone formed with (a) SPIF (b) large punch.

over a much larger localized necking region and has greater mag- DD . In this case, material instability would begin much earlier as
nitude before fracture, as compared to the punch case. Therefore, compared to the previous strategy (Fig. 22d). However, if s is low
the component wall has a more uniform strain distribution in SPIF. enough the localized material would not go all the way to fracture.
This phenomenon can be better understood by a simple analogy, So, after some time, when the string is being stretched at section
i.e., the so-called ‘noodle’ theory which is as follows. Consider a DD (Fig. 22e) some of the deformation would be taken up by the
single string of wheat noodles that is held at one end and then previously localized region, i.e., at sections AA , BB and CC . As a
needs to be stretched as much as possible. result, the strain would get distributed more uniformly along the
One obvious strategy is to start pulling at the free end of the entire length of the string. With the right combination of c and
string (Fig. 22a). As a result, at some location on the string the s at each section the string could be stretched to a greater length
material will begin to localize, as shown in red vertical stripes in without breaking (Fig. 22f). This is very similar to what happens in
Fig. 22b, a strain concentration will develop and eventually fracture SPIF.
will occur (Fig. 22c). This is similar to what happens in conventional It might be thought that if the previous neck is taking up some
forming. An alternate strategy would be to stretch by smaller incre- of the deformation in subsequent tool passes then it should grow.
ments all along the string. One would start at a point a little bit away The question might arise that if this is the case then why fracture
from the fixed end of the string (section AA in Fig. 22d) and stretch in SPIF does not occur at the originally formed local shear band,
by a small increment (say s), while moving the location at which instead of at the contact zone around the tool tip. The ability of
the deformation is applied by small regular increments (say c) a local shear band to share some of the subsequent deformation
towards the free end of the string (Fig. 22e), i.e., from section AA to without going to fracture depends not only on the extent of the

Fig. 19. Ratio (εp /εf ) at sections A, B, C, and D for 70◦ cone formed using (a) SPIF (b) large punch.
1586 R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590

Fig. 20. Contours of localization flag, z depth and plastic strain at (a) at onset of diffused necking (b) at onset of localized necking (c) just before fracture, for punch forming
of the 70◦ cone.

deformation but also on the location of application of the defor- that grows to fracture. Essentially, the portion of the necking region
mation. Note that in the schematic representation of the “noodle” that is responsible for sharing most of the subsequent deformation
theory shown in Fig. 22(e–f), for the SPIF strategy, the localized also moves along with the location of load application.
neck growth is more in the region near the actual section of load Further supporting evidence for the ‘noodle’ theory is provided
application. This is because as the distance of the neck from the by the plots of plastic strain shown in Figs. 9a and 16b. As men-
actual point of load application increases the ability of this neck to tioned earlier, these plots show that the plastic strain increases
share some of the deformation reduces. As a result, after the onset gradually and very regularly along the profile of the SPIF cone,
of localized necking, it is always the neck closest to the contact zone i.e., from sections A to D, indicating a more uniform distribution

Fig. 21. Contours of localization flag, z depth and plastic strain at (a) at onset of diffused necking (b) at onset of localized necking (c) just before fracture, for SPIF of the 70◦
R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590 1587

Fig. 22. (a) Stretching the string at the free end (b) material localization at a single location on the string. (c) Fracture at location of material localization. (d) Stretching the
string by s at location c from the free end (e) continuous material localization along length of the string (f) elongation to a greater length without fracture.

