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Fast food’s effects on Obesity in Hispanic American Children

Poor Eating Choices

 According to the CDC National Center for Health Statistics,
Hispanic-black and Hispanic children consume significantly
higher percentage of daily calories from fast food.
 Hispanic black (21.5%) and Hispanic (18.5%) adolescents in the
12-19 age group consumed a significantly large amounts of
calories from fast food compared to non-Hispanic white

Nicholas Mellor
September 20th, 2020
Figure 3. Mean percentage of calories from fast food on a given day
among children and adolescents aged 2–19 years, by race and Hispanic
origin and age: United States, 2015–2018

Lack of Nutritional Awareness

 Over $500 million are spent in unhealthy food advertisement on Spanish

language channels compared to $18 million for dairy products and $0 for fruits
and vegetables. Less than 3% of food ads on Spanish-language channels relate
to healthy food
 Lack of healthy food advertisement could negatively effect children and young
adults’ nutritional choices. Continued consumption of high calorie fast food will
lead to individual being overweight or obese.

Obesity and Increased Risk of Diseases

 According to CDC Childhood Obesity Facts, Hispanics (25.8%) and non-

Hispanic blacks (22.0%) had a higher obesity prevalence in children compared
to 14.1% of Non-Hispanic whites and 11% non-Hispanic Asians.
 According to 2017 YRBS Data, 19.5% of Hispanic children were overweight
compared to 14% of non-Hispanic White children. In addition, 18.2% of
Hispanic children were obese compared to 12.5 % of Non-Hispanic White
 Obesity can increase your risk of chronic illness or conditions: diabetes, high
blood pressure, arthritis, inflamed veins and blood clots
 Increased chances of developing cancer
 Damaging effects on you circulatory, respiratory, digestive and central nervous
Work Cited

Childhood Obesity Facts. (2019, June 24). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from

Fryar, C. D., Carroll, M. D., Ahluwalia, N., & Ogden, C. L. (2020, August 14). Fast Food Intake
Among Children and Adolescents in the United States, 2015–2018. Retrieved
September 17, 2020, from

Obesity and Hispanic Americans. (2020, March 26). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from

Nicholas Mellor
September 20th, 2020
Nicholas Mellor
September 20th, 2020

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