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"Too Big To Fail" Takes Aim

Using Scribd
"Too Big To Fail" Takes Aim Using Scribd
October 20, 2009

The 2008 economic crash permanently altered America's approach to the stock market, and The
New York Times chief mergers and acquisitions reporter Andrew Sorkin is bringing that same
gamechanging spirit to the release of his first book, Too Big to Fail -- a play-by-play analysis of the
back room deals and lies that brought down Wall Street.

In an unusual move, Sorkin is using Scribd and his own blog to give readers access to the numerous
private source materials he used to write the book, including:

• Secret waiver granting former Goldman Sachs executive and then Secretary of the U.S. Treasury
Hank Paulson the right to negotiate a U.S. Treasury deal for Goldman despite his obvious personal gain

• Paulson's private call logs to Wall Street CEOs, President Bush, Fed Chairman Ben Bernake, and
even the finance minister of China at height of crisis

• Bullish "believe it baby!" pep talk email from Goldman Sachs trader to clients and colleagues only 24
hours before desperate Goldman merger discussions began with Citigroup

• Last minute acquisition offer letter from Wells Fargo to Wachovia, pushed through by F.D.I.C.
chairwoman despite existing Wachovia-Citigroup acquisition plans

Sorkin will publish the remaining dozen source documents over the next two weeks via his branded
Scribd reader, a technology already popular with media companies like The New York Times and
Huffington Post. To view Sorkin's secret source documents, visit or

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