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Engineering with Computers


Design and implementation of a new tuned hybrid intelligent

model to predict the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock using
Hongjun Jing1 · Hima Nikafshan Rad2 · Mahdi Hasanipanah3   · Danial Jahed Armaghani4 · Sultan Noman Qasem5,6

Received: 23 November 2019 / Accepted: 31 January 2020

© Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2020

This study proposes a novel design to systematically optimize the parameters for the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
(ANFIS) model using stochastic fractal search (SFS) algorithm. To affirm the efficiency of the proposed SFS-ANFIS model,
the predicting results were compared with ANFIS and three hybrid methodologies based on ANFIS combined with genetic
algorithm (GA), differential evolution (DE), and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Accurate prediction of uniaxial com-
pressive strength (UCS) is of great significance for all geotechnical projects such as tunnels and dams. Hence, this study
proposes the use of SFS-ANFIS, GA-ANFIS, DE-ANFIS, PSO-ANFIS, and ANFIS models to predict UCS. In this regard,
the fresh water tunnel of Pahang–Selangor located in Malaysia was considered and the requirement data samples were col-
lected. Different statistical metrics such as coefficient of determination (R2) and mean absolute error were used to evaluate
the models. Referring to the efficiency results of SFS-ANFIS, it can be found that the SFS-ANFIS (with the R2 of 0.981) has
higher ability than PSO-ANFIS, DE-ANFIS, GA-ANFIS, and ANFIS models in predicting the UCS.

Keywords  UCS · ANFIS · Stochastic fractal search · Optimization algorithms

1 Introduction test method suggested by the International Society for

Rock Mechanics (ISRM) or American Standards for Test-
Rock strength needs to be estimated effectively as a key ing Materials (ASTM). Though, in determining directly the
factor in all geotechnical projects, including tunnels and UCS value, there are a number of hindering factors, e.g.,
slope. The estimation of the uniaxial compressive strength attaining the standard intact rock samples particularly in
(UCS) of rock can be directly done by means of standard highly jointed faulted rock. Additionally, carrying out the
direct experiments for this end is relatively time-consuming
and costly [1–3]. For that reason, estimating UCS utiliz-
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this
ing simple index tests is comparatively more economical
article (https​://​6-020-00977​-1) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

* Mahdi Hasanipanah College of Computer Science, Tabari University of Babol, Babol, Iran
Hongjun Jing Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Vietnam
Hima Nikafshan Rad Modeling Evolutionary Algorithms Simulation and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Danial Jahed Armaghani
5 Computer Science Department, College of Computer
and Information Sciences, Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud
Sultan Noman Qasem
Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Computer Science Department, Faculty of Applied Science,
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xi’an Taiz University, Taiz, Yemen
University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, China

