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Hello Indigos

We are at that very special time of year, the Winter Solstice. That time of the longest night and shortest
day. The time that our ancestors marked with evergreen plants and lights, knowing that it signalled the
turning point - from now on, days will get longer, there will be more light, there will be signs of life as
the >irst green shoots of Spring come up through the dark earth.
(Mind you, this year, I’ve seen some green shoots already!).

It is a time, they say, when the veils between the realms are especially thin. I wonder if that is why so
many people choose to leave this physical world at this time? Or perhaps it is just that it can be such a
long, lonely time for some …

In my professional work, I am seeing an increase in the number of younger people coming to seek help
with anxiety in one form or another. As you enjoy the festivities, please do spare a thought for those for
whom all this enforced Ho! Ho! Ho! is not fun at all. Those with eating disorders do not >ind plates piled
high with food at all appetising. “Oh go on, just have another one,” doesn’t help. Many of those with
anxiety issues >ind this is the most stressful time of the year - pressure to spend money, to buy even
more “stuff” (whether it’s needed or not), large groups of often noisy people, the forced bonhomie that
is frequently fuelled with alcohol … please do be sensitive to other people.

And one >inal plea. If there are people who are on their own over Christmas and are not happy to be
alone, please do make an effort to pop round and say hello. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, but knowing
that they have been remembered can mean such a lot. Thank you.

Talking of Seasonal Socials, which we were, sort of - our Indigo gathering in the lovely surroundings of
Sedgwick Park House was very nice indeed. My thanks go to those who donated prizes for the raf>le
including Candace Caddick, Andy Thomas and Marcus Allen of Nexus magazine. My thanks also to Lyn,
my Elf for the day: she made the delicious soup and helped me to ensure that the spread was there,
ready and waiting to be enjoyed.

Thank you to all of you for your support throughout the year. Someone asked me recently how many of
the Indigo tribe come to events or are active in any way. I would say around 10% are very active
supporters; another 10% are selectively active; and the rest are more passive. But from the odd email I
receive when something rings a particular bell, I know that those passive Indigos enjoy keeping in touch
- and that is absolutely >ine.

Whatever you are doing over the festive season, Indigos, enjoy yourselves -
and I look forward to seeing you again next year!

Love Jude x

There are four BIG events in the Indigo calendar for 2018, as well as a regular programme of informal
Brekkies; Discussion Groups; Talks and Workshops. The talks and workshops will be spread between
East Grinstead / Forest Row for evening events, and Sedgwick Park House just outside Horsham for
daytime events. I am hoping to pull a programme together soonly (that’s from the Donald Trump
dictionary of OK phrases to use!) so that you can plan your schedule too.

What better way to start a year than with a look forward to the coming decade?
Cuck>ield-based astrologer Robyn Ray has organised a talk by fellow astrologer Julian Venables, at
Haywards Heath Town Hall on Friday 19th January, 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Tickets £10 include
refreshments. My name is on the poster for info and booking, but you can also contact Robyn direct, 

on: or 07734 101 022.


Lists have closed, airline tickets have been bought, hotel bookings made …. it is all under way.
It is a smaller group than I had thought, but that’s >ine - if all goes well, there will undoubtedly be
another trip or two, so more of you can join in.
We shall be in Bosnia, in the Valley of the Pyramids, for the Spring Equinox, soaking up that fabulous
energy and enjoying the company of our very own tour guide Nigel Grace and the man behind the
whole project, Dr Sam Osmanagich. No, we won’t send postcards, but I hope we will bring back some
video footage to share with you all!


As some of you will know, this whole topic of EMF / electro smog /electro-
sensitivity looms large on my radar, and in 2018 I shall be organising a
number of talks, both for those who are affected by ES / EHS and for wider
audiences, to raise awareness and understanding.

Over the weekend of 12th / 13th May (the weekend before The Wedding and
The Football), at Sedgwick Park House, there will be two very special
workshops, with three very special guests.
The format of each day will be the same, but the audiences will be different:
Saturday 12th is aimed speci>ically for those who are affected by ES / EHS
(Electro-sensitivity / Electro-Hyper-sensitivity), while Sunday 13th is open to
everyone - and I do hope there will be lots of Indigos in the audience.

Such are the wonders of modern technology that Dr George Carlo from USA; Professor Olle Johansson
from Sweden and Dr Dimitris Panagopoulos have combined their formidable specialist skills and
experience to produce 17 scienti>ic papers together, highlighting various aspects of the health risks of
wireless radiation - and yet they have never been in the same room at the same time! But in May 2018,
they are coming together in that lovely old manor house in the heart of Sussex, to lead what can rightly
be called Masterclasses for those who have to live with ES / EHS and for those who want to know more.

The days will start with a showing of the new US documentary “Generation Zapped”, an eye-opening
documentary that reveals the serious health risks posed by wireless technology. There will be a
Question & Answer session with our special guests, two of whom are featured in the >ilm, and then
after lunch they will lead a Masterclass speci>ically geared to the audience.

There will be just 50 tickets for each day, priced at only £45 for the whole day (light refreshments will
be provided, bring your own lunch).

The lists are now open for both of these events - call me on 01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512 or email
me on to reserve your place.


