BSBWOR502 - Assessment Task Student Name: - Student ID

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BSBWOR502 – Assessment task

Student name: ______________

Student ID: ________________
Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3
Task 1.................................................................................................................................... 4
Part 1: detailed performance plan (appendix 1)..................................................................4
Part 2: Team Policies and Procedures:...............................................................................5
Part 3: Meeting notes..........................................................................................................5
Part 4 – Third-party report for candidate:............................................................................6
Task 2.................................................................................................................................... 7
part 1 – plan team meeting.................................................................................................7
Part 2 – Type of meeting.....................................................................................................7
Part 3 – meetings discussions............................................................................................7
Task 3.................................................................................................................................... 9
Part 1 – consolation with manager......................................................................................9
Part 2 – team meeting participation....................................................................................9
Part 3 – team performance report.......................................................................................9
Part 4 – third party reports................................................................................................10
References........................................................................................................................... 11
The manual system is getting old, and the computer system is taking over the global system.
Everything manual is being converted into an online portal or websites. Online Business has
more advantages compared to the traditional system. It has reduced costs, reduced staff
requirements, the saturated marketplace, and flexibility. The same is the case here, and our
company should also evolve in the same way. To achieve this task, the idea of developing
an online website for clothing and footwear customized shopping should be considered.

Through this system, the customers will be able to customize their outfits based on fabric,
accessories, paintings. The customer can choose their particular fabric, what color they want
if they want any buttons or extra accessories they can put in their item. Another choice is
that they can order a graphic based item. They can add a logo, a graphic portrait on their
item of clothing. The prices will be calculated based on the rates of items and fabric they
use. They will get their clothing item shipped to their homes.

For this idea to be achieved successfully, we will need teams of people to build up the online
system. Some will handle the back end programming, some will do the user interface part,
and there will be one graphic designer needed for the graphic designing orders. Who will be
hired full time, whereas all the other will only help in building the system or handling any
technical issues of the system?
Task 1
Part 1: detailed performance plan (appendix 1)
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Analyzing Customers' I am designing the Advertising, Getting
needs and collecting efficient layout of the a response from the
all essential and website that would customers, and
relevant information easily be accessible by improvement.
necessary for starting the customers.
the online business.

This task depends This task depends on The management

upon the marketing web designers. employees take this
employees. task care.

Timeline required by The timeline for this The timeline for this
this task is 2-3 weeks task is 10-15 days. task is two months
after the release of
the business.

The responsibility of Designing team is The Supervisor

this task is under the responsible for the allocated for this
Supervisor, who completion of this task. project is
assigns each task responsible for this
relative to the task.

Public, Market, and Computer, internet, Customers/Public,

the Internet. network, and experts Market.
for designing.

After eight days of After five days since Twenty days after
Review dates
commencing the the task is assigned. the starting of the
project. survey.

To keep up to date It is planned in order to They are ensuring

about customers' make operations like whether the
KPI; Outcome
requirements. So searching a product, services provided
further processes can checking for discounts, by us are up to the
be held accordingly. buying easy for the customers'
customers to perform. satisfaction level or
Part 2: Team Policies and Procedures:
While working in a team, individual policies should be set for the team members in order to
keep the work in a systematic order. The following are some of the team policies that are set
for the team members of the organization [ CITATION Jud00 \l 1033 ].
 Each team member should stick to their task unless another group needs your direct
 Team members will keep updates about the information daily or 2
 Every Team member should complete their daily working hours
 Team members will keep the moral if the work high
 Team members will keep all the data confidential until it is released in data. And
anyone breaks the policy would be held responsible for it
 Each team should have a team representative or leader
 Once the team is done with their task, immediately start preparing a report for the
 Team members are strictly observable on the submission date of the tasks
[ CITATION Jas04 \l 1033 ]

Part 3: Meeting notes

Discussed matters of the meeting are:
1. Discussion of the project:
The main idea and concepts of the project were discussed. The employees were
given the required information for the formation of an online website and its features.
2. Discussion and preparation of rules:
Main ground rules were developed and discussed to result in better working of the
teams. These rules consist of:
 That the team members should work their tasks given to them.
 Help their team members if needed
 Update the team of the work daily
 In case of issues, immediately contact the team lead
 The team member should keep each other's morale high
3. Contract forms:
All the teams signed confidential agreement, and if anyone breaks it will be facing a
lawsuit and losing their job with extra chargers
4. Discussion of the work timeline:
All the teams were given their work timeline scheduled based on their skills. Major
points were discussed. Queries were answered.
5. Negotiations:
Any changes required in the timeline were discussed. If anyone does not have the
skills to do their required job. They were given the work accordingly.
6. Team guidelines:
Team guidelines were discussed as to how to work with a team which were
 If anyone is in need to help immediately help them in their problem
 Keep the team environment violence-free
 Keep your team updated on your work
 In a group task, make sure everyone gets their fair share in their assignment
 Do not indulge in someone else's work
7. Contingency plan:
In case of any problems with the project plan. The meeting will be held to prepare
and discuss the contingency plan. To eradicate any problems faced in the main plan
8. Penalties:
Penalties were prepared and discussed to make the work environment professional
and get the job done. These penalties were
 If anyone is not seen working in office hours, their workload will be increased
 If anyone is seen indulging themselves in someone else's assignments
unless they have asked them to, will result in complete the other's work too
 If anyone discloses any information about the project to anyone outside the
office will result in a lawsuit
 If anyone is seen doing anything unprofessional will result in suspension for
two weeks