Engineering with Computers

and easier to do. For better comparison, different scholars to estimate Vp, emphasizing the high potential of neuro-fuzzy
[4–9] have presented a number of estimation techniques in method in modeling the nonlinear, multivariate, complex prob-
the literature. For instance, some techniques of simple and lems. In addition, a comparative analysis was done by Singh
multiple regression analysis can be found adopted for this and Verma [56] on intelligent algorithms to find a correlation
aim in Singh et al. [10] and Monjezi et al. [11]. between the strength and petrographical properties of schistose
Literature also contains several empirical relations devel- rock. Yagiz et al. [57] attempted to build an effective method
oped for the UCS estimation. Tugrul and Zarif [12] intro- to accurately estimate UCS of the carbonate rock by means of
duced some new relationships between engineering proper- index properties and slake durability of the studied rock. Their
ties and the petrographical properties of granite. In another findings showed that the use of slake durability index (Id4),
study, some empirical equations were proposed by Sharma density, Vp, and Rn values could lead to an acceptable estima-
and Singh [4], which made an accurate estimation of UCS. tion of the rock UCS. Dehghanbanadaki et al. [38] offered a
Aiming at estimating the UCS, Yagiz [13] carried out a non- hybrid of ANN and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to pre-
destructive experiment, namely the p-wave velocity (Vp), dict UCS and showed its effectiveness in improving ANN per-
and used several parameters such as modulus of elasticity formance. Jahed Armaghani et al. [58] employed a gene expres-
and slake durability index. He confirmed the existence of sion programming (GEP) model to predict UCS and compared
a noteworthy relationship between UCS of rock and its Vp. its performance with linear multiple regression (LMR). They
Cargill and Shakoor [14] carried out experiments upon five concluded that the accuracy of GEP was better than LMR in
different rocks aiming at assessing the correlations that may predicting the UCS. An ensemble committee-based ANN was
exist between UCS and the slake durability, point load index proposed to predict UCS by Barzegar et al. [59]. They also
(Is(50)), Schmidt hammer (Rn), and the Los Angeles abrasion used several other soft-computing models in their study. They
test values. Their findings revealed a very significant cor- indicated that the ANN-committee model possessed superior
relation between Is(50) and UCS. Singh and Singh [15] also predictive ability than the other models. Recently, the applica-
attempted to find out the relationships between UCS and Is(50) tion of metaheuristic algorithms has been increasing to improve
in the case of quartzites. Kahraman [16] attempted to develop the performance of artificial intelligence methods such ANN,
the relationship between UCS and three rock parameters of ANFIS, and support vector machine [60–70].
sound velocity, Rn, and Is(50). Young and Rosenbaum [17] This study proposes a hybrid of ANFIS and stochastic
proposed a model with a high reliability that could be effec- fractal search (SFS) to predict UCS. In other words, the main
tively applied to controlling the strength and deformability of contribution of this study is to propose a new hybrid machine
sandstone using many mineralogical properties. Having done learning model in the field of UCS prediction. For comparison
some regression analyses on metamorphic, igneous, and sedi- aims, PSO, Differential Evolution (DE), and genetic algorithm
mentary rocks, Kahraman and Gunaydin [18] revealed some (GA) were also used to improve ANFIS performance.
correlation between UCS and Is(50). In another project, Basu
and Kamran [19] applied the point load test to the schistose
rocks and attempted to find out how applicable it is to the 2 Research significance
UCS estimation. In the case of some Indian rocks, Singh et al.
[10] verified an empirical relation between UCS and Is(50). On The UCS prediction can be directly made through ISRM or
the other hand, Singh and Dubey [20] and Singh et al. [21] ASTM tests. However, in determining the UCS value directly,
proposed a number of empirical relationships for the estima- there are several hindering factors, e.g., attaining the standard
tion of UCS value employing Vp chiefly for the coal measure intact rock samples, particularly in highly jointed faulted rock.
rocks. Having worked specifically on the Hong Kong gran- On the other hand, carrying out the direct experiments for
ite, Basu, and Aydin [22] suggested an empirical relationship this end is relatively time-consuming and costly. Hence, this
between Is(50) and UCS. In another research, Sharma et al. study represents a novel hybrid intelligent model that uses an
[23] discussed several statistical relationships between Rn and improved ANFIS with an SFS algorithm (SFS-ANFIS), for
Vp, slake durability index, and impact strength index. predicting the UCS. To the best of our knowledge, no research
In recent years, the use of soft-computing methods to solve has been tested on the efficiency of SFS-ANFIS to predict
different engineering problems has been highlighted by differ- UCS in different time scales as of yet.
ent scholars [24–53]. A review of the literature reveals differ-
ent soft-computing methods to estimate UCS (e.g., [24–27])
considering various rock index properties such as Rn, Vp, and 3 Data source
Is(50). Among all, Sarkar et al. [54] constructed models based
on artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate UCS as well as The rock cores, which were required to achieve the objec-
the shear strength of a variety of rocks. Verma and Singh [55] tives of this study, were gathered from the Pahang–Selangor
introduced an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) fresh water tunnel located in Malaysia. This tunnel is built

