The Losario

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Francesco Polidori

The Losario
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TITLE: The Losario

AUTHOR: Polidori, Francesco


LICENSE: this text is distributed with the license

specified at the following Internet address:

TREATED BY: The Losario: heroic poem novel by

Ser Francesco Polidori / who remained
incomplete due to premature death of the author and state
reduced to an end with the addition of three songs by Gaetano
Polidori, his nephew. - Florence: Le Monnier, 1851.
- XIV, 232 p. ; 18 cm.

ISBN CODE: not available

1st ELECTRONIC EDITION OF: June 23, 2011

0: low reliability

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1: average reliability
2: good reliability
3: excellent reliability


Stefano D'Urso,

Alessandro Torti,

Catia Righi,

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General index

THE LOSARIO ................................................ .................. 5

Opinion of an Italian scholar to the publisher of LOSARIO ........... 6
RIO ................................................. ......................................... 19
THE LOSARIO ................................................ ........................... 21
FIRST SONG ................................................ .................................... 21
SECOND SONG ................................................ .......................... 45
THIRD SONG ................................................ .................................... 72
FOURTH SONG ................................................ .......................... 103
SONG FIFTH ................................................ .............................. 130
SONG SIXTH ................................................ ................................... 158
SEVENTH SONG ................................................ ............................. 185
SONG EIGHTH ................................................ .............................. 210
CANTO NONO ................................................ .................................. 232
SONG TENTH ................................................ ................................. 257
UNDECIMO SINGING ................................................ ......................... 278
SONG DUODECIMO ................................................ ...................... 301
WORKS OF G. PRINTED POLIDORI ............................... 332

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Avia Pieridum peragro loca, nullius ante

Trita only.



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This poem being written in good Tuscan language

without any incentive to debauchery, to sarcasm,
to satire, to irreligiousness, to unruliness, is like
to read for the wise original invention, and
seem to me such, not only parents and children can
masters allow children and pupils to read it,
but that is also worthy to be recommended to them
given. Not so we can say of Morgante , of Orlando
In love , with Orlando Furioso and Ricciardetto ,
metaphorically similar poems, some more or less, a
green and flowery meadows in the midst of flowers and grass years old
dan poisonous snakes.

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Nine chants of this poem, that doctor Giovanni

Polidori my late son, having gone many years
makes in Italy with Lord Biron as his doctor, ave
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goes to his return brought to London, lay neglected and

abandoned in a hive of manuscripts, when in the
1848 they came into my hands; and having started them at
read, they attracted my attention so much that they didn't
I could leave the scraps before reaching it
at the end. I had heard it in my childhood
take a few octaves, but little attention was paid to it; and
having left Tuscany in 1785, he no longer had us
thought, and it came out of my mind.

Now, after reading the whole hand carefully

written, I realized that the poem was not finished; pure, bra
I send him to go missing, and to be sorry for pubs
blicarlo incomplete, I dared, although it came to the age of years
85, to reduce it to an end: what I was able to do with the addition
of three songs; and being accustomed to writing (if I give to say

Page 8

Between the modern style is the sermon prisco

(so that it seems to me that Losario is written), I think

that not much difference will pass between the style of the author and

I then privately impressed the nine songs in

siem co 'three mio, in which the epopeia is led to
fine grain; and a few copies I gave out of this first
and imperfect impression: yet, such as it is, is sta
read with pleasure by those under whose eyes it is
ta; and especially by two Italian writers, the judgment
of one of which precedes this preface. I say nothing

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that of the other, since, although I esteem the very much

Losario, even his judgment seems to me very exaggerated,
nor give I repeat it.

This poem will now appear before your eyes

of the Italians, not what an exotic plant on foreign soil,
but as an indigenous plant among the author's compatriots.
I will have the pleasure of
see my wish fulfilled. He will also have the poe
but the misfortune to appear in Italy in times, in which
perhaps, as in England, the human mind does not ad
other is almost revolt that gazzette, newspapers, disputes po
lemical and political; and the Muses, the poets and their followers
lovers of peace and tranquility, they seem similar to

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those who are under the prow in sea storms

waiting for the upheaval of the waves and the storm
stop raging.

The Losario is written in style and language that with

how to the poems of the same species, among which primeg
already that of Ariosto, who holds the middle place between the
Jerusalem liberated and that part of the Morgante mag
early exit from Luigi Pulci's pen. Those look like i
first seven songs; but the eighth and the ninth are different
poet, and probably as out of the magistral pen of
Poliziano; and in all the rest is the style of the one
or of the other: but since the style of the Flea would be trop
vulgar, so that of Tasso would be too high
for the style of the fictional heroic poem, which is enough
that it is proper, correct and clean; that the versatility is
fluid and clear, smooth and without harshness; that the
mice, loyalty, heroism and value are not
from long-winded and pompous phrasing, but from the intrinse
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ca signification, which is expressed even in simpli

there are words in their place, is that ray of sunshine
which, by dissipating the darkness, shows the objects in their own
proper and true aspect: and not only the author of the
Losario excels in this, but also in the description
storms, fights and passions; and yes ele
it goes smoothly when needed above the
common style.

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One can say, beyond that, that in this poem one does not
finds indecency neither satire nor sarcasm nor irreligiousness at the
cuna, nor an expression not to be used among the most moderate
youth of both sexes; and that with all this, it is delightful
like the most famous romance poems, which are
the Morgante maggiore by Luigi Pulci, The Orlando inna
Morato del Boiardo remade by Berni, L ' Orlando Furio
so of the Ariosto, and the Ricciardetto of the Forteguerri.

The spark of these poems was born from the Life of Charles
Magno and d'Orlando, written or attributed to Turpino arci
bishop of Rheims; which has ignited in the minds of the
their authors vast poetic flames, so one cannot say
that the fundamental subject is entirely original:
but the Losario has no other origin than the
inventive mind of the author; which seems to have
aspired to show that even without the incentive of
debauchery, or other unwise means, one can do a
honest and pleasant poem at the same time.

The authors of the four mentioned poems not infrequently

have resorted to the tenure of debauchery for lure
re large number of readers, and use from time to time
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when, wrongly and crosswise, the irony and the whip of the
satire and sarcasm; and the atheist Pulci, not content with
this also gives an imposing mixture of the sacred and of
profane, and to make certain mysteries mock at his Margutte
of Christian religion, which is neither understood nor owed
no be understood. Any religion which is part of


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world, in what time, has had and has its mysteries;

and who must profess it
healthy; and it is a crime to ridicule them, and to interpret them pro
fanatically and whimsically. The philosopher Zeno, who lived
more than two hundred years before the Christian was, he said
wisely, what part of human wisdom consists
in ignoring the things that should not be known.

The mythological religion is respected in the Losario ,

which is what the characters in it intro profess
ducts. And if the author represents us his hero even in it
namorato, does it in a decent and ingenious way. He knows
rio loves the gods, without ever having seen the og
beloved jet, without ever having spoken to him, without having
never heard the voice. I know that this must, at first
view, opinion a paradox; yet such is not, nor who
ge od listen can find us any inequality.
Thus the author has avoided those meetings of young men
ni and damsels, those statements, those oaths,
those protests, those jealousies, those vicissitudes of
blackberries and scowl, those cravings, those jealousies, and
(what is more important) that voluptuous abandonment and of
sonesto of which the romantic poems are redundant, in which
but they can take place: but if I did not fear dispia
I would say that the Tas
I know it is reprehensible through various passages of his poem, e
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much more for the episode of Rinaldo and d'Armida; is that

that effeminate and voluptuous life is far from de
chorus of the sacred epopeia. Pure flirtations of the


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fictional poems, and the pure ones of Jerusalem there

berata, attract applause from the largest number of
people, as they touch a naturally stretched rope
in the human heart.

Losario is a conspicuous example of value, of wisdom,

of justice, love and patience in averse luck;
and of justice, of benevolence and generosity in the prosperous
you do. He, in the same war as the duty of son is the
justice cause them to do against Mentesio perjura,
regicide and usurper of his kingdom, he does not emancipate himself
from humanity or from generous feelings; takes care pur an
who was wounded in the field of
battle; and it hurts him that to punish a sacrilegious maniac
no, a large number of innocents must perish.

The poem proceeds in the unity of action, great and long,

with not only vague episodes, but also annexed to it
more to the main action; as Losario and Antasete his
friend and companion, fighting with masnadieri, with
monsters and the king of Humid, they practice in the handling of the
the weapons: that will benefit them when they come to campal
battle against the usurper of the kingdom. But leaving out
to talk about various facts that happened before that
come, I will only say that Losario and Antasete having
shipwrecked in a certain passage by sea, the first was
fell near the bottom of the mansion of
Proteus, and the second was alive on the shore; that Proteus
he had predicted various things that had to happen to Losario

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dere; and among others, that a beautiful, kind and courteous woman
he was destined to consort, which he would kill without
to be known, the regicide, and that he would be maravi
when she showed up.

This woman will find herself the sovereign of the island

of Argentina, to which it was predicted it would be
consort of a prince, who, on false charges of me
said parricide, he would go on the run; that his father knows
he would be killed by the accusers, and that the ex-son would have
formed a new kingdom: waves, having heard that this
it had happened to Losario, she had noticed that it was it
destined to be his wife; and with the visor on the face, ve
white statement, white horse and with the name of white
knight, had gone to the town of Losaria, where he had
fought in a solemn carousel and had won every
giostratore; but towards the end of the day it fights
with Antasete and having had the opportunity to speak,
he was astonished to hear a childish voice.
After a long battle, she throws her antagonist to the ground
It is; but having noticed that this had happened to be
he tore off the pectoral cigna of his horse, he had
declared not to be the winner nor he the winner, e
promised to return to the list
finish the battle. But having heard that we went bi
bothering about her sex, she had disappeared from the city and
she had dwelt on the kingdom, because she wanted to meet Losa
rio before being known by him.


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Losario informed by Antasete that the voice of the quarry

The white lier had thought to him that of a child, he thought
that she was a woman; and having seen the feat, yes
he was in love with her, and this love was consolidated
for a mysterious dream that stood before him; and it was
repeatedly complained of with Antasete, that the white cavalier
he had not as to receive the prize of his value, nor
returned to fight the next day, as he had
promised: and Antasete, seeing that the anxious restlessness
dine of him was born of love, he had repeated the prey
of Proteus, adding that if in that rider he
he conceals the object from his love, he would see it again, and his bra
I would be satisfied.

Proteus had also predicted to Losario, that, when he did

if he left, he would find Antasete, who was not
dead, but he lived in pain and in pain; that with it ri
taking the path, he would pass three rivers, and find
be an innumerable people accustomed to leading brutal life;
that this would receive its laws and its empire. The
sario part, and hurries in search of his friend; find it, e
after a tender and friendly scene between two friends who
they had thought each other dead, resumed their journey,
the three rivers pass, and reach the region from Proteus
predicted. Losario is proclaimed king. Introduces in his
new kingdom religion, the sacred knot of marriage,
laws, agriculture, arts and commerce. Edifica
a great city, to which the name of Losaria, for capital
of his kingdom. Form teams of knights and jacks, e


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by means of military exercises, rides and hunts, the

makes right, brave and intrepid. With them, therefore,
united with those of other sovereigns, it leads into Garameta
to make war on the usurper of his kingdom.

The queen, for whom Losario was the guiding star of the
his mind resolves to go after him; and since, if
had appeared in the same form in which it was seen in Losa
would have been known, leave the white horse, ne
takes a bay, and dresses in gray color. Give the horse
white to one of his squires, asking him about you
keep it always covered with a saddle cloth; not to be far from
by word of mouth or by hints
notice; and he also had his squires change at the end
that they are not known by those who first saw them.
Thus disguised, she walks towards Garameta; and how
at the clubs, send the other squire to
ask the king for permission to be admitted among his own
warriors, making us announce for a knight errant,
of a remote country, which does not know or understand their line
gua, and as a result of this, does not speak or respond to
any. Losario receives it, and commands that it be placed with
Agatirso, another brave knight.

The next day, it comes to a second battle. THE

Mentesiani are defeated, and shelter in Mennonia, ca
capital of the kingdom. Mentesio closes and closes the por
you: its infantrymen appear on the walls ready, to oppose
to the assaults of enemies. Meanwhile the archers arrive, i


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slingers and the crossbowmen of Losario; which orders

the rest of the day and night, and the day
next he sends him to fight under the walls; and orders

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in the meantime to break up and knock down the

city gates, which in a short time are thrown to
land and removed. Then Losario enters, followed by Agatir
I know, from the gray knight, from the four that were prefects
of the assassin Faucide, father of Losario, from Prasildo e
from the other Garametans, who were those who had com
beaten in the first battle, and being wounded,
Losario had given him extraordinary generosity
runs and heals; so now, for just gratitude, yes
they were cordially consecrated to him. These were scattered
for the city to cry vengeance against the usurper; who
moved by their cries, he throws down the shield and the spear,
takes a sharp ax, has fences thrown to the ground e
the defenses of the square in which he had camped; and cir
seasoned by his barons and his other knights, it is done
center of the ordinance, and commands to make their way to
through enemy teams, as long as he is not there
at Losario. They execute punctual orders
mind; and though many of them fall injured or dead,
he also managed to reach the desired point. The gray
knight, who was wary of him, while that
Mentesio raises his ax to effect his dise
In any case, he blows such a terrible glue at them
sword, which not only cleaves the helmet, but the head pur an
that up to the eyes, exclaiming


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Die like this

May the one who usurps the other people's straightheads.

The barons and all the other Meseesians escape,

and the Losari enter the abandoned barracks. Losario,
Antasete, Genato, Agatirso, Ilonte, Mione and Algeste,

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team commanders, surround the valiant quarry

liere, making him party and commending him. Losario the pros
test his gratitude, and offer him his friendship.

Antasete says that the gray knight is perhaps the same

a person who fought bravely in Losaria; that the
golden dragon that bears for crests, is the same one
he saw then on his head. And here she beckons
to his squire, who comes with the veiled white horse e
white dress glove. Discover the horse; and Losario, Genato
and Ilonte marvel at seeing that horse to them
well known: but they will see even greater wonder, then
that takes off her gray robe and takes off her visor
from the face, and we see a heavenly beauty. Exult Losa
rio and exclaims:

Woman, happy me! you are she

Let the gods be given to me in consort.

Tell them how much Proteus had predicted; and

she tells how much he had foretold of her. I, he says,


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longing to meet you without being known, I came in

Losaria; and then I walked away and hid, because yes
it was rumored that I had been known for don
na. I know I remained hidden, until you were left for
make war on Mentesio. Then I returned to you, under the
name and in different aspect; nor did he want to make notes
before having done something of importance in your fa
vore, nor resolve to be your consort before being
certain of being loved by you for myself. What implies
I did kill the infamous Mentesio, spergiu
ro, regicide and usurper of your kingdom. You, with being
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myths offered for husband before knowing who I was, you have
dispelled any doubt. Great was the fame he ran of
you: well, I found you greater than the hunger itself. know,
therefore, that I am Nice sovereign of the Silver Island

And to you who are so worthy of it

I give myself, and I give you the kingdom.

Thus the poe ends gloriously and lovingly

but. Losario has proclaimed generates indult in Mennonia
the, without exception, for all those who had com
beaten against him; entrusts the government of Losaria to
Algeste, and that of Garameta a Mione;

And with friends and the inclined queen,

It goes to be crowned in Argentina.


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F RANCESCO P OLIDORI was born in Pontedera towards the

1725. He studied civil law at the university of
Pisa, and having finished his studies, took the driver's license. In that
quality was employed in a court, but its employment
it didn't last long; since, being one day
conducted in front (while the magistrate was absent)
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an unfortunate man who had perhaps done some small

smuggling, he was so moved by the narrative
of the misery in which he and his family met,
who gave him a little help, and sent him back to the mo
children and children without a fine, imprisonment or punishment.
For this reason he was rebuked, and fired from the job.
He then returned to Pontedera, and there he practiced his profes
of a notary. I lived with it the last two years of the
his life, and when he died (which was in 1773) I ave not
goes that ten years.


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While he lived in Pisa, he wrote in a stalk

discard some Thoughts, Observations, Studies and Re
ropes, which are dated 1739 and 1741.
this little book, which he studied not only the civi
read them, but also ethics, physics, metaphysics and the like
mathematics; from which studies love never dwelt
of poetry; and before I left Tuscany, I read to
some of his elegantly written Latin compositions. THE
nine songs by Losario were known to his friends, and kings
they quoted various pieces in mind. We also have one of him
beautiful poetic translation of the Song of Songs,
with coherent notes to the most pure Catholic doctrine that
He professed. The Latin possessed it very well. speakest
I will only fly this point with the addition of two
verses of Ariosto translated by him into a single Latin exam

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Each according to his opinion argues,

But all the same fears press and dismay.

Omnibus haud idem sermo, timor omnibus idem.

Fencing, music and poetry were always his

entertainments favorites.



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I want to sing about a prince, I want to,

His various ventures and bitter war,
So led by the faithful council
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Of the greatest gods that the Olympus greenhouse,

He sat down after a long and great peril
On the ancestral throne and dominated his land,
And he took revenge on his father for death
Above the usurpator Mentesio forte.


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Muse, which only in the great eternal books

Reading is given by the fleeting age,
And cities to see and governments
What is destroyed is the edacious tooth,
Of what I yearn I open the notebooks,
And that which is buried in diace
It brings light to the clear day,
And things that are quite unknown spread around.

You tell me what happened to Losario,

After he had fled unjust death,
For his harsh and ten-year pilgrimage
With Antasete I trust my friend and my friend;
As in every conflict that came about
Ebber of triumphing benign fate;
And as for death he was punished
The infamous usurpator of the ancestral throne.

Sparta free and strong was not yet

Nor was Athens yet so learned and magna,
So Greece was so proud
Which, as a phoenix, had no companion;
The warrior eagle is bloodied
Far from Lazio the nail of his grandson

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He had no remote and strange part,

For the city of Mars.


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Or magnanimous Entellor, which is the forehead

Immortal febea corona,
To you, which your domain wets the source
That gushing spreads, and that resounds
In its clear course near the mountain
Consecrated to the Muses in Helicon,
I offer the little don of my verses:
The umíle offer, however, accepts the gods.

Benigno shows me to you, and with that face

With whom everyone who turns to you welcomes,
I have taken away from the vast sea I sailed
Drive my boat across the rocks
Minaci and fieri, and in the dark and dense
Nimbus and the sea among rapid luxuries,
Yes, you are free and windy
May it come to the rescue. -

(So of the years in April April

Sing of my good father to worthy brother,
Not already to buy frond febea,
But because idle idleness had disdain,
And I am alone among the books and held them
The art to study and cultivate ingenuity;
But the virgin Tritonia had next
That moderated the muse's song.

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The name emerged from a fantastic vein

Perhaps of that signor ch'ei noma Entello,
Whence the humble gift of his hymns offered,
That is under mystical mantle
Illustrious character and covered up. -
I do not mask the ver: clear speech;
And of virtue, if you were seated on the throne,
I'm an admirer and enthusiast.

You therefore, Leopoldo virtüoso,

May there be much to King Losario,
And what a decent wreath
Of beautiful and wise wife and worthy children,
As a father and king you aim at the common rest
And with the care of pity, you hold yourselves,
This humble gift has no contempt,
That high respect and just esteem is a pledge.

I have it since the night in which I concealed

He lay stretched out in bright light,
I have devotedly presented it to you,
Prencipe imperïale and maguce duce,
Not fantastically imagined,
But alive and true, and in which favor shines
Celestial; and I seem to hear a holiday
The author applauds to what I write.) - *

* The four octaves in parentheses are added by the GP editor


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The vast ancient kingdom of Garameta

He held the great and noble Faucis,
Which was an illustrious and worthy sprout
Of the immortal and glorious Alcide.
Happy sun in each of his signs
Together with his people he always saw him,
But its happiness itself was fue
Reason for his misfortunes.

His happiness turns on the core

Of others to possess her and he deprive her,
Whence there were those who rejected the tenses,
And the beloved coveted could draw from it:
But luck is not always polite,
And it often changes to make them;
Whence the morning sets such flowers,
And at vespro he pushes him through the horrors.

He had the king of his companion bed

The daughter of the great queen Sorgileno,
That dominated the whole countryside
Callesia from the Mar Quino to the Lieno sea
As it warms the sun and the wet sea.
Face never looked more serene,
Neither more beautiful, nor cor gentil cotanto,
That he was proud of it.


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She had two brothers in love

The two twins won
By Leda, and features and value
Models were both adorned and beautiful:
But from a stormy atmosphere furious water
The whole kingdom submerged; and all those
Unhappy and unfortunate inhabitants
Fur from the waves absorbed and drowned.

Of this a single son, Losario said,

He had to happen to him,
And it was so graceful in appearance
What to pay tribute to
And yes, he was hiding in his chest
What a beauty her face is;
Magnanimous, kind, strong and constant,
From the vices of the virtue and lover.

Now these, while I was almost tasked

The fourth luster, to the miser parent
He was accused of having contr'esso warp
Plot of death to remain lord. -
There was a law in which it was established
What if any of such guilty fury
From two magnates he was accused,
He was without convicted trial.


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The accusers fur Mentesio and Aldino,

That one of Braleno was marquis,
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And it was the other prence of the Alps

It is a very vast and noble country.
Ambi fur yes protected by destiny,
That much to their king much yields;
But he was paid for by treason,
And, as you will hear, bitterly extinguished.

Unhappy Faucis, what will you do?

Unfair you are if the child does not kill;
And if to the only child died,
I never saw a worse fairground. -
Will the ancient and sacred law break? -
Injustice would be. - The son kill
I know without pity. - Ah no, he forbids it
Paternal love and paternal pity.

Thus from these two stringent affections

The miserable was long,
Like wood that the course hastens
For mar that lies placid and peaceful,
That then storm horrible the subject
Of fierce winds to the pernicious breath,
The one leap at the other, and each one of these
The threat of other and more fatal shipwrecks.


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Now love wants the child to be forgiven,

Although guilty, the law is banned;
The law wants to abandon ourselves to death
The son, the patriot love not caring.
At the end, after not a few agitations,

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Between love and the law, fighting,

The law won; and the unfortunate son
From the genitor he was condemned to death.

A faithful friend, that innocent one

Longing to save damned to death,
The new glien carried quickly,
And to avoid the unfortunate fairies,
He proposed his escape; and reluctant
Sebben it was to do so, also with strong
Reasoning in order to run away
Indusse, and wanted to keep him company.

Antasete he said was son

D'Albonio, Duke of Sichesso, and it was,
Though young, with advice,
Very brave of hand, and of high standard;
And to follow in the necessary exile
The friend of a true friendship
He was joined, the old father and the dear one
His country to leave is no one.


Page 29

Meanwhile the mother had her son heard

The false accusation and the regal sentence,
And that he had the danger escaped
For his wise and prompt departure;
But he reflects what he is, if he is pursued
And arrested, the sad consequence,
And this thought gives her so much grief,
That eyes are tarnish and falls to the ground.

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And when he recovered, oh how he wept!

How much howled, what he called his name!
The soft chest was beaten, and franse
With the anguished man the aurate crowns.
At the setting of the sun he wept and shrank
At his new appearance; and they were like
His beautiful lights are inexhaustible,
Men and gods should be moved to pity.

The purple color is from his face

He left at all, and in turn he was impressed
A very sad bleak pallidore
That the inside of the outside cor express.
Scarno gets his face, and dies
In that the joy: the first features
And the rice does not return to dullness
Lips, and they are closed to the doors.


Page 30

Even, with tacit words, ruthless

La Fortuna, she calls that of her father
And of the brothers he suddenly deprived her,
Having submerged them in the adres
Waves; and - Potea ben (he says) having left
Me, of a single unfortunate mother son,
To spend the rest of my life with it,
Certainly a horrible and disastrous event.

If I could at least, or son, tell you

Goodbye crying, and to the maternal breast
Hold you while you were about to leave,

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And at least kiss your face!

Now it remains for me to fear that to attack you
Come some scoff, or poison
Gonfia bites you some proud serpent,
Or the mar t'inghiotta or rapid riviera. -

Thus complains the unhappy mother,

But meanwhile his son beyond the goals
She passed from the happy kingdom to the happy one
Penelia regïon with Antasete;
And for piano, or for steep slope,
I'll show you all, and how to the wide and happy
Banks of the Ergon, the swim by,
And they came to a very unknown country.


Page 31

For a long time he fools and wanders

Each of them, nor do they want to stop
Before finding any land
Where in peace he could dwell:
Thus, when its rays the sun dissolves
Fervid, and when the water is freezing,
Or for upstream or for a seat in the headquarters
Andaron, nor will he ever rest at the foot.

Oh how many hardships, oh how hard

Ebber, how many dangers you encounter,
How many enemies of great anger ardent,
How many thieves and monsters to find!
But all (yes fur strong and pazïenti
And brave and warriors) superaro;
And meanwhile their virtue, almost ôr in the fire,
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Posta was a test, and gradually grew.

Antasete never lagnar si udio

Of having abandoned his delight
Parent, mother and native place;
Because he was moved only by affection
To save the friend, waves of oblivion
He placed every other pleasure far from his chest;
And not caring for greatness and ease,
It enjoys scarcity and inconvenience.


Page 32

Thus never of his lost kingdom

Losario did not complain, for he is destiny
He saw in this way he wanted,
For the man is not against the divine will.
But he fears, for the wicked have seen
The iron drawing is empty,
Let them devour their fury impiously
Above his beloved parent.

He feels great anxiety for his mother,

For he knows how distressed he remained,
And he often says: - When they will see again
My eyes, my beloved mother
Is he my dear friend? and when they will have
Even the sadness of them for the ria
Scares that oppresses me? - and the father still
He beats his friend Antasete.

Why thinking of the painful mourning

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What relatives will have to do by themselves,

Also think that the dry eyelash is Albonio
You can't, and you're complaining
Having lost the fruit of his care
In the dear child; tai absent thoughts
From his afflicted mind, his heart lies
Happy in sweet calm and in sweet peace.


Page 33

Being made wandering and together with the beggar,

While he is prence, no pain gives him!
Why go along with the sweet friend,
All bearable and sweet make them:
In him he becomes quiet, in him an enemy destiny
In vain is that his shafts angered;
In him, as the mother's child on her lap,
It does not care what the nimbus is against.

And already more springs had passed

Since the kingdom they had left, when
In Erageta in the middle of the state,
One day for the high mountain Afi passing,
To the rezzo a pastor old udîr that grates
Songs with his children, singing,
And the warbling of Augustan songs
It made him tenor among the saplings.

Of the shepherds the wives around are,

Others listening to the song, and others listening to it
What children need to do,
While the child jokes and the garzoncello:
But as soon as the cavaliers go near them
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That the song ceases, the humble old man;

The opre and the jokes ceased, and each one in the face
Of the other, the astonished eye has set.


Page 34

Trembling youngsters and virgin girls,

Who have not seen warriors before,
These to their fathers, to those mothers,
They flee fleetingly;
That, accustomed to seeing only goats and lambs,
He conceals himself, because everyone is disgusted
To look at them in that part,
And every part of the story is silent.

The good Losario, looking at them in the face,

With sweet talk he began to say:
- Follow shepherds: so do
Heaven please you with every desire;
Neither the weapon that we should fear you do:
War does not bring you that yes please
We see heaven, which gives you peace and joy,
And life devoid of all anxiety and boredom.

Children of nature, you live

De 'his gifts happy in happy condition:
You have no gold and silver lust,
Nor fascinated by vain larvae:
With loving wife you enjoy
Among 'sweet children: ah, I was born among you,
I would be happy while, born in the throne,
I am a beggar with reduced esular. -

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Page 35

Tired and infirm for the long road,

Love his unfortunate mother
It was there a few days before,
And it was in the sheltered hovel
Of an old pastor, whose pious wife
With diligent affectionate care
Continually stavale around,
Lending them relief and night and day.

It was the hovel so far away

From the old man he sang he had
That heard from the sick in an instant
The voice and sayings of the son, volea
Ansïosa vêr he will turn the plants;
But as soon as standing he could:
Also to the good woman she supported
And towards Losario I walk.

Having come to it, it comes out of its arms

Of the courteous wife of the pastor,
And lovingly the son embraces,
That agitated immediately astonishment,
He hardly recognizes her: she freezes him,
The core of filial compassion,
And between sobs and moans and sighs
He gives vent to his martyrs in trunks.


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All the pleasure changed into compassion

Of those shepherds when she appears,
That with a weak voice and a dull appearance,
- Sien thanked, he said, the great Gods,
That by letting me hold you tight to my chest,
They have fulfilled my vows in the end;
Hence the extreme breath of men,
Because I will die after seeing you.

And you see again, O beloved son,

Your unlucky parent
Derelict widow and in a state
So different from the happy primoer!
And it will be true even if the sad do
Are you telling yourself about your unhappy father?
From Aldino and Mentesio estinto lies,
And it is your kingdom in their rapacious man.

Although I did not flee in time, I would have

I followed my Faucid by hand;
But, thanks to the high omnipotent Gods,
Solin my servant whom the plot saw,
Flee, flee, he told me, if you are
Of your life friend: homicidal weapons
They set themselves against you: sarotti I escort;
And to escape many arguments brings.


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And among others, I tell you, Losario mine,

I will find and narrate the wicked myself
Betrayal, and trarrotti to make the river
Mentesio and Aldino the deserved destruction;
And for some comfort, and I
I prepared myself for this, more than an example
Of such cases remind me: I soon
I had the spirit to follow him willingly.

He makes me dress like a slave to Solino,

And with a certain liquor he wets my face
That makes the purplish purple, the purple
And white totally having taken away.
So again does it. When close
It was the sun that was inside the welcomed sea,
Took what we could silver and gold,
We went out for a secret hole.

So we left behind us
Mennonia, which is a city, as you know,
Capital of the kingdom, and we left
To the sea for certain routes perhaps never
Pria notes, and on a wood we found
Together with Solino I embarked.
We had such a storm in the sea,
What shipwreck for sure I believe.


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Ceased alfin the storm, and rediscovered

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Our ship to unknown lido:

Allegri allor on the dismounted one,
And we left the untrustworthy sea behind us;
But we weren't too moved by that,
That my faithful companion lay dead;
And I remained inexperienced in my soul
Almost flickering dog in a desert. -

As he spoke, little by little

The sound diminished,
That ceased in the end, crocus color
He cracked his face, and fell into abandonment,
Fainted, on the woman of that spot. -
It is heard around mournful noise
To the proud case, and the good Losario meanwhile
He believes her dead, and he dissolves into tears.

The wives of the shepherds flocked,

With drugs, water nanfe, vinegar and rue,
And of pungent smell with various flowers,
And stierle them around infinities
It was not from his swoon and languor.
Allor was first very mute,
And then the look in his son fixed,
And with a trembling voice he said:


Page 39

- Back to Garameta, I would have been

Victim of grim tyranny
Of the wicked, whose treacherous and ungrateful
Right, with unprecedented felony,
They have stained innocent blood,
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To deprive yourself of the right monarchy

That king who was the best among the monarchs
And who had been their benefactor.

Beyond that, I should have depor

I hope to find you, beloved child;
I know called upon the help of the Gods,
Neither thinking of disaster and danger,
To come looking for you I solved,
Sebben without stock and advice:
Here I was to the weak and weakened state,
That I lay on the ground almost out of existence.

A good old pastor and his wife,

What is the woman who now supports me,
They had compassion on my labor,
And bracing for my pains,
In their hovel I menâr; nor cravings
To the indusser, that in doing well
To a sick and miserable woman,
The guiderdon found was their core.


Page 40

I also consoled myself for possessing

A lot of gold still, and to it and to him
Part for gratitudin ne donai,
And I was very happy about this. -
To this key: in the hovel you will go,
Where you will see small chest where
It is how much gold I possess; open with this,
And take all we have left. -

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Dying, I urge you to take revenge

Of the betrayed and killed parent,
And of the infamous and cursed accusation
So you had to work as a criminal
Far from the kingdom: so much is up to you.
Ask your royal friends for their favor,
And to Sevaro who reigns in the East,
And you will get relief and weapons and people.

I told you,
Of my excellent and beloved spouse,
Of your kingdom from the wicked usurped,
Of my escape and sad fate
In which my barbarous fate has placed me,
It is little to what remains; but death,
Take me to the side, only a few moments
Let me finish the bitter events.


