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The Henley College

Centre Number: 62441

Gemma Caiger

Student Number: 908160

Project Title: Unit 13 documentary

Main area of activity: Documentary


When I started this course, I did not really know what I was doing in relation to filming and
editing as I had not really done anything relating to it before, because of this I had to do a lot
of trial and error in order to find out what works and what does not. This meant that when I
was at home, I would practice the techniques I would learn in lessons in order to become
more comfortable with them and be prepared for lessons. The previous units of this course
have helped me to use the skills and techniques I have learnt practically for my previous
productions. For this unit I have decided to create a documentary because for the past few
units I have mainly produced short films and I wanted to create something that I don’t have
much experience creating. Although I don’t plan on having a career in the media, the skills I
have acquired from this course such as being able to meet deadlines and being able to plan
work and potential issues ahead will still largely benefit me as a teacher.

Project Concept
I decided on my ideas because they are relevant and issues, I have strong opinions about.
These ideas include remote learning, testing/exams and school funding. By creating a
documentary on a school-based issue I hope to be able to bring awareness to the issue but
still make it interesting to my viewers. I will be interviewing teachers, teaching assistants
and students in order to get different views on the same issue. I will also be doing my own
research in preparation for these interviews which will be focussed on the issue itself, how
the issue effects schools and students in general and how it effects primary and secondary
schools specifically. I have decided to do my production on a school-based issue because in
my opinion they do not get spoken about as much as they should since in most instances
since the ramifications of the issues effect student’s ability to learn. Arguably many people
who watch my production may not actually be interested in the topic of my production
since it is a school-based issue so in order to make it engaging I will try and make it relatable
to my target audience which is 16–24-year-olds. To do this I will talk about instances where
they would have encountered the issue potentially unbeknownst to them as well as include
visuals they will recognise.


In order to document and evaluate my work I will be completing weekly blogs at the end of
each week detailing what work I have completed each week. I will also show how/if I
change any aspects of my work by showing the before and after of the document explaining
what I changed and why I changed it. I will be using all this information when writing up my
final evaluation. I will also be getting written feedback from my marking teacher at the start
of each week explaining what I need to improve on from the previous week so that I can
work on it. I will be making a note of each of my improvements in order to include them in
my final evaluation. As well as written feedback I will also be getting verbal feedback which
I will also take notes from in order to make the relevant improvements. I will be pitching my
idea and presenting my production in order to get written and verbal feedback from my
peers which will also be used when I am writing my final evaluation.

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