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PAIRS = b18 b19r b20r b21r WITH a18 a19r a20r a21r

Paired Sample Statistics

Std. S.E.
N Mean Deviation Mean
Pair During the period of online learning, people around me tend to think that it is a good thing to know English. 58 4.45 .⁠6 8 .⁠0 9
1 During the period of offline and blended learning, people around me tended to think that it was a good thing 58 4.34 .⁠6 9 .⁠0 9
to know English.
Pair During the period of online learning, I don’t think that English is an important subject. - r 58 4.22 1.01 .⁠1 3
2 During the period of offline and blended learning, I didn’t think that English was an important subject. - r 58 4.16 1.06 .⁠1 4
Pair During the period of online learning, my parents do not consider English an important subject. - r 58 4.33 1.03 .⁠1 4
3 During the period of offline and blended learning, my parents did not consider English an important subject. 58 4.24 1.17 .⁠1 5
Pair During the period of online learning, my parents do not consider English an important subject. - r 58 4.57 .⁠9 4 .⁠1 2
4 During the period of offline and blended learning, learning English made me fear that I would feel less 58 4.52 .⁠8 8 .⁠1 2
Indonesian because of it. - r

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.
Pair During the period of online learning, people around me tend to think that it is a good thing to know English. & During the 58 .⁠3 76 .⁠0 04
1 period of offline and blended learning, people around me tended to think that it was a good thing to know English.
Pair During the period of online learning, I don’t think that English is an important subject. - r & During the period of offline and 58 .⁠5 10 .⁠0 00
2 blended learning, I didn’t think that English was an important subject. - r
Pair During the period of online learning, my parents do not consider English an important subject. - r & During the period of 58 .⁠6 28 .⁠0 00
3 offline and blended learning, my parents did not consider English an important subject. - r
Pair During the period of online learning, my parents do not consider English an important subject. - r & During the period of 58 .⁠9 08 .⁠0 00
4 offline and blended learning, learning English made me fear that I would feel less Indonesian because of it. - r

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. S.E. Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)
Pair During the period of online learning, people around me tend to .⁠1 0 .⁠7 7 .⁠1 0 -.⁠1 0 .⁠3 0 1.03 57 .⁠3 08
1 think that it is a good thing to know English. - During the period
of offline and blended learning, people around me tended to
think that it was a good thing to know English.
Pair During the period of online learning, I don’t think that English is .⁠0 7 1.02 .⁠1 3 -.⁠2 0 .⁠3 4 .⁠5 1 57 .⁠6 10
2 an important subject. - r - During the period of offline and
blended learning, I didn’t think that English was an important
subject. - r
Pair During the period of online learning, my parents do not consider .⁠0 9 .⁠9 6 .⁠1 3 -.⁠1 7 .⁠3 4 .⁠6 8 57 .⁠4 97
3 English an important subject. - r - During the period of offline
and blended learning, my parents did not consider English an
important subject. - r
Pair During the period of online learning, my parents do not consider .⁠0 5 .⁠3 9 .⁠0 5 -.⁠0 5 .⁠1 6 1.00 57 .⁠3 22
4 English an important subject. - r - During the period of offline
and blended learning, learning English made me fear that I
would feel less Indonesian because of it. - r

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