Page 41

But what? let us take revenge

About the parent ... about you ... I'll see you again
For this reason .... the dear face ... alma and beloved
Of the betrayed by them .... My faucid? -
Oh Faucide! Faucid! .... - Then intercept
It was the word, and only it seemed goodbye
Tell the son with a much more escorted voice
That heard, and trembling fell dead.

When Losario his parent

Extinct sees, oh what pain he feels!
He hints bitter tears
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Prostrate on the lying corpse;

- Ed, ouch! he exclaims, because lice
To the destination of making me sore,
I saw you, O beloved mother,
You have always been kidnapped!

Acute dart my heart had pierced me

To the hearing of the killed parent;
Then you were derelict
He has put the height of my bitter pain:
But I swear to punish the impious crime
One and the other infamous traitor,
From whose infamous and wicked perjury
Our every disaster is derived. -


Page 42

He said nothing else, for he is not talkative

The deep pain, but concentrates
As in the ashes the embers,
And it dwells there until it takes over
To the interior breath of peace,
And the righteous reasoning with her does not enter,
Pel the man in the end submissive
It comes from what avoidance is not granted.

His son gave his mother the funeral

Solemn and religious, how to use it
In that regïone, it is the mortal
Salma in marble ark having enclosed,
Of incense he covered the real
Undress with myrrh infused over it,

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And he hinted at it with tears up his eyelashes

The atrocious events of his family.

Then he and the faithful friend sceser rats

From the mountain in a beautiful wide plain:
At the foot of that they were drawn
As soon as he came out of the dark night,
And after many and many steps taken,
Without taking rest, by luck,
They were reduced to above a lido
Which from those inhabitants is called Cido.


Page 43

Cido was a young man, who had

Don of beltade that was a wonder.
He often leaves alone
Above that shore, and with sweet concentration
Those deity marine deities
Stupir: a mirollo one day with an attentive eye
The beautiful nymph Iglore, and in the middle of the waters
N'arse; so she liked his face.

And leaving the sea, he comes to it,

And his sweet flames show him:
And she flees her cruel: she keeps herself
For this refusal seriously offended;
Hence, cast out love from his veins,
To take revenge he wants to try the business,
And give death to him who cruelly
His living flame is reluctant.

Go therefore to the ruler of the sea,

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And he asks for revenge: he is a monster

Send it to the beach, which you want to tear to pieces:
Ei falls, and the blood changes the green into ostro.
For the bitter death its bitter tears
They poured the goddesses of the marine cloister;
Pianser killer whales and dolphins, and heard the waves
Gemer since the deepest arenas.


Page 44

Iglore still, seeing the lifeless body,

And the disdainful effect of his disdain,
He cries, he screams, sobs; and when it languishes,
O Cido, Cido, exclaims and beats his chest;
Then bury it: and that shed blood,
All in one place having been restricted,
A purple flower sprouted; and it was then
The beach from its named name.

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Page 45


Already recalling the usual vïaggio

The dawn is the sol, of flowers every contour
He wreathed; and at night the ray
He gave in to that of the porter of the day:
The augelli or on a myrtle or on a beech tree
Facean warbling; and come out of their living room
To return to the rustic works
The shepherdesses and the young shepherds.

Turning the eye above the sea

He was calm, and a grateful zephyr
Giva joking over the bitter waves,
To see a ship was given to them,
Which pushes this lido seems
From the fierce wind or the merciless wave:
No one sees inside, and in their chest,
In regards to this, a new affection is born.
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Page 46

In them a new affection is born, in this

To enter, and to trust the unstable sea
Recommending to them their head,
And in another realm to transport oneself:
But before entering it, a sacred altar prepares
Losario to the God of the sea, why show oneself
They desire it propitiously, and the others honor
Marini Dei with preci and cult still.

And then slightly more than a tiger or a pardo

They jump in, and the oars to the waves give.
The navile with mild and tárdo motion
The beach leaves, and in high mar they then go.
Auspicious wind when dart
They push their wood, and they are happy in the meantime
The knights together reasoning,
And now the sea and now the sky is aiming.

So happy andâr until the sun

His steeds did not fall in the waves;
And to bring their carols to heaven
The stars were not alms and jocos;
And that Dïana, who in three dee si côle,
No pump came to pump
His braids and his candid and beautiful sen
And in light to compete with his brother.


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Page 47

The sharp wind from the carcer fuore

The sky was covered and clouded;
The splendor of Cintia and the stars
In the eyes of them, he no longer offered himself;
The known and the austere then with great fury
Suscitaron in Mar adverse storms:
They crash into the competition and push the swollen waves,
And the deep and profound arenas are disturbing.

The light turns on in thick flashes;

The heaven of dreadful thunder resounds;
Impetuous hail descends,
And it seems that Jupiter angered her:
This greatly offends the mixed rain,
The wood that drives you most good is filled
I am not, and the sea is opening or threatening
Swallow him up, and then hunt him to heaven.

Finally the sun appears

The horrendous storm seemed to have subsided;
But, after a short space, more powerful
And with greater and more terrible fury
He came to attack him. - Or who allows
Of you, heavenly gods, who are offended
Such a right hero? for what offense
Has he so much merit deserved?


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O great brother of Jupiter and Pluto

To which the vast empire touched the sea,
For which, tell me, great God, for what causes
Will you suffer this knight like this?
You, that of your upset region
You have freed yourself from the proud destruction
Many others who were pious of him,
Save him from terrible cases.

Lightning never came out so fast

Of sorïan guerrier, nor from the sling
Sasso, or crossbow in a hurry,
Which means that with which the wave is on the air
The ship is going to crack
It was in various parts; and now it does not sink
Yes, they are buried in the sea,
He is a true miracle of nature.

Death sits on the stern, and proud

He shouts that the sky and the sea is deafening
Waving its black flag;
The sickle has gross human blood in hand:
Of the horror, of the fears, the host
And terrors has it with it, and it is in agreement
Their clamor at that of the storm,
Which is growing in that part and on this one.


Page 49

But in their generous and strong breasts

Neither fear nor fear have can loco,
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Neither could a thousand and one thousand deaths

Scemar of their virtue point nor little,
Because many perils had seen
Of death before, and they had taken to play:
For frequent suffering, buy the core
Stunt and invincible value.

Already they saw themselves in the throat of angry waves,

And the moment is intrepid.
Losario at the end, thinking of the past
Adventures he had for daring
And the value of a friend overcome,
- O Antasete, he said, I don't fear
My death for me: yours only
He strains my pupils to spread tears. -

Volea more dir; but in the middle the word

The wind or the horrid and rio's truncated the wind.
The wood mill in the ravenous throat
The great knights together with him;
But both absorbed, at the den his sen fly
(Maraviglia!) Every wind, and sen fuggio
Every cloud of the sky: the sun came out,
And the sea was more calm than ever.


Page 50

Until the end brought was Antasete,

Wherever he comes, with great art and great energy
He came swimming over the quete waves,
Amazed in looking at the serene air;
And near saw the beach, with his joys

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Arms to that with readiness remain.

He turns the lights around to aim
If it comes Losario to follow.

Three times and four in this and that part

He looks for it with a desirable eye;
And seeing not, with great grief part
From the shore where it had come, and the anxious
Waking up and vigor and art,
Return to the impious wave and proud
What he had swallowed him, and he sought and called,
But Sol Eco answers and he calls back.

The sea is twisted to the shores,

On which you are tired with difficulty ascender:
There supin throws himself, and he turns to the waves
What neighbors are to him and to the remote ones,
In bitter lamentations it spreads.
I am crying sprinkle his cheeks;
And in howls and moans and sighs
By venting, his bitter martyrs go.


Page 51

After he cries a lot, - What am I doing

To cry? (says) my absorbed Losario
Certainly I must have these waves,
If I want to die, if he is dead.
But perhaps, and I hope, perhaps rapio
The sea is a violent, fluctuating stream;
And elsewhere he pushed it; or maybe, ahi lasso!
He calls me while he takes the last step. -

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So saying, throw yourself into the sea

And he goes in search of him; but his arms
Resist not to the bitter waves.
He returns to the shore, and more sorrow binds him:
The eyes are darkened and the sun shines
He no longer sees: his chest freezes;
He looks pale and motionless, it seems
Let the spirit have its members.

It was so big. In the end a little

Raised on the waves, the look stretches,
And with languid thunder, afflicted and hoarse,
Strong crying, to favellar yes it takes:
- So Losario died, which was a game
Fortunately, so many years! and what wonderful
Sleaze had passed! and that's so strong,
And unconvinced, he often died!


Page 52

So then the misfortunes end?

So the paternal kingdom is regained?
Thus, rapacious and unsafe waves,
Will my soul always be sad?
Deh! that treasure you have in the dark
Chains, return to my sight;
Healthy and save, give back my lord,
What my heart can serenade.

Deh, because even in those rabid waves

Immersed I didn't stay, Losario, with you!
Anyone who has any way to lead us

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Together with the infernal blind lake.

Now my eyes no longer saw dry,
Because you, sweet friend, are not with me:
So only anguish and crying remains
Until my spirit leaves the fragil mantle.

Better it was that I perished in those

Assaults of fierce masnadiers,
Of strange monsters horribly felli,
Of belts, bears and proud lions,
Or of vigorous and slender leopards:
That everyone to escape, even if proud,
Frightened, they resorted to their legs
In various hasty and wacky ways.


Page 53

Your spirit and my beloved Losario

They are so joined that they separated
Do not do fairies.
You absorbed though in the bitter waves,
I know you listen to me and you stand by me:
Now you see the dear friend in the sea
It also throws itself, in order that it is not
My fate is different from yours. -

Yes he said, and made by sorrow,

He threw himself inside the waves with his head bowed;
But having passed through his mind
The immutable decree of destiny,
That they are closed to people
The doors of the garden elixis
He returned disconsolately to the dispute
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He had left to drown himself.

There, according to the sacrosanct usage,

Makes him the same as the funeral;
And remembering his deeds meanwhile,
And the merits of his great immortal soul
Accompanied by mournful crying,
Exodus pon end, and the fatal
Unreasonable desire the leaves,
But not the fair of its core ambascia.


Page 54

He moves the foot on that side, and takes it

On the shore to walk: always revolts
Keep the lights on the sea; ears tends
If any one sees or if you hear any voice,
But in vain; a cave as long as it lies
It is widely found, while it is thick
Spiran mixed with high horror ivy;
Loco suitable for his severe pain.

Here he enters, and this place is horrible and dark

He chooses for his room, and there he wants
Make his life for the future,
And when it is in heaven and when the sun is at sea,
Oh, how many lai, how many complaints
What he heard here he did! You well, shadows alone
Will you be able to the future age,
And the hardest cor destar pietade.

When the dawn comes he calls it

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Crying, adapting voice, and answering him

Sol Eco afflicted and sad; and calls him back
When the sol in the ocean hides:
But he knows that coming to those who crave it
He cannot, nor will he arise from those waves
To console the hapless friend,
From which destin crudel separated it.


Page 55

This is how Antasete lives, and only in tears

Support finds his severe pain:
Not the augelletti with the sweet song
They can lift the afflicted core;
The starry mantle does not delight him
Del ciel; nor spring of every flower
Girdle the crown, not harmonious
They lead to his resting heart.

But the good Losario had barely touched

The marine waves, which a delfin brings it
Quickly on the low arena,
Where the wave of the sea in high kind
Ample space left you, and in pleasant surroundings
Plain was seen with rich gate
A beautiful building in the midst of flowers
And fruits of very fine flavors.

In every neighborhood it was that closed spot

From the sea in a circle, which was above it;
And the palace as a fórnice yes in use
Sorgea, that as soon as the eye reached us;
And he was in the middle so enclosed,
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What looked like a globe outside

Of adamante covered, what a splendor
He spreads all hours for a new sun.


Page 56

And in this and that, so beautiful

Stones was adorned that place admiring,
All shining like the stars
That night and day were beaming;
And while that Losario was those
Marvelous things gazing,
Proteus came to the door, and in a happy face
He had the graceful knight welcomed.

Then he gently told him: - Losario,

I was waiting for you here for a long time, and for me
I have longed to see you, and with you various
Sermon tener: this is the day that mine
Desir is fulfilled. Such is I, that varied
Myself in every form: I am a God
Of the sea, and pasco all the marin herd,
I want to obey and observe my law.

I am Proteus, and I know how to let go of things

And the present and also the future,
What have I been to?
Such was the fate of paralysis. -
The faithful Antasete lives, and with dogliose
Eyelashes look for you above the waves mean,
And he calls you crying: at last you are absorbed
He believed in the waves and died there.

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He therefore wanted to drown himself, but to reflect

Having that dead to you and not buried
The entrance will be closed,
With watery eyes and sad face
And front surrounded by feral cypress,
Religiously collected in itself,
He has, according to the sacred rite,
The sad funeral for you task. -

That said, for the man kindly

He takes it, and inside his palace the mena.
Di Losario in the core and in the mind
Enter calm, and the face asserts itself,
Because Antasete, as he now hears,
He is not dead; but can hardly suffer
To let it flow for an instant
Pria to the friend his plants turn.

And when he was inside the mansion,

In heaven it seemed to him that he was kidnapped;
And he therefore said that the human sermon
Among so many marvels go and be lost.
Here is the art and the gold in comparison,
And gold would like to be preferred:
The art tells him, nothing
You have a lot of money; I am the opra of the mind.


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Page 58

Spandon those wonderful walls

Fulgor that keeps you perpetual day:
There are so many riches in Teti
How many of those walls are around.
Here are many vague and happy children,
And many nymphs still with adorned faces,
To which Proteus gives order that soon
A very fine banquet is placed.

Here the most precious wines are not lacking,

The most chosen and most exquisite dishes;
And there were with various baskets
Of flowers full handmaids of Amphitrite,
That of the goddess of the sea from the beautiful gardens
Venian of splendid coated algae
And spreading the vague flowers all around;
Empían the room of sweet smells.

And the natural talent sated,

The god marin spoke of various things
Of abstruse and hidden subject,
Instructive to hear and curvy.
Losario meanwhile kept his eye attentive
And eager ears of hearing
And he put an end to the learned reasoning,
The prince thus began to speak:


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Page 59

- Worthy scion of that great Alcide

What for his benefit to the salty sky,
Do not deviate behind fallacious guides
From the feeling you have taken, and your desire
Be always to follow the great and fide
Footprints of the ancestors; and if not a God
You become for your good deeds,
You will be able to gloriously inflate the heroes.

To give you more stimulation now

From behind the glory, I want to tell you
Who guilty did you to the parent,
And why induced it to accuse you.
So let us hijack those who remained lord
Of your beautiful kingdom; and I want to show you in the end
Those who will come from your clear seed,
And some things that will happen will have to.

Aldin seeing you nobil bud

Di Faucide, in his evil chest
He lit up on the real throne,
And he revealed his plan to Mentesio;
Therefore, being impious and proud
Similar, between them a tight knot
Of friendship it was, but the tôrta and prava
Alma each of them cautious concealed.


Page 60

A tenor of the law, of conspiracy

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Against your father having accused you,

He to give you immature and hard death
Forced against his will saria status.
He died later, with a sure right,
Dicean, Faucide will still be raised
Middle; and who will want to contender then
With arms and value the kingdom to us?

D'Aldino meanwhile passes through his mind

Beltrating the old man, who had the empire
Of all the real warrior people;
A man to the first kingdom,
That in fresh and ardent youth
Strong had been valiant and haughty,
And he came out of every major conflict
Always victorious and always unconquered.

These, said Aldin, only potria

Without contrast to us to remove the kingdom:
You know how much he is loved and how much he is
Feared by soldiers, and at what sign
From the majors of this monarchy
Be respected, and well worth it,
Strength is that I confess it; resulted
It is so well, that it is loved by everyone.


Page 61

Mentesio allor: Therefore we owe him

The enterprise to begin, and to give him death
What will be easy and light for me
As a friend he often comes to my court.
Leave the cure to me, and meanwhile heavy
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Do not be if you are in straight or pies,

When he dies, he will also be extinct Faucis,
And you will be of his girded diadem.

So he told me, and the other to obey

Ready shows itself, and this agreement makes:
That the kingdom should not be left in two,
But they both reign together.
Concluded this, Mentesio fe sorb
A Beltrando poison with deception,
Which gradually corroded
The bowels so, that to death the pose.

Vegeta plant grown in the field or in the vegetable garden

Whose worm that buries itself hides
The roots devour, in short time
Of pallor it dyes its green fronds,
And in the end the stem remains naked and dead
And it falls and is confused with the earth.
What the plant does concealed worm,
He made the poison to the unfortunate one.


Page 62

Thus we see, little by little

A large wood is consumed
And in ashes reduced to be from the fire.
The magnates mourned him throughout the kingdom,
The soldiers and the plebs of every place,
As a man who was loved and worthy of love;
But more your father wept for him,
Therefore he was a worthy friend of his.

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As he craved, and as you already know,

In general, the king was elected Aldino.
You were accused of conspiracy, and vôto
You escaped your destiny;
And you were already very remote on the spot
When he killed Faucides, and the dominoes
They took your kingdom and it will be
Dead Amatene still, if it does not flee.

I don't say anything else about her: you saw her

In a strange shore, and you know what his fate was;
Repeat what you knew
While approaching death,
Inutil fôra; and you are annoying
My sayings. Let them remain absorbed
The gone things, and only the future
Object of human care.


Page 63

Just the regicides to the royal throne

Fur received, fer life deprived
The ministers of the kingdom: the sacred Evoglio
Priest of Jupiter, the wise Alita,
Ferio, Genon, Caneto. But if I want to
Get you some note,
Too long I will be: therefore this is slow,
And of other things I can reason with you.

A year ended still was not

Which held the kingdom together,
When Mentesio, who is more proud of his soul,
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So one day he reasoned in his mind:

And why the togata and the warrior,
And the other ignoble mercenary people,
Only able to stand, I fool fathead
A comrade and to relieve me I don't go?

My children and his mortal war,

Will they have together for my sake?
And perhaps, friendship he in no cale
Post prepares extreme ruins for me.
Who does not avoid the bad fear,
He has no care in his heart:
I will therefore kill him and his children
I will die one after another and then I will do:


Page 64

He did so precisely; and after that,

Degrees to vile and wicked people
He gave better, and deprived his honesty
It is the noble that remained were sparse.
He voted, to reward under pretext,
All of them went, and he was lands and cities;
And by this means the greatest number
He loves her, and holds him for his true lord.

To get your kingdom back, a war

Terrible to have with him:
You will win this, it is ver: falling to the ground
You will see pierced the minds;
But still of your warriors how many they buried
Ne andran, quant'alme to the sad dark realms!

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It will save you from a nefarious traitor

Of an unknown kind, the inviting brando.

But for so long to get, I need you

Of wisdom, value and advice;
Fortunately, even more so, that at his mercy
It is the victory and the marzïal periglio.
Pur, because your grip is not
Of wonder, while I say, O son,
What war you must do, and I won't teach you
Which way you should rediscover your kingdom;


Page 65

Odimi, and while I talk about the high gods:

Know to you seconds. Just got out
You'll be here, among dark trees and dumi
You will find Antasete in pain and in pain:
With him I took the path, the three great rivers
What about the Valisso coming from the back
Past, you will find infinite people
That in the costumes the brutes only imitate.

This is your laws, this is your empire

Will receive; this faithful saratti.
Or you full of wisdom and true valor,
To address it to the virtude give yourself:
With your good example the steep path
Spianale pur, chè ardito followirti.
I only discover this, and I keep the rest
Ch'altri paleseratti, and soon enough.

I will tell you well, that your heavenly father has elected you
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Of the most beautiful and most famous offspring

Have you ever seen it coming out of its roof
The father of colors and high sun;
And because of the virtue more and more your chest
Come on, I want it in a nutshell
You should know your names and the opre,
Because not even born finds finds out to me.


Page 66

Three children you will have: Zopio the elder

Do not mix in childish ludi,
But feeling the core against them,
Only his studies will delight him;
Nuzio the second, the third fia Cranore,
And dogs and hawks will be their tramps;
And to the daughter of you also, that among the beautiful
It will shine like Cintia among the stars.

Arsalia nomerassi, and not only vague

He will have the appearance, but his spirit is high,
Despising the distaff, the spindle and the needle,
Push her to fight as a warrior:
I know if you look at it, here is the imago
Of Citerea; but if in fierce conflict,
And when the rod vibrates and the brando turns,
Bellona that terror from the look I breathe.

To you he then marries such a fate,

How happy you will be for the dear pledge;
Beautiful, honest, kind, unconquered and strong,
Of great wisdom and heavenly ingenuity.

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Unexpected and unknown will give death

To the regicide who with guilty design
You kill volea. marveled
In knowing you will be who saved you.


Page 67

Thus Mentesio deservedly deserves

Punished for his wickedness:
You will remain of two landowning kingdoms,
And you will have a third one of wealth
And abounds and brave and numerous people:
And with a woman of wisdom and beauty
Adorned, and wise, you will be happy
As for a mortal, never be lice.

So with a beautiful and loving wife

You will age as Bauci and Philemon,
Not in a humble hut, but in pompous fashion
Royal palace among the ease; and which Endimïone
In the arms of the teary consort,
To the sweet and happy queen,
While mourned by each you will be,
Sleeping, you will go between blessed ones.

To the will of the gods the consort

He will devoutly bend his head,
And the husband will long for death
Riabbracciar: will think of you, if awake;
And you will dream of yourself, if in sleep
His pupils will be: at the end of the sad
Alma resting eternally lucky
He will come to visit his beloved spouse.
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Page 68

Of one of the three kingdoms each of the children

He will be lord, and the reason of state
Set defenderan, yes that is dangerous
They would not be afraid, if ever tried
Some will be by rapacious claws
Above the kingdoms they will have inherited:
Bring your daughter as much as her mother,
Worthy of her, worthy of her father.

King of an island Zopio, he will have by lot

To be of kindness true example;
But not less than kind, unconstrained and strong,
And he will have loyalty, sincere.
And behind the high non-fallacious stocks
Of the muses beating the beautiful path,
Fia moved by sublime ardent zeal,
And always, time will have the mind to the sky.

These, his first rebels Eglentani

Tame, to the king near Lisone audacious
The horns will weaken, that in his plans
They will have made his people the bird of prey.
After this, his thoughts all human
Will turn to follow the sweet peace
In all his kingdom: therefore greater
It will be the glory that spreads over him.

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Page 69

Not a worldly kingdom will be that then,

But heavenly; and not men but Gods
They will look like those of the handsome popol
Felice said four times and six.
Here of poets an immortal squad
The glories will sing of the demigods:
There another observes the stars: in another part
The cards are of a high philosophy.

See here of Chiron the divine art:

There the orators, or the oppressed innocence
Resurrect; or hatred, or robbery
To brake; to keep the other's promise.
Here each art is studied as inclined
Each nature. O people whom it granted
It is this fate of heaven! the beginning
Sentier should never be abandoned.

Prominent sons will be worthy of their father

Nuzio and Cranore, and they will have full breath
Of marzïal vigor: enemy teams
They flee, and have hardly seen him:
Their works are splendid and graceful
Such and many will be that of full
Glory adorned, at the end of their beautiful years
Shifts between the gods of the high seats.


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Page 70

I of the sons of the sons of these

I do not give a talk, which is too extensive
And my job would be tedious:
This will only add to what was intended
You already have; that each of them
The spirit will have of every virtue,
And that in peace will be loved by all
And from every emulator in war feared.

That you include the great, illustrious and beautiful

Their businesses and their laurels
I never wanted, like the stars
Numerous Sarebber, and the par de 'flowers,
Of which which may be found may abound
Hills and meadows of many beautiful colors;
And you would be too late to console
He who pours bitter tears for you.

Yes the life of the man

What fleeting men are and euro is known.
Time therefore that from this mouth
Get out, and come back to enjoy the most famous aircraft. -
Said Proteus another. At the end the voice
Distressed tablets. Meanwhile, a sweet bike
He hears in his heart Losario remembering
The great successes, and in itself it turns when.


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So in its vague real appearance

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Show painting the haughty young man

That ardor that stings him in the middle of his chest
Of glory and constant and true valor.
Then you will want to see the effect
Of the impending war, and to the raw and proud
Usurpator of his paternal kingdom
Give guiderdon of his mal'opre worthy.


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It was the night near to its end,

And already rosy-colored around
Pinto appears in the Orïental border,
Sign that is near to appear the day,
When Proteus invited from the marinas
Locations Losario to the beach to return;
And here in a prepared moment
It is his two-sided chariot drawn.

Mirabile thing was to see on the waves

That chariot will run like above the ground,
And the sal sparkling wine for the roundabouts
Wheels broken up for air in flight,
And below, the monsters from the depths
Arenas gemer, while that the bevolo
Fish, gasping in their language
In Protëo, he was applauded and honored.


Page 73

So here he is at the beach. The marine god

In a few sayings he dismissed the warrior,
Who for the shore, took his path,
He found that hideously black cave
Where Antasete lies resupino,
That, the whole course of the night
Having died, he had barely closed his eyes
Then when the night remains.
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Inquïeto is his sleep because in that,

To be soles of mortals at rest,
Of a sad dream a horrid group
He brings his proud martyr to his soul.
Versa in dormir a brook of tears,
And he complains in loud and loud sound.
Enter Losario, and his friend on earth
See, the arms tighten it up.

But then he stopped and withdrew

The footer, who hears with distinct voices,
Complain and say: - Ouch when, or you will say,
Will you make me Losario? Ahi heinous waves,
Who in you moved so fervently?
Who against you is so fierce?
Dear Losario my, if you don't come back,
May death come to my sad days. -


Page 74

This saying, it shakes, and doubling

The gemer says an indistinct thing.
The edra seems to him to be commiserating
And the bush from which everything is surrounded.
Losario, gently tearing,
Almost remains for tenderness won;
Nor can he delay, calling and awakening:
- Losario I am: may no longer be the sad spirit.

Losario I am here to present you, dear one

O sweet and faithful Antasete:

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I am not dead; cease your bitter weeping;

Your happy pupils are back:
It is a great desire in me to make you clear
Every success of mine. Go on, return,
Eyelids, in the eyes of Antasete the day. -
He turned up and looked around him:

Then vêr Losario, in that uncertain light,

The eyes are not certain yet and sleepy
Faces, he said to him: "Who ever leads you."
In these sad and gloomy places,
Beloved friend? Here I follow you: Duce
Be me at the eternal delightful fields.
Heaven has heard my prayers
In order; the sky from my deaf cry. -


Page 75

While he said so, he tightened to the breast

Losario, who was the one to cry,
And with sweet talk, he fully likes them
Make them understand that he lived. And Febo meanwhile
With his golden chariot for the clear sky
He began to laugh, and heard the song
Of the augelli everywhere, and went out of it
The knights from that gloomy horror.

When Antasete clearly sees

(His eyes are already dissipated sleep)
He looks at it, touches it, and hardly believes
To the senses, yes you remain marvelous.
Every doubt in the end of truth gives way.
Now who can ever say how happy he is?
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He felt great delight in his heart,

That he almost emigrated from his chest.

And if the core was less capable,

Without a doubt he was dead;
But he recovered in order, the request
Antasete as he was risen,
Or how horrendous and rea
Storm had escaped and not absorbed.
Losario with a calm and serene face
With all success, he made his full education.


Page 76

And he told me that besides the three rivers they have

Their source from Valisso monte,
Innumerable popol will find
That he should bend his forehead to his scepter:
- This will give the enemy bitter anxiety;
He will have all the outings and the brim;
And to this my scorned hair
The royal debt is the honored debt paid. -

Stassi of the Duke of Sichesso the son

Amazed at the reasoning of this;
It hangs from his mouth, and I stop the eyelash
He holds, and he does not know if he is asleep or if he is awake;
And turn your eyes to heaven: - Divine advice,
To premiar (he says) the probi or late or early
Never fail, nor to punish the offenders,
You who are the source of justice. -

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He said; and with the rejoicing that explain

Human tongue cannot, dieron his shoulders;
And Proteus giving thanks and the God of the sea,
Vêr the east preser straight calle. -
But who comes their steps to address
So that the foot and the want not to do it?
It is solitary in that place, and in any side
It is not the terren of human footprints marked.


Page 77

But the heaven that with a kindly eye aims at it,

On the first river that comes from the mountain,
Without their noticing it pulls;
'Ve arrived stopped on those arenas,
And the one and the other here and there are sweating
The eye if in some boat to give it happens
To cross it, or if someone sees
Which the origin of the river and the name asks for.

But see nothing but those shores

Posson, of green coated canes,
And vast bed and those clear and alive
Waters that are sent to the mar sen.
Partir volean, when the fugitives
A great murmur from them you hear
Fur move, and views fur swell,
Break up, and I don't know what to show above.

Green dog fronds before I go out,

Front then which of emerging cloud
Moon, and eyes as bright as a sapphire;
Feminine face to the beautiful and laughing,
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And he said: - Here in the end I will aim here,

Delight in heaven! This is that current
River that you seek, which descends
Dal Valisso, and superb to the sea it is made.


Page 78

This from his mountain Valisso is said,

And it is the other two much greater;
Of which the first, which has a bed stony
And always foam and makes a lot of noise,
He is named Agreno; and the third Fletto,
Of which smells a grateful smell
For flowers and plants that are there,
And its waters flow with small sound.

These three rivers will suit you,

Already known is to me: but why could you
Without any wood? and as in these arenas
And among these waters, so many infested beasts
Of sharp tooth and stuffed velen,
And the most terrible monster would run away,
Yes, from wanting to high numbers I push,
Weren't you all about giving you assitance? -

Stunned knights are still there,

To look at it, to hear, or motto do,
And they may appear to be made of stone,
So much for the new prodigy, they are;
Neither ponno giudicar, taken out of himself,
If it is an animated body what they have
Before the eyes, or vain phantom,

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Not if his voice is a human voice.


Page 79

But she, who reads well in their choirs,

I know with a sweet way to their speech:
- Nymph I am that in these clear moods
I have my room and my parts in that.
I am called Astine, the purpose of ardors
Di Vertunno, to which I seem much more beautiful
What is the usual goddess of the gardens
All his good being in the first place.

These three rivers hold up and these banks:

So in pleasure was of the eternal fates;
Or send the swollen and deep waters to the sea,
Now I send them to flood the lawns.
So low and humble are these waves,
Which are gouacheed on all sides,
According to my will and my desire,
This is the empire and my kingdom.

He came down from the sky above these waters

The eternal father and king of the one day gods,
And he liked it in shape and costumes
My offspring, who returned to heaven
For many days; and so he was pleased
Of divination to make adorned
This spirit of mine, and he wanted mine
Don't touch who you are to touch,

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Page 80

If it does not break down the fierce anger

Of a hideous monster that he is now
Get out of the ground, and don't let her
Tints of his blood, hands and chin.
And he dwell not far in this sand,
And I do it in my talent:
He to everyone, who by his bad luck
He fought with him, he gave death.

And if it will happen that some of the end of the killing,

Suddenly another janitor
More fier, more poisonous and more deadly,
With wings, claws, and fangs,
And it will land with high horrid cries;
But free from all evil and offense andranne
About the blood of the cursed monster
The parts will be smear as I told you.

Neither sol from this will go safe,

But from the other infinite dwellers
Of my shores and my dark bed,
All, as I said, I devour:
Andran on my bed like on hard
These winners are so happy,
What exactly are you, what a friend has arisen
Mena, with my aita, to give him death.


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Page 81

You, Rosario, know that the monster faces

First; and not with the sword, but with the closed one
Fist go and beat his forehead,
That in other ways disappointed resteria
Your every shot; and then, with the man ready,
The tongue that will have stretched out unfair
You will grab him: you then on his back
Jump, Antasete, and give him a bite in front. -

He paused; and rose from the waters to the girdle,

And he showed his divine breast white.
It looked like the dawn when painting
From heaven the heavens laughed in the morning;
And with the hand that the snow has won,
The untouched snow above alpine yoke,
The sprinkled with that water; and at that moment,
Called, the monster entered the element.

The shore trembled, and the sky became dark

When the fierce monster appears,
Horrendous, infamous; around which safe
Both warriors went fast.
The assault began tremendous and hard
Losario, but very little to the monster and harms it;
To the monster from the nose and mouth
Great fire and another smoke overflows,


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That view takes away and defends him,

And with the tooth and the hand he scourges it.
Losario is fatigued, and in vain
His forces are against the fella beast.
By fate, in the end, a proud fist stretched out
That hit him in the inferior jaw:
Then the fire came to the end,
And the great Losario got a great advantage.