This will be over the weekend of Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th June, and will be held in the beautiful
gardens at Sedgwick Park House, just outside Horsham.
The emphasis will be on a celebration of Nature, connecting with the resident elementals in the garden
and so on. More shaping work to be done here, but please put it in your diaries.
I am as excited as I am daunted at the prospect of bringing together the >irst Indigo Conference, which
will take place at the University of Sussex at Falmer, just outside Brighton, over the weekend of
Thursday 6th to Sunday 9th September.

The theme for the weekend is “Waves” - as in vibrations, frequencies, dimensions, harmonics and all
the rest. Might even include ocean waves and waving hello and goodbye: who knows!

The response from those I have approached to be the “cornerstone” speakers has been amazingly
positive, so a huge thank you to Elaine Thompson, who will be talking about how she has developed an
innovative process of using sound for healing - with some very special technical advisors; to Mark
Wenworth, of the International Light Association, who will talk to us about the frequencies of colour
and light and how they are being used for healing; and to Nigel Grace, who will be talking to us about
those amazing Bosnian Pyramids and tunnels with speci>ic emphasis on the energy >ields that have
been discovered there, and the healing energy in the tunnels.

Other names will be revealed in due course - think sounds of Nature, harmony in everyday life and the
environment and so on - I love the way it is all coming together. Thank you to my wonderful (unseen)
Team Jude for all their help and support - keep it up please!

Quite apart from these “big” events, there will of course be a regular programme
of our informal Brekkies and Discussion Groups. The Brekkies are on the >irst
Tuesday of each month (except for January 2018, which is on the second
Tuesday, 9th), and they are held in the private room at the Harvester at Beech
Hurst Gardens in Haywards Heath, starting at 10am, >inishing around mid-day.

I had suggested moving the Discussion Group to the third Tuesday of the month - but several people
have been in touch to say that is not very fair on those who can never make Tuesdays. True. OK, I will
talk with Clare, who owns Sedgwick Park House, and see if we can meet there on the third Friday of the
month - she does already have a number of regular commitments, but I will ask. I will let you all know
in time for the January meet-up.

These informal meet-ups are an ideal way to meet like-minded souls in a friendly, non-threatening,
environment. There are very few house rules (be nice, treat others with respect …) and you are always
welcome to bring along a friend.


There is a mixed bag, a veritable pot pourri in the of>ing - from Candace leading another workshop on
channelling, to a full day with unicorns; more (I hope) from the ever-popular Andy Thomas and more
on personal contact with ETs ….

Robyn Ray is starting another of her “Introduction to Astrology” courses at the end of January.
The course lasts for six weeks and the cost is £120. Small classes to ensure personal attention.
Contact Robyn direct for more information - or 07734 101 022.

If you are interested in the “Kitten to Lioness” roarsome empowerment and survival workshops,
Robert Torry (the Lion) is your man - call him on 01342 825 789 or email him on:
We seem to live in a “quick >ix” world, don’t we? Fast food and faster broadband; tap your card to pay
your bill and swipe the screen to >ind your next date . . . it’s all instant, “I want it now”.

Sometimes real life isn’t like that. Do you even know what “real life” is nowadays? I often feel that I
exist in a parallel universe where friends are real people and not just likes on Facebook; where
respecting other people and the planet is not seen as a weakness; and where a connection to your
inner self and to spirit is far more important than a connection to the internet.

As increasing numbers of people are “waking up”, it is important for them to have somewhere to go, 

a “safe haven” where they can ask those silly questions that are not silly at all; where they can share
their experiences with people who understand; and where they can explore their spirituality in all 

its wonder and potential. And that’s the Indigo tribe.

One of the things they have to learn is that this spiritual journey
is not a quick >ix; it’s not a tap or a swipe. This is not easy to
explain to someone who is just starting out. They want a
checklist, a spreadsheet, so they can chart their progress.
Chakras - tick; Reiki - tick; crystals - tick: next? Just like a child
on a long journey, they wail, “Are we there yet?” The Higher
Beings that call themselves Abraham say, “You will never get it
done, and you can never get it wrong.” What they mean is that
even diversions off your path will teach you something - but
equally, the more layers you peel in your search for
understanding, the more layers you will >ind, the more
questions there are … Meditating every day really does bring
results. Yoga is great too - “a supple spine gives a supple mind”, my teacher used to say. Saying “thank
you” for the little miracles. Acknowledging the presence of your unseen helpers. The “boring stuff”.

Sometimes, it is only with the bene>it of hindsight that you understand how important, how valuable,
that “diversion” really was; how much you learned from that apparent disaster and how it brought you
to exactly where you needed to be for the next step on your journey. The journey really is as important
as the arriving.

This time of year can be horrendously hectic: a synthetic swirl of spending, a cacophony of Christmas
commercialism that inevitably leads to a sense of disappointment - not so much “are we there yet?” as
“was that it?” But if we take our lead from Nature, we will rest right now, we will take time to re>lect
what has happened over the past year, and look forward to what we expect from the year ahead. 

It can be a time of stillness and calm, a time to recharge batteries.

My own feeling is that the next few years will be decidedly bumpy at many levels as the Earth Herself
goes through massive changes ahead of “Ascension”, and we need to be prepared to ride the waves
rather than cling to the rocks. We who chose to be here at this time are the bridges between the now
and the new. Our task includes marking the path for those who are looking for the way . . . and with
understanding comes a responsibility to share that with others.

“Are we there yet?” No, but we are learning from all of the experiences we have along the way, and this
in turn helps us to guide others. Bon voyage, Indigos!

Love Jude x

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