Part 4 – Third-party report for candidate:

1. Did the candidate propose and agree on strategies for ensuring the participation of
team members? Y / N
Describe how:
Yes, the candidate agreed on strategies for ensuring team participation. Everyone is
given the tasks according to their skills, and there is no involvement in each other's
2. Did the candidate help develop policies and procedures to ensure team members
take responsibility for their work? Y / N
Describe how:
The policy and procedures were developed after group discussion, and these policies
ensure that everyone will be doing their work responsibly and will do everything
according to the plan. If not, substantial penalties will be implemented, i.e., losing
their work opportunity.
3. Did the candidate work with the group to determine a common understanding of
organizational requirements and team goals? Y / N
Describe how:
The candidates work individually when their task needs to be done but also ensure
that their team member is not stuck in their tasks. If so, help them resolve their
problem to achieve the common goal, which is to get the job done.
4. Did the candidate work with the group to determine and agree on specific duties to
support team members with assigned responsibilities? Y / N
List the candidate's support duties:
Yes, the candidate works with the group only when it was needed. The candidate did
not waste their own time or anyone else's time unless any team member requires
help. The candidates share their daily or hourly performance to boost up the team's
5. Did the candidate demonstrate knowledge of group behaviour and how to gain
consensus and work within groups to enhance team effectiveness? Y / N
Describe how the candidate demonstrated this knowledge in their interactions with
the team:
Yes, the candidate helped other team members in times of crisis and conveyed their
knowledge of work to help the team. The candidate did this by presentations or by
giving examples of their work.
Task 2
part 1 – plan team meeting
The team meeting was held as all the tasks on the timelines were checked done.
The meeting was held at the start of office hours in a conference room where all the involved
teams were invited. After the introductory section, the head or manager made sure that all
the relevant person is in the room [ CITATION Bos17 \l 1033 ].
After the roll call, each employee updated everyone on their task. They answered the
questions like what was their task? How did they do it? How long did it take? What was the
difficulty level? What were the problems they handled? After that, all the issues that the
employees faced were discussed. Everyone in the technical staff shared their set of
problems whereas me being the only graphic designer presented my set of problem, i.e., did
not have enough memory on the system I was given because of the tight budget.
Then everyone participated in giving or presenting new ideas that can help make the website
better [ CITATION HSa19 \l 1033 ].
The main idea that everyone was focusing on was to make the custom clothing of one
customer available for the public with their consent, and if that product gets popular, the
customer should get some profit.
The teams then shared their experience of working as a team and as an individual, which I
concluded very nicely as I was the only graphic designer and loved working with the people
from different departments.
The meeting ended with best wishes and luck for their future tasks, and the time for the next
meeting was selected [ CITATION LSmns \l 1033 ].

Part 2 – Type of meeting

End of task meeting. Discussion of problems teams is facing.
Meeting facilitator:
This meeting will include
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Teams update on their task
IV. Issue detected in the prepared system will be discussed
V. New ideas by any members will be discussed and check whether they are applicable
or not
VI. Everyone's feedback on their journey of working in a team or working on their tasks
VII. Any suggestions about anything will be discussed and put into practice
VIII. Adjournment

