Brave New World Exam: Directions: Write Your Answers in The LEFT Margin. Aldous Huxley

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Brave New World

Directions: Write your answers in the LEFT margin.

Aldous Huxley
1. Aldous Huxley was born in
a. 1894
b. 1984
c. 2010
d. 1801

2. When he was sixteen, Aldous’ _________ died.

a. mother
b. father
c. dog
d. cat

3. After that death, Aldous suffered from an attack of keratitis punctata, a disease that left him
completely __________ for about eighteen months.
a. deaf
b. dumb
c. blind
d. all of the above

4. Despite all of that, Aldous continued his education, but was unable to go into the field of his choice:
science. Instead, he pursued writing, and his first novel, Crome Yellow was wildly popular.
a. True
b. False

5. Huxley wrote Brave New World in Italy.

a. True
b. False

6. Huxley moved to California.

a. True
b. False

“Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors.” –Aldous Huxley
7. In 1954, Huxley published an influential study of consciousness expansion through the use of
a. LSD.
b. ecstasy.
c. mescaline.
d. cocaine.
9. Aldous Huxley died on
a. December 7, 1941.
b. January 1, 1933.
c. July 4, 1976.
d. November 22, 1963.

10. Huxley died on the same day as another famous person.

a. True
b. False
BONUS (+5): Aldous Huxley died the same day as: ______________________________________

Match the caste with its color:

11. Alphas a. green

12. Betas b. khaki
13. Gammas c. maroon
14. Deltas d. black
15. Epsilons e. grey

16. Alphas a. birth control method
17. hypnopaediea b. the intellectuals
18. soma c. happiness drug
19. feelies d. sleep teaching
20. Epsilons e. can’t read or write; laborers
21. Malthusian drill f. films that cater to all five senses

“Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.” –Aldous Huxley

a. Director c. Lenina Crowne e. Linda g. Fanny Crowne

b. Bernard Marx d. Henry Foster f. John, the Savage
h. Helmholtz
k. Mustapha Mond
16. always seems to be unzipping her clothes; horrified by what she sees at the Reservation
17. threatens Bernard with Iceland, but quits his job when Bernard brings Linda back
18. works in bottling room, friend of Lenina’s who pressures her to be more promiscuous
19. Alpha plus who has an inferiority complex due to his height
20. explains to John how the civilized world has chosen happiness over freedom, art, & religion
21. demands freedom and isolation; commits suicide
22. dies on soma holiday
23. has been “having” Lenina for four months
24. chooses the Falkland Islands

Multiple Choice

25. The first sentence, “A squat grey building of only thirty-four stories,” does what for the reader?
a. Prepares the reader for a world exactly like this one
b. Prepares the reader for a very different world
c. Gives the reader a good idea of what the community looks like
d. Tells the reader what is good about the community

26. The idea of the State’s motto “COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY” is that it is necessary to have
conformity in all aspects of life: social, political, and personal.
a. True
b. False

27. The people in Brave New World are genetically divided into five Greek letter categories. This
type of society is called a
a. caste system.
b. dictatorship.
c. monarchy.
d. anarchy.

28. Fanny criticizes Lenina because Lenina

a. is not doing her job.
b. is seeing too much of Henry Foster.
c. is taking too much soma.
d. wants to go out with Benito.

“People intoxicate themselves with work so they won’t see how they really are.” –Aldous Huxley
29. The Bokanovsky process is
a. the process that determines whether a clone becomes an Alpha, Beta, etc.
b. not mentioned in the novel.
c. the process that makes soma.
d. the process that splits one embryo into up to ninety-six embryos.

30. Why use the Bokanovsky process?

a. It is extremely efficient.
b. Everyone in this society must have a caste identity.
c. It works perfectly every time.
d. All of the above

31. Showing babies pictures of flowers followed by explosions, shrieking sirens, alarm bells, and a
mild electric shock is an example of
a. conditioning.
b. child abuse.
c. Hypnopaedia.
d. None of the above

32. Hypnopaedia is a good instrument for intellectual education.

a. True
b. False

33. Hypnopaedia is effective on everyone.

a. True
b. False

34. In Brave New World, games are complicated because

a. solitary amusements are discouraged.
b. people are so smart, they have to be.
c. they are not logical; they don’t want to allow people a chance to think.
d. no one likes a simple game.

35. Feelies are

a. fun for everyone!
b. tapes played while people sleep.
c. movies that allow a person to feel what is happening in the movie.
d. immoral.

“Several excuses are always less convincing than one.” –Aldous Huxley
36. Soma
a. is one method of controlling people.
b. is a psychedelic drug
c. is Bernard’s favorite thing.
d. Both a and b
e. Both b and c

37. How are people useful after death?

a. Their bodies are cremated; phosphorus is extracted and then used for fertilizer.
b. Their bodies are chopped up and put into the blood surrogate.
c. People live forever, duh.
d. They are not useful; they are just buried.

38. Henry Ford

a. is God in Brave New World.
b. was the first World Controller.
c. is criticized for being an advocate for science.
d. introduced the Bokanovsky Process.

39. According to Henry Ford, “History is…

a. a waste of time.”
b. boring.”
c. bunk.”
d. pornographic.”

40. A Savage Reservation is

a. a place not worth saving.
b. a leper colony.
c. a banishment colony.
d. a scientific laboratory.

41. Hypnopaedia teaches

a. science.
b. poetry.
c. morality.
d. history.

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.”
–Aldous Huxley
42. John wants to free the workers from
a. feelies.
b. Ford.
c. the Bokanovsky Process.
d. soma.

43. Civilization cannot consist of all Alphas because then

a. Bokanovsky’s process is useless.
b. everyone would kill each other.
c. no one would work.
d. society would be perfect.

44. Helmholtz wants to move to a bad climate so he can

a. be an individual.
b. die faster.
c. love life.
d. write better.

45. To prove himself worthy of Lenina John wants to

a. fast.
b. purify himself.
c. slay a mountain lion.
d. shoot all her suitors.

46. John wants Lenina to

a. move to the Reservation.
b. stop taking soma.
c. marry him.
d. purify herself.

47. John purifies himself at the lighthouse by

a. praying and whipping himself.
b. fasting.
c. drinking purified water.
d. reading passages from Shakespeare.

“The most valuable of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it has to be done,
whether you like it or not.” –Aldous Huxley
48. When Lenina arrives at the lighthouse, John
a. kills himself.
b. whips her.
c. murders her.
d. hugs her.

49. John wants to experience the kind of love he learned from

a. Linda & Pope.
b. Fanny & Lenina.
c. Henry & Benito.
d. Shakespeare & the Indians.

50. In the end, John surrenders to

a. Bernard.
b. Shakespeare.
c. civilization.
d. Lenina.
e. soma.

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” – Aldous Huxley

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