Left glue and right glue hand

Great strokes led to his head,
And he struck him from afar
The whole forest was heard:
I know a strange thick cloud of grand bushy
Above the roofs it swoops down with a storm.
Then the monster throws it
Tongue out, and he takes it quickly.

Antasete who was with the monster below,

And of the nymph in mind the said avea,
When he saw the sad monster to such a point,
On his back he jumped and bit him:
But as soon as he was in the front, the tooth put him
That the other beast fell dead
And so much blood is from the wound,
What a stain with lips and chin and fingers.


Page 83

And here is death from its bowels

A greater monster will come out immediately,
Who to anyone has fatal fate around
Threat: the body is filthy and squalid;
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He has a large mouth, a sinister eye and ugna attute;

Yes, people just give to look at it
Even in the vigor of the years
And have great courage and courage.

He trembles, flicks, rears his teeth, and roars;

He blows infernal and blind flames from his chest,
And to the solar wagon one and the other wheel
For his great smoke strength is that he is blinded.
He wants to attack them, but the empty enterprise
Rendon with brando: ond'ei with bleak lights
He looks at him, and then raises to horrid cry,
That makes him stumble over that shore.

The spirits returned to used motion,

The scary monster was no longer seen.
The clear sky had returned,
And it seemed that the grassy margo laughed.
One and the other astonished guerrier
Of success, everything is doubtful
If larvae saw, or if sleeping
Saw it has the amazing show.


Page 84

Nor can he believe he can above the waves

To go, as the nymph had promised:
Therefore it is lowered to the edge of the bank,
And he tries to get the water, and tries often;
But then their foot is not deep,
Enjoy the fun, and go with them later
A high greed for where he is

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The innumerable people are found.

How many miràr species of proud monsters!

How many hear you ever wheeze and screech!
Past they had the three beautiful highland rivers,
And the mountain appeared where it nestles
The wild people: so blacks
Crows in air between the deadly grip
They turn against it with such anger and harm,
The feathers in the wind go

And that bitter duel is so hard,

What little feather remains and little blood:
Sol keeps it on the air and this and that
Anger, which does not even languish in them;
And each other using the fello rostrum,
I tore my heart, and fell bloodless
Above a stone, both, and that
Sparser of infringing limbs and brains.


Page 85

The good wishes greet you gladly

With voices of joy and fullness,
And the highest decrees of heaven
Adoraro, and the alme and serene stars.
The mountain is approaching, and olive groves
Its layers are seen filled,
And they see from those more streams
That snaking shiny and beautiful van.

It was that time when with his steeds

Apollo descends from the highest reverse Teti.
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Both riders began

For a coast to go frank and happy,
And miraro or oaks or pomieri,
Now the tall pines and now the olive groves;
And now they listen to the song,
Now the raucous weeping of the currents.

And while you take the hurried step

Over a stream, in their ear comes
A certain low and loud sound,
Almost soft garrir of serene aure,
Which seemed to be distressed and weak man;
Neither s'ingannâr, because on those arenas
They saw a man sitting down that of his lights
Two rivers are a feast for bitter weeping.


Page 86

Knight the knights to this

I cried, which is so steep and broad,
Compassionandol, with a sad face
Vêr he s'affrettan for the herbaceous margo:
But he in his harsh and infestable grief
It is so buried and in sad lethargy,
That neither hears nor sees him;
They are already with him, and he does not see them.

He was of that beautiful etate

In which the manly spirit governs.
They were all his limbs surrounded
Of white skins of humble sheep,
And he had all his hair cut off;

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But I don't know what great and kind

Appear in his face and in his eyes,
Although from those great cries overflow.

The beautiful majesty of his face

The cavalier commove more than his crying;
Losario waves: - O young man, whom he welcomed
You have in your core a bitter grief so much,
Tell me the cause so you loose it
For us, if it can be hoped for so much.
Thus the Gods make you happy
And they can end your torment. -


Page 87

At that voice he raised the damp rai

In the face of them, and kept them fixed;
And when he had admired him greatly,
Everything from him, all the pain I left,
And happy in the face more than ever
He said: "Happy me, I know I lived!"
I can do I hated life because it was bitter,
Or why sweet fia will be dear to me.

Here is the happy desolate time,

In which of times a new order
It starts; so much time
To heaven and to star in the benign and beautiful man;
And from her who is in the blessed garden
Lives heroines in the squad,
Promised to me, from whose heavenly blood
For a long time my mortal dress comes.

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I recognize the sublime aspects

She showed me in a dream about the dawn;
You are you, you. - And in these sayings,
How much more can one and the other honor;
But it seems that Losario and the more respects,
That as a God of heaven adore it:
Ed ei, the lights in him benign fixed,
And with a soft voice he said to him:


Page 88

- Graceful young man, if you are polite

Heaven never ever, I would like to know
What I believe must be obvious to you
If, as it seems, you are of them,
Who these people are, from those who descended:
Satisfy, I beg of you, my wishes,
And their actions and their ways
Make me the story and the tenor knowledge. -

And he then: - Perhaps no power

What you ask to be more educated than me.
I will satisfy you, though the atrocious and ria
History will renew anxiety and mourning.
But because now it seems that it is
The shadow of the mountains and stretched out for everything
Heaven, and let the night begin already
Dark to come out of the cimmeries caves,

In my hut to rest
We will leave; and then, when the beautiful one
Aurora will be the grass to spray

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And to make every star depart from heaven,

You begin by telling the whole story. -
Having said that, enter the little group
It was there near. A shepherd boy meanwhile
It was him who had a small flock beside him.


Page 89

Genato (so called he was the good host)

Few sheep had that to care
Of this garzoncello, to itself deviates,
He heard them every day to the pasture;
As the proud pain in the coasts
He gnaws his heart like that, from the stench
He does not wait for the flock, nor from the wolves
He looks at it, and from the infections and the cliffs.

Now he imposes on this little shepherd

Let him kill a little lamb. You are diligent
To execute the order is:
The kill, the cut into pieces and the ardent
Brace on the grill the table,
And take care of the matter carefully;
And meanwhile Genato fills with milk
Three cups, which were made of beech.

This dinner was that good Genato

He made them, and the bed was covered
Soft and dry, on which are grateful
Resting ebber and fresh, playful auras.
And when you discovered your beloved face
From the son of Jupiter, and his blondes
Braids the beautiful Aurora, his story
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He began by speaking sweet and ready.


Page 90

- Listen, knights, the unhappy one

Do of a prence, the best ever it was
Under the moon, that from his happy
Been at one point miserable.
But if some deitade offense ultrice
He had so many misfortunes in him,
Saria of unworthy piety: her every evil
He came to him from a disloyal brother.

Almost three centuries have passed

Which held up the great kingdom of Stroface
Aganito, the prudent the strong the good,
In a sweet quiet and sweet peace.
He had his brother called Pisono,
Who loved with faithful and true love,
To which he had given up on his teams
General and absolute command.

Aganito three wives had, that the flower

Eran of the kingdom and he tenderly
He loved, and was with sincere love
Also loved by them;
And he spent the days and hours with them
With relief of core and mind,
To see them and hear them in their union
Parean Pallade, Venus and Juno.

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Page 91

From a villainous ambition to Pisono

Moved and infamous love, made has drawing
To take life and the throne from the brother,
To therefore possess without restraint
The vague women his wives are;
Nor does conscience portray from the unworthy act,
But as long as his aims take place,
To shake the yoke of all justice.

Aganito, who sees that he loves

Get him with an armed hand,
At having to message it calls him,
And he warns you to think that he is sovereign
And his brother: point to this lust
He does not give ear: he is ineffective and vain
Any advice: ambizïone and love
They are the only springs of his core.

He has already made various city purchases

What they have given to him out of cowardice,
And others by force, after having undone
Hostile teams; and with arrogance
And horrible and grim infamy, tabefatto
In the blood of the brother the right should have,
If you love his beloved women
It did not make him fall from his core.


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Page 92

He fears that if he killed Aganito,

They had not killed themselves for grief
Because he knew that her husband
More than anything they loved above the ground.
So he repents of his bad party,
For being able to obtain for fraud and fraud
How long he was craving, have in the open field
The armed camp pushed against the brother.

And he curses his enemy fate

Let him have his brother given the command
Of his teams, and of having stocks of them,
I counter all the leaders by concealing. -
Fury that came out of the gates,
Gold rage greedy, oh as in the announcement
To send the man he is loyal,
And make ch'ei laws and heart put in cale! -

This agitation is filled with love,

That irresolute no longer knows what to do:
The scare operation, and smears it
Of bitter grief - the heart that cannot be bitten:
The present acclaims it, and from the body
Mortal hears the spirit break away,
If what you need to do
He addresses the sad thought and the heavy look.

ninety two

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Let all go to his brother and take away the kingdom

Sure he is: he already has much of it in his hand;
- But he will come, he says, to this one sign only
I didn't want the furious Mars.
More than women, the beautiful and worthy face
He pushed me, my brother, to ruinarte.
Or I will reign with you, women, my life,
I am playing. -

In this state is the poor Pisono,

And he has gathered so many fury in his chest,
What given to the sorrow abandoned in abandonment,
Pace does not have; it is around a thousand times.
Love more always in fearful thunder
He shouts at his core; love that with many
Quadrella sue ruthlessly adds
Penalty to pain, and more and more it stings him.

He was Aganito in his city

With loved ones pawns withdrawn,
The necessity is known
Of his ruin for his ungrateful brother,
After trying all roads,
Neither fruit or hope to have reported it,
With prompt escape he resolved to save himself,
And in some strange beach to transport.


Page 94

For he despairs of his kingdom,

On himself, his sons and fide wives
To salvation he thinks: waves, while he was

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Night, with those and many he saw

Keep him in that sincere state,
He flees over a ship; and so smiles
The fair to him, which was very Corsican
Fact, neither did Pisono know it.

And when he knew (and it was very late), in that

Smania went up, that twelve vessels
Seco led, and as a rio corsale
In track andonne in these shores and in those,
Threatened killing it, which one
Never heard: he wants to make such slaughterhouses
Of the brother, of the companions, whom you pity
It comes to the same ruthless waves.

And it wants to force then, that I take the bed with me

Those who swore are common
Already their beloved have faith in their husband,
Yes he is blind from the pass.
But the heavens would not want him to take effect
How much he had coveted in his guilty heart;
Fe ch'altra away from that of Agganito
Pison took it, and in vain he pursued it.


Page 95

Or because to reach it he spies on it

He's completely lost, behind he turns
His ships, anger and grief, his heart is pressing,
That the iron turns almost in his chest.
The anguish yields to pain: extreme ruins
A Stroface portar crudel solves;
I know the winds threaten that fast
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Bring the woods to the coveted foci.

Aganito left avea d'Ogelle

The port: the brother enters, and assails and tears
Old impotent, timid maidens,
And mothers and children in atrocious and strange manner;
Worst of wolf fier that, of the lambs
The serrami broken, the high insane hunger:
Transportation; lands, pits, kills and tortures,
And the more he does, the less he is satisfied.

Having made himself king of the conquered cities,

He put a hard brake on each,
And it aggravated them by exorbitant assizes,
But he always feared iron or poison;
And many of those put to death put
Which should be kept in check
I could not speak my tongue, and if I contracted it
They rose up, and made a fool of themselves.


Page 96

But the unhappy and refugee Aganito

More seas went through each time
Fearing, then, from the brother to be followed
And now reached, and to be deprived now
Of her women, who are startled
Face crying stan below the bow:
That these are taken away pays him
And at his death he hardly thinks about it.

It comes to an end in these pleasant shores

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And he finds them completely uninhabited,

And here he hopes he can have serene hours
Enjoy your children and your beloved wives!
To place the foot on this mountain comes,
Wherever he thinks to go and stay there.
Thus, with those whom he had accompanied,
A small castel was begun.

But that was too short a time

Happy life that you gave him the sky,
That, shortly after, unjust and fella death
He deprived his frail of spirit.
Aganito died, but his adorned and beautiful
Offspring left to heat and freeze;
His beautiful offspring for youth
Not even the others to govern avezza.


Page 97

You would have seen his loving wives,

At his death, like him at all
To color, make bitter bitter tears,
And hating the light is the heavens that hath conquered it;
And such sorrow, such martyrdoms and so many
They stung their heart, which was finally defeated
It was death, and it was the pleasant death,
Hoping to rejoin her husband.

The children together with beautiful peace,

And the flocks are common, the pastures, the sources,
And Hymenaeus with his holy face
Pleased always as on their fronts;
But the lasciviousness and the rapacious desire
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Scattered all over to hate and face:

Thus unjust divisions arose
Of flock and meadows, and brawls and killings.

And with the passage of time, the culprit

So much of it in those parts taken,
That the sweet light is out of reason,
No more nature and its laws intended:
Or worse brutes, each one assumes
How much to be his pro
Neither of right or right imago any,
Neither of virtue in their heart does it adapt.


Page 98

Those few huts, which I already feo

The gentleman picked up other friends
Of this mountain at the top, the culprit fire
He incinerated with burning flames;
Of the wedding the beautiful ritual was lost;
They do not know the children and the unhappy
Mothers father and husband; and ignored
It is the father of the son that he generated.

The men the sides of their skin

Of wild beasts they killed in hunting,
And their breasts of silky fleeces:
They have dirty faces of unkempt beards
And their hair is disheveled:
Wild fruits that each catcher,
And fairs and birds caught in shoelaces
Fan their food, and rabbits and hares and agne.

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Women are only distinguished

For goatskin and doggy furs
Of which it is neglected,
And for the thick and long their hair
Scattered and on the humerus falling;
What if you see them and don't like close,
Illusïon opens up before your eyes
False appearance of sheep and goats. -


Page 99

Thus said Genato, and it fell to him

For the cheeks with eyes a hot stream.
Losario meanwhile told him:
- If the heavens your spirits of every ill lacking
Make and every torment that aggravates you,
Tell me, if he was mortal or if he was divo
Who told you the successes you told me; -
And he answered with a festive aspect:

- Thank you, your heavenly gods, to you only credit

What feasts my blood as from that
Gentil Milena ch'alle dee draw,
D'Aganito the most beautiful consort.
Of it a son, when he saw the worst
Given the brothers, and for the road fella
Correr of vice, with wife together
He came and with his children in these extreme parts;

And then he told them how much

He was heard by the dear parent,
And they told their children after him,
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And those still follow such a tenor.

Thus, time with the fatal process,
This author
It was my father, who in these same thresholds
He died, he is still not much, with his wife.


Page 100

Voller these in these parts alone

Live from everyone else separated,
For they were not their sons
Of the others to the guilty strascinati costume;
Nor did they want to live in other soils,
Hoping (as I do too) that one day, mutated,
Leave that shapeless unworthy away,
Will have it.

Now I can no longer live them

Suffer, often turned lights to heaven,
And various high prayers vat doing
To those who are ever heavenly gods;
But those my voice not hearing,
From my eyes gushed wide rivers.
To Milena I finally asked for help:
She promises, a year has already passed.

At dawn the representative appears

To me who full of anxiety then sleeps;
And so beautiful and diva when I showed,
That I saw no such beauty after or before;
And with his beautiful lips I pulled over,
(So it seemed to me) to my ear,

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And he said: - Hope, son, and wipe away the tears;

He is near that day you long for.


Page 101

He fixed, he told me then, the look in these

That next to me you see: these are
Those that your brothers deny you from harassing
Dissolve laces, and give them their gift. -
I turned desirous and lending eyes
To his sweetest heavenly sound,
And I saw both of you here now,
(And he mentioned Losario and Antasete.)

Then he disappeared from my eyes like lightning,

And he soon deprived me of high sweetness;
Sleep disappeared too, and I blushed
Of this kind, full of joy:
But after many days, the expected escape
Not seeing you will appear, full of sadness,
I go back to my crying, and I repudiated it
How much of my dream I aimed at.

And here in the end, of all the fate donno

Today he sends you here. Filled with zeal,
Dehd them with a deep sleep,
That removing shameful veil
That makes that the unfortunate raise not ponno
The bold look in the eternal sky.
Blessed are those who give you light,
I know that we do not lack an escort and leader!

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Page 102

Give me the lap full of lilies and roses,

Yes, I spread their august hairs there.
You satyrs, and you nymphs alms and charming,
How to honor their great name:
You dryad and amadriad amorous,
With your breasts full of sweet pome,
And you of the semi-residual choir woods,
How all of you to bow to them. -


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Page 103


For with the good Genato you hold on

The knights spent a few days,
And he had more information from him
Of those people and their proud costumes,
Not of the alarm that sword provided,
I begin to climb the high paths.
Escort them is Genato, and show in front
How much joy in his heart he imprinted.

- Tondo is the beautiful mountain, if not that of the occult

A side protrudes and plants the sea;
I do not know whether artfully or accidentally,
It curves inward, and of port has semblant;
The Hippaso River passes by noon,
Wide and haughty, and looks like a sonorous mar:
From the Carenai mountains the origin takes,
And for a long country the sea spreads out.


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In its summit a plain

Immense lies, and few trees have in its bosom,
And sol of flowers is adorned with vegetables:
There is a tempered, calm and serene air.
Filled a little in the middle, and not nature,
But it seems that art has the land;
All around then everything is dressed
Of trees that iron has never heard.

There are so many different living rooms

Myths and fierce and stuffed velen,
But most of them have their room at the foot;
And in the most fertile and pleasant places
People are coming towards the top,
And to graze the grass and the smelling hays
Menan the herds and flocks on the top,
Which is always, verno and been, opima.

The most sublime and happy pria that of the mountain

Seats found the perfect warriors,
Many followers followed by amazement and chete,
Who have never seen such aspects.
Others fear, others hope: other problems
Bring different affects to your heart:
Each one admires them differently,
But every one behind them hides strength.


Page 105

When to make joints on the space

The knights marvel at the summit
People seeing so many,
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That to count it would be full months.

Some parano to the grassy pasture
The herd and the flock; and others, to their neighborhoods
Sitting around, careful and quiet,
And snares and nets, and arrows and bows do.

And more wonder then

Not to see a damsel among them;
And he inteser then that there was no dwelling
In order not to move between them,
And that they lived apart
Of their trade either in caverns or in small cities,
But then that certain age had passed,
They were with more husbands accompanied.

And the slow foot moved by the grass,

Already seen by the first and second
Seen by third parties at a time
To approach with very cheerful faces;
Because the great Alcide, who was intent
To raise his seed, he had fruitful
Spirits of affection and respect
From the sky immersed in each chest in the chest.


Page 106

And who ever could tell how many holidays

Voices I hear, at their appearance?
Scattered hunger in all those shores,
Everyone runs to look at them:
The shepherd's flocks remain deprived;
Every opra is left, every job:

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Every hatred and enmity goes into oblivion,

And only joy and vivacity reigns here.

In that highest part it appears,

Losario walks with his friend,
And above that one and another altar
To stand then then it is destined.
Tree branches are hastened to break
In the wood that is closest to them;
And to Proteus one, the other to Alcide is raised,
That the end of the misfortunes have given them.

Then choose he makes all those herds

Two white bulls rather than snow and beautiful,
And above those eminent altars
The scanna, and the blood poured into streams;
Then he kneels, and his eyes intent
Devoutly he turns to them
Sacred altars, and his face is such
That more divine it seems than mortal;


Page 107

And he says: - You, the monsters you won every time

And you exceeded every hard test,
You are divo in celestial circles
Where neither gel nor hot is ever found,
Take a look at yours above these
Peoples, and with your grace it benefits;
Take every thought from their core
Let it be brutal, and every vile and proud act.

And you, great Proteus, for which I have come

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In this part of the journey,

You, who have your shining throne in the sea,
And to which the marin herd pays homage,
Don't leave these people abandoned:
Send a few rays from your waters
Of your light diva, waves the road
Of the error see, and by the line go.

The holy orazïon ended again

It was not, when from the left side
Instant earth flashes;
Then every burrato thunder resounded
Scôte, every valley, every slope still;
And the most exhilarated people,
Unanimous bursts in this sound,
That seems to compete together with thunder.


Page 108

And among those confused cheerful notes,

What their king Losario proclamar
(I know in lor the heavenly may puote),
And of laurel for that the coronaro;
And with appearance and humble and devoted,
As best you know, the honorary,
And how much they had the fer sir;
And he loosed the tongue in such a tone:

- O children of Agenite immortal almo,

Thus my vows the right heaven in seconds,
If you don't put my saying in no cale,
These fertile loci fien of glory.

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You would build a city like this,

That is not equal nor second
You will be able to see as many as ever
They are in the world more famous and beautiful.

I will defend you from injuries and wrongs,

And I will get you food and drink;
I will offer comfort to the sick and sick,
And the vices will drive out of this band.
I know each of you reconfirms,
And yes appliances for memoranda life:
Let the brutal beasts follow
costumes of the caves and forests.


Page 109

But because the great spirit of Agro

Priva does not go to the divine honor,
A sacred altar of beautiful gifts enriched
Ergeremogligli at the rising of the morning.
You celebrate in the meantime, and it's over,
If you still have, hatred and feral rage;
And give praise to the highest eternal numbers;
And so the whole day is consumed. -

He said; and the festive ones are renewed

Voices for a long time, and then each
With others in company over the grass
Locations turned to its used places:
Others danced, others played,
Others to sing; and other lambs and oxen
They killed, and divided into various guise,
They took care of making them vicarious.
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But the good Losario, with Genato beside,

And Antasete, in solitary part
He went to counsel together with what
They had to make those women apart;
And he will reaffirm that, then that made the saint
Sacrifice it were, they aside
In Dïana and in Pallas alme dive
Make sacrifices in those shores.


Page 110

And came from Losario commanded

To two wise and revered sages,
To lead those women into separate
Loco, and that in its name it is recommended
Ch'a Dïana and Pallas raised
Let it be a sacred altar, and let it be commanded
What two of the heifers the most beautiful
In holocaust they are offered to those.

Having stopped this, they will turn their mind

And their words to the male sex,
It is concluded that they are likewise
These warnings had to be given for it.
Meanwhile the night arose; and the bright sky
For the stars it became. Then the fool
Flank posâr under an old oak,
Until the dewy dawn came.

The dawn was as beautiful as usual,

And the brighter sol came out of the sea:

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The aura, the streams, the tender grass

At one time they came to cheer;
And the augelletti in this part and in that one
Movean, rather than sweet, their singing;
And wherever the eye turns, serene
He saw everything and full of joy.


Page 111

And it was well that one day such as

To be that, he had to go
Such a glorious dawn, and such
That similar never arose for the front:
Day to which he saw no other equal
For many beautiful events and many;
Happy day when Losario the great
It is set up for memorable enterprises.

Losario to the great Genato dictates that it takes

Many more who do more acts and believes,
And to him the men bring them down
Of that instruct you ask from them.
He obeys, and causes it to relax
Quick your pace for that venue:
The young Ilio and Biado are made to him
Comrades, and happy together with it go.

And the venerable old Chronon

It was added, and Firepe and Cisto and Saro:
The Chilean garzon also wanted to come,
And the taciturn Less and Fauni caro.
To these with a very sweet sermon
Losario said: - To the man to be stingy
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It is not convenient for the heavenly gods,

What all evil is from them and it comes to us well.


Page 112

But even those who are not transmuted

What, because of the man's benefactors,
They sit eternally in the blessed choir,
Waves mertan from us divine honors.
Have Aganito at beautiful decoration altar:
Let your ancestors be blessed.
Let his altar of flowers be adorned
And prezosi gifts in every around.

You all know about the mountain

The most hidden and obscure places,
Somewhere or you lead
With your sharp and strong dark,
Where are the most beautiful and happy,
The most beautiful branches each one;
Then take these in the most beautiful grove,
To our deity be the erect altar. -

He said; and Chronon the wise then replied:

- King big and strong, behind that leap
You get a forest full of odor
Plants, above a small piece that rises a little:
Grandi are not yet old,
But above all their other beauty raises them:
They have spring so beautiful flowers,
That snow is won by snow.

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Page 113

In the figure they look like stars

That they spread their rays on every side;
And in the winter their beautiful fruits
Inside they are honey, and outside they look like gold.
I could never know how he appealed
The tree and the fruit which I almost love:
I believe that Jupiter (yes, the taste of it floods me
The cor) nectar and ambrosia spreads to you. -

That said the old venerable had,

Behind his escort each one moved;
And here it appears; and the prence, concerning,
He believed that a beautiful garden was:
Giuntivi, each the ax its rotating,
More than one plant in a balen troncosse;
And just then the hill
He shivered yes, which seemed to be ruined.

And he heard himself roaring several times

At that shock a terrible voice,
Which caused the iron to come out,
And some on a course s'appigliâr fast.
Losario and the two companions of each daring
I screamed and remained so fierce;
Each hair felt curled,
And the tongue on the palate stick.


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Page 114

After a little daring,

Try the king again.
Give plants a shot, and proud accent
You can play from that dark part,
It frightens them in such a fright
Let everyone flee, and fear wings
It seems to me that I am left: only I am left
Losario and the two companions to the proud cases.

And the old stunned Cronone,

Not far from them, on the ground it remains:
And here the hill collapsed was affected
The third time in that part and in this one.
At this jolt, from his green litus
Much of it rotated with a great storm:
Shattered, he fell on his side in a hill,
And he remained pale and white.

The good knights, by no means oppressed

From a great fear of having an offended god,
Of the sky or hell, genuflexi
Disser with the heart of reverence lit:
- Numi of heaven or earth, cease
Your horrendous threat made:
Without knowing it offended we have you,
And pardon the offense we ask you. -


Page 115

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Yes said having, all around the core

Gathered spirits in an instant,
Where the high ruins the great roar
Avea brought the plants,
And vidder with very high wonder
Which I did not believe to have been inborn;
A wall discovered on every side,
Opra is not of nature but of art.

And vider almost in the middle of this wall

A crack, for which the rai
Of the shining sun came into the dark
Breast where perhaps never entered.
For this the great Losario entered safely,
When a concave saw a large width:
Antasete to him behind the steps he kept,
And with Genato in that hostel he came.

That four are those high walls he sees,

What room are square and spacious;
And that sits in the middle of the floor
Very marvelous stone tomb;
From that comes splendor that the eyes makes,
And all is of fresh rose color:
Here comes whoever the stones will aim,
Because there are no others under the sun.


Page 116

As a trophy, above this,

An armor hangs and a crest,

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And sword and shield
every other thing and
of a an overcoat,
gentle warrior:
Bow and quiver still there, contests
Golden and silver from mighty archer:
The whole shines like a diamond,
And light in this and in that part renders.

At the majestic mausoleum around

Others saw minor ones:
It was each gold and silver adorned,
Of friezes and drapes and noble works.
Losario to that, who does away with his beauty
To how many n'ebber never our greatest,
He approaches, and reads the epitaph, which he was
The gleam with white letters in black stone.

«Aganito Sovrano of Stroface

He is buried here. His brother Pisono,
Taken away from pomp and lascivious face,
War moved him and deprived him of the throne.
With his friends he went by fleeting sea,
That you won't leave it abandoned:
Here with their joint and every consort,
He made his room and death awaited you. "


Page 117

Read that Faucid's son has this,

Above the other epitaphs the watch turns:
"Milena, Ilea, Pirita" manifesto
Written appears to us, that of time anger
Leso has not. - And now we are awake
Chronon the watchful, and therefore he aims ,
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Neither did anyone see, and he also a mirar goes down

Those horrible and terrible ruins.

And for that hole the cavalier seen,

To them he drew himself, of stupor filled
How in one place they had like
To him unknown and full of tai tombs.
Those who flee, having believed them
Dead or some great danger in the breast,
The case tells their friends,
Who ran to look at those slopes.

And they came in large numbers to give

Help if there ever were any,
Or for wanting to let their kings leave
Their members of every spirit shook.
Giuntivi, the cracked wall here appears:
Toward the hole each rat moved;
Everyone looked at you, each of you marveling
Arcò, in seeing them in that spot, the eyelashes.


Page 118

Now this one was looking back,

Neither, however, any of entering it had any trust
Pria by had seen in that new quarry
Maben who had entered it with boldness.
Then the ones that while collapsing,
Amazed at the sound of that room,
Eran fled, entraron desïosi,
But of the past fearful shame.

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I know it is customary to make sheep,

That if there is any leap out of them,
The other lambs follow the example
Jumping that pit one by one. -
Enjoys Losario having come to those
Tombs, and thank the gods and luck,
For there you find pleasure
Which is very helpful to him.

But who could laugh as much as you like

Do you try Genato? He reads the holy name
Di Milena reads it again and breaks it
Almost with joy the heart. What a sweet cry
He pours; quai words of sweetness
Full on that he says; how many meanwhile
Kisses prints you, and that beautiful beloved name
How many times he is called back!


Page 119

Or while reading these and those notes

Always the king with greater admiration,
The place is shaken again,
And a very distinguished high sermon comes out
From the middle grave; and well you can
Know that from there the voice sounds.
All intents and ends remain, and in them
Ciaschedun holds the pupils imprinted.

- Losario (udissi), from the same Alcide

From which you descend, I too descend.
My majors and those of your Faucid
The same knot together.
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Great Hercules who in the heavens is seated,

Hercules made of a mortal man to God,
He reached such happiness and height
For dangers and disasters and for harshness.

You know, without tel telony, you know

How many enemies on earth and in heaven he had
And that from the first day that the sweet rai
He saw the sun and the sweet auras,
Until he ended his troubles in Eta
And the sky increased again,
Not even an hour to his flesh and alma
Of quïete he found peace and calm.


Page 120

All enemies, and of the low land,

And ch'abitan of Olympus the high court,
He overcame with paziatente war,
With unconquered and strong heart;
And Jove that from the heavens lightning strikes,
And his stubborn hard consort
Furious to welcome him into the sky,
Stripped of the earthy and fragile veil.

Or we who will deny coming from such

If we are unhappy as he is;
If he is in the immortal circle,
Are we going to make happy cases?
The eagle his children, who have no wing
Still fit to rest the slopes
Del ciel knows to hold the pupil

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Fixed in the sol when more and sparkles.

Our breath is this: I am out of it;

I dress the blessed regis:
You are on the great path where you value,
Good sense and prudence are the good leaders:
To these behind, to the end of the last ages
In the eternal you will come to beautiful mansions:
Follow them as we did,
Neither danger or discomfort will bore you.


Page 121

Already the other war and the sad horrendous cases

Of your kingdom from the marin nume udisti:
I know now you take these weapons of mine,
And these tools to which the equal ones seen
Unqua not furo, and to the war you come down:
You, of them armed, you will make grams and sad
Your enemies, so please repent,
And the cheek beating the cheek.

These are the arms of the great Pelide

Fe manufactured by the parent Teti,
When he lacked arms he saw him
That the too daring friend, though the prohibition
Achilles, dresser wanted, and murderers
Trojan swords and immense hearts
Against himself and drew, and Ettor equal to a God,
That killed her of her raptures.

Now the cerulean goddess, full of affection,

He does not want the dear son to revenge
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Let him cast himself before his breast

No other perfect armor covers him.
Go from Vulcano to the smoked roof
And he asks him: to do it he hastens:
Fact is the shield already; already finished
It is the helmet, and the hotel is already manufactured.


Page 122

But after the effeminate Pari

He had the great Achilles killed for fraud;
For the bow set that god that clear to him
Mena the days, and Ulysses of high notice
The body kidnapped it; bitter riots
Vi fur in the Greek field in two divided,
And for the illustrious and unique armor
Unreasonably immature contention arose.

Many in the race asked for arms, and when

Udîr ch'eran from Ajax and Ulysses asked,
Everyone else is retreating,
Surrendering to those two famous heads.
The princes of the Greeks, standing still
To whom more deserved to give these,
For all that is more than useful opted
Avean was told by them.

They said; and the complete Ulysses obtained

This armor without equal in earth;
Then after a long time in my man he came
From my father, who in a fierce war
He had with the king of the wide Tremisenne

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He took it from him, and sent it underground:

I never knew, from the divine Ulysses
In what way, in this king he came.


Page 123

Do not doubt that this is not that

That is the Vulcan of Jupiter to the great nephew;
Besides being scattered throughout her
You will find clear and indicative notes,
In the circle that the shield stops and matches
Read the name of two spaces:
I want to say about Achilles and Vulcan,
It impressed itself with his own hand.

