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Thursday/ February 11th,

Lesson Plan 2021

Activities Materials
 Warming Up: Unit 4 (review)
Review the previous materials
 Main Activity Time
1. Doing a Ring/Grab it first 90 minutes
- Provide a bell or other thing
- Divide the class into two groups Skill
- Number each member of the group
Speaking, Translating
- Ask one of the students of each team to come to the
teacher’s desk and face the counter partner Media
- On the table, put the bell or other thing Paper, whiteboard, Special
- Ask the students some questions about the previous Conversation book
materials and the student who knows the answer must ring
the bell or grab the thing on the table and answer the Target Students
question. If the answer is right, the group gets 2 points. Level one
- Repeat the activity to all of the students
2. Teacher explains about adjectives
3. Students ask some questions
4. Students make some simple sentence with adjective
5. Students do the Vocabulary Exercise individually
6. Students and teacher discuss the answer together
7. The class is divided into two groups
8. The first group does the translation number 1-5 and the second
group does the translation number 6-10
9. Students and teacher discuss the translation together
 Closing
1. Teacher and students make a conclusion about the lesson
2. Teacher closes the class with praying together.

Head Teacher Teachers

Mimil Jamilah U Dina & U Robi’

Lesson Plan 1

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