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Free Chegg Answer from TechLaCarte

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Learning Hub <> Sel, 16 Feb 2021 pukul 10.05 PM

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Welcome to the  family of TechLaCarte, Recently you've asked for Unblur this Chegg Question on our website:

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In Problems, plot the function f(x) over the interval [1.5, 2.5]. Zoom in on the graph of each function to
determine how close x must be to 2 in order that f(x) is within 0.002 of 4. Your answer should be of the form “If
x is within _____ of 2, then f(x) is within 0.002 of 4.”

Step-by-step solution

Step 1 of 7

We begin by plotting the function in the interval :

Step 2 of 7

We zoom in on the function such that we can more easily see the y region within 0.002 of 4. We
set the y-axis to display between 3.99 and 4.01.We also modify the x-axis display so that we can
see the x variation in the graph more easily (setting it to display between 1.99 and 2.01).

Step 3 of 7

Step 4 of 7

Next, we can draw a vertical line at  and horizontal lines at , 

 and .
Step 5 of 7

We can now draw an additional two vertical lines which pass through the intersection points (as
shown on the last graph). These vertical lines will give us a range of acceptable x values.

Step 6 of 7

Step 7 of 7

From this graph, we can see that the acceptable values for x are between ~1.999 and 2.001. So
we conclude:

If x is within ~0.001 of 2, then   is within 0.002 of 4.

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