The ancient letters that such

Names point, you and the great companion,
May the gods immortal with great luck
You will be of great value and magnificence,
You could not understand, though the annals
Notice there: so I do not get back,
And I'll explain to you, yes to your others,
If you're ever in pleasure, you can reveal them.

I know you have a great city in your mind

To manufacture to this vague popol:
Or why you face the most excellent,
I'll paint you little imago.
Sien round the walls, and to the east
Be the door of most vague work;
The other minor ones, at noon,
To its contrary, and where the day dies.

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Page 124

The walls are surrounded by vallo,

In which of the fountains the water falls;
Of the fountains in this city
Be in great copy, unless it happens
Never need water: and order
Sieno the houses; and let each street be wide;
And in the middle it remains broad and beautiful
Square that in the round also relaxes.

In the center there is a house

Beautiful and magnificent you will do,
Capable of many people,
Where your throne and your seat will be.
In this, when the opportunity comes,
The council of the wisest will call:
There your laws will be dictated,
And rewards and penalties decreed.

Let your city be far from the sea;

And a large park does between that and this,
In which the clear saps run down on the river;
And on the banks and lets the sad be planted
Alber who seems to cry a row,
For he seems willing and soon,
To the ground by curving its fronds,
To want to be reflected in the waves.


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Page 125

Solitary impervious grove

Loco of wild roses,
Of junipers, myrtle and other varieties
Shrub whose fruit the gait make
Augelli the place, and sing to the primary
Appearing of cancer; and with his lai
Night the sweet Filomena
The heart of those who listen to it reassures.

Wide and along paralello avenue

Let the rio form; and oaks and beeches
And you lilies will put that in your face,
With seats below, to do the spokes
Del sol with thick and green umbrella fronds,
And to prevent him from contempt,
When it spreads its most fervent rays,
Blurring the view of the people.

In the other vast space that remains,

You will plant in an arbitrary order
Of every tree you like in the forest
Here and there various groups; because the various
Order in the great, the sight of others stops
Pleasantly; while, on the contrary,
More pleasant to look at avvien it is
In the small grate plus the symmetry.


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Losaria is your named city,

And my grandchildren are always at heart! -
That said, he fell silent. - She was astonished
people; and all full of wonder,
No fe motto: one another gets upset
As long as Losario has such voices:
- Aganito divin, how much I owe you
For this gift and advice that I receive!

Alma diva and gentil, that worthily

Enjoy spring in the eternal sky
Next to your magnanimous relative
That held the immense round sphere,
Every year in this day by these people,
That will leave you famous and proud,
You will have two beautiful bulls sacrifice
Pel received great benefit.

And this your most beautiful sepulcher,

Much richer and more friezes adorned
I will do with marble and shoe,
Yes, that anyone else can be shaken;
And yet you wives his beautiful face,
That I live with that great hero,
You will be decorated, with more decor,
Of purple, of gems; silver and gold. -


Page 127

That said, the armor and the other tools

That the kind Aganito gave him as a gift,
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He removed, and went out with those who had come down,
Very happy that I do not reason;
And the trunks taken in the branches
With others in beautiful altars they are arranged.
On the other hand, people are flooding:
Force is that the mountain to rejoice answers.

Two white bulls more than snow and milk

They fall to the immortal divo Aganito.
Meanwhile they had the wise old tracts
All women in a pleasant green site,
And the macaws they had made,
And the victims sacraments set up;
And as Losario had shown,
It was the holy sacrifice begun.

It was very loud, festive

Voices that the sky came to wound,
Answered by the cheerful women;
And the victims the old fer die,
And disser: - Goddesses that are high and bright
Seats make you more beautiful,
Don't mention that honor as these
Females fanvi to honor you more preste.


Page 128

To honor you more when our rule

The promised city will have made us,
For then in your highest honor
You will have a temple that honors you best.
The altar of pearls and horn will shine

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Yes it will smelland
Orilgo, thethen
thoseincense. -
Lor voices fer up to the stars.

Losario meanwhile to the Aganites had

Of the knot conjugal the laws given.
Each of desire lit up
Of being father and husband. - Or the city,
According to that Aganito requests,
Wanting to draw them: - Love
People, he said, no one thinks of rest now,
And make a strenuous exercise.

The sweat of the forehead sprout

Glory and splendor would you do in a short time;
And there will be your dear labors
That day the good fruit must be. -
Yes said, he began to demonstrate
The site of the walls receives waves
Safe the city, and where to get up
The temples and the great senate must be made.


Page 129

The dawn of just the day's officer

He appeared in the sky with his golden hair,
Let those people of every neighborhood hear you
Running at the desïate and great job.
Who bases digs, who the contour
Strip of stones, while others of them
Stan playing instruments. Eco answers,
And with the clamor of the populace it is confused.

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Page 130


Not only were the foundations laid,

But he was beginning to take his beauty
And the city is magnificent:
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The houses were built in this part and in that,

And from the work the weary people
They seemed a little old,
Ants in the summer season:
Here and there van; the one part and the other arrives.

The day by day the more you advance,

And the great work of the zeal,
Which is the direction of the room down?
And to Alcide fan temples and gods of heaven
Of the royal palace in the vicinity,
And who from the fatigue is made anel,
Of the gods and their rule for the decorum,
He does not complain or cease from work.


Page 131

Of columns and pillars loaded

And of every other more opportune matter,
See men and blemishes:
Who makes mortar, who squares aduna,
And of armed trowel and hammer,
Hurry up the masters without any
Negligence or complaint, and in pazïenza
Sol seems to compete and be diligent.

For sweets born his the rondinella

It does not bring food with greater affection
And with care that is greater than that
Which here shows each footman;
For not only when an appeal occurs,
But with promptness and with equal pleasure,
Without this, it never fails
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The mortar and the bricks to the workers.

He sees the king with calm progress;

And for relief of their fatigue
He wants to join one sex to the other,
And that every young person chooses a friend,
Which from the sacred law is allowed
Without testing the title,
And to him to live with her
Without offense against man and the gods.


Page 132

Verginella was there, though in skins

Roughly wrapped, it seemed morning
Rosa, and her eyes were so beautiful
A parea of divine magion.
She, always reluctant to these and those,
Serbossi intact, from their robbery,
And what if Diana had been
A nymph, she was wise and well-dressed.

Next to the king portossi, and with a cake

He spoke to him in his spouse Genato.
Love that his tongue creeps and flies,
At first the core penetrated;
She then looks for it and gives it to him
With a look towards him turned;
Waves, won, to Losario turns the prayers,
What yes noble companion does not deny him.

And consoles him and so does everyone else,

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And of Hymen, the laws remind them.

But often with furious waves
Some embossed wood is presented
In these shores: first even conduits
There were many turbulent Ira
Del mar, which if described above the earth,
With the popol fier he was soon at war.


Page 133

The fury of these people is infinite

He killed it, tormented it without pity,
What was better for them than the quivering
Storm in the midst of the troubled waves
He had absorbed them, or had a burning flame
Assaulted ships and valuable goods.
I would not know what to say to him,
I know that they were too cruel and guilty;

And that no one found himself more iniquitous

Wherever a cruelly welcomed man,
Hence each of them with a dull face
Nomar any from any recollected.
Or then such treatment is not a port
To whom pushes the wrathful and thick waves here
But you are welcomed in such sweet ways,
That one is left with more waves.

Only this the king each asks for and wants

Let the city finish,
And with wise and sweet words,
And with prizes and promises yes invites,
That was not there, which however was the offspring
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Freedom had not prevented

Or his beloved wife or parent,
What thought to return had in core.


Page 134

Now whoever can explain how beautiful it is,

How armed the port was made;
And as well in this side and in that one
Will the arts be seen to suddenly blossom?
The soft fleece is removed from the flock,
And I long queue for women is taken,
And this poscia in cloth is composed
Which then fits and arranges itself.

No more velvet skins are seen

The vaguely amiable sex of people
Belts, but of different vague and beautiful
Tele by time and season;
Yes, now wives and maidens,
Slender and venuste, they seem to be right
To those who target them in their neat skirts
Goats and lambs converse in beautiful women.

And the rough peasants have transformed

Their hovel in condecente hospice,
And the places in the field, in the meadow:
Han made to Bacchus and to Cerer sacrifice,
And the fields have sown with wheat:
To cultivate the vines they started,
And to form olive and chestnut groves,
And a bunch of happy and varied fruits.

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Page 135

No longer is this in new kingdom now,

But a kingdom of illustrious and wise sovereign
Formed already in which no sign appears
Of negligence or inertia, and that is the place
It is worthy of being a real person.
And if you weren't able to take advantage of them,
At least he spies on them: and what ever king of them
How much would it be for me to boast?

He enjoys Losario in rimirando, and seco

Enjoys Aganito and the immortal Alcide.
Minerva from the eternal heavenly species
He often looks up and concerns him and laughs.
Fame is already the Egyptian beach and the Greek
He had filled it, and what the sun never saw;
And goods from all sides were brought,
And how much is needed in a large city.

The fame spread in Garameta,

And of Mentesio it reverberated in the core,
Although many seas aimlessly
To be interposed and to stumble upon the viator.
The joy of it,
But strike with the highest terror;
And the killed king and the usurped throne
But poisonous thorns are in his heart.


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Page 136

He thought that every black guy in Losario

Villainy known to be;
What explained he would have the flag,
And how fierce he is against him
With every formidable host of his;
And what do revenge temptation
Of the parent and the accusation rea
Therefore, if he does not flee, he will die.

His heart trembles in his chest, thinking back

That perhaps some of his friend's now,
Don't try the breasts of the major ones by trying
To recall the ancient kingdom to the kingdom;
Or that does not díenlo in his hands when
The enemy fier comes to bring him war,
Together with his wife and children,
Revenge in the grip of fierce claws.

And this thought is abandoned,

What traitors already esteem and believe;
And it pushes him in a short time and spurs
To so much excess and this faith of his,
That in various forms, unjust deaths and gifts
To those suspects; and gave them charges
To whom did he hope he should always
Being faithful to him and more solid.


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Page 137

Big appliances in his design,

And of the kingdom he sends soldiers,
What vigilant we are so he does not live
Sudden, and lacking found;
And trust everyone to stop, if it starts
Let no one flee from those states of his,
And to Losario to go to give an account
Of all his deeds and all his travails.

The role makes the whole kingdom hard,

And more flowers make his ranks;
And in the great port of Marunta, place
From the Austro side at the borders,
In which, or in another to that little distant,
Loser Losario with its flags,
He should, bold numerous troop
With abundant food locar face.

And of Mennonia the high and strong walls

Reinforce and sink the wall,
And many biade accumular proxy
For resistance to do long interval;
And this is so with careful care,
That few know to what effect it fouls:
Poscia sends two of his most trusted
From Losario to spying on new shores.


Page 138

Many commissions he gave

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Whohe taught
never him
bore norwell; but the wind
swore faith proud,
to anyone
He absorbed it at the end of their path,
And with them he drove to the very last place
Education and every empire of the sea.
Miseri, who was not given to see
The new city and the prized people!

He will not be allowed to know

How Losario to his ranks the art
Of the war you teach, and from it
Breathe in their spirit of Mars;
As intrepidly close to close
To fierce brutes in this or that part;
And as in daring rides and in fierce struggles
Render the limbs exercised and learned.

Not to know with what at the end of the ordination,

And with what majesty the great senate
Or press impose and now the offenders correct,
Now in this provision, now on that side;
And how well it is instructed, and hold up
Each of the order is its state;
And how the degrees are and the honors are
Data to the most deserving and best.


Page 139

And above all, how well educated she is

And with what care the aprica campaign,
And, when towards the summit the sun turns,
How abundant is the auric spica;
See how much harvest the party
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Let it be done, and as for Ceres yes friend

You sing praises, and how many gifts in that
His temple, which is so sacred and beautiful,

He saw the fruitful fields more and more,

And better art in their spirited hearts,
And their high wicked desires and seconds,
And of all cities the desires.
But seven times already with his blonde hair
Fallen it was Autumn from the celestial turns,
And he had shaken his stuffed womb
Grapes and fruits on the ground springs.

Every building where you stay,

The palace and every temple completed was;
When on that side waves update,
A cavalier came up there in the evening:
Golden armor was splendid and adorned,
Of covered arms and of haughty guise,
And in the shield for banner he had
Cristal that closed a snake in itself tenea.


Page 140

And expressed the author so well

He had that figure, you could
See the snake, full of bitter penises
To be locked up in those short spaces,
To twist to those glassy chains;
Strive hard against the heaviest,
The free campaigns while gazing,
In the eyes lit and three languages vibrating.

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With two squires, the warrior has with him

Enter if you want into the superb city,
From the guards who ascended in the speco cable
Stavansi, I heard you say in a sour voice:
- Or what do you bring? - And he: - Pace I bring;
And if the sky keeps me so lucky,
I come to bow Losario. Now therefore to him,
Please see me and lead some voices. -

Yes he said; and moved by the real semblant,

Colindro and Vito are the guides.
He crossed the walls, and with a wandering eye
Guardolle, and I admired what he saw;
And observed he had inborn from afar
The site above which all sits
The vast mass, and for art and nature
He judged the walls impregnable.


Page 141

The magnificent streets, as it passes,

The beautiful order:
How much more forward, more behind lassa
Things less rare in this side and in that one.
Meanwhile, he passes and passes through the streets
A small group of armed men,
That the guards changed in every part,
And to look at the port and the sea is divided.

He sees the foreign rider the proud

I wait for them and the arms are shiny,
And he sees the great haughty bearing,
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And the order is firm and the steps daring, burning:

Estimate your indomitable and warrior chest
As befits valiant people:
Thus one finds at the great royal palace,
Every other part ex minim of merit.

Introduced here and at the submitted rege,

He said: "Mr, of your name, fame,
What made the world marvelous,
She leads me and calls to you so far.
Agatirso I am, of the King Sorato
Third son and of the illustrious Emama:
When you were a child, I was in court
I was faithful to him.


Page 142

In Cova I heard your misfortune fella,

And that fleeing from the homelike walls;
And then in Trane I was told that
It had your parent atra misfortune;
And your miserable mother
I heard the unhappy disaster:
In addition, all that was expressed to me
That in your blood and kingdom had happened.

I was about to fly, I was about to rush

Then then in Mennonia forte,
And use all the strength and arms
To make revenge or meet death:
But then it seemed better to inform me
Where the guilty dwell and in what you do;

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And to this end, young people get wasted

In Garameta fur sent by me.

But, so the ver between falsitade bundle

Trovaro, and the false varied and inconstant,
That each returned without having taken off
Something that had a real semblance.
Or when that gives any of them listening,
Although I am a knight errant,
What strange events I look for in every part,
I resolve to come to meet again,


Page 143

To know for yourself where that wicked one is,

Although you know, that so much oprar poteo;
The wicked mentioned in no old or new example
He has more evil to you, more cruel and guilty;
And to make him and his consorts havoc
Tal, whom no one else ever feo:
I know I've been searching for you
Almost for every land and every sea.

Discouraged at the end, feel the spena

Ill be the most able to find you.
Meanwhile, my ears are happy
Fame that you are in these parts:
I hear you find people in these arenas
Of infinite number; I hear you do it
They wanted sovereign, and you are
From the protected men and from the Gods.

Of this what joy and what content

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I try, if you love any, you know it.

You longed to have the feathers of any wind,
And how to know that you did and do:
To my sinister meetings at one hundred percent
I no longer think of past troubles,
I praise the gods who made you worthy
Legislator and founder of a kingdom.


Page 144

Your things are louder than the cry;

The greater the city; you of yourself
More than six: and if now vigorous
They are the young people, in time later
For your courageous disciplines
And right will become: submissive
It will be the enemy, and only the fugitives
You can leave the field inult and alive.

O grand Faucis, unfortunate fairies

You had, it is true, by the hand of the traitor
He gave you death,
And that before was a false accuser
Your son, and so your spouse
Raminga went: but I will pass his heart,
Sebben deserves us both of fate
Of Prometheus, without being released. -

Di Losario flooded his cheeks and chest

Tears of sadness and pleasure,
And he embraced with sweet and grateful affection
The generous and brave knight.

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Not tears irrigated the appearance

D'Antasete, who in the par of the foreigner
He craved even against the nefarious
Mentesio use the spear and the brando.


Page 145

- If you, Mr. (Agatirso said), never

To regain your kingdom you move,
I will be your companion, if you want;
Enemy to me whoever is your enemy try.
You don't despise my office,
Though you find yourself with great strength;
Because of the practices of seas and harbors,
And of mountains and inept and strong places. -

Here he is silent; and the good king who spreads

In exultazïoni while at the breast
He squeezes the brave warrior, he answers him:
- What are the gods that benign to the fullest
To my fervent votes it corresponds,
By sending such a hero into my land,
What a faithful friend of mine,
And ready to take for me his brando in opra?

Yes, my dear Agatirso, illustrious son

Of that great king who is so much in heaven of delight,
Whose diva in your eyelash
I see and whose core you have in your chest;
To explain with words I do not hold
How much joy in the spirit I have
In this place, aiming at yourself: it is such, that it cannot
Be expressed in notes to man notes.
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Page 146

Nor with human language expressing puossi

How many thanks to you I am; to you who dared
I was ready to fight as long as I was
Avenged no less than the betrayed
My parent! and how much you want
You will be told by yourself,
And other things even if you crave it,
Views or notes from me by reputation.

But first tell me: your father, who with mine

Of such close friendship he was joined,
What I believe I can well be the recipient
Not by death has their heart separated,
What are you doing? who said when the case sounded
A dear friend who has come to this misfortune?
Human happiness is by nature
What a quick flash in dark night.

What is your good parent,

Who was so beautiful, so courteous and wise?
See her one year before the unhappy one
My fate where the Aldon loses the beach:
Splendia what sol when from the wave elice,
Or when on the noon the world radiates;
Nor did I seem to see anything mortal,
But a goddess of the immortal almo choir.

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Page 147

And your other brothers? that I never

I could see the enemy sky!
Which makes the major, above which you now
Did the ancient parent rest? -
These Losario and many other things
He asked him; and he, with a friendly appearance,
Whatever he had asked for,
Succinct to him responded and lend.

He said his father, even if he had now

Twice seven decades past,
Although he seemed to see it less oppressed
From the years, ch'altri would not have thought;
That of his friend often reasons
With infamous murdered empietas;
What of it is of his miserable family
He speaks only with tears up his eyelashes.

That the mother, although fresh, is pink

Now, let it not be opened in the morning,
Although healthy it is preserved and vigorous;
And that tuttor, against the common destiny,
It remains joyful and decorous;
And although the purple has started
Color from her cheeks, what's left
Past quality manifests.


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Page 148

Then he fully realized it

His brothers, and the name did not stop him.
He said the first was called Aliente,
Who was born on the banks of the Trassonic waters;
The other Mione, which in the West
He bought the grand caval (so to 'Dei liked),
I know you could say the happiest
Of the warriors who arms me usually dress.

And why King Losario beckoned

Dear to hear this story,
He began: "Seven years to be already denno."
Who was born on the banks of the Dacolcio ponto
Such a destrier, that when the years are Fino
Full of body, so fast and ready
In the course he was, so strong, bold and proud,
Which has perhaps not the only best steed.

And well, being of fire color,

And of great features, adorned and beautiful,
Many and many believe in that place
That from Febo's wagon down those wagons
Nice parts to play around and play
Eto or Piroo, feel the flames
Of love for some valorous alpana
Among all the others for sovereign beauty.


Page 149

Of that mandra, out of happy manner,

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The master's hope is high

To make a big profit. Or quietly
Dormia put a firm bridle on his neck:
Frightened and awake, and immense
Mena kicks the boss of the family;
And fleeing, for all where he goes,
Whatever meets, bumps and smashes.

He shakes his head, and while he hunts

(Embittering the forest and the sky of nitrites)
Hurry up the bridle that fastens it,
Rivers pass, and cross woods and quarrels:
Leon ferocious who usually hunts
To the strongest animals, bear that you irritate
Great rage, or beast another more daring in jump,
Tremble to see him, not to give him assault.

Pastor hard in the open meadows

The hellish fury is long overdue,
Withdraw the frightened herds,
And then they flee as if they had the wing,
For the vast cattle see landed
From the mighty and deadly rage:
Miserable that flock in which it offends,
For it kills it or spreads it on the grass.


Page 150

Thus, without touching grass or source,

Three nights and as many days,
Of which in the end he reached where he raises his forehead
At the top of Piloro, he discovers the adorned sides.

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With brave andwas

King Simedon ready
for people
those contours
Hunting, which, only in seeing it,
Great desire felt in his heart to possess it.

And why to go so fast,

Tall, and the color was seen
What flame lit, horrible and fierce,
His peoples lie in ambush,
And many strong laces in that mouth
In which having to as he saw,
Pose; and the design was so successful
That he was allowed to fasten it.

At this point I'm all over him,

And double his laces and chains:
Of quivers and neighs is shaken air,
And to do the sound resounds and comes back:
Great longing for every bone,
And the sweat pours from the vast backs:
Exhausted from the end he surrenders, but still saves
Pride still its superb head.


Page 151

Thus: he was taken and by his industry

Expert tamers hired
It was to bring saddle and bridle, and then then
It was made rides and war to make suitable.
As for the king he was dear, you may well
Imagine: never at all
Not the others rode, he was so proud,
That the most right and his strongest warrior.
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But one day, having returned to hunting,

Feeling at the sundial lash
Overcome by fatigue and thirsty,
He ran to a fountain for refreshment
What a fresh burst from a shady cave:
He drank a lot, and contracted a chill,
That twice seven days the shrewdness
People believed on death row.

Although we were overcome by the cruel danger:

The strength will return, and the color bloomed again;
And the joy of the faithful populace
It was so much, how much fear had been.
Then the king, because his medelas
Have the spirit still, and please
Of his healing that he owes to the Gods,
He makes sacrifices and orders tournaments.


Page 152

The main carousel was the one in which

It was presented as a prize to the daring winner
That great destrier I named a vaci.
No land so far lies
U 'did not send the knights to the
In warriors to warm the face:
Full court, the day of the marzial game,
He was of electing jousters in little time.

Mione, as soon as he heard the news,

There flew what a peregrin falcone.

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My enemy
Fe ch'io fate,
I was unjust
not andafella,
at such duel;
And he did not see how beautiful I was
Was the show, and how much good weapons
And beautiful and rich; and how it was and how much
Each of their name and mantle:

And he took the sight of the glorious

Assault and that bloody race,
And that I didn't find myself in that doubt
Assault for so rare money.
Oh case too painful for me!
Ah remembrance for me too bitter!
And this happened to me that, far away,
Too late I heard this new vain.


Page 153

Many of you came from Garameta,

Between quai Gostardo, strong beyond measure,
Of little age: taken from him by saddle,
From him, that the blow always measures,
Many fur won; and the gathered peoples
Hope they were almost safe in heart
He would eventually be the winner,
And the prize will have a deserved honor.

My brother was extracted from the urn,

And meeting went to him with great boldness.
The meeting of the lance and the same door:
With sword then fer horrible dance,
Let the noise be heard from the blows
For the whole city: at the end of the advance
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Mione, and it stuns him and yes he lands;

And then move on to another new war.

He won each other easily,

And he bought the good horse without equal;
But a great whisper was born among the people,
That if Mione with odd forces,
To be the other tired and less ardent,
He had not found it, and perhaps the bitter ones
Damages n'avria tried and not victory,
What a valor but fate and his glory. -


Page 154

I know Agatirso telling giva

What the brother himself had written to him.
Meanwhile, the darker night appeared,
And every star went on its journey straight.
Or for the joyful and joyful company,
In a large room, site prescribed for this,
A fine and magnificent dinner is prepared,
To the beloved they give themselves and to the party.

Golden bed for himself Losario takes,

And next to him is the dear guest:
Antasete on bed of ours spreads
The flank, and preclaro Genáto:
Ilonte and Pario still on this ascend,
It is the gentle Crosi and the wrestler Prisaro:
Then follows many other long orders,
Whose name I will not prolong myself.

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Ten charming and vague donzellette

And as many kind young men,
Rare and elected ministerial food
And simìli nectar wines.
Then the desire to take food stood,
The high rooms suonâr, suonâr le umíli
With cheerful sound, you send fur around
Full of golden mulled wine mugs.


Page 155

And before any other, King Losario asked

Great cup he found in the monument.
That it was from Agroite was obvious,
Rich in precious gems, of gold and silver,
Around which the author lies
D'Adon the story with the cignal rio extinct,
And bleak he saw that face
That seemed like heaven for the first time.

See the blood flow from them

Intact snows, and the lover was seen
Venus above him the beautiful lights
Esaürir, yes the crying was abundant:
Darkening saw the fiery stars,
And she will die on the dead infant,
And it seemed to color, to eyes, to motion,
Similar to him in spirit already empty.

First we see a flower swell

Purple, and the body beautiful to have vanished:
Anemone appeals, which is a few hours
He enjoys life in a beautiful flower garden,
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Remembering too much that the gentleman

He was kidnapped by the fair.
This Losario cup came to ask,
And when he kept it from full Lieo,


Page 156

- Benign Jupiter, he said, you who give

To the guests the laws, to my landlord
Cloud of grace rain, and do what ever
Not the offender destined enemy and Rio;
And because you perfectly know
Which I do not abandon from your laws,
It makes this people learn from me
To treat dear guests with love.

And you Bacchus, dator of joy and celebration,

He came with your favor to console. -
While he said, in that part and in this one
The earth and the sea seemed silent.
Devoutly the cup is preparing;
The lip approaches you, and the wine floods
Go to the jaws and the chest, and the heavens the voices
They go to make happy and fast resound.

His example followed the most then.

But the son of Sorato, having in his breast
Great desire to feel as from his
Losario was forced to flee,
And all the other story, he said: - To us
Reach more pleasure,
Happy king, listen to what I am

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I come so far and yes I desire.


Page 157

And beyond that, because two decades are

That of the native walls you are outside;
I am not so imperative as I am,
Believe me and think that in such a long error
The good things didn't happen
Let it not be heard, whoever holds such a tenor.
Therefore let this grace not be denied
From your tongue to my humble prayers.

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Page 158


Everyone was silent; everyone was careful

The ears to hear that answered;
And Losario, from his eminent bed,
These voices from the chest will come out:
- What do you ask me, I do
To tell you I would not be: believe that idea
May I like in my heart not to tell you
Yes easy what you want to hear?

Though (sanlo the gods) the painful one

Death and ruin of my dearest ones
Having to rïandar, you lagrimosa
See my gods face several times;
And remembering the hidden plot
And the unfair betrayals and the guilty facts
And the wicked regicide, you'll see in me
The rai glowed with anger and sparkled.


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Page 159

Nor how much I will tell you you could

If old Proteus didn't tell me,
When from the horrible and fatal waves
He welcomed me into his divine quarry.
O good God, whom you so kindly aroused
Certainty to me of what was in doubt,
And you showed me for heavenly gift
As for you dear and loved by you I am;

You make the memory give me,

What the whole thing I tell you about Agatirso mine,
Because my mind has become somewhat lost
From the long contrast with the destination:
And that the tradigion he felt
Come with that vigor that I feel,
Because he gives relief to the unfortunate
The sweet sympathy of dear friends. -

Yes said, he told him how betrayed

It was from Aldino and Mentesio, forced waves
It was to flee from the paternal beloved quarrel
With Antasete his beloved friend,
The fourth luster was also responsible;
And, to avoid the damned deception,
To escape the induced, and company
He wanted to be disastrous for him.


Page 160

And he told how the parent

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From Garameta lungi he had found;

Who heard the unhappy death from her
Of the father and of Beltrando, and that it was procured
The ulcer sword was against her,
And that was his decreed death;
His escape, the disastrous fate
And the unfortunate sudden death.

Then he added: - Tai things to me also not

They were clear, and out of my land
I was carrying my tired plants,
Nor did he know the heart, nor did he know the foot where he stood.
We came a day where frothy and white
The waters of the Gareo greenhouse in a large bed,
And we found ourselves in the midst of a great and fello
Very proud thieves,

Being the popul of Maldora at war

With that of Segne, these having taken
Escape from their signs, here it dwells
They do; but he is often the surprised traveler,
He did not leave anything else if he gave him, since he died
That the gold leaves to heavy burden:
The value of many is useless
For behind is assaulted and in front.


Page 161

Now we found him around us,

Loaded with weapons and with terrible eyelashes
Intent on depriving us of the clear day.
What shall we do in such a great peril,
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Only armed with brando in that living room,

From the street tired and without advice?
While resolved to die,
We put the brando in opra boldly,

And to die, among those infamous people

We hurl ourselves with great impetus and great anger.
I, who was used only to deer and ladies
In saettar, I follow the example. Ei turns
The sword as a hungry wolf
Brought into a flock, which is around
And he bites and tears: yes, almost thirsty
Made of blood, make the sword of Antasete.

Many of them avean armor, and many

Premean of beautiful horses the lean back,
Most of the passengers removed
Who led their fello destiny there.
Even as the gods liked it, frank and loose
We went out, having a rough slaughter.
I believed that invisible descent
Fosse Bellona to make our defense.


Page 162

Certainly, though none of my blows

Failed to go, and that strong Antasete
A larger number of thieves robbed
Had given deserved death,
I thought without the favor of the gods
That this could not be our fate:
I believe therefore, and believe the truth I believe,
Let this happen for heavenly empire.
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But because the side of pleno wounds

It was, to treat us in a neighbor
Green and gently pleasant grove
We entered, and over it a crystalline source
On which the serene air joked,
With Antasete on the lawn I bow;
But just to warm up the open veins
Let's take the querula voice from us.

Soon we follow careful and quiet,

That grows more the more we go.
At the end of half-baked high secret
And thick, let out this lament we hear:
Fleet of a woman or a child,
That in state is completely sad and grim:
Our heart moved beyond measure,
For compassion I went to the dark forest.


Page 163

Here a hole we find little able,

From which the voice undoubtedly rises;
And Antasete, for bold pietade,
That is why he makes his body cale;
And a damsel who can never have peace
To give oneself for the bitter sorrow that the heart assails,
You see bound, and around you more proud,
Let the fans, guards, guard them.

This was a spacey cave,

The lamp had from that hole and other.
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When color vider the shady quarry

As he descended the pertugio closes,
I will hear the proud spirit amaze,
And he prepared for a rea defense:
Thus descended still is not Antasete,
What a feeling of his burning thirsty blood.

He held the shiny helmet to the most resounding

Strikes, and flames, threw out for the dark air;
But these blows were harsh and heavy,
That Antasete beat on the hard ground
Stunned yes, that his vague semblances
Paintings of the color of death furo.
Meanwhile I, following the steps on,
Coming down I found myself above him.


Page 164

When in such a strange way I saw you,

I thought he was dead, and I don't know if he is older
It was the desire for revenge or if I tried
In the most terrible the pain;
I know I jumped in one leap
Behind a desperate high fury,
And I cut a hundred cuts and a hundred barrels,
What resounds for the deep caves.

But then the faithful friend resents,

And he sees me engulfed in so much war.
He soon reverts to his ancient value,
And the most lands at once.
Allor, as it happens in aprico time

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When heap aofvillager,

If you have snakes you
together it it
will hit tightens,

Of a stone, he soon untied the wheel;

Thus the wicked drappel, to escape,

Scared, he tries to escape:
But the iron of Antasete, like a flash,
Do not cease on those to hurt;
And above that narrow dark field
Strength is that of the end of each life spire.
Melting the petty damsel,
And you leave the cave unclean and fella.


Page 165

The high presence and the majestic and vague

That woman's face, and manners
In which we see a real image,
They make me a beauty of heaven to see:
But why do you look more like a lake?
He cries and can't have peace,
I force myself to ask for it,
But I can't cry from her for it.

Little Agnella who saw

The wolf-like strangulate mother,
He flees to the first rustling of which he is brute,
Quick to par parcel that sparrow hawk
Movere saw the cunning flight in the air,
Who tries to escape the fierce assault;
Or what a deer who, having seen the hunter,
Jump cliffs and crosses rivers and rivers;

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Such, was that woman that not many

Say before he had seen (ahi atrocious sight!)
His assembled servants and followers
Preda remain of that fierce drappel;
And two of his brothers involved
In his own blood; and when he heard, he spoke
Of four agonizing wretches
Affectionate her beloved maids.


Page 166

Now, desperate at all, appien languishes

And it turns out that the beloved bridegroom believes he is killed:
Although strength from fear arises,
And each one of us is divided by the sea:
Each of the woman is surprised
May the conquered heart grieve for so long
And by the way it never moves,
That death does not encamp its beautiful rai.