of plastic strain along the component wall. This also means that plastic strain on the outer side of the sheet cause greater damage
even after the tool has moved on the previously formed region accumulation on the outer side of the sheet (Fig. 8). This causes the
is actually taking up some deformation in the subsequent tool crack in SPIF to begin on the outer side of the sheet and propagate
passes. On the other hand for the punch forming case, the plastic inwards. Therefore, when considering failure in SPIF the combined
strain is concentrated at section D. In fact, at section D after a effect of both local bending and shear must be accounted for.
certain point (at which point this region is in a state of localized
necking) the plastic strain rate increases dramatically indicating a 6.2. Influence of shear on formability in SPIF as compared to
rapid concentration of strain in this region after localized necking. conventional forming
The existence of a larger localized region in SPIF is further sup-
ported by the observation of material localization all along the outer It has been proposed in the past (Allwood et al., 2007; Allwood
surface of the formed SPIF components (Fig. 23). The components and Shouler, 2009) that increased shear in SPIF could be the rea-
shown are funnels formed with an incremental depth of 0.5 mm. son for increased formability in SPIF as compared to conventional
The z depth between the localized bands was measured using a forming. This work partially supports this theory by showing that
depth gauge to be approximately 0.5 mm. Furthermore, it was visu- increased shear does increase εf in SPIF (Fig. 18) which should
ally observed during the forming process that these shear bands cause lesser damage accumulation in SPIF. At the same time, as
initiated and grew in the regions where the tool was currently in compared to conventional forming, the increase in damage accu-
contact with the sheet. Fracture always occurred at a previously mulation caused by local bending of the sheet around the SPIF tool
generated shear band closest to the current position of the tool. overwhelms the reduction in damage accumulation due to higher
shear (Fig. 19). Consequently, damage accumulation is faster in SPIF
6. Discussion than in conventional forming (Figs. 8a and 16a). Therefore, attribut-
ing the increased formability in SPIF as compared to conventional
The goal of this section is interpret the results obtained in this forming, solely to shear, might not be a complete explanation. This
work in an attempt to correlate it to work done in the past and raises the question of why formability is higher in SPIF than con-
to examine the implications of the observations made, on the SPIF ventional forming.
6.3. The “Noodle” theory of failure in SPIF
6.1. Deformation mechanisms in SPIF
Martins et al. (2008) proposed that failure in SPIF occurs by uni-
Experimental work in the past (Jackson and Allwood, 2009) has form thinning without evidence of localized necking. This work
shown that in SPIF shear along the toolpath increases with depth of shows what appears to be localized necking on the outer side of
deformation, is greater along the direction of the toolpath motion the components formed with SPIF (Fig. 23). At the same time it is
than perpendicular to it and is greater on the inner side of the important to note that the occurrence of localized necking is a fairly
sheet than on the outer side. This is supported by the current work subjective phenomenon as far as experimental observations are
(Figs. 12 and 13). Furthermore, it is shown that the outer side of concerned. It is very difficult to decide whether the occurrence of
the sheet is subjected to greater plastic strain due to local bending what might appear to be a neck is purely a geometric phenomenon,
of the sheet around the tool (Fig. 9). The lower shear and greater purely a material deformation affect or a combination of both of
1588 R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590

Fig. 23. Regions along the outer surface of SPIF components indicating material localization.

these. However, their claim that in SPIF a neck does not grow com- FLCs, which predict material localization, are unable to accurately
pletely to failure upon initiation is supported by the current work predict fracture in SPIF.
as well as shown in Section 5.3. A practical concern that arises from the observation of a larger
Emmens et al. (2009) examined formability in SPIF in terms of localized necking region in SPIF is that parts formed by SPIF will
the suppression or retardation of necking. They noted that while be severely damaged even before going into actual operation. It is
localization of material in SPIF is inevitable, the increase in forma- important to note that any material has internal voids which are
bility as compared to conventional forming can be explained in subjected to damage under even a small tensile stress. The damage
terms of mechanisms which reduce stress at the location of the evolution in general plays a more important role in final fracture
originated neck to a level below that required for further growth of compared to the damage initiation. Therefore, simply taking the
the neck. This work shows that material localization is very much an initiation of localized necking at one material point as an indica-
essential characteristic of SPIF due to the local nature of deforma- tor for damage is premature. Additionally, another relevant work
tion in the process (Figs. 20 and 21). This happens because in-spite (Agrawal et al., submitted for publication), a study on a channel part
of higher shear the accumulation of plastic strain, and therefore has shown that SPIF formed parts have a significantly longer fatigue
of damage, is much higher very early on during the deformation in life compared to parts obtained from conventional machining or
SPIF. This should cause earlier onset of material instability and frac- bending processes.
ture in SPIF as compared to conventional forming. While material
instability does begin early on, actual fracture occurs much later in
SPIF than in conventional forming. 6.4. Effect of process parameters on fracture in SPIF
A new ‘noodle’ theory is proposed that explains the increased
formability in SPIF as compared to conventional forming in-spite Process parameters such as incremental depth, tool size, tool
of the fact that damage accumulation and onset of material insta- rotation, feed rate and friction at the tool–sheet interface affect
bility is faster in SPIF. The theory goes farther than taking material both local bending and shear in SPIF. Therefore, they also control
localization as an indicator of the occurrence of fracture by ana- damage accumulation and the occurrence of localized and diffused
lyzing what happens after material localization. It is shown that necking which subsequently controls the final fracture depth. In
the inherently local nature of deformation in SPIF allows the gen- addition to predicting fracture and explaining higher formability
eration of a larger region of unstable, but not fractured, material in SPIF as compared to conventional forming, this link between
before actual failure occurs (Fig. 21). It is proposed that it is the operational parameters and the occurrence of fracture provides a
ability of this region, in essence, to share some of the deforma- powerful means to qualitatively predict the effect of operational
tion in the subsequent passes of the tool which is the root cause for parameters on fracture in SPIF.
increased formability in SPIF (Fig. 22). The fact that the crack occurs For example, plastic strain evolution is one factor that affects
around the tool contact zone instead of at the first originated neck is damage accumulation. The phenomenon of higher plastic strain
explained by the fact that the extent to which a neck grows depends on the outer side is induced by local bending of the sheet and is
on not only the extent of the subsequent deformation but also on therefore qualitatively inherent to SPIF. A change in the incremen-
the location of the application of this deformation. tal depth and the tool size, might reduce the rate at which this
This theory might also explain the reason for the inability to plastic strain and therefore damage accumulates. This will cause a
accurately predict failure in SPIF using conventional FLCs. Conven- delay in onset of diffused necking and subsequent localized necking
tional FLCs predict the occurrence of material localization. Using which would in turn lead to a greater fracture depth. This might be
FLCs to predict failure in conventional sheet forming (Filice et al., a possible explanation for the well documented observation that a
2002; Hussain et al., 2009) makes the assumption that the transi- reduction in incremental depth or tool size results in an increased
tion from material localization to fracture is so fast that keeping fracture depth.
a margin of safety from the occurrence of material localization is Whether shear or local bending dominates fracture in an SPIF
enough to prevent fracture. This assumption is true for conven- operation is a question that can only be answered subjectively
tional processes, as is shown in the simulation of the punch forming with reference to another SPIF operation with different operational
case, where material localization is quickly followed by fracture parameters. The answer depends on which operational parameters
(Fig. 20). However, for SPIF the transition from material localization dominantly affect plastic strain and shear strain and by how much,
to actual fracture is much slower in SPIF than in conventional form- and on which parameters are different between the two operations
ing due to the local nature of deformation in the process. This is why being compared.
R. Malhotra et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 1573–1590 1589