Engineering with Computers

for the transfer of fresh water from Pahang state to Selan- rocks, etc.; however, the majority of rock excavated in the
gor and Kuala Lumpur states. Of the whole tunnel, 35 km tunneling project by means of TBMs and blasting method
was excavated by means of three tunnel boring machines is of the granite type. Geotechnical research was carried
(TBMs), whereas the rest of the project was done adopt- out alongside the tunnel to achieve the predefined research
ing the method of drilling and blasting. TBMs excavated a objectives, and a total of 96 granite blocks (without defect
variety of ground conditions, namely mixed ground, blocky or discontinuity) were selected from various TBMs sites to
ground, and very hard ground. You can refer to Fig. 1 to see conduct the required tests. More details regarding this pro-
the geological map of the tunnel site and the sampling spot. ject can be found in Jahed Armaghani et al. [3]. The selected
As can be observed in the geological map, in the geologi- blocks were transferred to the laboratory and prepared in
cal units, there are metamorphic, granite, some sedimentary accordance with the guidelines of the International Society

Fig. 1  Geological map of tunnel


Engineering with Computers

( )
for Rock Mechanics [71]. Then, the samples were subjected O1i = 𝜇Ai x1 for i = 1, 2, … , n (1)
to laboratory tests of Rn, Vp, Is(50), and UCS. In case of the
failure of a sample along with the fractures or any other ( )
defect, the related test result was excluded from the data set. O1i = 𝜇Bi−2 x2 for i = 3, 4, … , n, (2)
The reason was that it could not portray well the intact rock ( ) ( )
where 𝜇Ai x1 and 𝜇Bi−2 x2 are represented as Gaussian
strength. The statistical results of data sets used in this study
membership functions. Furthermore, the number of fuzzy
are given in Table 1. Next, the constructed data sets were
sets for various input variable is shown by n [73]. Every
applied to the development of a number of models adopting
node in the layer 2 is described product layer which is
various techniques. A comparison was finally made among
appraised the firing strength of specific rule using Eq. (3):
the models in a way to mark out the most appropriate one
( ) ( )
among all in terms of achieving the predefined objectives O2i = 𝜔i = 𝜇Ai x1 𝜇Bi x2 with i = 1, 2. (3)
of the study.
In layer 3, which is denominated normalized layer, the
normalization process is done using Eq. (4) with the sum-
4 Development of predictive models mation of the ith rule’s firing strength ratio to all rules’ firing
to predict UCS strength [73]:
4.1 SFS‑ANFIS O3i = w̄ i = i = 1, 2. (4)
w1 + w2
In answering complex nonlinear problems, ANFIS is an out- Defuzzification process is performed in layer four which
standing machine learning method was employed. ANFIS each node is an adaptable node with the following equation:
algorithm is the known hybrid method with effective effi- ( )
ciency, which combines the fuzzy inference system and O4i = w̄ i fi = w̄ i k1i x + k2i y + k0i , (5)
neural network [72]. ANFIS was offered by Jang performs { }
a learning model using least-squares and gradient descent where wi is the output of the layer 3, and k1i , k2i , k0i are the
algorithms [73]. variable sets of w̄ i node. Layer 5 is indicated output layer;
In the recent years, an increase in the implementation of the output is constructed by summation of the output of the
ANFIS has been observed in the different fields of engineer- previous layer Eq. (6):
ing [74–81]. The outcomes of studies manifested the ANFIS �

wi fi
is a powerful equipment for estimating these problems. The 5
Oi = overall output = w̄ i fi = ∑i ; i = 1, 2. (6)
ANFIS approach utilized in this investigation involves three i i wi

