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the respiratory system consists of 2 parts, namely the top and bottom

The nose or naso is the first respiratory tract. When the inhalation process takes
place, the air that is inspired through the nasal cavity will undergo three processes,
namely filtering, warming, and humidifying. The nose consists of the following

The outer part of the wall is made up of skin.

The middle layer consists of muscles and cartilage.
The inner layer consists of multiple folds of mucous membrane called the nasal
rock (konka nasalis), which consists of 3 pieces, namely: inferior konka nasalis,
middle nasalis media, and superior nasal concha.

2. pharynx This is a muscular tube that runs from the base of the skull to its
connection with the esophagus at the level of the cricoid cartilage. Nasopharynx
(there are pharyngeal tonsils and Eustachian tubes).

The nasopharynx lies directly behind the nasal cavity, under the base of the
crania and in front of the cervical vertebrae I and II. The nasopharynx opens the
front into the nasal cavity and down into the oropharynx. The eusthacial tube opens
into its lateral walls on each side. The pharyngeal tonsils (nasopharyngeal tonsils)
are pads of lymph tissue on the posteriosuperior wall of the nasopharynx.
Oropharynx It is a meeting of the oral cavity with the pharynx, there is the base
of the tongue). The oropharynx is a combination of the respiratory and digestive
systems, food enters the mouth and air enters the nasopharynx and lungs.
Larynx (throat)

3. Larynx (throat)
Air channels and acts as a sound generator. At the base is closed by a throat
called the epiglottis, which consists of cartilage bones that function when
swallowing food by closing the larynx.
Located in the midline of the front of the neck, inside the skin, the tyroideal
glands, and several small muscles, and in front of the laryngopharynx and the
upper part of the esophagus.
4. Trachea or windpipe
It is a flexible tube with a length of approximately 10 cm by a width of 2.5 cm.
The trachea runs from the cartilage cricoidea down at the front of the neck and
behind the manubrium sterni, ending at the level of the sternal angle (manubrium
junction with the corpus sterni) or up to approximately the height of the fifth
thoracic vertebrates and in this place it branches into two bronchi (bronchi).
The trachea is composed of 16-20 incomplete circles filled with cartilage rings
that are bound together by fibrous tissue and which complete the circle behind the
trachea, besides that it also makes some muscle tissue.


The bronchus, which forms from the cleavage of the two tracheas at
about the height of the fifth thoracic vertebrate, has a similar structure to
the trachea and is lined by the same cell types.
The bronchi run downward and sideways towards the lung canal. The
right bronchus is shorter and wider, and more vertical than the left,
slightly higher than the pulmonary artery and expelling a major branch
passing under the artery, called the lower lobe bronchus.
The left bronchus is longer and slender than the right, and runs under
the pulmonary artery before it is split into several branches running the
upper and lower lobes.

lung Is a body organ which mostly consists of small bubbles
(alveoli). The alveolus is the place of exchange of the assinus
gas consisting of the bronchioles and the respiratory tract which
sometimes have small air pockets or alveoli on the walls. The
alveolar duct is entirely bounded by the alveoilis and the
terminal alveolar sac is the end of the lung, acini or sometimes
called the primary lobe, having a hand approximately 0.5 to 1.0
cm. There are about 20 times the branching from the trachea to
the alveolar sac. The alveoli are separated by a wall called the
pores of the kohn.
The lungs are divided into two parts, namely the right lung
which consists of 3 lobes (right superior pulmonary lobe, middle
right pulmonary lobe, inferior right pulmonary lobe) and the left
lung which consists of 2 lobes (left superior lobe and lobe
sinistra inferior).

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