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Thursday/ February 18th,

Lesson Plan 2021

Activities Materials
 Warming Up: Unit 4 (review)
Review the previous materials
 Main Activity Time
1. Doing a game about daily activity 90 minutes
- The class divided into two teams
- Each member of the teams must write 15 daily activities Skill
they do from morning to night on the whiteboard (in turns)
Speaking, Writing
- Each student is given time to think and write for 10 seconds
- Teachers and students discuss the results of the game from Media
each team Paper, whiteboard, Special
- The team who finish the game first will get 10 points Conversation book
2. Teachers asks students who are rarely active to answer some
questions. Target Students
3. Students ask some questions Level one
4. Students do the General Questions exercise individually
5. Students and teachers discussed the student’s answer together
6. Students are asked to memorize the vocabulary on the page 37-
7. Teachers choose the students randomly to mention the
 Closing
1. Teacher and students make a conclusion about the lesson
2. Teacher closes the class with praying together.

Head Teacher Teachers

Mimil Jamilah U Dina & U Robi’

Lesson Plan 1

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