inputs and five layers. In this way, the Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy The premise and the consequent parts are adjusted to
system was applied as FIS. The TSK model can be exhibited various optimization techniques in FIS method, which are
as regards [72]: gradient descent method and least-squares method. ANFIS
Rule (1): If x1 is A1 and x2 is B1 then Yi = k1i x1 + k2i x2 + k0i , includes three models, namely grid partitioning (GP), fuzzy
where A and B are determined as the membership functions, C-Means clustering (FCM), and subtractive clustering
and x1 and x2 and k1 , k2 , and k0 are the function parameters (SCM). Based on previous scientific papers the FCM algo-
for inputs and output (f), and then, TSK fuzzy model with rithm has the best results and it was selected for the ANFIS
zero-order type is particularized for ANFIS model. A five- algorithm to predict [73]. More information about FCM
layer ANFIS is defined as follows [73]: could be achieved in the study handled by Rad et al. [72].
In the first layer, which is as a fuzzification layer, all Recently, the utilization of metaheuristic algorithms
nodes are assumed as adaptive inputs: is a superior strategy for the applied problem has demon-
strated that these algorithms have vital abilities as strug-
gled to standard optimization algorithms. Fundamentally, a
Table 1  Statistical results of parameters used in this study metaheuristic optimization algorithm inspired by the natural
phenomenon of growth is the stochastic fractal search (SFS),
Parameter Unit Statistical results
which was appropriated to improve ANFIS and optimize the
Min Mean Max elements of membership functions.
Rn – 18 41.66 59 In fact, restrictions of ANFIS are quiet convergence
Vp m/s 2823 4976.12 7943 and trapped in local optima, the SFS algorithm is selected
Is(50) MPa 0.89 3.09 7.10 for increasing convergence rate and prevent any trapped.
UCS MPa 39 96.51 209.40 Employing the diffusion property, which is observed

Engineering with Computers

frequently in stochastic fractals, the particles in the new Fig. 2, the best-created particle from the diffusing process is
algorithm investigate the search space more efficiently. In the isolated particle that is admitted, and the remainder of the
the SFS algorithm, the diffusing and the updating process particles are rejected. Furthermore, updating process in SFS
are two main parts of optimization. In the diffusing process, motivates researchers to exploration properties in metaheuristic
each particle diffuses is around the current position for sat- algorithms. To generate particles in diffusion phases, there are
isfying intensification property that causes increasing the two statistical techniques: Levy flight and Gaussian. Introduc-
possibility of discovering the global optima, and additionally tory studies are shown that Levy flight concentrates faster than
prevents remaining in trapped in the local optima. Gaussian walk in little generations. On the other hand, The
In the updating process, the algorithm finds that how a Gaussian walk is more encouraging in finding global optima
particle in the group updates position rather than the position [83]. More details about SFS algorithm could be obtained in
of other particles in the group. In this algorithm according to the study handled by Salimi [82]. The pseudo-code of hybrid
ANFIS-based SFS algorithm is proposed in the following.

Engineering with Computers

GA-ANFIS modeling, the crossover and mutation rates were

selected as 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. The minimum error was
defined as 1e−5 and the maximum iteration was selected as
400 (Fig. 3). To select the most optimum value for the num-
ber of populations, different values were tested, as shown
in Table 2. From this table, the lowest root-mean-square
(RMSE) value (is bolded) was achieved when the number of
populations was equal to 150. In the PSO-ANFIS algorithm,
the number of iteration and inertia weight were selected
1000 and 1, respectively. Additionally, to select coefficients
of velocity equation (C1 and C2) and the number of particles,
the different values were tested, as shown in Tables 3 and
4. From these tables, the lowest RMSE values (are bolded)
were for C1 = C2 = 2 and number of particles = 200; hence,
Fig. 2  Particle diffusion [82]
these values are used in this study. For better understanding,
the schemes of ANFIS optimized by GA and PSO algo-
rithms are shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
To check the effectiveness of SFS in ANFIS, PSO and
GA, as two well-known optimization algorithms [84–88], DE is a compelling evolutionary based on global optimi-
were also used to optimize ANFIS. In this research, several zation approach that was introduced by Storn and Price
parameters were defined for minimizing error prediction. [90]. The simplistic structure, quality of solutions obtained,
The Sugeno type chooses the fuzzy structure and FIS type is and easy implementation are the advantages of DE [91].
pursued Genfis3 with higher efficiency. The Gaussian func- Consequently, it has been employed in various use cases.
tion was chosen as a membership function for the ANFIS In this paper, the DE algorithm endeavors to minimize the
model. The hybrid optimization is applied based on the fitness function utilizing the optimized parameter values.
least square and backpropagation technique. The maximum The fitness function is the RMSE between the target and
number of training was 500 and the number of fuzzy rules predicted data. Similar to other evolutionary algorithms, DE
equals 10. To reach the optimum number of fuzzy rules, was also applied to improve ANFIS and optimize the value
the trial-and--error approach was used in this study. In the of membership functions ANFIS. The flowchart of hybrid

