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Should we increase our use of nuclear power as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?


Mueller, M. (22 April 2020). Nuclear Power Is the Most Reliable Energy Source and It's Not
Even Close. Retrieved 29 September 2020 from

This article completely advocates for the implementation of nuclear energy. It provides
information about the reliability of nuclear plants as they need minimal maintenance versus other
energy sources, like wind and solar. Nuclear power plants also have the highest capacity factor
then other energy sources at about 93%.

This article is in support of increasing nuclear power due to its reliability and its positive results
of consistently reducing greenhouse gas emissions successfully.

World Nuclear Association. (March 2020). Economics of Nuclear Power. World Nuclear
Association. Retrieved 29 September 2020 from

This is a lengthy article that goes into specific detail about the economics of building and
running a nuclear power plant and how it compares to other energy sources. The author breaks
down the costs into several sections such as capital, operating, and external costs.

The article supports the motion of implementing more nuclear power plants in the future. The
article mentions that the heavy costs of constructing the plants, but will be cost effective long
term versus wind and solar.

Iurshina, D. (21 June 2019). Why Nuclear Power Plants Cost so Much-and What Can Be Done
about It. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Retrieved 29 September 2020 from

In this article, the author mainly describes the different types of significant costs that go into
building power plants and whether or not it is worth the time and money at this point in time. She
claims that certain countries in a good economic state have the ability to mass produce power
plants to make a large contribution to the environment, while countries like the US should
consider all the costs of nuclear power plants before continuing to build them.

The author is this article seems to advise against the progression to more nuclear power plants.
The time and costs to build the plants is not cost-effective at this point in time. She advises
countries like the US to turn to other clean energy sources, unless all costs are considered for the
power plants.
Union of Concerned Scientists. (1 October 2013). A Brief History of Nuclear Accidents
Worldwide. Union of Concerned Scientists. Retrieved 29 September 2020 from

This article provides information on the cause and effect of certain famous meltdowns from
nuclear plants. It includes meltdowns that were caused by human accidents or even natural
causes. Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island are all examples of the types of
meltdowns mentioned in the article.

Although the author does not specifically have a stance on moving towards nuclear power in the
future, based on the information provided, s/he does not seem to support this motion. The
potential damage caused by these meltdowns is extreme and too risky based on the information
provided by the author.

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