Jan Edvard P. Ogena 2Csd: 1. What Does The Performer Trying To Portray in The Performance?

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Jan Edvard P.



Men’s Traditional and Non-Traditional Performance Movement Analysis

1. What does the performer trying to portray in the performance?

As I watched the video, My point of view of the video is that they are showing what traditional hand-to-
hand combat looks like during earlier times. The performance was good and very solid throughout the
video, On the other hand, the non-traditional has similar characteristics with the traditional in
portraying combat and such but it has a more cultural vibe because it is performed with music which
made the performance richer and more artistic and made the execution of the moves in sync with the

2. Describe the performer’s presentation based on the following criteria?


a. Coordination of Movements- The movements of the performer were perfectly synchronized with his
body, In the video I observed the effort of the performer on how he delivers it with finesse, discipline
and proficiency.

b. Artistic Execution- I believe that the strong and eager emotion brought about by the performer

showcases a strong appeal to the audience by making us feel the eagerness and enthusiasm within

him. The delivery of the moves combined with the performer’s solid emotion led to a good performance
for the audience, It indulged the audience with artistry and energy because of the performance.

c. Bearing and Stage Presence- The people who performed in the video was very flashy from the way
he dresses with the costume and all and with his flawless performance, I myself was in awe when I
watched the video and I think that is what the audience felt, They were focused on the performance.

d. Degree of Difficulty- In my observance of the performance, I really believe that what the performer is
doing is very hard for a normal person to do and yet the performer delivered it effortlessly, Showing that
he mastered the movements and with full confidence.

e. Creativity Although some of the moves may look common amongst different movements that are
seen in our daily lives, You will notice the uniqueness of his actions that makes the performance
worthwhile and proves that it is an art.


a. Coordination of Movements- The performer mustered a lot of concentration of his movements with
the music making it very intimidating for the audience and letting the performance have a strong
presence that inspires the audience because of the lively vibe.
b. Artistic Execution- The performance was executed artistically because of combination of precise
movements with the solid music, Showing the performer’s mastery of his movements.

c. Bearing and Stage Presence- The performance was overall very passionate in how it is presented and
with the music it made the presence of the performance very intimidating and lively.

d. Degree of Difficulty- The performance depicted a solid amount of discipline and synergy with the
movements accompanied with music showing an awful high level of difficulty because for all we know
performing with music is hard.

e. Creativity - They presented freely some martial art moves and they were able to show original and
different movements.

3. Evaluate the overall presentation of the performer.


- The overall performance that is shown in the Traditional Movement Analysis was high-tier and it raises
the flag of us Filipinos because of its original style of fighting that only Filipinos invented, The
movements were all full of emotion and finesse and discipline, but more importantly, it has shown that
real art of Filipino’s way of combat.


- The performance of Non-Traditional has let the people feel what it is like to see a combat In a more
artistic way because it is performed with music making it very unique and showing how dedicated the
performer is because it needs a lot of concentration when performing with music because for me it is

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