Here, finally, the sea can be seen

Placid and quiet, and very close to the shore
A painted and beautiful ship rises,
That of the waters lie in dominoes;
But the damsel at high cry hands,
And a man rises in his wretched, miserable face,
Together with the two brothers-in-law also sad:
Cries of sweet mixed auras are heard.

These were the brothers and the husband

Of that woman: but in the dark den
While we punched, only with strong arm

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Waswere trying toone,
the unhappy get rid
andoftothe hard
give death
To the infamous murderers; waves did not
At first sight they are known to us,
Nor were we known to them.


Page 167

As long as I live, I leave the tears,

And you use vestiro minaci weapons,
And they appear from afar their countenance
Proudly proud, and feverish eyes.
We who see how far they go
Masnadieri thinking of the wicked and raptors,
Nudate right glue make us sign
That we are friends and that we stop the wood.

But the aspect of his beloved spouse

Fe to the woman what to do soles,
Then that pierces the stormy cloud
And it radiates the hill and the meadow, the blond sun:
Happened to calmness and rest,
And the lips, which pale blades
Pareano, and his dewy cheeks,
They are similar to lilies and roses.

And who will laugh, who can explain well potria

The very sweet welcome among them;
And which language never expresses basement
What are the embraces and the kisses?
You alone, Apollo, and you, dear Talia,
With the divine voice and the golden pick
You could do it: my mortal chest
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He says only that which is true.


Page 168

The first thing he said then

She to her husband and her brothers,
It was that of being from the horrible abode
Exit safe, she was obliged to us.
How many tears they gave away
Of tenderness, imagine it:
At our feet we kneel humble,
And thank you in kind and gentle ways.

Giving us praise, we more than brothers,

More than fathers said, when Antasete
With these sayings he said those:
- We give you what you have.
For various cases and felli injuries
Human life runs to its goals;
And this is not a human being who abhors
Mutual office, and does not help.

Now you descend on this dispute,

And, refreshed the soul, counted to us
Your successes. - Tenner those the invitation,
And the limbs on the flowers were laid:
And because the great fear is still over
He was not looking for thieves
He prays those beaches, and then he said so
That cavalier who was called Ulysses.

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Page 169

- Between the upper Irmeno and between the beautiful Sura

A fertile, fertile soil lies
Nature is pleasant as well
Elected if it is for his rest,
Where cities he has hills and plains
And a kind and numerous people:
De beautiful studies and a very happy,
If you praise my things to me even though I love them.

Of this I am mister. What is it?

Desiar didn't know, fully satisfied
In his young years, when she is joining
All thanks in the serene face,
Ch'or from past worries a lot s'imbruna,
And yet my heart draws from my breast,
I saw in the beautiful city of Olene,
Of which the empire its parent holds.

From my kingdoms far is Olene Molto,

And I saw her going to a party.
Kidnapped and burned by his RAI living,
No more peace within my core;
Arsi, I froze, I feared, I stayed, I tried:
At the end I ended and requested it
To his tremendous father; and smoke me love
Auspicious yes, that the core was happy.


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Page 170

Ten ships he gave me,

And company of a worthy daughter.
The cruel impious wind and without faith
It makes that storm as upon us,
And bewildered at this sad seat
And almost absorbed, push them:
Here, when we believe we find rest,
Death we find with the scary mug.

All without fear on the grass spread out,

Past fear, serious anxieties
Obliar with Lieo we wanted, and took
We felt sweet nights from the horrors;
Sweet from the beginning, and then returned
Mighty as murderers and ungodly and pravi,
Which assaulted us like hellish
Furies, to many levâr the aura vital.

As far as I saw the embossed vestiges,

We will come from three sides to attack:
The dark night held their weapons,
And sleep and silence their anger.
Thus the impetus they imposed upon us,
Which is the wind that fierce coils;
And we resist femmo to those,
Which in the tender dark saplings.


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Who can say in that horrendous moment

Disarray, pain and terror
What we had then was the brigand drappel
Above was there so cruel fury?
Who's the bitter and so many bitter deaths,
The blood shed and the horrid shrill?
But above all, who will pay potria
The great terror of my beloved?

Luck was I didn't see you, dear one

My life, in that so painful state;
What a sight , oh God! so much bitter
It was sary for me, how desperate
I would have spilled a stream of blood
To free you; or if for raw fate
Should have died, leave you in sad fate
It would have hurt me more than death.

My wife and I, with his two brothers,

We were smitten by the wicked and grim masters
In their lair ducts; but from us
They divided the woman, and in proud ways
We tied to a pole: neither did we
I knew that it was; waves thoughts
Sad and black turbaron my mind
As long as I didn't see it again.


Page 172

I thought, however, that it was far from us

He came, and well after ver appose;
That, as I have heard now, in inhuman
Modo was for harsh and humming paths
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Conducted, and in a dirty and strange angle

Imprisoned. At the end of the anguished
My days, two will come, for I see you are
You the ones, you Losario and you Antasete.

In that way, you were called to hear you then.

The masnadiers take the arms, and without
Advise or interpose another residence,
Me broke up and the brothers: resistance
To get one with the other
And in order to have our assistance,
Give us arms; and weak and depressed
We came to fight for them.

You landed, Losario, the two brothers,

And of thieves various n'uccidesti,
While Antasete strage fea de 'felli,
Menendo horrible and disastrous blows:
Of blood at his feet streams
In which he would then go, or these,
Wherever his sword used to,
What lightning landed or pierced.


Page 173

Here it comes to me, and to blow with the wise

Right we mention: I take shelter; and in the meantime,
While at a second he aspires, I with dexterity,
Quick qual balen, on the other hand
I turn around and he perishes: and firmly,
What new Hercules in Erimanto,
He turns and blows leads to me,
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What a prostrate stretched out my sand.

The night had finally given way to the day,

When I remained motionless and insensitive, I remained;
And when the senses return to me,
I was dead and dying.
Whether it was morning or evening, around me
I turned to look, and saw the rai
Of the almo sol that placid and fungal
Giva descending towards the Atlas Sea.

I wound my wounds; and the longing

Half my soul was first cure
To see again; but lasso! invan searched
Wherever I was; and in my misfortune
Only hope had left me
That was with you. I therefore at the venture
I resolved to expose myself, and to search for her
What is the purpose of my thoughts.


Page 174

One and the other brother, luckily,

After a long swoon, he remained,
Sebben wounded, free from death;
Ond'io da speme and desio brought,
Two whole days for straight roads and cakes
I went looking for it. Finally, desperate,
I resolved to return to the sea,
Where the vascel was waiting for us.

Once there, we thought we could,

If you were by chance together,
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To the vascel make you take the way,

Which is known to it as we are.
Now, thank God, my beloved one
At this point I see with his brothers;
And to me, who seems to be dead without her,
It seems to be new life to be resurrected.

The rest of the story is not necessary

I am vel narri, as it is fully known to you;
So we will embark; and I will let you see
The sails in the wind now that the sky is clear;
And having to like my palace, I will have it laid
Column in the middle of my pleasant garden,
Where narrated fia, which competes,
The story of Losario and d'Antasete. -


Page 175

Ulysses rose from the grassy soil,

And all followed him after him;
And the four strangers, not of pain,
But of friendship verses tears.
The woman, how she kisses her son
Tender mother, both clear
Hero kissed; then the others with affection
He gratefully rubs them into their chest.

Then, towards del mar preser the way;

Where arrived and ascended on the vessel,
Seafarers heard joy,
And with swollen sails, and similar to stornello
That flies, it seemed to us as we left:
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The brush seemed to be on top

Of joy even: the eye on them we held
Infinite that we could no longer see.

Only stayed with the faithful friend,

Our journey continues;
And having reached an ancient wood,
Without hesitating, we enter it
Get ready to fight against the enemy,
Oh brute or monster, if we ever meet:
But luck was good for us,
That we didn't find any resistance.


Page 176

After a long and difficult journey,

From that dark wood having come out,
We found large region. From a neighbor
A ruscel comes down from the vines
And the fields and meadows form a crystalline lens
Pond: pendon from every tree exquisite
Delightful fruits, and in a vague way
The lake is surrounded by reeds and rushes.

There we arrived in the laughing morning

When some august the gorghey
Every cure banishes from the mind,
And that zefiro vague whispering
Shape while playing sweetly
Between frond and frond; waves Antasete and me
Potevam thinks you're dead
From the world of the living in the blessed.

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But not high was the sol when we saw

A troop of nymphs celebrating.
We kept our eyes above them
To see where to plant their plants;
I stayed, while looking at them
Once in a thick grove, in an instant
All at swift steps enter into it,
And we were not allowed to see them anymore.


Page 177

Not long after, amazing horns

We heard resound on the other side,
And doing the sound spreads in those contours
To that of sharp shins mixed:
Then satirical bicyros came out;
And Bacco of corimbi crowned
He proceeded happily among them,
From two lions drawn in a golden chariot.

He has a thyrsus in his right hand, to which he rolls

Mixed green ivy together with pampano,
And the other man supports a wide golden bowl;
Grapes and corymbs on the forehead camp,
And while the plaque slightly rolls,
And the goat legs stamp the soil,
- Evoè Bacco, - heard repeating
In high noise it fringes the ether.

On wheels d'ôr, ch'a 'rai del sol they sprout,

Adorned with emerald and chrysolite,
Among nymphs whose voices refuel,
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Solemnly treats in celebration and in Giolito

Ariadne comes, and they shine around it
Ostro and byssus abundant more than usual:
Two meek, tigers drew her,
The haughtiness of the cargo seemed.


Page 178

Giunta that Bacchus was on the campaign

Which without bulk lies at the lake around,
Stop waiting for his partner.
As it was, they went down inside and around us
Andaron of the small mountain;
I know back again,
And in that way in which to arrive first,
For the same way s'incamminaro.

He had the day more than the hours,

And in Ly the sun made dwelling;
When we, to suppress the heat,
In the lake we entered, and as he refreshed himself
One of us, with great fury
The gigantic figure emerges outside:
Both grab, and we're in a moment
Immersed in its liquid element.

For underground river, than from the bottom

Of the lake is extended,
We who seem light to it
Transports: the river before it splits;
And it came to the end of the deep sea
It takes a lot of space to cross.

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Andfront of us is
it places usaabove
paraphernalia, and finally it leads us
the low arena.


Page 179

In the most miserable prison than ever

Had been seen sooner or later,
We were locked up, where I looked
Men and women of all ages. Here his
Does not carry the life-giving rai sol
To spread the joy over us;
But a faint dawn filters through it,
That sol makes the horror visible.

From oven to oven, above us suspended

Hatch the waves at small distance:
Or wet or dry algae on the ground spread out
Forman bed and seat in that room:
There is no one there nor any tool;
And who wants to rest, de 'the custom
Following of the dogs, and they do similar,
Lie as they were in the kennel.

But fortunately, the next day

There came an as from Proteus sent,
And (who knows?) Perhaps he was Proteus himself,
In him who came to us transformed.
Four thugs like together with it,
Giovini strong and ciascheduno armed,
And as sovereign and master
He ordered the prison to open.

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Page 180

His command was soon executed:

Then, before entering, severely
To the keeper he turned, and of the nefarious,
Inhuman, cruel and inclement
Way the redarguì with which treat
The unhappy harmless people came;
And he immediately commands his followers
What food and drink we manage.

- You, he said, in a wood you will go to the ground,

Where after having arrived and disembarked,
You will see the elements in war;
And this is to punish the villains
What strength they have in the henchman.
Those who are here will all be drowned,
And the waves scattering of the lake,
Don't let yourself be filthy and brago. -

And after we refreshed ourselves,

Venner dolphins and sea horses,
And we sopr'essi, having settled down,
He let us carry on the water
Where prepared navigators
We found the waves ready to love;
And at the port with favorable wind,
We gave thanks, and everyone left happy.


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Page 181

Two days later, while each one

He walked very far from the rivaggio
Del mar, with austral wind, the aerodrome:
From the clouds interrupted the live beam
Vibrating the sol, it made a troublesome heat;
But the clouds following their journey,
They joined together, and no longer the sun
Now he gilded the earthly mass.

A light rain begins to fall,

Which is gradually strengthening;
The clouds are thick and the sky rises;
Meanwhile, the whale and the ethereal fire
Steep clouds light up the atmosphere;
Thunder and lightning burst of every place,
And in heaven and on earth at storm
It is terrible and terrible.

Now on the sea and from the shore

Euro with known to battle arises:
Fan vortex talor that you deep
Up to the low arena; and talor arises
Yes the wave is high and so voluminous,
That almost a distant tower can be seen;
And if near an old oak tree at war
Vengon, strength is that it quickly falls to the ground.


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And then between thunder and lightning and between typhoons

The sea roars, the wind shudders, and it seems like the sea
Volgan overlaps triple orïoni.
No divide between the sky appears
And the marin wave; from the balconies
Of the heavens with the deluge on the bitter
Waves overflowing, which you do not know if descended
The sea to the sky or the sea to the sky ascended.

I sol, with Antasete, withdrawn

I was in a shepherd's hut;
And when the temporal was finished,
That scattered the clouds, and that the roar
Of the earth and the sea it had ceased,
And the sun had resumed its splendor
In heaven, quiet and peaceful,
We resumed our journey calmly.

And having passed a forest

Of the Duke Polinatto, who rules
Our progress, kind honest
Maiden in deeds and in the face of us venerates.
Her limbs were black,
Black vel copria is the neck and the chest.
With a sweet greeting she welcomed us,
And then towards us tai said dissolved:


Page 183

- Not sorry and one and the other rider

To my lady to come with me.
This feeling is not far from her:

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Give yourselves to like and talk to them,

You whose arms are aimed at becoming different
They give you brave you are. I go here
To pray to you to do this: be merciful;
Come and listen to his complaints. -

We followed it silently;
And here a great palace is exposed,
In which, when we arrived we were then,
We saw great wealth and noblemen:
The damsel ci scôrta, and her steps
As soon as the neighboring guardian discovers,
To inform his lady goes,
Who came to us without abiding residence.

She real had a beautiful presence,

Of perfect age, it is also jammed;
Pinta was in a state of sadness; and the lip without
Posed rice, and humble face.
We are very kindly welcome
Treated by her, but never ceases
To bless and thank the Gods
To have such mandates sent to her in time.


Page 184

Once in the great hall and seated at ease,

Food and drink and carry on,
To refresh us of the evil journey
In which so many hardships we had and so many;
And in oblivion place any discomfort in the end,
We were curious and yearning
To hear what she wanted to say,
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Which in the end these expressions expressed.


Page 185


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- Argon king of Umída, abandoned

His wife's dishonest loves
Beautiful, loyal, courteous, has sacked
Unceasingly from the royal court;
And while he was able to live blessed,
And lucky to do her fair too,
Ha, for his wicked and perverse conduct,
She is shameful sprinkled, and she in grief immersed.

Now she is cast off and scorned

From whom should serve them every moment,
While for it alone having ascended
The royal threshold, to be happy,
Not having anyone to take his defense
(What the brothers dispersed, and the father turned off
It was one of those who had his kingdom),
Churches and aid to Polinatto.


Page 186

He is a duke, and he has in his duchy

Many cities with wealthy populace,
And large cultivated territory
From bevy of industrial settlers.
In safety the woman has placed
Far be it from the ungrateful and proud rege;
And he has raised twenty thousand infantrymen,
And knights in as many.

Of these and the general empire

To his generous and strong nephew:
And then he sent haughty ambassador
Del rege Argonte to the superb court;
That he intimidated, with a bold and proud manner,
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Let him put his wife in order;

O forzerallo in marzïal tenzone
To return from wrong to reason.

The high embassy was from that mocked,

And the ambassador was cast out;
And because in his offender he warns
That has his wife so ardently lit,
Without reason, he wants her killed;
And moved by cruel high fury,
Message also to Polinatto send,
Which brings him this embassy:


Page 187

That his king willingly accepts the war,

Neither for threats ever fear and takes:
What Levisante your spouse expects
May it be rendered to him, against which he claims
Of received offense to revenge;
Then punishing him for his boldness means:
And let him grant it to him,
It is more powerful than the believer thinks.

To such infamous talk, so wicked,

Pale to Polinatto, he turned his face,
And in thinking how could he be born
Man so guilty, he does not speak and seems foolish;
But then from that passive one woke up,
And all the beautiful spirit of his harvest
Around the core, his nephew appeals:
- Go, he says, move the field and ride. -
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And also in the saddle it mounts; oh great goodness!

And towards Umída, with great strides, he walks,
Always lighting the core of his armies
To lead to harsh enemies ruin.
But, oh how badly our unfortunate ones
Mind you know what the sky devotes!
Argonte came to meet them with a strong
Field, and gave his nephew his death.


Page 188

With his luck in the stern, his hosts

On our pushes, much more daring
And more tremendous impetuous and proud,
That to the flock are not ravening wolves.
Iron prey was full of troops,
And they seemed like those fields that were not capable
Of so much slaughter and blood; and Polinatto
He saw, oh sorrow! the unmade army.

With him, his teams are very subdued

In the strong city I recovered,
And with poles, chains and barricades
As best you can make sure.
Bow, crossbow and slingshot brigades
Foot soldiers on the walls
To make rain fall atra and deadly
Enemies on the head up.

And when it comes, stubborn and raw

The king asked the woman and the old man,

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As he will
long asuse against
others theas
serves naked iron,
a mirror.
Of pazïenza Polinatto shield
Fassi, and he puts everybody in the camera;
And his brave infantry meanwhile go
Storming color below.


Page 189

Already four whole days have passed,

What under their vineyards marzïali
To land the doors fur sent
With them dark, cranks and poles
The sappers: colored waves that armed
Escape from their brandi and arrows,
Temer den that if you land the doors,
Unripe death will fall upon them.

Prayers and strength places the duke in use

Where it is necessary, and to all things well:
But fear of his confused people,
Puzzled and frightened; and almost believes
Let him have a treason betrayed,
Forgetting pietade, honor and faith;
And that by opening the doors to Argonte,
Let it be his and her death.

Constantly the load bears

Defend her from the criminal designs
Of the mad rege, and to the can
Recurrence of the greatest of the Gods,
Praying for it to be removed for him
The sickle that is suspended above her;
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Rather, he would like to lose the kingdom,

What to see for that unworthy.


Page 190

He is very sorry, and every time he cries and sighs,

where he believed it to be placed on the seat,
Against her he sees the fate that conspires
And against himself in favor of the offender handling.
In all parts with the mind in mind
Who gives them, and sees how I see,
That in such a strange occurrence and so proud,
In vain, on the other hand, he hopes.

Now you, warriors, that kind aspect

And proud shows how daring you are,
If ever the beautiful glory burned your chest,
If you have pity for unhappy people in core,
What the leader cannot do, with immediate effect,
I beg you and beg, ask;
Reason, innocence too offended,
Both from your value to the final defense.

Good opre prize is the good to do,

And no one ever goes closer to the Gods,
As for others, health and life to give
And free him from the offenses.
But it is useless to try to incite
Your alms excelled with my sayings,
While written I read you on the forehead
Your hands are always ready to go!

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Page 191

Ite therefore, magnanimous, and I yours

I will be stockpile; so let us go to heaven:
Ite where Argonte proves
Determined to pierce the mortal veil
Of the queen, and to the duke and ours
Land to do what to tender stem
Making the wind soles; and the grim his fury
Break down with your high value. -

Yes said this lovely damsel,

And we gladly followed it:
Transported by fervent face
Of true glory and true triumphs,
Let's say we find that bitter and fella
Cruel, ruthless soul for those paths.
With it we rode one day;
At the end of Opacia we were around.

Opacia that castle was named,

Di Polinatto of the duchy in the breast,
That Argonte, as you heard, was troubled
Swollen with rage and cruel poison.
When it was discovered the castel, calava
The quadriga febea in the Tyrrhenian Sea;
So from it we took apart,
And together for that night we stayed there,


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Page 192

But the sweet song of the Augelli paintings

As soon as he greeted the dawn, he took
Which girded with arms and with the sword beside
More near that castle came down.
We aimed the opposite field, and how
The terren allowed the arms to be laid out.
The woman turned pale,
And a great cry flooded his sad cheek.

Meanwhile, a faithful herald was in Argonte

Sent by us to this challenge:
"A cavalier you always had ready
His desires to end to those in heaven trust,
You, to the innocent wife of shame
And wrong guilty, a mortal pugnacity challenge.
He has a companion with him
It will happen when he remains oppressed. "

The faithful message starts, and presents itself

Where the king presides over his teams;
Humbly hover and let him hear
The challenge, which albeit alma gave him,
Even in the semblant fearlessness it shows.
Ungrateful the other is the call and without faith
Towards the woman who donated in kingdom
To him of such unworthy charity.


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Argonte is angry with him, with a sinister eye

Mirandol says: - Go, answer yours,
That they also go, and that they lead with them
How many are from the experts to the shores, and
For fear of threats I do not go.
I will then punish you for your audacity,
Of those who send you less recklessly. -
The herald leaves, and returns a little later:

Observe the steps taken and how to us.

But meanwhile Argon hurriedly
His most trusted occult leaders hold
Council, and want to know what they think of it.
In this we came to those arenas;
And the king, spurred by ardent fury,
Jump on horseback; his lance takes,
And the impatient used nod waits.

I then asked to want to say

Some things and make no agreement,
And he showed himself ready to hear:
"I fall," I said, and my companion did
Both of us and your desire:
If you fall, let it be your portrait field;
Of his expenses the duke will redo,
And to Levisante the throne you will render.


Page 194

You will serve her as long as you live,

Nor will you have part in his sovereign empire. -
He, who in turn, tradigion fed,
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He accepted my thought cheerfully

With indicative consent,
For the infamous design made high.
To meet we went to the nod; and the auction
Of him was in my broken and broken shield.

I placed mine straight at his sight,

And overflowing I did it on the grass.
Of the case he is furious and does not become attracted,
And it rises with a high and superb front.
Treats, the sword, a better site buys,
And in the side it gives me unripe beating.
I cry: - You win six; gives fellon. -
It is the answer in lightning sets.

Then again I felt anguish

Giving him some lance in my chest.
He falls and rises again: above this thigh
It made me angry, but with little effect.
Again I cry in vain, and then I draw
The sword, and cut off the net shield to him;
And his head is a blow to him,
That again the terren percoter sheets.


Page 195

Stunned remains the on the ground;

And in this while, on my side it comes
Yes, it darts fast, much less
Go to the euro and known on the open arenas.
I am angry, and my eye is full of great anger
Giro, but in whoever darts, it doesn't happen:

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On two occasions I have betrayed the appeal:

And as in my other square.

These armor did not break me,

That rather than tempre it was elected.
Furious on him beyond measure
My body is my spirit then stood,
And my horribly hard tip
In his chest he said no slight pain.
The fierce arrows come one after the other,
Nor do I ever see the wings moving.

Antasete is still exploring then,

And the king threatens and calls the traitor.
He nods; and comes without a home
His people on us with great fury.
We soon joined us; and the blood the field sprinkles
Of that crowd that fainted dies,
We are jumping here and there, we carry ourselves,
And ample slaughter of them we do.


Page 196

Antasete still moved with fury,

- Not you (shouts) of king, of knight
You deserve the name: that of a traitor
Sol suits you, and that of masnadiere; -
And in that say, it spurs the runner
By Losario in defense. To his hosts
Order Argonte as a strong squad
Send to make both of them a rough slaughterhouse.

Meanwhile Polynact, that from a high

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Torre had mirar that fact remained,

Given that the betrayed traitor assaults us
What a furious and angry mastin
Down the stairs in a great hurry jump,
And from his faithful guards surrounded,
For the door that at last seen landed
He goes out with all his armed people.

Moved by reason, the brave host

Pugna fiercely collected in itself,
And somewhat buys of the disputed land.
All his camp turned against us
Has the king of Umída, and comes against us in flight:
The vigor of ours grows, and much blood
Spread, at the end, no more to say,
Enemies were saved by escaping. s


Page 197

Does not regulate val, not val command,

Not strength, not debt, not anger;
What a hasty flight into the ban
The high fury the host ranks pulls.
With their barons to use the brando
Sol remains Argonte, and flame and fire blows:
But their contrast soon ended
For a terrible and fatal blow.

Against Argon Antasete having risen up,

A blow like this to his chest,
That plummeted and fell, and it seemed dead:
The barons flee, and the king in the presence
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It was brought of the duke; which resurrected

Seems like a death to life for pleasure
Who has to see the woman from fear
Free of his perpetrator.

But when Levisante of his spouse

Ode success, and that he is near to death,
Stral so proud and so painful
He stings her heart, which makes her cheeks pale:
It falls, and the eternal rest seems to be
He has doors of his life:
Then, recovered, of ululations and tears
He fills every house with his habitation.


Page 198

- Ah, for pity's sake, let her say, first of all

To the last breath of his life
My beloved, let me join
Labro a labro, and for the last game
Give him the last farewell! - and meanwhile the grip
His cheeks are endless;
And he says things so pitiful and sad,
The forests have been softened.

By dint of those so beautiful complaints of yours,

Conduct was almost dead to her husband.
When he saw him with his eyes closed,
Blood soaked and with a dull face
Three raised up the aching omei stars;
And then, devoid of spirit and comfort,
His senses fell upon him,
To the motion and to his face, he is less alive.
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The pious offices of her bridesmaids,

After a long time and after much effort,
The spirits used call to those
He sees the ancient light in his eyes.
Crying then he shouted: "Cruel stars,
Destin perverse, and you, enemy fair,
That I have done to you, that with I know a sword
Do you want the dead to fall at your feet?


Page 199

Oh God! that I see! Oh God! what a touch I ever!

(And meanwhile Argonte pressed close to the breast)
Why not these rai closed to death
After I had a peaceful day to enjoy,
Pria that to see you whom I loved so much,
Diletto Argonte, now less of it?
You are my love, you are my life,
I have been discara every time you are.

You must see yourself yes, but not depressed

Among the fatal branches of death;
And then you die, neither do you grant me
More to see you, hate fairies!
The Erebus opens, and to my oppressed spirit
Do not deny that you enter inside its doors:
My martyr will be less painful
That while I live I see you die.

Open these eyes; open them, and aim

Your spouse that you so much abhor;
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And in what state for you both, behold,

Because she was already washed, she cried to you. -
He sighs from the depths of his heart
To these voices, and forcefully opens them somewhat;
He stares at his face and then the greenhouse:
And she wept more then she said.


Page 200

The holy duce cries of tenderness

And admire the virtue of the queen;
And in his own bed he leads,
And he treats his great doctor in care;
Although it is a theme that I have heard, and little light
Life appears in its petty life:
And in sayings and facts he shows a strong desire
May those wounds not give him death.

Levisante does not depart from him,

And food by his own hand shows it.
Use the learned Chiron his great art,
And what a relief the egal sentiment already appeared.
That more? in few days this and that part
With milder pain he torments him:
The somewhat spirited eyes open and revive,
Neither the language of his sayings is free.

The queen is mad with joy:

The good old party does, and makes to the sky
Thank you so much: all the harshness
The carnal veil of the sick leaves of Argon.
But thinking back to his ugliness,

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A cold
The chill
duke toislook
felt at
around thehas
his face core:
a theme,
And before others he grows pale and trembles.


Page 201

Foolish and foolish with closed lips

And it looks like a baby in swaddling clothes:
Pace does not find, and only when spread
They are the shadows on earth, somewhat reborn;
But then the alme porte are opened
At dawn, and the golden day is born,
Try, as the offenses are heard
To himself, death sentence bitterly.

But one day the greatest leaders and the most valuable
Greats of that realm were together,
Joining the dissipated spirits to the heart
And to himself by doing extreme violence,
Of the highest leader at the feet, of those magnates
In presence, he throws himself and cries and moans:
crying and sobbing through the course
Truncate the voice and stop his speech.

At the end he says: - O wise and strong duce,

If heaven is ever more second to you,
Either you walk away from me or give me death;
I can no longer tolerate the pondo
My mistakes, in the face of my wife
And to you who so deeply offended
Of my soul my heart is proud,
What death I will suffer most willingly.

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Page 202

Don't believe what an excuse to add, I think,

And my youth put innanti,
And the impetus of fierce and intense love
Whose is not that of surpassing itself;
To apologize to me for nothing conviensi:
I have erred, and my errors are such and many,
What if, or good duce, the punishment you hold back,
Unfair to have you reputed, you come.

You, Levisante, ounce mine

You were, and with my foolish madness, to pity them
Demeritated I have you, I know how it is
Tender your high bounty.
Interpose between us, and let me give you
The duke my limbs torn
To the vultures before the day pear;
If not, I will die before evening. -

These and other words together with tears

Argonte said; and the leader at Levisante,
How low his beautiful holy face is,
He said: "Hate your delirious husband!" -
Then to him face: - How much Mars and how much
Luck over you luck, innate
I place your wife; and to her gift
The will of punishment and forgiveness. -


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Page 203

And she then: - Duce of full glory,

And generous more than ever before,
I gladly accept your gift,
And I thank you, though not much.
You, Argonte, will return to your land,
And you will sit on the throne again;
And in guiderdon of my love, I only long
That you love me as I have already loved you and love you. -

We took our leave of armor

Beautiful donated and rich survivors.
We passed mountains, we passed plains,
And we crossed those countries and these;
We had good or bad adventures,
And terrible and disastrous encounters;
We had much to do with guilty thieves,
Front of us we found bears and lions.

In order, in certain horrid and strange woods,

He said, for what we heard, Argente
Then we entered that the heavenly dog
Make the sun as down on the most fervent world.
There one heard from far human voices:
There the steps together, there attentive ears
We held, and found ourselves on the shore
Of a river that sprang from a forest.


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And two nymphs joked about the wave and the grass
We saw, beyond measure, fresh and beautiful;
What a fortune to see, - Who will keep you,
Did they say, inequitable, sad and fake insults?
Who leads you to unhappy death?
What are you going to find here cruel stars?
Please take your steps back, and that's enough
That you arrived at these placid shores. -

Having said that, it divides into clear waves,

And we were rather astonished.
- Let the sky fall, I said then, the sea overflow;
It will not make us so much flood and much
Exterminate our course to abandon.
For fear he cannot be frightened
Our heart, which has been, at every moment
Almost in stormy rock of adamante. -

Antasete, while I spoke so,

With eyes and gestures my second talk;
Because we never disagreed.
We comforted ourselves, and for the green shore
We moved the steps until Febo the rai
He did not hide inside the sea wave,
And that black and silent night
He did not come out of the cimmerian caves.


Page 205

We rested then under a shady helix,

But we could never close our eyes,

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What a terrible and frightening voice

The whole villa resounded:
They announce the horses, and for the herbaceous
Volean beach to escape to the other ring:
When dawn came, we found ourselves inactive
A hideous monster from the head to the plants.

Now I don't know, sir, with these words

Describe that fierce hideous monster;
The likeness was not seen under the sun,
Neither is there any demonstrator ever with ink.
You Monico and Tifon win it in size,
But your body was not so horrible;
For this stature and semblance he was,
Which won in both the chimera.

If any of seven crocodiles the griffin

Spread out in a row and only one,
Then seven times repeated the nifo
He added to you with a ferocious cialale,
And his whole body of blood shit
Seeed and smeared with mud,
It would be good enough to give an accurate account
Of the horrible portrait show.


Page 206

From the low and upper jaw,

Strong and long sharp row
Fangs come out horribly from:
Similar eye on the sun when it is blurred
From caligin its splendor is not thick:
Make the air resound with his bark,
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And thick and black smoke in each band

Swirling and pestiferous handed down.

It's almost as big as a whale:

On six large legs he walks
Armed hooks, and have the whole back
Covered in a matte scale,
Who plays if he stumbles or squirms;
Long rear tail trailing,
With whom men and beasts captivate and choke,
And without chewing them if you swallow it.

Now to us this great beast is coming,

Hoping to satisfy his craving.
We will put our whole back together
In the sword, and we give him unripe beatings;
But you can't hurt yourself: so you hold on
To be near us the eternal night;
And overcome by despair,
The extreme force in work arises.


Page 207

From here, from there the raw monster lashes out,

And he wants to swallow us; we dodge it:
With sharp branches it takes away the shield,
And we can do little or no defense.
Our side is almost all naked,
And that we would be grabbed believe it,
When Antasete took a strong branch,
And in a jump on the beast ascended.