Fig. 3  Number of iteration for the SFS-ANFIS, GA-ANFIS, PSO-ANFIS, and DE-ANFIS models

Engineering with Computers

Table 2  Testing the different values of population size with their Table 4  Testing the different values of number of particle with their
RMSE in GA-ANFIS modeling RMSE in PSO-ANFIS modeling
Model no. Population size Network result Model no. No. of particle Network result
Train Test Train Test

1 25 11.199 12.314 1 50 13.145 13.825

2 100 11.037 11.872 2 100 12.316 13.410
3 150 10.998 11.540 3 150 11.562 12.149
4 200 11.418 12.322 4 200 9.821 10.327
5 250 11.337 12.194 5 250 9.984 10.849
6 300 11.772 12.519 6 300 10.550 11.195
7 350 11.558 12.608 7 350 11.297 11.741
8 400 11.931 12.598 8 400 11.175 12.230
9 450 12.313 13.121 9 450 12.092 12.861
10 500 12.642 13.397 10 500 12.403 13.166

ANFIS-based DE algorithm is shown in Fig. 6. More details (Fig. 3). According to above descriptions, the values of 0.4,
about improving ANFIS model using differential evolution- 0.8, and 100 were selected as the mutation probability, cross-
ary algorithm could be obtained in the study handled by over probability, and population size, respectively.
Ebtehaj and Bonakdari [92].
In modeling process of DE-ANFIS, the number of itera-
tion, mutation probability, crossover probability, and the 5 Results and discussion
population size should be determined. To select the opti-
mum mutation probability, the different values were tested, In this study, the effectiveness of the SFS algorithm to opti-
as shown in Table 5, and based on this table, when mutation mize ANFIS results is investigated. This section discusses
probability was equal to 0.4, the best performance (lowest the performance of the SFS-ANFIS model in predicting
RMSE) was achieved (is bolded). Regarding the crossover UCS and then compares its results with GA-ANFIS, DE-
probability, the values of 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, and ANFIS, PSO-ANFIS, and ANFIS models. In this study, we
0.9 were tested, as shown in Table 6. From this table, the have implemented SFS-ANFIS based on different combina-
lowest RMSE (best performance) was obtained from crosso- tions of input parameters. In other words, four different SFS-
ver probability of 0.8 (is bolded). Table 7 also shows the use ANFIS models were constructed, so that in model no. 1, Rn,
of different population size, and according to this table, the Vp, and Is(50) were used as the input parameters; in model no.
population size = 100 yielded the best performance among 2, Rn and Vp were used as the input parameters; in model
the others (is bolded). The minimum error was defined no. 3, Vp and Is(50) were used as the input parameters; and
as 1e−5 and the maximum iteration was selected as 400 in model no. 4, Rn and Is(50) were used as the input param-
eters. Totally, a database including 96 data sets was used;
Table 3  Testing the different values of C1 and C2 with their RMSE in
among them, 70 data sets were used for training the models,
PSO-ANFIS modeling and the remained 26 data sets were used to test the models.
The performances of constructed SFS-ANFIS models were
Model no. C1 C2 Network result
evaluated in terms of mean absolute error (MAE), RMSE,
RMSE and mean average percentage error (MAPE) [93–112]:
Train Test n
1 ∑|
1 1.333 2.667 11.163 13.874
MAE = A − Pi || (7)
n i=1 | i
2 2.667 1.333 12.129 12.882
3 1.5 1.5 11.955 13.239 �
4 2 2 9.514 10.278 i=1 (Ai − Pi )2
RMSE = (8)
5 1.75 1.75 10.813 11.349 n
6 1.5 1.75 11.190 12.528
7 1.75 1.5 11.481 12.313

