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A decision-
An executing
Chapter 1: Management Orientation Nature making

− The art & science of planning, Middle &

Level Top level
organizing, directing & controlling Lower level
human efforts & resources for the
general good within the organizational
framework and economic environment
of the company.

− An art of getting things done through
others by directing their efforts towards
the achievement of pre-determined
goals of the company.
− The process of dealing with or
controlling things or people.
− Getting the work accomplished through
the efforts of other people.
− A process which brings together • Use of strategic planning both in
resources & unites them in such a way hospital & community settings resulted
that, collectively, they achieve goals to
and objectives in the most efficient − Higher sales & profitability
manner possible (Tootelian and − Can offer more clinical or value-
Gaedeke, 1993). added services
− Better administrative, distributive
& clinical performance especially
− The process or activity of running a in hospitals
business or an organization (Webster) • Interdependence among departments
− Act of managing duties, responsibilities, resulted to positive impact on the
or rules. commitment of pharmacists
− It is concerned with formulation of • Pharmacists need more training during
broad objectives, plans, & policies their professional education in order to
reach excellence in clinical service
MANAGEMENT versus ADMINISTRATION • A good pharmacy manager will gain
from a deepen sensitivity towards the
need of all patients & efforts to carry
Basis Management Administration product that attracts a specific
• The management-minded pharmacist
A doing A thinking looks for other chances to bring an
Function additional income & decrease
function function
expenses, effectively purchase &
Decides who Decides what maintain proper level of inventory &
should do it is to be done have appropriate amount & type of
& how to do & when it is to personnel needed to do the job
it be done

Magtoles, L.A
BSPh 1-B
PHARMACY MANAGEMENT Different areas of Organizing

• A science and an art • Financial resources

− Can use scientific rationale • Human resources
− Everything he does on the • Material resources
working area reflects the
outcome of the organization
− Finding the best personnel fitted for the
1. Planning − Involves human resource needs of
2. Organizing pharmacy
3. Staffing
4. Directing
5. Controlling − Involves keeping personnel & other
resources motivated on the goals of the
pharmacy & ensuring that they are used
in a manner consistent with the policies
established by the owner

− Involves periodic assessments of the
− Includes assessment of internal goals status of the pharmacy
− Most critical element of management − Ways in which control can be
− Formulate company objectives maintained
✓ Long term ✓ Quantitative
✓ Short term ✓ Qualitative

Activities of Planning Manager’s Roles

• developing objectives • Interpersonal roles

• forecasting − Leadership role
• programming − Figurehead role
• scheduling − Liaison role
• budgeting • Informational roles
• developing policies − Monitor role
• establishing procedures − Spokesperson role
− Disseminator role
ORGANIZING • Decisional roles
− Process of identifying all tasks to be − Resource allocator role
performed within the pharmacy & then − Disturbance handler role
grouping them in logical way − Negotiator role
− Steps involved in organizing − Entrepreneurship role
✓ Grouping of people & Types of Managers
identification of the work to be
done According to Personality
✓ Delegation of authority &
1. Pragmatic and the Theoretical
✓ Establishment of relationships
− Job content-oriented and become the
among people and tasks
planners and thinkers in an organization

Magtoles, L.A
BSPh 1-B
2. Workaholic and Carefree managers
− Process-oriented; Concerned with how
best to do a job; Often the
implementers and doers in the
3. Reconciler managers
− Extremely resilient and highly adaptable

According to Management Level

1. Top managers
2. Middle managers
3. First-level managers

Magtoles, L.A
BSPh 1-B

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