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I follow his example, and the hideous monster

He shakes those branches and ruins them on the ground:
But in the meantime we remain tremendous
His back above, as the sky destines.
This was the way to be understood
So we fled the last ruin;
What aggravated feeling the beast,
He screams fearfully and becomes stronger.

And with the serpentine tail fair

He whips and squeezes us to give us death;
But in stringer ourselves it knots:
We reward you on your back for each time.
Meanwhile, yes, it runs for that one,
That seems to be the wind or the lightning the door;
And it goes through firs and pines,
And it seems that the neighboring hill is ruining it.


Page 208

I know portocci in his dark speco,

It was above an atrium and unclean lake,
And there was so bad the blind air,
That is less that of Erebo deep.
Here he began to snort, from the sinister eye
To launch flames; and chest from the bottom
Voices so horrendous he began to send,
That the whole earth and the sea trembled.

We then fell stunned to the ground,

And the fierce and harsh c'otthiottio.
Being in the city of grief
When I was inside that great body:
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While feeling Antasete I console myself,

And to see my brando in my hand.
We began to wound with horrendous tips
That belly, which extends very much.

The monster that feels in war

Nor can you shield yourself, run away and run away:
The mouth bleeds the earth,
And in that his iniquitous spirit escapes:
Angry with teeth a pine grabs,
And to it his life is destroyed.
We, almost suffocated by the stench,
We came out bloody and gross. -


Page 209

Then he told him of the horrendous storm;

As Antasete he came out of the wrathful sea;
And as he was himself in the stupendous
Magion of Proteus so well treated;
His future lineage, and the terrible one
War that heaven has already given him;
And how later he found that again
People so deformed, so beautiful;

And he divided how much in that part

It had happened to him, in simple words.
But they were already starting partly
The stars to finish their carols,
And already close they were salutarte
Early morning, or sunny blond.
Losario fell, and the shady shadows

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Chiuser all the lights in gentle stillness.


Page 210


Now the brave Agatirso having done

He lives a lot in the new city,
Think of leaving, fully satisfied
Of everything good and beautiful view:
And in order not to be misleading tall,
Sen goes to Losario, and to him with the speech
Men that with the core, having embraced him,
Asks amicably.

Then again great admiration

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He shows them for rapid reform

Which he did already for the Nazis,
The footprint was used to follow the brutes,
Devoid of wisdom and reason at all;
Now he placed it on a standard wise,
He obeys the laws and worships the gods,
And he resists the deformed and guilty customs.


Page 211

- Similar to the sol you are for the purchased

Your kingdom, he says. What you see then
What is the heaven of clouded clouds,
If out of the caves his favonio was outside
It breaks out, it is the nimbus that is suddenly lost
And the sun of his rays the earth gilds;
Yes you are with the splendor of your mind
You scattered the clouds of people.

But I am incapable of counting

Your merits, which you are accustomed to make the sword
Not the tongue I am, and immense sea
They are for me: but if it happens
May my brando ever help you,
Wherever ever is and in what district,
You will see me making my silence fine
With my horrible and terrible right hand.

I go, said he to the end, vêr Garameta:

I'll wait for you, or those parts around.
You hasten to reach the goal;
Bring revenge and scorn to the usurpator. -
Nothing the king answers, for tears forbid it,
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But hugging the adorned knight again,

With a gesture he acknowledged his liking,
And Agatirso left happy.


Page 212

Now the city grew in its splendor;

Crescean in the beautiful studies the citizens:
Waves, to make the value known
Of each and the pilgrim spirits,
To make an invitation to their core
The virtue to him,
Losario thought to make a turn,
And give reward to those who will have more daring.

But not to the first sol in the carousel

It will show more valor it wants to give,
But of those who according to him will show
Of his breast he wants another prize either
Other than the third; and to Antasete shows
How much it solves and how much to make:
Genato still means, and many others
More around their kings collected.

In the main square he makes fences,

And the weapons are prepared and the steeds.
They were given
Orders to each of the knights.
They are very practiced horses,
And obedient to the brake rendered and slight.
Now let them practice, and let each one crave
To bring back that carousel hunger.

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Page 213

And here's omai, that day prefix

It shines to cheer the whole earth.
On the horse each more that can adorn
In a gentle way or here and there he errs;
But when, at the sound of a warlike horn,
The sign of the fierce war was given,
Each was drawn to the intended location,
Impazïente and in sight all fire.

It is beautiful to see that city

All on the large square, spread and welcomed;
Old, vague little boys and grateful women
And woodcut people go in time;
And their voices mixed together
Murmur such produr, which one listens to
On the seashore when the wind
In motion puts the liquid element.

King Losar is on a high throne,

Judge, spectator and ruler.
Around him in good order they are
The magistrates, exalted and holy people.
He had the great armed chest of good
Hauberk, and the helmet lay before him,
And the names of the tenor guerrieres written;
And everyone, one after another, draw the feasts.


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Page 214

The first to be drawn was Gismonte,

Who was glad more than any other man was:
Uleno came before him, and in the forehead
He wounded himself in the earth, and found every one on the ground.
Then came Zelato and Ilonte,
De 'quai' the second to the blows did not move;
The other one fell down with ruin to the floor.
Here against Ilonte Calderano.

One shot was given in the shields;

The splinters of the lances to the top fly:
Then with the truncates without reserve
We start a serious bitter conflict:
Ilonte being more art and backbone,
Fe van di Calderano every shelter,
And the thrown stunned between the grass and the flowers,
And the populace heard happy clamor.

Erello, after this, Ipasio and Alasto

He got out of the saddle and the vague Alabinato;
But he then had very little contrast
With the valiant and gallant Genato.
Genato to many and many gave the fault,
It is the first honor to be purchased,
If a brave incognito warrior
Nol would fall from his steed.


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Page 215

A superbly adorned scudier

To the king Losario appresentossi avante,
And he said to him: "He has come on this day."
Here is my lord, and he asks in this instant
(As he does not plan to stay here,
Take care he is a wandering cavalier)
Let him be allowed, and that he is
Given a running spear, and turned away.

As, he said, and sign

Fe to Antasete who welcomed that;
And the cavalier stranger is well worthy
He received in a gracious and beautiful way.
The guerrier came to the marzial commitment
Above caval white as snow and slender,
In the closed arms; and it is the surplus
Of the white and richly rooted guerrier.

Opra of a noble sculptor,

A gold dragon for crests had,
What with wings spread (except in color)
Alive and agitated by each one it seemed,
And secondar he looked like the jouster
He fought in the fight;
Which in the helmet is always hidden and wrapped,
No one ever saw his face.


Page 216

Bowed that he had the king, he came

In the closed field, where the great Genato was,
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Which because of the others the laurel obtained,

First pugnar must have in the fence.
Here they are together with large antennas,
Here is the good citizen lying on the lawn;
Anyone from near downed lightning
It rises, and it seems that the senses have lost.

Then the ruler Ipparo draws from the urn,

Who boldly meets him flies,
And, like the first one, he still finds himself
On the hard ground, and to the eyes of others it flies away
For shame. Then he was cast out
Ilonte, who consoles himself in the core
To rediscover the honor which he had lost,
Under Genato having fallen first.

The rod fiercely in remains poses,

And the bold caval spurring on:
Hang in your chest, and you are strong and good,
In splinters for heaven go in time.
On the big horse nothing breaks down
The stranier: Ilonte falls again,
And this shame surprises him and angers him
Which horribly trembles, burns and sighs.


Page 217

Then there is Plito vago garzoncello;

Yes to the course yes, what a challenge
The tiger and the pardo; and he is so right and slender,
What won is not who he is from
In covering the sling and the square,

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But for the carousel it has little vigor;

So he is fully convinced,
That enters the list, it will come out as a loser.

Having seen those others overflow

They were more daring and frank than he,
More experienced and right-handed, while he saw
The stranger cavalier of invaded hips;
I know the great king, who on the throne sat;
He went with his lips trembling and white:
"Mr," he said, "when I go with him,
Sure it is that the palm tree is his.

They don't have many friends against righteousness,

Because everyone, defeated, hit the ground:
What will I do, that in these alms of the mountains
Of me less act I do not see a single one?
But for your beautiful and happy days,
Gods who love you from the pole
I pray that, once I am lost,
Ch'ei meco run to order ord tu dia. -


Page 218

The king replied: "Dear boy, day."

It is intended only for the carousel.
He also goes to the knight adorned,
And your strength and bold core shows:
If you fall, you will have no stain or scorn;
Indeed, because a strong yes with your carousel,
Glory also won, will you be able to say
Of having dared to come against him. -

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That said, the beautiful garzon tears eyes

Humid lets the governor see:
Pianto dear and kind, that to virtue so much
Induces a beautiful and well-growing core.
It goes without hope, but rather happy,
In the fence, and in the saddle
At the first clash over the land overflows.
And now it is up to Aulus to as forward.

Aulo, and then Silvio, and that first run,

And all the others that joust jousting
From the mighty stranger, he won, and handed
Gîr on the sand, pale and trembling;
And those also whose names he gave
The urn, which numbered so many,
Which may seem impossible to others
What so much can be done in one day.


Page 219

And yet, not only did he win on one day,

But so much remained of that day,
That with a ready tenzon is about to begin
The white cavalier playing the horn;
And Antasete tried it over and went
Over a superbly adorned horse,
That he had more than pitch black skin,
Distinct of minute and white stars.

The white cavalier stares at the eye

In that guerrier that a carousel comes,
And for great unconventional and very vigorous art

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And the valiant holds unparalleled;

Whence a gentle fire runs not late
To warm his greedy veins
To acquire glory, and the destrier already volgea,
If Antasete did not tell him:

- Guerrier, who without equal in arms is,

(Holding the visor high from the face)
From the street, from the tired jousting to be gods;
Don't offend yourself, no: so I warn you.
Second, therefore, my desires;
Let it not be our determined affair today:
Take two rest in this
Night, and put the lance in the rest tomorrow. -


Page 220

The other replies: - O full of kindness,

Grand cavalier, as of value;
Every fatigue from my heart is despised,
And he just loves the war sweat.
Whoever enjoys hunger every moment appreciates,
And he is tenacious and mean, he is hours.
Who knows? perhaps the harsh and fatal destiny,
Of you fasting, of early dawn it assails me.

Let's fight now that time gives the sky,

And only our breasts light. -
That said, his hairy silver horse
Let the flying course relax.
Antasete amazes, and a certain frost
Strength is that within his chest he understands;
Because it seems to him that those who talked to him had
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To his voice be sweet fanciul.

But the character, but the excellent evidence,

But his perfect body encounter are
At the tender voice. Now he: - Where
It is I, he says, and my man against whom do they go? -
But it removes this thought
The auction of that, which comes to harm him:
With unresolved hand and core, hold
His Antasete, and he comes to this fist.


Page 221

You ran the horses straight ahead,

And the cavalier put the rod on his chest:
Tremaron the fences to that clash,
And the river boomed from the bed springs.
A rough mountain will have that fier meeting;
Neither one nor the other cavalier perfect
He moved on the saddle, and the rod was solid
In pieces scattered over the hard ground.

They are asking for more

Peak in horrible shields,
And yet they can boast again
To stand up to raw and raw shots.
These routes, others see brought,
And fans return to marzïali ludi;
Nor can climbing over each other,
You went into the body furious to give.

Those rods were dull armored iron,

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And it is forbidden to hold the sword,

What the regnator, he wants only that you oppose
In such a way that no extinction falls;
Whence the swords are left idle;
And he just wants to make his way in war
Learn, and in what manner denno
Undaunted to adopt arms and wisdom.


Page 222

Blows are given so great fury

The brave knights head up,
What a fear the severity will go when it is harmed
Of the law, as on their steeds
They fell like those who languish or die
On the saddle stretched out the pugnacious,
And on the ground the palfreni throw them,
And left stunned and motionless.

Free from the spur and bridle,

One and the other destrier quickly
A gallop to gallop and to trot,
Until his cavalier resents
And the lost senses do not resume:
But from one and from the other diligent
Scudier was pursued and arrested,
And to their masters remade.

Both of full envy and shame

He will resent himself, astonished;
And why change each one aching,
Fer de 'fists arms, of them armed gloves.
I say free, and I do not say to lie:
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Not the Cyclops, in the smoked

Antri dell'Etna, equal to their blows
Their hammers fall at great work.


Page 223

Throw avean shields, and uncovered

Heads and breasts so fierce,
What if they had been less experienced,
And the defense is fast and steady,
And of arms so fine not covered,
Hunted you at the bottom of the mouth
Dell'Erebo, or sarien, who died at least,
Precipitate over that terrain.

Like who wants to see a horrendous basket,

More frightening than the real basket.
But why more are spending more
The forces in the van, still leave this,
And with strong arms he is taking
They go, and each one harsh and harassed to the other:
Disrupt each other with serious shocks,
And in that part and now in another one.

Stump the helmets in a proud way,

And the grave breathing from afar is heard.
To make a more tenacious and strong knot
No boasted and elected chains:
Their hand, which I above all others,
Human force has nothing to disnode it,
And what it grabs, it breaks or separates,
It was heard to play from afar.
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Page 224

Or spoil the breastplates and the crests

They are for the blows of ferrigni gloves.
With their knees tighten their steeds,
In back they go neither forward nor forward;
And these, while they fight the warriors,
Pouring with sweat, and yearning,
They shake so hard,
Which seems to succumb to death.

The carousels do not pay attention to the horses,

Nor do they want to leave without victory;
And it makes their efforts even greater
The memory of past fists.
Also, of the human events to the conductors
It was a pleasure for the forest to have glory:
D'Antasete broke with the palfrey
The narrow cigna holds the breast.

He notices the well of the unfortunate crash;

He tightens his thighs, and the destrier almost kills:
But the stranier with strength and lena meanwhile
He grabs it and divides it from the horse,
And you can happily boast it
To see what he never saw in war;
To look at him quickly, to give of the hip
On the ground, and remain confused and tired.

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Page 225

So much oak, which rises from the ground

Strong and robust with its branches to the sky,
The whirlwind is useless,
Now the cloth comes upon her in the van of Jupiter;
If afterwards time will run barefoot
The earth on which the grave stem rises,
With the ground itself it is strength
Caggia, however always invoked in itself.

The great stranger knows the disaster

That to lose to the enemy is proof,
And this way does not care,
It is well known to the city to do it good for him.
He goes down saddle, and from the hard one
Earth, where then fallen and brooding,
He raises with his right hand, and so favel:
- Guilt of your cader enemy star.

I did not win, and you did not win;

I never win where luck prevails.
When the sol fia from the waves pushed,
For he begins to get a black night,
The pugnacity to follow I will be pregnant
With you endowed with true prowess. -
That said, his squires on the side,
He was among the thick vanished people.


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Page 226

He makes himself look for the unskilled knight

From the king, whom he appears not to see to the throne
The prize due to him to obtain;
But the scattered wind researches are.
Looked for the city, more than one courier
He looked for it outside, but in vain. Meanwhile, the good
Antasete announced, that to the new day
The joiner would return to them.

- I know he promised; and added, filled

Of generosity born of a star
Spirit, that I beat had the ground
Because of fate, and that he lacked
The victory remained full,
To the cinto attributing the motive;
And he protested without arrogance and pomp,
What a winner is none of us left. -

Then tell how much the express stranger

Pria of the pugna had been brave and wise,
Which leaves of Losario in engraved core
D'affezïone and envy a clear ray:
But when he hears then, that he himself
Which has strength and value and such courage,
A young man hears the voice,
He feels agitated and warm his chest.


Page 227

He feels such impetus, such void,

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Never heard in the past days,

To see her presence discovered,
Know him and have him in those contours:
Now pale, even in the face, now without
Favella remains his adorned lips,
And the heart in his chest throbs and trembles;
He hopes and fears, and does not know what you hope for.

O great strength of heaven! or great power

Of your great kingdom, or gentle Venus!
You, without that I could still see
Have that face in which April blooms,
In which the graces are heavenly and true,
Divine beauty to no other similar,
Already languishing in love you have it;
Not know, and sighs from his chest draws.

O maraviglia without example to the world!

O case all full of tenderness!
That beautiful breast so amiable and merry,
What united he is to him, he already adores and appreciates;
But such is his destiny: heaven, fruitful
Of wonder, of sweet bitterness
He sprinkled his core, and he will not be happy
Before seeing its clear dissolution.


Page 228

Instead of taking used food,

In his mind he contemplates the white warrior;
Now the cimier never with the face raised,
Now the high chest, one and the other side;
Now the great strength, now the prized valor,
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Now the big arm that was never tired:

But above all, tell him to hear
The boyish his tender to say.

He sighs and languishes, and the cause does not see;

A no motto does not care about anyone:
The hours pass, and he does not realize it,
Neither the vigil nor the fasting torments him;
And desire strong that the sauce seat
You leave the sea Febo, and the dark horror
Of the night cast out, to us return
The light face, and to itself the warrior adorned.

On the dawn at light sleep surprises him,

In which he seems to be the brave and strong warrior
Wings at the back dissolves alme and stupende,
Upon which the ethereal doors fly;
And the higher the flight stretches,
More beautiful shape and so rare fate
It takes, that at last all the human limbs
They seem celestial to be reduced.


Page 229

His beautiful body shines more than the sun,

But among so much more eye shines more light;
As between many gems soles will occur
That the noblest of all stars shines.
The golden foliage, in beauty diva sole,
They also scatter, beyond obvious light,
So much of ambrosia and this heavenly smell,
That core is comforted.

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But, God! naked is a man; the armed right,

And a strong shield hangs from her chest.
So a scender begins and par nojata
More to the everlasting roof.
On the shining feathers balanced,
It is shown to the king, who is encumbered with delight
In seeing and enjoying from near that
Shiny and beautiful celestial appearance.

You see among those lofty rai inclines,

A damsel of angelic face,
And such that perhaps it never received
Among eternal beauties, paradise;
But his eyes were not happy and cheerful,
And the rice didn't shine on the lips:
He amazes and fears, and she to death
He challenges him, in a tone of unripe and strong voice.


Page 230

He leaves his sleep full of fear,

And together of sweetness and high hope:
He does not know what you are in portent,
He does not know how to understand what he has, or hope, well.
So mother who saw experiment
Of the valor that his son holds in his breast
When he is at war, he enjoys and fears and hopes,
Nor is there any reason why this is true.

This is how Losario remains; and as in vain

To relate to sleep or temptation,
He gets up, nor can obliar that strange dream:
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Waves, which man fell into a frenzy,

Errando goes from room to room, or slowly
Now at swift steps; and can not
Turn his thoughts to something else,
What to that visister misterïosa.

Wait now for the time to come

Of the carousel, longing to see
That horse that the woman he loves
Think of it, and unknown rider
Each one is an appeal, but none yet
He saw his face; waves, who can know
Are you a man or a woman? even think Losario
What a woman she is, nor can she believe the opposite.


Page 231

Or while in this doubt state awaits,

Time seems to him long beyond measure.
The tools meanwhile every warrior trims;
The lance looks steadfast and safe;
Keep your uniform ready and perfect,
And new and beautiful proxy attorneys.
In sum, he wants to see every thing of his
Be sure not only, but also pompous.

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Page 232


It was already the second hour of the day

When the fences were opened;
And dealers and sergeants in every neighborhood
They were among many gathered together
Waiting for the sound of trumpet or horn;
And heralds, of their garments decorated,
Ready to inform the juggler
About the time to show value.

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Losario had descended, and was seated

Above his high seat with the thinker
Above the horses assiduously fixed,
Among those vat looking for that warrior
Not yet from any view in the face,
Believe that he is a woman, and that he is the gods
The core with a bolt so strong,
That before losing you want death.


Page 233

It turns the eye for everything, and does not see again
The beautiful warrior who returns to promise.
To Antasete it soon requires it;
And he did not see him expressed,
But that will have the foot already moved;
For those who believe are not right
That hero who has such beautiful soul, to that
Sign your own honor lay in non-haul.

The king is quenched, but the lust is increased

In hearing his high and heavenly praise.
The horns the jousters to the seats calls
Above their nimble and fast horses:
The beautiful desire to procure fame
Keep your spirits around your heart so you awake,
That you give strokes other than raw,
Now above the helmets and above the shields.

The first honor was acquired by Genato;

The other Perino; the third daring Ilaspe.
So for ten days followed
It was the jousting and the lively celebration:

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Always of the first crowned laurel

It was those who had in his heart a burning glory;
I say Genato, whose value extends
In every land, and glorious shines.


Page 234

King Losario again complains,

That the knight for nine days
Not seen; excuse him the other tries
Of not having had himself seen again;
And, to offer him comfort, reminds him
What Proteus already knows,
What destiny is for his wife
Beautiful woman, kind, invaded and strong.

- Yes invitta donna, he says, I know well,

Which is not found, and you know what to predict
The omens are not pon of the marin God;
Then one day you will see it reappear,
And your desire will be satisfied,
For with you you unite yourself:
And if she has not shown herself to us now,
Some strong reason will have forced it. -

Genato's beautiful wife enjoys

That his delight in such value is;
But envy of Creto the rode chest
May he go to glory for such a beautiful way;
What an indissoluble lace he knots
A damsel of so much grace,
Of such grace and wisdom and beltade,
Of great esteem and yes young age.
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Page 235

He cannot see their children so beautiful

The illustrious character and the rare beautiful costumes,
And he conceives toschi more and more felli,
More deadly every time, more bitter each time:
Yes the hammer hammered: atriums and rubles
Draw at all to humanity against
He is imagining, and wants to see extinct
The high family and every scorn surrounded.

What a practical wolf, to which hunger

Tear and press the belly never full,
Of miserable needles to which his lusts tend,
And he always thinks of making new torment;
And knowing full well from his infamous species
Esservi ovil is not much space,
Think of the way to enter, but the sagacious
Pastor fears and can fido is biting.

He sees his obvious danger,

Pur, of the night in the most blind horror,
With a cautious step and a wary mind,
Tacitus leaves his native species;
Other seco has only the proud tooth,
The fierce plow, and the eye burning and sinister,
And the greed; and so much comes and goes,
Which of entering the fold in order to obtain.

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Page 236

The dog deceives vigilantly,

And the caring and wary shepherds;
Find the way to the closed, and the boast
He gives himself to several lambs absorbed
Down in the greedy throat, and, to the next son,
Missing to have a mother: and oh how many deaths
And how varied it is to the first ones
Poor lambs that oppresses with their feet!

But not, however, some bold and grim give

Long time it glories and delights.
Here is the greatest pastor in coming
To see again his beloved flock,
Which the heart that is the one who aspires
To make his sweet peace he intercepts:
He goes down indoors, and the wicked wolf finds himself
That the dead lambs are tired and full.

Of love and anger and full spite,

At that he rushed and called aita:
The culprit's core beats into the wolf,
And for the getaway only look for the exit:
The other, full of value and poison,
At his side is the tall, darkened ax;
And meanwhile the proud dog and the shepherds
Fan resound the sheep in and out.


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Page 237

It is useful to make light of it,

And he is hunted down those agne insults:
The wrath of the dog and the shepherds is burning:
Here is the throat and ears of the thief;
Here are its haunted lights;
Here are his limbs stretched out on the ground:
He drank his blood with that of agne,
And with the skull you go through the countryside.

Thus Cretus carries itself, and does not notice

That the precipice produces itself:
Never hesitated neither thought nor foot
Because its aims are successful;
But certainly he does not see it;
Even when he gives him a trusted messenger
Conquest that a hunt was to be made,
To which many must meet,

To take his shot, he takes hope.

Far from the city in thick forest
Which never troncar had not been custom,
Where is dull silence and a lot of horror,
A cignal of such enormous harsh appearance
Among his plants he had welcomed,
That the Caledonio, anger of offense Goddess,
Second or third of this in ver parea.


Page 238

Night and day the campaign beats,

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And the sown exterminates ferociously:

They put the flock and herd in what he fell!
Shepherdesses and unfortunate shepherds!
Stormy storms and hail
To damage are less. The king called
He has strong knights to hunt him,
Prize setting those who pursue life.

Fans preparations for that day

Destined for the generous war:
Give king the care to the adorned Antasete,
To that spirit, so wise and valiant.
The sky is already bellowing to the sound of more than one horn,
Close being the dewy dawn:
Here are nets, here are dogs, and laces and skewers,
And warriors on horseback and people on foot.

The forest is bound, and nets and laces are

Places in his places: everyone is on the alert:
The Duce gives the sign, and the dogs loose to the sound,
They found the smell of the boar suddenly,
Which against them quivering more than thunder
It moves; and to his noise, of many the face
Pale and dull. - Or, here I am,
Muse, and of every name and deed pointed.


Page 239

Tilo, Leucida and Ilessio stand together,

Full of sense and full of value;
At a great horse the back Ermondio presses;
Seco is Selin de 'Woodland inhabitant,

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And Fronten also who fears nothing:

Strong sharp dark, of splendor
Such as the rai of the sol the view dazzles,
He brandishes Olimo, and longs for battle.

Take the severe Arofimo and Zeletro,

And with a great bow the young Plito;
Evvi Sulpino, who for the sweet meter
It is dear to the whole city:
Melio and Folmeno to these tengon behind,
The one cautious and wise, the other too bold;
Neither of Perindo the sweet consort
It can prevent him from going to death.

You were running fast, daring Ilonte,

A strong vibrating spit with the right;
Aldone still, with his fleeting horse,
You brought his person agile and right;
Do not miss Sillo, not sagacious Crenon,
Not Bruno accustomed to hunting in the alpine forest,
Not Sulmenio, not Polio and not Mentero,
Not Glasïon, nor Blado, nor Libèro.


Page 240

You, handsome young men, still coming,

Of true faith and true joint love,
Damio and Parresio, and you gentle Geniste;
There are still Sisáto and Elettro joints,
And Gismonte and Dorillo and Ametiste,
Who should never be separated from each other,
Large in body, strong and brave,
And to address the beast desiosi.
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Ipparo, Aleste, Calderano, Elviro,

Beronte and Aulo, and Ilio and Alabinato,
Stasio, Lutaso, although I will be here,
Each bow and armored arrow:
With his big slingshot he roams around
Fuvvi Bimote, and with the Pato club;
And many others were there, that I was was
Of many names, I keep quiet and pass away.

Each of costor, disposed and in point

With a neat order, he is in arms in hand,
And wait for it to be reached by can
The fierce monster full of insane disdain:
Here, in view of each, he has arrived;
Here is that the dogs tears in song:
Of horns and cries the forest echoes,
And fled scared herds and flocks.


Page 241

Antasete and Genato before everyone

With their spits to the other councils;
Nor the high and shaggy, ugly and ugly fleeces
Neither the gloomy fire that comes from the edge,
Nor the curved teeth beneath that ridiculous,
Fan they flee the noble peril;
Neither the massacre of the dogs and the fury,
Who grows every time, I keep my heart steady.

They are all right, because the woods are too thick,
And the boar alone with dogs makes war,

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Dense, thick and dark bushy

Where the hotheads the big greenhouse:
But soon with the full tooth of Tosco
The unfortunate group opens and dissolves;
Everything is of omai blood, of foaming everything
Of those poor, stained and ugly cans.

Bruno two dogs avea, cignali and bears

Accustomed to strangulate: against or hate them,
Loose, to the beast. They attack it, and bites
In the ears he gives them anger and anger.
He shakes himself and struggles to twist
From their teeth: above two feet they stand up,
But he cannot defend against them,
Which still hold hold.


Page 242

Dan them the horns and the shouting:

Sol takes care of these boars, and the others leave,
And made by fury far more mad,
To these two sol takes care to give ambascia.
He leaves behind that bloody gouache,
And at a fast pace the fren releases
Against those two who hang from it;
And the others meanwhile to pursue it go.

Now in the hips and in the joints

The azzanna the great angry mob,
But it makes his limbs very safe
His skin as a hardened foil.
Par of them offenses he does not care
More than a light rain, Romita alp:
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Only the couple has eyes and desires;

Only that makes it more fierce and rio.

But already from the closed asset where he was,

Venuto is in the open on a beach!
Which of flowers and fresh grass abounded,
And the blond Febo pleases you to his delight.
Here the sees every gross black slime,
Which of shaken sea pushed to the beach:
Erello then, his bow curving,
He is targeting the nefarious animal.


Page 243

Fly the feathered dart, and indeed it comes

Where the shoulder joined the neck;
But the sharp iron is nothing at all.
Stunned invokes the sagittarius Apollo,
And new stral with more lena adds;
But this does not go there where the drizzollo:
Below the belly strip, and to how it comes
Above those bloody arenas.

Pato approaches him with his club

With intrepid daring and invinced strength;
And while a valid blow affixed to him
And the freak cuojo strives,
The horrible paw it between coast and coast
He places them, and opens them as tender bark.
His miserable death in many leaves
Loss, terror and sad ambascia.

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Color that behind the unfortunate Pato,

Moved by competence and virtue,
Pugnavan against the racket monster,
They were dispersed by force of wounds.
On Damio, Melio and Electro sad you do
He fell, and together with the dumb shadows:
Polio and Bruno from death is saved,
But all two wounded went away.


Page 244

Ilonte from sideways presses and presses

With the fort the victor wins;
Forces unite him in his fierce, extreme heart
Dear friends, the bad received:
But Plito, who fears too much for him,
And who sees the monster is already the axle,
Aloud, because he loves her a lot,
From the open danger it calls him back.

- Where are you going, dear Ilonte? To what yes foolish

Has anger made you and unnecessary love?
Let us show the face from afar to the fier enemy;
From a distance it shows your clear value.
The aiming body of the companions wrapped
In the blood and in the dust. - And I get out of it
Of the quiver a well sharp iron,
Spear with great strength around the boar.

Under his right ear he beat him,

But the iron fell dry on the grass,
And the great beast did not hurt; nor moves,
Almost does not touch, the head is superb.
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Bow and quiver the handsome boy removed;

He took the menacing slingshot unripe;
Three times around the garment,
And full of anger and spite then lance.


Page 245

Where marked he had with the inward iron,

Fly the harmful stone. To the strong blow
Stunned, they no longer support the plants,
It is transported:
But as soon as it is on the ground, more proud and sparkling
He rises, and in his eyes he has more terrible death.
Antasete tightens with that,
And a horrible duel begins.

Locked in arms, the big spit takes,

And in the coasts give him a terrible blow;
But for the bristly skin it goes down
The blow slightly and does not harm him.
Again the knight iron stretches,
And in one side it gives him a ferocious blow.
He drinks the blood and the wounded man
Cignale raises the grunt to the stars.

In that he throws himself, and takes with his teeth

Iron, the fringe almost fragil wood.
Even, so wounded, the ardent spirits
The shrewd genius is not lost.
See the companions in yes evident
Perigli then, of their quadrella sign
All at once the fan: but those are not afraid,

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And only against wrathful Antasete quivers.


Page 246

Treat the sword, the knight adorned

Mena tips beyond felle size;
And the infamous monster, who wants to give him scorn,
With a strange screen you laugh at those.
The course had now reached the day,
When Genato makes new trials;
He cast an eye out of a dart he pushed,
And then with it a tenzonar set out.

He wants to pull out his dog for pain,

And with his paws he breaks it for you:
And Antasete, full of value,
He leaves another sore under his chin.
Poisoned and the salt in such a rage,
What an escape every aggressor full of fear;
Antasete not already, that he does not fear,
And mortal magistral blow hurls him.

The fierce veltro dies, and he died again,

The Losari are terrified and fearful:
Each the winner and honor,
Each praises his sublime and rare facts;
Envy and jealousy no one hastens:
At festive voices, at various sounds
The valleys and the curved sky respond,
And the most beautiful is the God of Delos.

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Page 247

But the victory was too bitter

Of the dear friends he was from the hard fate.
Antasete does not cure his glory,
But sad stassi, afflicted and dejected;
And why the memory remains eternal
Of those that their blood shed
For the public well, let them gather
And he wants the city back with them.

He wants the king to see him, he wants her dear

Wear them and the poor children
Versin their right bitter tears,
And sfoghin above them the right duels.
You can never give birth peace,
And he cries so that no one has any consolation:
Now or the other embraces, and with his weeping
Washes their beautiful wounds so much.

When fur near the paternal walls,

The citizens came to meet them,
Until then, filled with fear
For the uncertainty of their destinies:
And the loving care of women,
With themed hearts rather than spiteously inclined,
They came in search of their husbands,
Fearing they were dead or injured.