Part 3 – meetings discussions

Discussed matters of the meeting are:
1. Update of task timelines:
The team members updated everyone about their part of the assignment. What was
their task? How they did it? If you have any problems and issues, discussed it.
2. Any issues in the production:
The team faced many issues during their work
Some of these problems were:
 The system sometimes crashes if start working on the website
 The site goes blank in the middle of execution
 Some of the resources are not enough like the Linux systems are not enough
for all the team members
 The graphic designer does not have enough memory system for designing
3. New ideas:
Some members presented some new ideas like
 The website should save the custom ideas created by their customers.
 The website should also show these custom ideas on display with the
customer's consent
 The item name should be named after the customer who created the item
 If an item gets many purchases, the owner of the customized item should be
given some profit or reward
4. Feedback on your work:
Everyone had fun working their assignments as these tasks were related to their
skills. The office environment was comfortable enough, which make it easy for the
employees to work even after office hours.
5. Feedback on teamwork:
Everyone expressed their thoughts on working in a team. If they enjoyed their time.
Was it any helpful? Some members faced some problems like, i.e., they were shy
that they did not ask for any one's help. Some people were too confident that
everyone else on the team felt a little reserved and felt a little back and low.
Task 3
Part 1 – consolation with manager
Presently we need to chat with the administrator in regards to the exhibition of the gathering.
Level of the consummation of work and issues in carrying out the responsibility in the
gathering. Our gathering is confronting some specialized issues and some budgetary issues.
We cannot fix the issues concerning the planning of the site. The site page is smashed
consequently while structuring it [ CITATION All18 \l 1033 ]. So the Supervisor ought to
counsel with a specialist in web planning to take care of the issue ASAP. Else it will be an
enormous issue to the clients additionally because they cannot use it appropriately and
challenging to look through the item which they need [ CITATION Sha18 \l 1033 ].
What is more, the monetary issue concerning the setting of server space to deal with the site
and follow up with the client to refresh them for new offers? What is more, our gathering is
confronting the issue concerning the expertise bunch individuals since we have just
restricted ability individuals in the gathering, so because of it, there is delayed during the
time spent doing an errand, and it is not done legitimately too. To supplant a few individuals
with another new individual who will help in the task [ CITATION Att16 \l 1033 ].

Part 2 – team meeting participation

We need to talk with our colleagues and take his/her contemplations to take care of the
issue ASAP. We can counsel a specialist with the goal that he/she will offer guidance to us,
which will help us right now future moreover. While planning the site, we need to remember
that in not so distant future, there will increment in the number of clients in web-based
shopping. So we need to configuration page as indicated by it and back up of the site when it
crashes or hanged because of the numerous clients one after another [ CITATION Jer16 \l
1033 ]. Since this is currently the primary issue looked by all the web-based business
organization. We ought to have reinforcement for each issue which can be in a not so distant
future. We will choose the new individual as indicated by our work and his/her capability
since then we will give the task in the gathering as indicated by it, and his/her capacity will
help us in the culmination of undertaking adequately and proficiently [ CITATION Ram19 \l
1033 ]. We can take care of the money related issue by setting the restricted assets in the
server room with the goal that we can begin our online business on schedule, and when we
have finance, we will redesign our server room. However, to meet the constrained assets,
we should attempt to cut the expense of different exercises [ CITATION Sar17 \l 1033 ].

Part 3 – team performance report

While commencing this project, specific technical, financial, and social issues were faced by
the team members who were lately being resolved while keeping the vital aspect
Website Crash:
The first issue which is commonly faced is a website crash, which provides inconvenience to
the customers. Foe, this advice of an expert in web designing, would be beneficial in the
current state and also in the future.
Lack of memory space for graphical designers:
Graphical designing needs ample memory storage for its working and storage process.
Moreover, since our business idea truly depends upon graphical design, this issue was
simultaneously being faced by the team.
Financial Issue:
Budget issues were faced by the team members while advertising, expenses of web
designers, and graphical designers. A due to budget issues, we could not afford such an
extensive system containing huge memory allotment.
Therefore, to overcome the financial issue, we are using limited resources without affecting
the quality of the products.
Unskilled Employees:
The system and the working process slows down because of the lack of working skills and
experience of some employees. This has been overcome by assigning the employees under
the supervision of an expert.
Internet or network failure:
Since the entire project is based on network, therefore shut down of the network or loss
connection of the internet or browser compatibility causes slow processing of the work, for
which sometimes deadlines of specific tasks needed to be extended.
Conflict in opinion:
This is forever a prevalent issue experienced in team working. Specific ideas, opinions, and
suggestion had caused conflicts which were solved by removing the communication gaps.

Part 4 – third party reports

1. Did the candidate provide you with information from the manager? Y / N
What was the information?
Yes, the candidate provided any information needed giving by the manager relevant to
the task provided or the duties plan. The candidate conveyed us information about the
distribution of duties and assigned tasks and their submission timings.
2. Did the candidate help you to achieve goals by overcoming issues with achieving
activities on the performance plan? Y/N
Describe how:
We all know, every plan does not go perfectly. There are always some issues.
Yes, the candidate helps in resolving any issues which occur while following the
performance plan. The candidate helps and supports if any team member was behind
schedule or unable to perform their tasks.
The candidate always boosts up the team's morale and energy when the team is feeling
a little bit down or tired.
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