7. Conclusions through-the-thickness shear there are other effects that should

also be incorporated to obtain an even more accurate picture of
This work uses a fracture model in FEA to predict forming forces, damage evolution and fracture in SPIF. In the near future kine-
thinning and fracture in SPIF. The material model is calibrated using matic hardening and sheet anisotropy will be incorporated into
the forming force history for a cone shape and validated using a the fracture model. Furthermore, the undamaged flow stresses
funnel shape by comparing experimental forming forces, thinning may depend on strain rate when strain rate sensitive materials,
and fracture depths with predicted values from FEA. Additionally, like stainless steel, are used with high feed rates and high spindle
to compare SPIF to a conventional forming case, the forming of the speeds, which will also be considered. Future work will also focus
same cone with a larger punch is also simulated using the same on a more detailed mesh convergence analysis as well as inde-
material model. It is shown that the fracture depth in SPIF is greater pendent calibration of the fracture model parameters without
than that in the punch forming case. Eight elements through the using SPIF experiments. Furthermore, experiments and simula-
thickness of the sheet are used and it is ensured that hourglass tions will be conducted to examine and exploring the effects of
control, mass scaling and speeding up of the tool have a negligible various operational parameters and shape types on the occur-
effect on the simulation results. The deformation mechanisms in rence of fracture with the objective of improving formability in
SPIF are found to correlate well to past experimental results, in a the process even further.
qualitative manner.
The deformation mechanisms in SPIF are analyzed in-depth Acknowledgements
using results from FEA. The following are the main conclusions:
The authors of this work gratefully acknowledge the support
1. Fracture in SPIF is controlled by both local bending and shear. provided by the National Science Foundation (CMMI-0758607 and
Local stretching and bending of the sheet around the hemi- CMMI-0727843) for this work.
spherical end of the tool cause higher plastic strain on the outer
side of the sheet, which increases damage on the outer side as References
compared to the inner side of the sheet. Greater through-the-
thickness shear on the inner side of the sheet also has a similar Agrawal, A., Ziegert, J., Smith, S., Woody, B., Cao, J. Study of dimensional repeatability
and fatigue life for deformation machining bending mode. Submitted to ASME
effect on damage accumulation. The combined effect of these Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology for publication.
two phenomena is the initiation of the crack on the outer side of Allwood, J.M., Shouler, D.R., 2009. Generalized forming limit diagrams showing
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