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Page 248

Who can tell the party that those

Let him be safe and well together
Vider return to the adorned saddles
Their loved ones and revered spouses?
Who will be able to say crying and crying felle
Who overshadow the painful torments,
That provatra those that miraro extinct
Their spouses and their blood dyed?

More than one brought messenger had the notice

To the high king of the happy hunt,
And having said the names of each one killed,
And the high tests and the fearless face
Of those that the monster proud had had.
The king commands that soon be done
Decorated sepulcher to each of them,
Where they are expressed.

Genato, who does not see his wife

Nor do the children appear among them,
Stringer feels his heart from so strong
Anguished terrible martyr,
That a little less is that of death;
And questioning all those
He knows and from whom he is known,
If his wife and children have seen.


Page 249

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And he hears of his hotel the impious heat,

Which caused the iniquitous Creto gave:
He feels his own safe and safe offspring,
Save the wife of whom new and asks;
Whence his soul is reassured,
And protected by the gods he believes:
Yes, that casts all sadness from the heart,
And peace and joy take over.

He feels that jeri (which was the next day

To that night when the incendiary example
The wicked action he had committed)
In the presence came Losario
One who had seen the raw excess;
That, while he sat in his pomarium,
He had seen the wicked one
Enter the Genato anti-door;

And the entrance to the apartments

He had various accumulated shards
On various dry and thin sermenti,
And under them the flames had summer;
And when he saw the wood burning
So that the flames penetrated
Sarieno without a doubt, and incinerated
Avrian whoever he was, had left.


Page 250

- I ran, he added, to the mansion,

Longing to prevent that cruel death
Put an end to the unhappy and good
Harmless females and children, and I cried aloud:
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- Flee quickly, and fall on the felon

That which you have longed for unripe -;
And then he saw them with a child
Both in their arms, hello in the garden.

Informed of this, Losario said

Stop and lead in front of you
The atrocissimo and perfidious incendiary.
He came and showed no sad countenance;
And accused being of the nefarious
Crime, confessollo in an instant,
And he added that he was prepared
To pay for Genato's house.

That it seemed to him that he could

Justice must duly oblige;
That set fire to the house, he did not know
Nor believed that there was any living thing,
Nor does he mean to kill anyone;
And he damn the killers of people
Who still lives, would be tyranny,
The saria judge is censured.


Page 251

He turned to the judges, the watch and the senators,

Who had gathered around him,
Losario, and said: - Hear what colors
Quirky is used by him
In order to diminish, or rather annul the horrors
Of his perfidy and of the crimes on the.
If the women scamper of the infamous fire,

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Of course this happened against his desires.

And it was true even though he did not know

Nor did he believe that anyone was in it,
Doubt only suspends
The wicked man: though not repressed
It was like a thought. Envy rea
And mad and tireless animosity
They have transported him to his misfortune
Genato's house burned.

And the judge and the king who was a criminal

Unpunished let, be taken back
From the man deserves and from the Gods,
And in itself it would take the weight of the crime.
It is the duty of a sovereign to punish the offenders,
And especially if the laws have broken
What indelible written by nature
They are in the heart of every human creature.


Page 252

Blood for blood, for poison velen,

Fire for fire, it is inviolate law
And eternal that the gods have in their womb
Mail of man, and together with it was born;
Neither of those who reign abandon the brake;
Ché saria, from the crimes carried,
The sociable and just human life,
A band of converted brutes. -

Creto (he said then), of the wicked

Crime of which here convinced you are,
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The fire will punish you that you deserved:

You will be in the public square
Conducted, where to a chained pole
Burned and burned to ashes you'll be:
Right is that from the same element
That you opposed others, be extinguished. -

To such a sentence, a horrible pallor

He spread to the impious Cretus above his face:
Fur lips and eyelashes of terror
Convulsion shook, and felt his heart cut
From which he hopes less stringent
That of being from the flames killed;
Whose grim thought comes to him
May the soul overcome it be dismayed.


Page 253

With the shackles at the feet and wrists the handcuffs,

He was taken to prison, whence he was not
What a long time to get out, wait,
For tomorrow, to expiate the felony,
Feral horns and horns trumpets
They will state that the time has like
Let him as an out of that sad living room,
Ove in van will long to return.

But the king knows how to punish the delinquent

With firm, inexorable justice,
For punishment for the suitable crime,
He knows even with a friendly friendship
Hold out your hand to the humble poor person

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That by virtue of virtue one begins,

And courage and value appreciate,
And industry, knowledge and wisdom.

The widows he assists, and consoles them;

He does Plito, Antasete and Genato
Great gifts, and with his sweet word,
The chest makes glory more inflamed;
Neither rewards to others and beautiful praises flies,
So each consulate remains,
And he is ready to employ arms and value
Pel his kind lord worthy.


Page 254

To give relief to the faithful consort

Di Genato, who is afflicted and desolate
If he introduces them, he says: - Your fate,
Woman, it's not so much much unlucky,
Because you escaped you have grim dead death
That was cruelly set for you;
And if you are safe and sound exit you are,
You must be happy and thank the Gods.

Another house I gave you much better,

And convenient furniture and clothing;
And that wicked man burned tomorrow
That lit against you, a nefarious fire:
Thus punished for his fury,
Like conviensi to perfidious incendiary;
And in hearing his atrocious bark,
He will not be of any compassion. -

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The following day was taken in Piazza Creto,

And there at a tightly secured pole,
Among the people that applauds that decree.
Dried wood was that gilded pole,
Which set the fire, seemed to laugh gladly,
Almost the natural instinct movement
To enjoy hearing the horrendous cries,
To which the ground trembles and the air cracks.


Page 255

Could have the king let him get paid

Pits of that fellon from the descendants
How much he had with the fire consumed;
But thinking they were innocent,
He did not want to burden their state;
Neither the use nor the followers wanted people,
That dishonor pours over children
Deserved by a malefactor father.

That Losario knows that he is contagious

The crime is not; whether you do
Brings up a man from a muggy man
What an expert though he is of infamous death,
If he is honest, just and virtuous,
There is no disdain for it;
For the faults of others,
And right it is sol ch'ognun pei sui.

Seppe Losario, meanwhile, that the warrior

A white horse had not returned
A combatter with that of the black horse,

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Because he noticed it had been noticed

Some of the woman for woman; and why the truth
Of his sex keep lust hidden,
By an unknown path it was gone,
Without anyone knowing where he is going.


Page 256

But of Losaria the ruling from the mind

He has chased, from the soul and from the core,
All care, and think only
To avenge your parent:
Only from the lust to carry one feels
To expel or faint the usurper,
And he thinks he, avenging his father,
He also revenges and the unhappy mother.

Here ends the original manuscript by Ser Francesco Polidori.

The following is added by his nephew GP.

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Page 257


Now it is the green and flowery season

In which everything comes alive and is renewed;
And the man is not alone, but every animal that has life
He finds himself at the mercy of nature,
Ch'imperïosa ciascheduno incites
To follow what pleases and what benefits;
And Losario feels transported
To revenge of the parent the fate.

But I note being as opulent to him

Golden and green, and how numerous
And brave Garameta have people,
Against that of not coming give
Only with his own, hoping blindly
That the enemy army impetüosa
Against the tyrant rise up, and in support
Fists of the true successor of the kingdom.

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Page 258

He knows that long and disastrous story

For unknown countries its vïaggio
With numerous and serious psalms:
Whence, from what man is prudent and wise,
Di Cova to the brave king Genato sends,
And of Sichesso the child goes message
To the parent, to ask them for help
For the war that is resolute.

To the vast kingdoms of the time and send

Ilonte to the great Sevaro emperor,
And he is humbly recommended
May he please his favor,
As long as the nefarious is punished
That traitor's wickedness,
Who with horrible infamy, impious, unheard of,
He took his life for his good parent.

He begs you to allow the hosts

Losarie passin for his realm;
That Garameta glue the borders
Municipalities having, andran against the infamous
Regide to explain their flags
Without long journey, and to the certame
The spiders will challenge him for franger
Tyranny by giving him death.


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Page 259

While Losario awaits their return,

He does not remain slothful and indolent,
But work commands, and stays
Or with one or another diligent one
Artisan, and in this way spends the day;
Hasten those who work slowly,
And he praises those with perfect care
His drawings of executing power of attorney.

To defend one's fighters,

He makes shields to manufacture, helmets and armor;
And to oppose the enemy people,
Bows, crossbows and well-shod maces;
And among various other war instruments,
Zagaglie and slingshots and javelins and azze;
And trumpets prepared for them, horns and tabs,
And cataphracts for his horses.

He ingeniously invented it
An arrow so, that it has the ring
Of iron tip on top of it armed,
But let it be built in this way
That stops when it is thrown,
Bring death to the enemy or proud ambascia,
But if he takes it out with his hand he gets ready,
The stick comes out but the iron remains.


Page 260

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Tregge builds carts and wagons,

For transport of food and tools;
And everything takes care of garzoni
To clean and take care of them accustomed,
And think of all the other provisions:
It foresees misfortunes, and thinks of means
To prevent and may wisely,
What happens to your people?

Now, the sol that the scorpio was near,

He took from the virgin farewell,
And of his long and tedious journey
It was every messenger returned,
And they had a high divine favor to him
For the answers received:
Losario rejoices, and already it seems to him
Piercing the wicked and trampling the limbs.

And they are the favorable answers

What principles he receives from his friends,
Which teams in his power will be placed
And aid sent shortly.
Sevaro grants him the passing of the innkeeper
For his states; and to do, if necessary, levers
He promises and sends them in his favor
Against the wicked and infamous usurper.


Page 261

He had twenty thousand knights

Losario in fairs hunting and turning
And in exercises done expert and proud,

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Acts to move in warlike trials

Spear and sword from fearless warriors,
What honor honorable and ardent marzïal
They are resolute before they die,
Whether to flee or give up spear or brando;

Of casual, vigorous and right

Youth, armed with a sling, and which
Of zagaglia, of arrow or of crossbow,
Expert of the enemy to signal,
And with shrewd and steady man
Figger, a cruel, if not deadly, plague
And bruise or break with viril can
Lorich and their helmets, and franger the bones.

These and divides into four equal parts,

And in his equal parts the destrier his;
And Antasete and Genato, who are such
Who add value to the sublime heroes,
He makes two general parts;
And to Ilonte that only to these two
He gives in a little, gives the third; and below
The fourth for himself is reserved.


Page 262

While the sun lodged in sagittarius,

After, a placid and serene night,
He arose splendid more than the ordinary,
And morning he brought joyful and pleasant;
And he heard from afar the sound of Losarius
Of full marzïal harmony
Warrior band, and therefore of steeds
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Resound yes you hear proud neighs.

In the air, they wave and then laugh

Banner, of the portrayed image
Of the glorious and immortal Alcide
What Antaeus from the ground having raised
With strong arms the presses and ancides.
It was purchased by the Duke of Sichesso
From a child on a carousel, and stepped forward
A multitude of horses and foot soldiers.

As soon as Losario approaches,

His destrier the haughty head lowers,
And almost if he thinks he bows to him,
Nitrite strong and the mane crass:
The cavalier from the palafren dechina
And to embrace the king Losario passes,
And one and the other with equal pleasure
He puts his arms and neck around his arms.


Page 263

The cavalier moved his voice first,

And so Losario began to say:
- My father to you, Mr., health send,
And strong hope feeds and great desire,
May you be punished by your sword
The grim wickedness, waves to open
Free passage to your paternal kingdom
For the killing of the unworthy traitor.

He praises Antasete my brother,

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What a true and generous friend,

That preparation was the knife
For the infamous perjury and libelous
To immolate you that innocent lamb,
To take flight induced, and for ascoso
Path is long and disastrous away
Faithfully he kept you company.

And when he heard your father's death,

Outraged, he wanted to revenge:
But in the duchy its enough teams
He did not have to punish the cursed one
Ambizïone, and put an end to the thieves
Lewdness. Or while time waits
To see his desire satisfied,
My brother arrived from you.


Page 264

My mother almost fainted with pleasure

To the sudden unexpected view
Of the dear son: he pressed it to his chest,
After two decades he had left her,
And that he was suspect he was dead;
And now with the ray of hope abandoned,
In miserable state she lived,
And how his son wept dead.

I do not extend to talk to you about pleasure

Of the father, brothers and sisters,
When it was given to them to see again
Who, so many years hidden, had fear
What devoured the fairs had,
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Or that you and it, from the grim fury

Of masnadieri or sgherri surrounded,
You were slain by them.

Women by nature curvy

If you crowd around, the adventures
To hear of his travels desïose:
He resolved, he said: "Of disasters
Time is not to mention; HID
Let them remain now, and not harsh mixtures
Swirl that pleasure which makes you happy:
You will understand everything at the right time. -


Page 265

And when Antasete had the subject

To the exposed father of his mission,
His ducal appearance seemed to ignite,
And some of basilisk or dragon
Spark your eyes. - In the end, I will have the pleasure
To be punished, to see the wicked felon,
(He said) from a child who has not forgotten
To avenge the murdered father. -

And when my brother had left us,

He ordered five thousand knights
To keep to the prepared preparations;
And launchers, archers and slingers
In greater number I was ordered,
And baggage with right carters;
And he ordered that delivered to them
It was a lot of silver and gold.

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He then addressed me, and said: - Algeste

(For this is my name), mount on horseback:
Escort and happy to be of these
Teams I deliver to you, and without fail,
You will come back a winner. To the disastrous offender
Saran the arms of the righteous, and from his stall
Mentesio will fall, and will have grim death,
What a heaven the end leads to the offenders to. -


Page 266

And here I have as the end

Of my life. How much my father
He sends you, I give you, and prepared
Brando and auction to use for you are me;
And believe me fully lucky,
If I see you immersed in his rio blood
That killer, and if you'll see me
Not unworthy brother of Antasete. -

Yes, said Algeste, and the ruler to him: - The gratings

Flames that your sayings destanmi in core
To express, I will not examine you, you are saying
Sarian only: value was in me
Of the greatest orator, of the greatest vate,
Cederian as to the sol gives the steam,
And it would seem my faint accents,
Coming to the paragon, dull coals.

To your worthy brother I owe my life,

Waves from adamantino node I was
Seco tied up: he handed me aita
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And free me from another's knife;

Without it I would be dead and unpunished
Inequity is without him:
Or from your parent, from you, he adds himself
Knot tal, that you all join me.


Page 267

And I will be, for your father and all his

Ready to exhibit my life and the kingdom;
Nor will I believe I do for him, for you
How fully each will be worthy:
And if I leave Mentesio to the devout,
I swear I will be faithful support
Of those who will have me with generous and strong
Arm helped to kill the dead. -

In the long and wide lawn that stretches,

On both sides, between two bushy and black
Selve, ordin gives that you spread the curtains,
And encamp every infantryman and rider.
In horses he has litter and profuse,
And to all those numerous ranks
Command that he give his cattle
How much is enough to satollar their hunger.

For man he then takes the prized cavalier

Son of the Duke; and to come with it
His celiacs he invited:
From an Antasete gang he has close,
And it is from the other Ilonte with Genato:
Everyone at the end is intruded

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In his magnificent royal palace,

And dansi to joy and solace.


Page 268

There are tables full of food

Chosen and generous food and wine;
And wicked and gracious damsels,
And wary and eerie garzoncelli
Servon of cup: only you smell things
Acts of exhilarating in their symposia;
And watching him until he came
Esper del ciel at its highest point.

Arpocrates descends from them then,

The silence of the night brings with it;
Morpheus then comes, and the pupils irrigated
With sleeping pill of each Duce.
The happy dreams that with him dwell
They do, there leave; and behold, all light
It suddenly disappears, and remains with them alone
The happy chorus of happy dreams.

While they sleep, to those who harmonize it

Notes it seems to hear of Filomena,
Sitting in odorous bushes
Roses and mortelle, on the pleasant shore
Of a ruscel, than among wet grassy plates
With sweet to nourish the course
Vague swirling and clear waves
And the humil brings its tribute to the sea.

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Page 269

It seems to others to lean to the edges

Clouds, and see provinces underneath
And kingdoms and lakes and rivers in every part;
And as if he had eyes of lynx,
See the cards almost painted up
The immense sea, which captivates everyone
Every island on the continent, every land,
And the whole globe in its sen rinserra.

The others dream of living and ingesting,

And showy girls and comedians,
What a close-up to see them appear
With happy face and attentive eyes everywhere,
Yes, everyone looks at it
What if they were for their languishing love;
And they dream of hearing from their seats
Laughter from comrades and motteggi.

Don't lie down on the feathers

After the sun is already up and up;
But, according to each of the military costume,
Stand up, dress arms, and, like soles,
Mount on horseback and the magazine takes on
Of his teams; because he doesn't want to
Never before to militar duty
No or any pleasure is needed.


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Page 270

I know each of the commanders go to the meadow

Wide and long, where are horses and infantrymen,
Each waiting for them prepared,
And in command of them, or fansi ahead,
Now turn this way from this side;
Then, after having been in fairly crowded teams,
They come back, and in regular mass
They like together again.

They stopped the auction or the sword vibrated,

Or to strike and then to defend,
And always the shot cautiously hovers;
And so with the sword in hand suspended
Above their palfrey they balance,
I know that the blow carries that offense,
To crack the helmet and do the brains
The enemy will fall on the saddle.

The infantrymen are from their ranks,

Each under his own banner,
Practice handling their bows
And to throw the zagaglia and the dart,
And to make that from the slingshot you discard
The stone where he will have directed the watch;
And in this exercise and in every other
Each one is expert and shrewd.


Page 271

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Trumpets and horns are heard the following day

To play from afar; these Losario waves
Esser believes the teams, which he promised
Send him the king of Cova. He dresses
Of the royal mantle, and invites you to turn to it
Antasete, Genato, Ilonte and Algeste,
To meet the noble driver,
And thankfully noticed and honored him.

Take the squires there towards that spot

Whereupon the marchïal venia,
They become ill, and when they are not in short supply
Near that, like with vigor
Vider horse that seemed to fire,
Not run, but what folgor get away;
And it seems to those who see it, the knight
Being only worthy of such a steed.

This was the prized horse,

That he believed that Eto or Piraeus descended
From febea quadriga to green grass,
Of burning love for a beautiful alfana on,
He had it together with it;
And the knight, on the ground having spread out
In the carousel who had come,
The had by Semidonte in prize had.


Page 272

He was that son, second son

Of the Sorato king, as you have heard;
And he had a furious golden lion
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Ceffo on the helmet so well carved,

That seemed to be blood,
The mouth gaping open with a roar,
With bright eyes and anger,
Who seems to threaten those who look at him.

When Losario and his family supported him,

They went down, and the steps turned towards the light
Knight who had made the same,
And towards each other he hastens.
Losario the first was that he ran to it,
And amicably embrace you;
And Antasete, Genato, Algeste, Ilonte
The salutaron with cheerful front.

Mïon said: "Losario, send me to you."

My father, king of Cova; and I mighty
Horses and infantrymen and rich psalms
In his name I bring you. The happy events
He wishes you, so you can punish the ria
Scelleraggin of him and the people
It is the opprobrium and of the gods, and that nefarious
The brando is immersed in your good father's sen.


Page 273

Losario answered him: "So that."

Got the great horse
What a shining sol, and so fast and slender
That looks like when you have pens!
Mel described Agatirso your brother;
And so attentive his speech kept me,

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That where often, full of wonder,

Open your eyes wide and raise your eyelashes. -

But now they are the equestrian hosts,

Hence their conversation suddenly ceases:
Swords and flags are lowered,
Of obedience and submission in progress.
Get the king back on his steed,
And he is very happy and satisfied,
Knights going on watching
Ready to use the spear and the brando for him.

Towards Losaria he turns his horse

From Mïone and Algeste accompanied,
And it followed a small interval
From Ilonte, from Antasete and from Genato.
He leads them to where they have stalled
Horsemen: arrived there,
- Here, he tells them, at your leisure
You can form the housing. -


Page 274

He then orders that in the same way

To each of them is provided
How much he ordered
Then he invited their celiacs
To join others, and to come with it
To the palace; where arrived, the impediment
Reasoning with Mïon resumed,
And thanks to it and the parent its yield.

Then he said: "He was waiting for me well."

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Friendly and generous;

Because I remembered him well
Of sincere and fervent affection
That passed between your father and my father:
Neither in servir I will never be backward,
Nor any of his own, as long as I can,
Infinity that will last my life. -

In the royal palace cheerfully

Confabulating, or at a laid table
Seated, like the previous day
Passaro the time; and when he had a game
Done the day, and that high silent
Night came when the rest calls,
Stand on their layers,
And they were soon put to sleep.


Page 275

Losario, according to the purpose prefix,

He sent all the infantry to the east.
He, departing coveting somewhat later,
And until you don't find yourself missing
Of food, say how great it was
To keep yourself moving forward.
He then ordered various sacrifices,
As long as the gods are propitious to him.

Of Jupiter and Mars and of other lit gods

We saw the area, and black, twisted,
And thick smoke from the wood ascended;
But then it was dissipated from the flames

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That they had spread out of every place;

And for the undisturbed seren air
From no wind, they seem to enjoy
To address the celestial spheres.

And while the priests were intent

The victims to faint near the altar,
With a chicken that he held between his teeth,
A fox from afar to cross
They saw the lawn: but not otherwise
That the fulmin, above her came to fall
The augel of Jupiter, and he clawed it so loudly,
That escaped the chicken, and she died.


Page 276

The celestial gods were the favor

Appeared in the clear and serene
Flame, and in the gloomy smoke interim
Dispersed, so that each one becomes clearer;
The core is already shining with each of us,
Each of them has a filled soul:
But the fox with the fine eagle,
Hope in certainty has converted.

In celebration and in joy seven days passaro;

And the eighth, with ventilating flags
Their long journey begins
Briskly stepping forward
Vêr the orïente: and while crossing
Provinces and kingdoms, it was by everyone
Losario applaüdito, and happy fate
I wish you the best to give the impious death.
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Although sometimes it had to pass forests,

Go over rivers and cross mountains,
And once by lightning and storms
Furiously troubled in strange countryside;
But trusting in the heavenly favor,
Never does any of these complain:
And when the Jews came,
Leave them behind, and let them go ahead.


Page 277

And coming from Sevaro into the empire,

When they were near the capital,
He made every knight get tall;
And to the emperor to be admitted
Desiring only one of his squires
He sent him to ask permission,
And while the messenger fills the proposal,
Losario is waiting for the answer.

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Page 278


The squire by order of Sevaro

He was accompanied by four barons,
I get there
There where Losario remained,
I announce the gracious answer.
He was escorted by them to the palace,
And from the emperor with a happy face
He was received, and a friend welcomed.

After the general expressions

Of two sovereigns not seen before
Yes, they are brutal favellâr
Betrayals and tyranny
Of the infamous assassin: le marzïali
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Moves approves Sevaro; and why it is

Punished the vile and impious traitor,
He repeats his favor to Losario.


Page 279

He tells him, that Mentesio tripled

He has teams of foot soldiers and knights,
And that he sent them in different parts
With shakers, launchers and archers;
But he approached his frontiers
You never are: what sebben warriors
Many and strong, though they will have been
From the imperial weapons slain.

- Nor does it seem to have crossed my mind

May he never be, that I would allow you
To pass through the empire of Orïente;
But this is the will of the highest gods,
May the ribalder make demented
Who meditates infamous and guilty drawings.
I will see how much in horror I will
I always had the betrayal and the betrayer.

He having thought that by sea

You would come, he guarded
The port of Marunta; to limit,
As you know, of your kingdom, and sitato
On the opposite side, the afternoon appears.
There is every one prepared
To spread blood, and to satisfy his desires
Of arms abducted and bought bare.

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Page 280

It is my advice that you make your move

Above the land of the paternal kingdom:
There, if it is necessary to give arms to arms,
And come to the conflict with the unworthy
Usurpator, there will be no danger
Be respected; and in case that support
You will, I will make horses and infantrymen
Be ready in your favor, and come forward. -

Losario left, and arrived in Garameta

With his numerous ranks,
He found a ruscel at an albereta,
Of the Empire far from the borders
Not much, and there with this in mind
Fe the design of the wall: with pleasure
He held out his hand to each of them
To the opportune and useful job.

Who on the one hand the trenches sinks,

Who on the other raises her as a wall;
Who clears the ground where it overflows,
Who in a forest near trees cuts;
Who, for the wave to flow from the stream
In a tank, the ground digs and ambushes:
No manoval is seen or craftsman
Here, idle with your hands.


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Page 281

Mark the site for the pavilions

Their generals and celiacs,
And that of knights and pedestrians.
Arrived wagons are of heavy trees,
And odors and roncons resound
De 'branches to make them remain discharges:
Then the sound of the saw and the hammers
It is frightening at fairs and at augusts.

In a few days the vallo ended,

And of strong shelters and palisades
From all around he was girded and insured.
It had four main entrances,
From which it was in four separate:
From the real pavilion two segregated
Parties there are; the king commands it
Here you can find the rich psaltery.

They raise trabacche, and spandon curtains,

And from the top of the Regio rises Pavilion
Banner blowing in the wind;
Where an eagle is painted, it can be seen
From whose graves to basilisk hangs,
To which, while the head to morder protrudes,
He hastened his eyes, and so he did so
What strength is that falls to the ground dead.


Page 282

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From his satellites Mentesio heard

Ha, ch'al confin of Garameta has come
Losario, from Sevaro favorite;
It is in point
With all its solos, but still followed
From auxiliary teams, which joint
They have their weapons to his; and come forward
All the knights and foot soldiers are ready.

To hear that emperor Sevaro,

Della Losaria to the king lends aid,
Almost grab the core from ice
One hears: but thinking of the last time,
In which he held himself with the brando owner
He will have recourse to a kingdom, or to it,
Hoping that cunning and that deception
They will be able to.

- Always a friend, he says, I had the fate,

And I enjoy only the fruit of the noble blow,
Because to my accomplice you say death.
Then that the Losari will have destroyed,
All my sights will be stocks,
In my power, to be born for everything
The empire discord, or treason
I will let the emperor be turned off.


Page 283

The night is in the dark veil

Every future event, and the ardir alone

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Find help from men and the sky.

Lay the crown on the ground
Who courage does not have; the sword and the cloth
Who to use does not know: the flying eagle
Against the sun rests; and the lion only
The pride of being the king of animals. -

All the horses and infantry like

From the places where he had first sent them;
And his commands came forward
Towards the spot where they had camped
The Losari, and together with them how many
From Albonio and from Sorato fur mandates:
With these, King Losario the same day
Vêr Mennonia in vïaggio had set himself.

Platous had passed through Febo

I will hear the fourth part of the day,
When from a spion, who had sent,
To observe whether in front or on the sidelines
He advanced on horses, was informed
That of Mentesio he had seen art
Many ranks of knights,
Who came to the borders.


Page 284

And behold, dark cloud from the earth

It rises, and stretches out spatially;
And it is the dust that dissolves from the soil
The impetuous shaking frequently
Horses running to war,
Ruminating victory in the mind:
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The intrepid Losari are aiming,

And you go to the pugna preparing.

Now the enemy was approached

Yes with his, that the cloud remains;
And here is the flag of Mentesio
The near army manifests.
Make Losario give breath to the warrior
Trumpet; and already the storm begins,
And yes the two bands fiercely
Combatton, that a sea of blood spreads.

Antasete, Genato, Ilonte, Algeste

And Mïon fan the knights;
With terrible and disastrous beatings
Fighting enemies land:
But don't let the impetus stop you
Mentesian gods, who, bold and proud,
And more than ever stuffed with poison,
Pugnan, nor a cedon palm of land.


Page 285

But the Losari are no less fierce,

On the contrary, they make more slaughter of enemies
That the enemies of them; and s'odon voices
That resound in woods and on slopes,
And the distant foci resound;
And trusting in their just wishes,
All agreed to a rumor go
Shouting: "Long live the king, moja the tyrant."

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Mostran, so saying, the flag

Pint of poisonous basilisk,
Which killed by the noble and proud
Eagle lies in bloody gouache;
And some barons rise from the ranks
Banner, in which space is seen
Pin that hangs over brushwood and saplings,
Between which gavazzan branches vispi augelli.

To say aloud is heard

Mentesio da color that you care about,
Of courage and valor by giving him praise,
And wishing him happy success;
But many others who think about fraud
And to his betrayal, don't fan the same:
Rauchi or dumb are the ones you forced
Furo to as against armed Losario.


Page 286

On the spot withdrew was

Among his four hundred chosen barons,
And his knights encouraged,
Promising to whom you honor and to whom you give:
To their happy augúri jubilant,
Hoping for the valor of his champions
To get the victory; but move forward
Who changes his hope in great fear.

Two thousand imperial knights

Jungon sent by the emperor,
What Losarius leave behind their wings,
And they go to invest with great fury
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The enemies from the hips, and such blows

Menano who stramazzan who does not die:
Lions, tigers, panthers and leopards
They look cowardly to them.

He who lies lying on the ground, bloodless and dead;

Who falls agonizing over it;
Who under the palafren in the absorbed blood
He struggles in vain, and in excess
Anxiety desires for his comfort
To him the messenger hastened to death:
Moans of pain, accents of anger
S'odon of those who languish and those who breathe.


Page 287

Now in front of them attacked and both sides,

The steeds begin in Mentesio
A titubar; when he arrived
Crossbowmen from both sides are
Archers and counters, all armed
Of arrows and stones and balls; and are princes,
Those who by use fade, to unload
The arrows that can't come back.

These, struck, draw the quadrelli

From the wound; of yarrow the mood
Spread them on, and against the grim and felli
Mentesïani scaglian with fury
Their arrows: but do not place them
What wounded I am, to draw from it
The tip, which leaves the beat

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Deep in the flesh or inside the bones.

Meanwhile, crossbillers and crossbowmen

Stan fighting with their balls and stones,
Both from one and from the other;
Even if none of them stops,
Although their head or arm is pressed:
But in the end, of the Mentians, quivers
Being empty, they have fate archers
The outcome of the abandoned fist.


Page 288

It remains only to the combative leftovers

The slingshot and the crossbow to be inmates
To the inbatori, archers and crossbowmen:
Even if they do not appear hesitant;
For although the parties are the archers,
Pugnan fiercely, and from them crushed
Helmets are and hotels, and have the fairies
Talor of franger the bones and give death.

But the enemies of greater number,

And the arrows thrown, which they do not have
Whoever opposes them with equal vigor,
Bigger slaughter of enemies do;
That you have forced them since their rage,
Cursing their destiny tyrant,
Be supportive of the escape, and the field remains
With grim signs of fatal storm.

The knights are somewhat respected,

But they haven't turned back yet,
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To the front and to the sides being surrounded,

Each one is as good as possible;
And abhorring the idea of giving up,
Spear and sword still using van:
But the most valiant and strong Mentesian,
Meeting the enemy, he meets death.


Page 289

Many fallen and others below

Fallen sarien as well if left
They were, and time had allowed it:
But gires incominciaron disbanded,
And if you leave, you go one hundred behind it.
Mentesio and his, from contempt conveyed,
Taccian cowardice; but by the wind
Every indignation, every lament, must be dispersed.

And behold, they all give themselves

To precipitate escape; and they on a par
Follow the example, so avoid them at once
Bold, vigorous and clear enemies
In freedom remained with their infantrymen:
See the field discovered where the Losari
They fought and won, and it appeared
Bloody horrible massacre.

Shields, brandi, bracelets, helmets, loricas,

And spears scattered on the ground in confusion,
Almost threshed and trampled spiche,
Celan all the space of the agone.
They lie in the midst of bloody biche,

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Who died of the destrier over the bow;

Others, compressed by the serious blackberry,
They have spread around the interior.


Page 290

Of truncated heads and torn limbs

The soil remains on every side
In sad and horrible guise, yes it seems
That there was a large crowd here
Of tigers and lions: no end
Men and beasts yes; they may be alone
They are proud to exterminate themselves,
For no one could do so much.

Some of the heads are left

In the bloody helmet; and visors
If they were raised,
Eyes wide open you can see,
Yes that damsels and frightened women
Fuggirian far: thus tricks and fairs
They are their features, with anger
They seem to threaten those who admire them.

Mesto Losario was looking up

Of the victory the bloody fruit:
The sight of the massacre greeted her,
And mourning for the wounded and dying.
There was little space left of the day;
I know, before the night darkens everything,
On the wagons of military tools
Make a comfortable spot prepare.

