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Ship Trap Island

Matt Dugan, Bailee Bucko, Justin Moore

How to survive Ship Trap Island
The first step on how to survive ship trap island is to use your resources wisely.
You have to use them wisely because if you don’t you will most likely die. Last is to
take advantage of things around you.There are a lot of trees there so you can
make weapons out of it. If you do these things you will survive.
Geography of Ship Trap Island
The reason the island is called Ship Trap Island is because General Zaroff has a
lighthouse on this island that attracts ships towards it. When the water pulls the
ships in, their ships get wrecked and the men are trapped on the island.
The plants on ship trap island are mainly bushes and trees
● One location on the map is Zaroff's castle which is west
● Near Zaroff's castle there is Cossacks Cove
● Theres also Ship-Trap Channel
● Down South of the island theres Rock beach
● In the middle of the island there is Tall Trees
● The last location is Death Swamp
The game
On Ship Trap Island there is a game where Zaroff hunts people. He will give you
some food, water, a knife and some other resources.The first rule is that you you
get a 3 hour head start. Next is if you live for three days he win the game and you
can leave the island. But if he kills you before the three days are up he lost.
Hopefully he do not end up on this island.
Zaroff's chateau

● Zaroff’s Chateau is a lofty structure with pointy towers plunging upwards

● It also has very shadowy outlines
● The gate is tall and has iron spikes
● The massive door has a gargoyle for a knocker

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