Engineering with Computers

Fig. 4  Scheme of the ANFIS

optimized by GA [89]

[ ]
n Vp was not used as the input parameter, the performance
1 ∑ ||Ai − Pi ||
MAPE = × 100, (9) of the model was the worst (the highest RMSE, MAE, and
n i=1 Am
MAPE values). Hence, it was found that the Vp was the
most effective parameter on the modeling of UCS in this
where n is the number of data (in this study n is 96), and Ai
and Pi are actual and predicted UCS values, respectively.
Due to the best SFS-ANFIS model was based on three
According to the results, the lowest MAE, MAPE (%), and
input parameters (Rn, Vp, and Is(50)), we have also imple-
RMSE values were obtained from model 1 of SFS-ANFIS
models, as shown in Fig. 7. In other words, when Rn, Vp,
models based on these three input parameters. The values of
and Is(50) were used as the input parameters, the perfor-
MAE, MAPE (%), and RMSE obtained from SFS-ANFIS,
mance of the model was the most ideal. In addition, when

Engineering with Computers

GA-ANFIS, PSO-ANFIS, and ANFIS models are given

in Table 8. The results summarized in Table 8 show the
superiority of SFS-ANFIS model 1 over other SFS-ANFIS,
to predict UCS. Furthermore, the scatter plots of actual
versus predicted UCS values using all predictive models
are shown in Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. From these figures,
it can be found that higher coefficients of determination
(R2) were yielded by SFS-ANFIS model. The R2 values
ANFIS models were equal to 0.981, 0.957, 0.947, 0.936,
and 0.880, respectively. These results indicate that the SFS
can be introduced as a better algorithm compared to PSO,
DE, and GA for improving ANFIS performance. Figure 13
also shows the relationships between different Vp values (in
range of 2900 and 7900) and obtained UCS values from the
SFS-ANFIS model. In this figure, blue, green, and yellow
points are related to Is(50) = 2 and Rn = 20, Is(50) = 2 and
Rn = 40, and Is(50) = 2 and Rn = 60, respectively. From this
figure, it can be found that the Vp has a direct relationship
with UCS, and increase in amount of Vp leads to increase
in UCS. To show the relative influence of the Vp, Is(50), and
Rn on the UCS, a sensitivity analysis is carried out in this
study by means of Yang and Zang [113] method:
∑n � �
yik × yok
rij = � , (10)
∑n 2 ∑n 2
k=1 ik
k=1 ok

where yik and yok are the input and output parameters, respec-
tively. The values of rij reveal the effect of each input on out-
put. Considering Eq. 10, the values of rij for the Vp, Is(50),
and Rn were equal to 0.964, 0.962, and 0.966, respectively,
which show that the Rn was the most influential parameter
on the UCS in the studied case.

