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1. Pick the same time everyday, make sure its quiet

and you can concentrate ( before bed or before you get
up in the morning is usually good)

2. Do breathing exercises to relax, count down from

100 ( tell yourself when you reach 1 you will be in a
hypnotic trance )

3. Once you reach 1, tell yourself the script over and

over again.

4. I suggest you use this script:

Everyday, and in everyway,
I BECOME extraordinarily better at
mastering and applying the psychic
seduction techniques.
I am confident in my psychic ability,
and with each breath I take, my
psychic abilities become more

5. Don't deviate from the script as in saying "I am

becoming better", or you will program yourself to be
in a perpetual state of transition instead of
actually being a master.

6. repeat the script 7 times in a very assertive

voice ( mentally or literally )
I suggest you keep the script simple. Do it everyday
at the same time for 21 days in a row. Under NO
circumstance can you miss/skip a day.

well here it is, I kept it simple and short, if any of

you want me to go into heavy explainations as to why
etc etc, just email me, but for now I assumed you just
wanted this.

After you complete this I'll tell you the psychic

techniques used to control women against their will.
However, if you do follow through with this, you
really won't need any help from me. think of this
script as "steroids" for your psychic muscles ( well
steroids without the negative side effects).

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