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Page 291

He wants the wounded to take care,

Of the Losari, not least of the enemies,
That nature is in generous hearts
Inhale the pity ver 'the unhappy
Reduced to miserable misfortune;
And it hurts him to punish evil spells
Of only one fraudulent regicide
You must perish innumerable people.

In wealthy traps hole the infantry

And the knights placed; and take care of it
Around them the medicating essays:
Conditioners and bandages use,
And cataplasms and calming drugs,
And the dislocated bones are broken;
So to each who believed himself already dead,
It seems for their care to be resurrected.

Losario is in the retreat

With his army, for the combat
Long and painful, very tired:
The stan from the Algeste sides with Mïone,
And Ilonte and Antasete with Genato,
And the following are almost included:
The same make all the fighters,
They are infantry or knights.


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Page 292

Scouts sent around,

So watch out if the enemy ranks
They returned from somewhere
Of Garameta towards the borders.
Stan ready the knights night and day,
And every tool remains in the tool;
And always their weapons keep the infantrymen
Prepare yourself and point ahead.

Meanwhile, they had come from Sevaro

Horses and infantrymen to replace them
Who had fallen in the fierce pugna:
Admitted into the vallo fur these;
Outside, other settlers, resolute
To join in the battle together with them;
For the hatred ver 'Mentesto is so strong,
Whoever aspires to give him pain or death.

Now several days had passed,

But Mentesio had not yet dared
With his dejected followers expose himself
A new pugna, after that pissed off
He and his barons turned their backs
With the disbanded army:
Waves of discontented open war,
Betrayal matured in the spirit.


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The wounds had already been healed

Of those who fought
Against Losario, and in core thorns acute
Of sentian remorse, which he received
They had life and health from him;
Wherefore they seem to be from heaven come
To the aid of the just and unfortunate,
And to punish the wicked and wicked.

Moved by sincere gratitude,

All unanimously joined together,
And in a modest and humble way
Della Losaria presented herself to the king.
Prasildo, the most distinguished of them,
For them to speak in charge;
He devoutly fixed the lights
In the benign sovereign, and so he said:

- Sir, you see us almost resurrected,

For your high pity, from death to life:
Without you we would all be dead,
And it would thus have been punished
The audacity against you to be insurgent.
However, we would not have escaped death,
If of Mentesio to the barbarous command
We had denied using the brando.


Page 294

Death we would have suffered much harder,

Which is not what one encounters in war.
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Freme to cruel tortures nature:

Whoever refuses obey, he soon catches himself,
And he scourges himself, and ponsi to torture
In horrid prison, nor will it be destroyed
He does not allow himself to take up arms;
And if he refuses, he dies hastily.

No one dares to raise his voice against him:

The priesthood is deaf; deaf are
The courts; and die of snare or cross,
Od is placed at the abandoned henchmen
That makes him die of atrocious death,
If he does not surrender: and if one is right, the good
Faucis praises, it is also his fate
To be condemned to raw death.

Forced by the tyrannical fury

We were the ones who fought
We have between hope and fear:
Hope, let it be knocked down by you
The infamous regicide and usurper;
And fear, that tuttor remains absolute,
Tyrannical monarch of your kingdom,
The one who is the mannaja is worthy.


Page 295

Our spirit, sir, and our heart

The tyrannical power is in horror
Of that atrocious monster;
But we were obliged to keep quiet,
Why were we pigeons to the beak

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Exposed of the falcon, or to the fairs

What miserable miserable lambs,
Or to the snake not astute augelli.

So we looked at each other heartily

Of uttering a word, I suspect
To give of our contrary mind to him,
And to show and give the subject
To guess our vïolente
I hate the damned tyrant;
What did you know that spies with artifices
He sent to explore among our friends.

Now we, sir, thank you

The sky of having been won by you:
Free for the loss we are,
After that we were pushed against you
To force to take up arms, so we remain
At your cause you are eternally enthralled;
That is, while those abandoned enemies
Being meritavam, you have saved us.


Page 296

Of generosity that has no example

We feel all the weight and value;
Wherefore let us crave against the wicked
Assassin of your father and usurper
Your kingdom of fury, and destruction
Of the barons and of him; and the successor,
Of Faucis legitimate sprout,
See on the paternal throne. -

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Losario said to them: - If postponing

You to your wives, to your children,
You were not exposed to the barbarian and nefarious
Tyrant who is the worst of all monsters,
I would send you back; but thinking again
At your risk, I will keep you among us:
You will have weapons and horses, and you will punch
Take with you others, or go elsewhere.

In freedom I leave you: to his talent

Follow or leave whoever wants my flags. -
There was none but happy
To follow them were; and in the ranks
Each had his own supply,
Who of pedestrian, and who of knight;
And with a grateful and obsequious look,
Reser thanks to the generous monarch.


Page 297

Mentesio return not seen,

What is his loss in the first agon
The boldness of it had diminished;
Waving other people stood,
To make up for the loss he had
Done, for the terrible effusion
Of blood already suffered by cotanti
Bold knights and valiant infantry.

Losario, not seeing it appear,

He was thinking of mover against him
To go to Mennonia to attack;

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And on this point he was already in command

To the knights and foot soldiers to set up
Their palfavers and weapons, when
He was licensed by two foreigners
To be the leader admitted to the presence.

I introduced them, and a voice from them

He moved and said: "Mr, we wretches."
Escaped we are from the atrocious tyrant,
That it took to die because we were
We trust you: therefore with fast footer
We have given ourselves a perilous escape;
And in the end, thanks to the Gods, we have arrived
We are not afraid of the deadly iron.


Page 298

What is impressed in our heart and in our mind

The right, mild, human and generous
Government of Faucides: he is gracious
He was benign; while the boldness
Usurper the innocent offender
It does not distinguish, and renounces its rest
Sol to tyrannize: in this he does not languish,
And sol tain tyranny with blood.

We crave against him to take revenge,

Together with your happy hosts;
And we can get that it allows us
Follow your lucky flags,
We hope to see it reduced to a narrow fair
Mentesio in the end, and he dead lie,
What with infamous unworthy betrayal
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The father killed you and took the kingdom from you. -

But who believed it? deadly

Sicari di Mentesio obedient
Used to have daggers in their subjects,
Like the tigers and the pardi their teeth
They use in the weakest animals,
And they had their arms to the moans
And their husbands desolate wives
That he had his commands broken.


Page 299

From Mentesio, to rich guiderdone

Promised to them, they had come here,
Until against him disdain and aversion
Show them, and what a wicked king they take;
And with lies and mean compassion
Do in the enemy, and be added
To his teams; but then when the beautiful
Let it be, the knife plunged into his heart.

Prasilots upon their arrival known

They had them, and to others they were obvious;
Whence three of the strongest and wiry ones,
Which were cautiously expected
Behind King Losario, resolute
To do what they had understood each other,
They stood up and cried, "Lord,
Both of these are traitors. -

Su lor, so saying, lash out,

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And boldly having caught them,

Their lacerating clothes.
Two daggers in each find concealed,
And one written even of the micidarium
Mentesio, in which they are assured
Of the guiderdon who had promised them,
If you return with prosperous success.


Page 300

With their daggers themselves the two assassins

They were punished, and together with the written word
They brought the four steel to Losario,
With which one and the other had pierced
Horrible and nefarious killers,
Ready to commit the horrid crime.
Mentesio, not seeing their return,
He will remain in the grip of anger and scorn.

The strascaro and leave him far away

From the wall, like infected brutes,
Exposed to wolves, hawks, crows, dogs.
He thanked Heaven Loaario, who fell
They were colored to smear their hands
In his real blood they had come;
He knew that he was able to those faithful and grateful
His partisans he had saved.

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Page 301


Since Mentesio has not yet seen,

Losario d'assalir the capital
Of Garameta in the end resolved,
Before the brumale season arrives,
And let the enemy be restored,
From the recent feud:
So he commands the warrior people
To be ready to start the following day.

But a little later, I heard of steeds

Trampling resound near the wall:
Losario met the passengers,
And behold, he came to see on horseback,
With four decorous knights,
Agatirso, that to him without interval
He met, and full of joy

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Dier signs of mutual friendship.


Page 302

"I am sorry," said the warrior, "that the auction is brando."

I was not with you to use against the infamous
Regicidal perjurer abominating
And usurpator of your native realm;
That, the palafren against him spurring,
I would have arrived, and the disgraceful stamen
In life I would have broken in the bustle,
With his head going, he will fall off his chest.

I, thinking that you would like

For mar, near Marunta withdrawn
In the most secretive and least conspicuous point
He was thinking he had just landed
You would be, I would have joined you together;
When the happy report was brought,
Not only that you were in the kingdom, but defeated
Mentesio you had in the early conflict.

Tough, to reach your hosts,

I moved with the empire of the Oriental
Towards the vast and flourishing frontiers;
And I saw these cavalier repents
I meet opposite to my path;
And seeming to be in the grip of the bloody
Mentesio defenders, in it remains posi
The spear, and I turned to it.


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Page 303

But I stopped in an instant,

And without arms, neither subject nor disdain
Show, both hands bare, raise up
To give peace and friendship a sign;
And one of them said: - If of the micidarium
Assassin of Faucis and his kingdom
Usurpator, you are not a defender,
Suspend the auction and listen to my sayings.

We are not criminals of Mentesio

Satellites, but we were from Faucide
Prefects while he lived; and loyal
To the son, not wanting the homicide
Adoprar arms contr'esso, abandoned
We have the guilty banners; and the alme fide
To preserve, and our hearts unharmed,
We have a perilous escape learned.

And now let's hurry to the neighbor

Kingdom, which holds on its borders
Ready to oppose the evil assassin
His numerous and valid hosts:
If he ever dares to borderment
Spread the flags of Garameta,
We will add our weapons to them,
And from that monster we will be free.


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Page 304

We would have avoided the vallo

Of the crown to the true successor;
But the thought that Mentesio will have sent,
Of full indignation, of anger and fury,
For that way sicarios and daring thugs,
From the direction of the vallo fuore
We went out, for the idea that better
To get away for the opposite route.

We urge you not to export only

For the journey we have abandoned;
For if you ever fell in the crowd
What we are certain will be sent
Against us, without artifice or fraud
(As many saran), the last fate
Farian will fall on you -. - The auction and the sword,
I replied to them, it will open the way for me.

At the rate of Losario resolute

I am to go, neither fear any
I have thugs or assassins; and if I refuse
To follow me, I don't know, of nobody
We will have to fear. - Everyone silent
A few moments remained: therefore each one
He was resolute, and he was pleased
To expose myself to the lucky event.


Page 305

We spur the horses, and to the borders

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Far still eraavam of the dying,

When twelve murderers from far away
Let us see towards ourselves,
Quai fieri veltri or rabidi mastini:
We are not waiting for him, but burning
Each hurries to put the spear in the remains,
And he runs to bring them into the storm.

They throw not han; dagger and brando

They are their arms: they are made around us.
At the first assault, we closed by remaining,
A three-day change at night;
While the others, against their fists,
He will send four to the infernal stay:
Two with the sword then cader ne fei,
And I felt them to the Tartar among the other offenders.

The three goons you live remaining,

Having seen their dead comrades,
Get away to escape; but they have no shelter
Against us, who above them insurgents,
In an instant all to death,
As long as there is no one who brings new
To Mentesio of the four fugitives,
Nor if his killers are dead or alive.


Page 306

Behold, I have told you all this

It happened to me with the four knights;
And I was not alone in witnessing,
But in their defense having fought,
We gave the killers to crash.
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Now each of them is ready and resolute

Auction and brando to use as a knight,
Or bow or sling together with your ranks. -

Agatirso fell silent. In him the lights posted

Della Losaria the brave rege, and: - On point
Appropriate and propitious, you said to him
You have come with these knights;
Since my sights are already fixed,
With the whole army joined together,
Of gir towards Mennonia, and at risk
Come with the unworthy to marzïal labor.

Encourages my secret designs

The coming of these knights
Garametani, well-known and worthy men;
Because I have several others, who, bold and proud,
They gave me obvious marks
To be my faithful and sincere friends:
How to turbin the sand, they will excite
These are their friends against the tyrant.


Page 307

With the four you have brought here,

I enter them to your value, to your care,
If Mentesio and the nefarious barons
A combatter verran outside the walls,
Easily hacked us,
O dead let them by pasture
Dogs; and if they wait for us in the city,
The greater their risk and their damage. -

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Those who knew the assassins

What a come, of Mentesio in appearance
Enemies and faithful friends of the Losari,
Show at once that they had knowledge
Of these, they were dear to Faucis
Trust Prefects; and to them, with reverence
Like a little near, s'inchinaro,
And each with its healthy name.

The next day, then he left the sea

With its fervent and fungal wheels
The daily course to start
The quadriga febea, horses and foot soldiers
He found everyone ready for the military
Exercise of arms, and yearning
To the blood of the unjust usurper
And of anyone in his favor.


Page 308

And here trumpets are heard and tabs

To announce the time of the move.
The princes to come out furo the horses,
That so many are the earth shaken.
Behind every thousand intervals remain,
And at a small distance, he takes to them,
With those who have subordinate assignments,
The company of the mighty celiacs.

Behind the last row he proceeded

Losario on a magnificent horse
Baiodorato, who in splendor wins
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The purest and clearest crystal:

Antasete and Genato on the sides avea,
And behind him in the next interval
Agatirso, with the four you entrusted
They had been to it from Losario.

It was the ornate Losario horse

Of splendid gold, and had the bite of silver:
Dell'usbergo d'Achille and himself armed
It was, I know the chest and the back shone:
Hang the sword from the left side
That d'Ettore ended the course with life;
And the solid'elmo, noble work,
On his head he shone with a golden crest.


Page 309

With various tools and weapons used in war,

He was followed by various squires.
Who carried the shield in which the earth
Avea Vulcano, and the sea and the heaven carved;
Where this number comes to an end
Of visible objects, how amazed
Who remains the target, and not the belief
Who had never seen it before.

Others carry the spear, and others the rest

Of the weapons that lay on the monument
D'Aganito, and appeared manifest
Those being from Teti the bloody
And angry son was requested
Manufactured Vulcan. He followed attentively

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Small number of young squires

The formidable mass of the steeds.

Divided into ranks with a thousand to thousand infantry,

Seguian with celiacs and centurions;
And behind them they came forward
Various colonists with their brackets,
Casual and vigilant youngsters,
With various vigorous baggage,
To load and unload accustomed
Supplies and military equipment.


Page 310

The white cavalier of the white caval,

Who fought Losaria in the tournament,
And he makes each side beat the side
Which boldly meets him,
And that Antasete himself, bold and frank,
I can not go victorious,
That by night the pugna alfin divided,
Victory remained dubious and undecided;

The unknown cavalier, as you know,

He promised that he would return,
The pugna to end with Antasete
As soon as the new day dawned;
But hearing that you spread yourself secret
Rumors that she was a woman, stay
He didn't want where, even though no one ever had it
Face to face, the truth was known.

From Losaria, therefore, he dwelt;

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But of Losario being in love,

The soul and heart were not removed from him:
Although he did not know he was loved by her:
And Losario, though he never was
She appeared with a raised visor,
Nor could he swear it was a woman,
Though talor thinks of it, and does not complain.


Page 311

It was very far away, then when

The new one came to Losario
Erasi moved against the nefarious
Mentesio to racquistar hereditary
His kingdom, and he will punish the executioner
Regicide and impious and nefarious perjurer,
It is the cause of flight and fairies
Miserable of his mother and his death.

Put into use she craves arms and steed

Di Losario in defense, nor an instant
Tardar before getting on the path.
Fassi condur baio caval davante
Vispo, vigorous, splendid and light;
And dressed in gray, as a lover
Cavalier on jumps, and object and goal
Garameta is his thoughts.

And not just to not be pointed out

For that same white knight
He had the victory reported
In Losaria, over every battle,

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She has changed and has dressed;

But he did both of his squires
Change of assisa, as far as known
They are not from those who first saw them.


Page 312

And he gave one, a specific order,

Let him be veiled every now and then
The white palfrey, and that divided
She is not far from her; that, if sometimes
You give notice or accents give him notice
To how, how, without residence,
To his signs, and to his request,
With white caval and white glove dress.

So towards Losario the camin takes,

And love and valor are his guide.
Having come to the end in Garameta, it means
What ver Mennonia against the regicide,
When it arises from the sea Febo, it shines,
His teams have times where he nests;
That she hastens her horse a little
Easily reach potrallo.

Therefore, towards Mennonia with a loose bridle

Followed by his faithful squires,
With ardent desire the walk takes,
And of scorgerating the knights,
The eyelashes are always in front of you:
But Losario is on top of his thoughts,
For greed, take the lance and the brando
Against the infamous usurpator nefando.
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Page 313

The sun was setting, and already the night

He was preparing the dark veil
To get out of the cimmeries caves,
And Morpheus behind her with awe
Medication was ready until induced
Yes, the hosts to silence and to rest,
When the horse bajo had arrived
Not far from them, and had stopped there.

To King Losario for a squire of his

He says this: - Mr., like, he is here near
From a remote regia a knight
What a desire is for you to be allowed
Follow your victorious flags,
And to participate in your success:
Your language ignores him; wherefore
No one speaks and no one answers. -

"Like," said Losario, "and let him be."

Set with Agatirso placed. -
Everyone refocilla, then at the mercy
One gave to sleep, someone in a sheltered tent,
Who on stretched layers: and appears
Just the day, which everyone raised,
In the same order as the day passed
Towards Mennonia he is back on track.

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Page 314

The sun in the middle of his path

He had not arrived yet, from afar
Waving the flags,
What a clue that the mentesian innkeeper is
First he made himself with his hosts.
Dei Losari, who to the brando pon the hand,
And whoever prepares the spear, desïoso
To come to the bloody conflict.

Antasete and Ilonte with Genato

They put their horses in quadrilateral
Ordinance: of the straight and side missing,
The one from Algeste's horses stretches,
The other from those of the son of Sorato;
Then, when the host does arrive,
He girds himself around and so much trouble,
To escape, grab hold of it and get rid of it.

With Prasildo Agatirso, and with the squad

Of those who saved the life of the king,
Set with gray cavalier novello,
And with the four they had left
From the banners of the infamous and fello
Mentesio for the escape bold and daring,
Of the ordinance out, like close
To be able to turn where the need urged.


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Page 315

The brave imperial teams,

Of the horses of Algeste and Mïone,
On the right and left they form the wings.
Everyone hurries to the battle
Between two powerful rival armies:
Each one the lance in rest poses,
And with great vigor and valor it lashes out
To start the cruel battle.

The king commands those Garametans

What of Agatirso form the squad,
Do not like the hands with enemies,
And that they are far from slaughter,
For if you perisser, to make vber vain,
His drawings; that of the impious and fello
Tyrant, for their half, in another storm
He hopes to drop his head over.

Agatirso and the gray knight,

With his arms in his hand and his neck I shield my arm,
Before the fans, to the hostile ranks,
And as if they were ice lances,
They break them and make them fall away.
No one has anything to hurt them
Neither free from their swords;
Whoever is wounded remains, whoever dies falls.


Page 316

Meanwhile, the Losari fought

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And the two brave warriors with both sides

With enemies, of whom not equally
All were in the arms exercised:
Although there were many opponents
Prodi and the arms to use accustomed,
But he was none of them superior
At their dexterity and value.

Not far from them they do the same

The swords of Antasete, of Genato,
D'Ilonte, another son of Sichesso,
And of Mïon on the beautiful prized horse,
That in the doom you ignite like this,
And whenever the enemy is struck,
When he sees the earth, he tramples it,
And growling, high jubilation manifests.

D'Agatirso the drappel, which gathers

Glad and happy around the banner,
Together with the king he enjoys luck
Against Mentesio and every baron of his
Bieca is revolt; that on the s'imbruna
The sky, and which of the impious is disposed
Justice is his arm
To hit the sacrilegous nequizia.


Page 317

Meanwhile, the imperial knights

From the assigned place you move,
Sword and spear using esizïali
Against enemies; that of already beaten

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And thinned out a lot by the loyal ones

Losario horses and shaken on the ground,
Dead and dying were so hard
Let the horses as forward.

Mentans on the back now assaulted,

They turned against the attackers;
Then you departed from the order,
They were in front of the winners.
Meanwhile Mentesio, among the favorites
Barons surrounded by other defenders,
Send commands; or biasma and or again,
But no one waits for his or her sayings.

And those who are among the imperials,

And those who regicide around are
Being with unequal enemies,
They shrink together, and off they go
Through the deadly brandi,
And with a rushing escape, we say:
Losario cries to the brave knights
Not to oppose the fugitive steeds.


Page 318

He predicts well, that he will soon

Of Mentesio the disbanded army,
And that together with his cavalry
The escape to hasten will be forced.
The eviction grows, whereby it is set in motion
With his own towards Mennonia; and arrived,
The teams gather, and let them be barred
The doors are secured by chains.
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Losario, whose enemies have departed,

According to his custom, he died
He told those who were wounded;
And command that each of them be carried
Where they are assisted by doctors,
Lots of color from the regicide escort,
How much those who fought in favor
Of the legitimate heir and successor.

He then has every deceased buried

In place from his very distant field;
And the next day, on the walls in point
He sees who around the head the rotary
Sling wanders; who takes the assumption
Lead ball or flying dart
To hurl with dexterity and ingenuity,
To catch a given sign from afar.


Page 319

Or as the infantrymen of Losario

They remained behind the knights;
Waves to pugnar with those of the adversary
He will be able to place his brave frombelieri,
And every crossbowman and sagittarius;
While with strong blows, bold and proud,
The doors the breakers will break down,
Whence it comes to pugnar against the tyrant.

On the afternoon arrived the sol was not,

When these experts are brave

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Young came the fierce host.

The day wants the rest to rest
The benign king, infin from the black
Night is not the day-time rai;
Give each one a sweet sleep then,
And rise to arms at the new dawn.

The next morning, the sun emerged

Girded with black clouds in every neighborhood;
But from the ardent rai gíron dispersed,
And the day shone bright and serene;
When from the sea not far up he fell,
And crows and starlings and return
They saw themselves above the palace,
While they were making garrulous noises.


Page 320

Now the troops are stocks of footmen

Of Mennonia to pugnar under the walls;
And meanwhile the doors are going to rams
The breakers with hammers and dark,
With iron poles and levers and another fate
Iron tools; and each proxy
To break them, to sweep them, clear waves
The step remains of every stumbling block and encumbrance.

In a short time they were landed,

And so that free access is there,
Faulty and in pieces they were placed
Near the walls far from the street.
The teams will be neither met
From the enemies. Losario order gives first
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May the infantrymen not cease,

Until such a different order, they do not joke.

With Agatirso and the novice cavalier,

And the four already prefects of Faucide,
Then he entered, followed by the squad
To be grateful and faithful every time we saw each other.
Aspires of Mentesio to make slaughter,
And to make the barons and the murderers
Garametane subornate hosts
They stand for justice and duty.


Page 321

And seeing the army arrested,

Neither knowing why, you are longing for it
From the friend Antasete and from Genato
Having said that no new pugna is exposed;
And that of palisade and fence
Cinta is the vast square, where hidden
Par that the grim ribaldo emboldened
You hope to triumph when you are attacked.

To stay where I am now, he commands

Losario to the brave knights; and in the meantime,
Let the garametan drapel spread
To lift the right and miss singing
The citizens against the nefanda
Bloodthirsty tyranny, so much
Disastrous to the mild and honest people
Who lived under a just and forgiving king.

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He did not go anywhere he heard himself

Resound from contemptuous high-ranking voices:
- Blackberry the tyrant, the grim, the impious and I will say
Periauro and regicida: laces and crosses
It is not for him; mild martyr
This would be: and the pear in burning flames:
In this way they will be avenged
So many innocents killed for him. -


Page 322

When the proud eagle swoops from the sky

To give a look to the mansüeti lambs,
That in green grass between the wandering array
Of heifers, oxen and bulls,
Look for the flock and avoid the bold and proud
Carnivorous queen of the augelli,
But it does not cease to graze the herd
Nor is he shocked or frightened;

I know those, who flee from torment and cross,

Similar facts to the mansüeto herd,
To hear the voice of the people,
Of them, each fleeing elects:
But the barons, of the vile tyrant atrocious
Support and his barbaric law,
Immoti are together with their customers,
In all resembling the vile herds.

Meanwhile high and loud voices are heard

Every fact to praise and every saying
Of the good Losario, son and successor
Of King Faucis and to his delight;
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While death is announced to the traitor

Regicidal and damned perjury;
And repeating van: - Viva Losario,
And infamous death to the nefarious assassin. -


Page 323

These on the ground throw all the shelters

He makes the square where he restrains himself,
And he is preparing to pugnar against the Losari:
Throw the shield, and with two hands grab it
Strong sharp ax, and the military
Encourages coming to war;
That resolute is to die strong,
Or to his enemy to give death.

He stands in the midst of his barons,

And on the left and on the right together
In dense files he puts his samples,
And they command that they enter into thick
Enemies, and therefore like dragons
They are opposed, yes, they are turned away
Approaching him before he has
The enemy lying on the sand is bloodless.

And then of one and the other in order

Armies move forward with a fist.
The large and numerous gathering,
At the end that Mentesio in giugna time,
He does not stop at pugnar, but with boldness
With a shield it is a must, and does not hold
The brando to injure, even many

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Cádanne fallen over and turned upside down.


Page 324

As soon as they come, those snarling dogs,

To put in confusion and disarray
The neighboring partisans of Losario,
What with lightning sword and irate eyelash
Of formidable and sovereign blows
Prostrate them to make blood the vermilion;
And with the brando and the shield of Pelide,
Losario defends himself, and knocks and kills.

With Agatirso the new cavalier,

On the right, noticing,
They make of the Mentesiani sour slaughter:
Now when the nefarious approaches
Regicide in the midst of his squad,
Which, as it prepares for the blow infan,
Watch Losario's movements cautiously,
In order to ascertain his nefarious strike.

But the cavalier of the bay palfrey,

While he is looking at him in Losario,
Sopramman so bold and full shot
With the sword he brought them forth, which he cut
Not only does he have his helmet, but also fully
His head has divided his eyes,
Exclaiming: - Die like him
May the one who usurps the other people's straightheads. -

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Page 325

The micro-killers throw their weapons on the ground

Vile, deluded and bought pugnacious,
And so they go immune; that is the Losari
Not murderers, but knights;
And not pugnan from henchmen or assassins
Neither from truci and infamous masnadieri,
But from champions of those with justice
Pugna against the infamous others nequizia.

All the Andese mentesians disbanded;

And the Losari, happy and victorious
In the abandoned barracks entraro.
Around the greedy, greedy gray
To see it, in the fôro s'adunaro
With Mione and the brother the other famous,
Antasete, Genato, Algeste, Ilonte,
To make the great hero their laude count.

Brama Losario to be grateful

To the brave cavalier for such aita,
And tell him he'll be lucky
If his friendship pleases him;
What with his soul and with the core bound to him
He will be throughout his life;
And that, if such a favor is granted to him,
He will be another self for himself.


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Page 326

"Perhaps," said Antasete, the same one

Woman is this of the white palfrey,
From whose right hand invoked and tireless,
Eventually, he jumped on the ground,
You were stunned; and behold, she has impressed it
High value and courtesy not less,
I saw the girdle of my caval crashed,
He said he did not have either one won.

The dragon d'or that bears for crests

This gray cavalier appeals,
It is the same that I used to see
Then when he jumped out of the saddle;
But let it be the same, to diverge
More the marzïal vigor mel gives, when she is,
Like a terrible storm,
Hold the brando, or the lance stops. -

To the scudier with the veiled caval

Far was not it, she nods: he comes
And to his lady he puts it to the side;
The saddlecloth takes away: everyone keeps
I gaze at her marvelously,
And he yearns to see that in the end it happens.
Jumps on it; of the gray robe
She strips, and the white she dresses:


Page 327

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From the head then remove the cover,

And such beauty, which yields all fiction
Poetic, she was represented,
What if with Vener, Pallade and Juno
She had found herself on Ida
To make beauty the comparison,
Paris is dishonored
If the golden apple had denied her.

As if Apollo or Jupiter were suddenly

Descended between them, to bow her
Everyone remains dumb and astonished,
In devout demeanor to contemplate it.
By Losario did it in his back
The intimate flame, and so it speaks:
- Woman, happy me! you are she
Let the gods be given to me in consort.

But, lasso me! may it be vain to hope

May the auspicious prediction as true
Of the god marin, who proclaimed to me that it is unsubmissive
Sarem joint in nuzïale union;
And bitter doubt my heart stings me and presses,
Unaware of your disposition,
From which only my destiny hangs
To be happy or miserable and mischievous.


Page 328

He had also spoken of you

How to do you've made manifest;
And that, unknown, you would have fallen
He who has fallen to the earth is dead
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Iron on my head he had raised;

And when I see you, after that,
Flooded with awe and wonder
Staggered I would arch my eyelashes. -

"And to me," she said, "I would be a consort."

D'un prence, it was predicted, which andria
Ranger in disastrous and humble fairies,
After that for infamous slander and ria
It was from the father condemned to death;
That the unhappy parent
From the ungodly killed, and finally the illustrious and worthy
Formed son would have a new kingdom.

Of such facts having gone there

The new one, I imagined that, without fail,
Not another one from heaven intended
He was in your spouse: without interval
Of time por, of lance and brando armed,
I moved my horse towards Losaria:
Giunta, what a knight in the carousel
Tenzonai, without making a face shows.


Page 329

But the night told me,

That the word spreads in secret
What a woman I was, feel at the party
To dwell; therefore I believe
Convenevol that it was delayed
Time to show me, and first
You will know yourself without being known,

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And what a moment to have accomplished.

Great was your fame, and yet greater

Of it I have recognized you: of moment
What I accomplished, having the traitor
Perjury and regicide myself extinguished:
And the spontaneous your noble love
He made me fully happy and pleased.
Know therefore that Nice I am, queen
Of the happy island of Argentina.

If I had told you before,

And having married to me, I had coveted,
Being born in me could have suspected
If I had loved more than me or the crown:
Now it cannot be such a doubt in me that I can hide,
Since you have it from my heart long expelled;
I know you, who are so worthy of it,
I give myself to you I give up the kingdom.


Page 330

People gathered around her,

The right hand raising to heaven, blesses it;
And humbly thanks the gods
Of having the end happy and happy
Garameta after the rei times;
And the names are spoken of by Losario and Nice
From the citizens of the beautiful sex
highly sound far and near.

He proclaimed Losario in Mennonia

General pardon, without exception
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Of a single color from the nefarian

Regicida, by force or seduction,
He was pushed against the hereditary rege
The weapon to hold in the marzale agone.
The barons bow to his foot,
And I swear to him obedience and faith.

The Losaria from the king was entrusted

In Algeste, famous battler:
Of Mïon Garameta it was left
To the absolute government and to power:
It was recommended
The troop of every footman and rider
What a relief people had
Against the infamous usurpator cruente.


Page 331

I know, after the disastrous end

And the various events, to the bitter war
He posed with glorious success;
And he saw in his blood extinct on the ground
The infamous and shameful regicide,
For wanting of the Gods that Olympus greenhouse;
And with friends and the inclined queen
To be crowned in Argentina.


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Page 332


Translation into Italian of the poetic works of

Milton, with an appendix to Paradise Lost , which with
holds the Angeleida del Valvasoni; observations around the
imitation in general, and comparison of steps imitated by
English poet (3 volumes pic. 8vo, London, 1840).

Translation in verse of the Farsaglia of Lucano (pic.

8vo, 1841), with three songs added by the translator, which ter
they undermine with the death of Caesar.

Tragedies and Dramas (pic. 8vo, London, 1842).

file:///C:/Users/Wang/downloads4/The Losario.html 302/304
11/17/2019 The Losario

Metric Components (pic. 8vo, London, 1843).

Novelle Moral in prose (in-12, 1822). Ce east volume

précédé d'un discours sur la prononciation italienne, here
est ensuite marquée par des accents et par des lettres dif
férentes, comme le suivant.

Fables and Novels in verse for school use (in-12,

London, 1822).


Page 333

L ' punished infidelity , erotic and tragic legend (in-12,

London, 1800 and 1804).

Grammaire de la Langue Italienne, suivie d'un cours

de thêmea (second edition , in-12, London, 1819).

Of the Catholic Spirit of Dante Alighieri , work of

Carlo Lyell, AM; translated into Italian (1 large vol
8vo, London, 1844).

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