Borderlands - Gloria Anzaldúa

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Aral hoot, Gloria Anzaldita Borderlands La Frontera 2 K With an introduction by Sonia Saldtvar-Hlull Second Edition Aunt Lute Books Sali FRANCISCO Copyright (e) 1987, 1999 by Glodia Anzaldia CCopycight ¢e)1999 by Karin Tas All rights reserved Second Edition 10987654321 ‘Aunt Lute Books 20, Box 410687 Sen Francisco, CA 94141 “atoly Relies” frst appeared in Conditions tx, 1980. Cervcide” fst appeared in Labyrs, A Feminist Aris Journal Vol 4, No TT, Wier 1985. “Bn el nombre de todas las madres que ban perdido sus hjosen la guerra” fist appested in IKON: Creativity and Change, Second Series, No. 4, 1985, Fst Edition Cover and Text Design: Pamela Wilson Desiga Studio Second Ealtlon Cover Re-Design: Kajun Design Fst Edtion Cover Art: Pamela Wilson (Bhéeatl,The Wind) Second Elton Typesetting: Kathleen Wilkinson. Sentor Eator: Joan Pinkwoss Managing Editor: Shay Brawn Production, Second Editon: Emma Blanchi, Corey Cohen, Gina Gemelo, Shabara Godfrey, Golda Sargento, Pimplla Thanaporn Production, First Edition: Cindy Cleary, Martha Davis, Debra DeBondt, Rosana Francescato, Amelia Gonzales, Lorine Grassano, Ambrosia Marva, Papusi Molina, Sukey Wider, Kathleen Wilkinson Printed in the US.A Library of ongress Cataloging in-Publiation Data Ancalda, Gloria, ‘Borderlands: the new mestiza = La fronters/ Gloria Azali {nuoductioa by Sonia Saldivar Hull. ~~ 2nd ed. p. 264 cm. Eaglish and Spanish. Includes bibliographical references ISBN 1-879960-57-5 clot). |. Mexican-American Border Region--Poetry. 2. Mexican-American swomen--Pocty. 3. Mexican-American Border Reglon-Civlization Ete mr Te Foner Ps BSSSLAVSBE 1999 25st aur Senden TNas | R56 Be o 243136 [9% Acknowledgments To you who walked'with me upon my path and who held ‘out a hand when I stumbled; to you who brushed past me at crossroads never to touch, ‘me again; ‘to you whom I never chanced to meet but who inhabit bor

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