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The Film opens with ISSAC leaning against a railing on the small bridge leading into the forest.

He is
playing a fighting game as he is playing the game he is approached by ETHAN who makes his way
towards him slowly and reaches a hand out as if to gesture to him give me the console. ISSAC shakes
his head and takes off his backpack to put the console away. Just as ISSAC is opening the bag ETHAN
cracks his knuckles and just as the console is being put in the bag ETHAN reaches down and grabs
ISSAC by the shoulder and pulls him back up spins him around and punches him in the face

The camera (drone pans out and zooms back in)

ISSAC turns back round from being punched and pushes ETHAN into the forest and he hits a tree
some distance away ETHAN gets up holding his back in pain but gets up slowly. ISSAC looks at his
hand s and notices that they are on fire he is shocked by this and walks over to ETHAN to check he’s
okay. However ETHAN seems to be able to ignite his fist with electricity punches ISSAC and sends
him to adjacent tree. ISSAC then puts his hands up as if to try to calm him down but ETHEN comes at
him with his electric fist and punches him in the face. The two stare at each other from opposite
sides of the path and move towards each other ETHAN throws a electric charged punched to the
stomach of ISSAC and the two swap sides of the path . ISSAC holds in stomach in pain and it appears
he is about to throw up/. However a green smokey substance comes out of his mouth not sick.
ETHAN now full of electrical energy runs at but ISSAC moves and throws ETHAN into the smoke who
when he reaches it ETHAN disappears. ISSAC walks down the path confused as to what happened at
a slow pace when suddenly ETHAN drops from the sky and performs a superhero landing and looks
up slowly surrounded with electricity ISSAC then ignites his hands with fire and adopts a fighting
stance they are some distance away but before ISSAC can react ethan teleports over to him and gets
a few punches in until ISSAC gets a shield up and knocks him back the 2 then throw a beam of their
powers forward which creates a small portal at the centre of the beam which then causes them to
be dragged in.

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