6 Conclusions

Achieving a high-accurate model to predict UCS is very

important especially, in the field of geotechnical engineer-
ing. According to the literature, the experiments required
for predicting UCS are generally time-consuming and
costly in addition to the sample restrictions. Therefore,
rock UCS can also be calculated by means of simple rock
tests, including Vp, Rn, and Is(50). This paper evaluates
the ability of the SFS algorithm to improve the accu-
racy of ANFIS to predict UCS. In other words, the nov-
elty of this study is to propose a new machine learning
Fig. 5  Scheme of the ANFIS optimized by PSO [89]
method in the field of geotechnical engineering. To make

Engineering with Computers

Fig. 6  Flowchart of DE-ANFIS model

Table 5  Testing the different values of mutation rate with their

RMSE in DE-ANFIS modeling Table 6  Testing the different values of crossover with their RMSE in
DE-ANFIS modeling
Model no. Mutation rate Network result
Model no. Crossover rate Network result
Train Test
Train Test
1 0.05 13.891 13.799
1 0.60 12.0173 11.9426
2 0.10 13.816 13.759
2 0.65 11.8329 11.1637
3 0.15 13.781 13.018
3 0.70 11.1748 10.7935
4 0.20 13.710 12.956
4 0.75 10.7923 10.2873
5 0.25 13.812 13.237
5 0.80 10.3018 9.7539
6 0.30 12.828 12.218
6 0.85 10.3262 10.001
7 0.35 11.782 11.923
7 0.90 10.9248 10.396
8 0.40 11.108 10.937
9 0.45 11.199 11.058
10 0.50 11.584 11.153

Engineering with Computers

Table 7  Testing the different values of population size with their a fair comparison, GA, DE, and PSO were used to opti-
RMSE in DE-ANFIS modeling mize ANFIS, and then, the results of SFS-ANFIS, DE-
Model no. Population size Network result ANFIS, GA-ANFIS, PSO-ANFIS, and ANFIS models were
compared. Totally, 96 data sets were gathered from the
Pahang–Selangor fresh water tunnel located in Malaysia.
Train Test The conclusions and remarks of this study are as follows.
1 25 11.914 12.941 (1) Comparing the UCS values predicted by the models
2 100 11.108 10.937 showed that the performance of the SFS-ANFIS was better
3 150 12.319 12.924 than the PSO-ANFIS, DE-ANFIS, GA-ANFIS, and ANFIS
4 200 12.192 13.872 models, and thereby, the superiority of SFS can be con-
5 250 12.001 12.413 firmed. (2) It is recommended to use other optimization
6 300 12.851 12.812 algorithms like gradient evolution algorithm, glowworm
7 350 12.142 12.622 swarm optimization, imperialistic competitive algorithm,
8 400 12.813 13.812 and teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm to
9 450 13.167 13.723 improve the performance of ANFIS.
10 500 13.774 13.415

Fig. 7  RMSE, MAE, and MAPE values obtained from different SFS-ANFIS models

Table 8  RMSE, MAE, and Model Statistical functions

MAPE values obtained from all
predictive models RMSE MAE MAPE (%)
Train Test Train Test Train Test

ANFIS 14.201 18.772 13.286 15.444 13.415 15.921

PSO-ANFIS 8.911 9.682 6.865 8.783 6.607 10.596
GA-ANFIS 10.866 11.968 9.333 10.496 8.955 11.314
DE-ANFIS 10.745 10.301 7.495 9.069 8.232 9.528
SFS-ANFIS model 1 5.731 6.649 4.438 4.606 4.581 4.824
SFS-ANFIS model 2 10.569 13.965 9.173 12.598 9.764 11.579
SFS-ANFIS model 3 12.953 12.652 10.732 11.255 10.644 12.021
SFS-ANFIS model 4 12.846 17.350 11.182 13.725 10.616 16.420

Engineering with Computers

Fig. 8  Scatter plot of actual

versus predicted UCS values
using ANFIS

Fig. 9  Scatter plot of actual

versus predicted UCS values

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Fig. 10  Scatter plot of actual

versus predicted UCS values
using GA-ANFIS

Fig. 11  Scatter plot of actual

versus predicted UCS values
using DE-ANFIS

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Fig. 12  Scatter plot of actual versus predicted UCS values using SFS-ANFIS models

Fig. 13  Relationship between different values of Vp and UCS (keeping constant the values of Is(50) = 2, and Rn = 20, 40, and 60)

Engineering with Computers

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