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Established 1914

Volume XVIII, Number 307 4th Waning of Tabodwe 1372 ME Tuesday, 22 February, 2011

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives

* Stability of the State, community peace and * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round develop- * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire
ment of other sectors of the economy as well nation
tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and
* National reconsolidation * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system
* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of preservation and safeguarding of cultural her-
* Emergence of a new enduring State Constitu- technical know-how and investments from sources inside the itage and national character
tion country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit
* Building of a new modern developed nation in * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the * Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-
accord with the new State Constitution hands of the State and the national peoples ards of the entire nation

Tenth-day regular session of First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw held

Approval sought for appointment of
Attorney-General of the Union
Person suitable to be appointed as Auditor-General of the Union nominated

Tenth-day regular session of First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in progress.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 21 Feb — The tenth-day After taking position, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw objection with clear evidences, if any, in accord with
regular session of the First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw was Speaker U Khin Aung Myint announced the validity sub-section (a) of Article 242 prescribed in the
held at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Hall in Hluttaw Build- and start of the session as 654 out of 658 Pyidaungsu constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
ing, here, 11 am today, attended by Speaker of Hluttaw representatives who have the right to attend regarding the nomination of Dr Tun Shin for the post
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw U Khin Aung Myint, Speaker the today’s session were preset, accounting for of Attorney-General of the Union made by the
of Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann and repre- 99.39 per cent. elected President, there was no objection to the
sentatives of Pyithu Hluttaw and Amyotha Hluttaw. The Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw an- nominee. Accordingly, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
Director-General of Hluttaw Office U Myint nounced that although an announcement was issued approved the nominee.
Thein acted as master of ceremonies. for Pyidaungsu Hluttaw representatives to raise (See page 7)

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 1 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011

PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire

Tuesday, 22 February, 2011 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views
* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation
New bridges add * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State
impetus to transport * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy
With a growing number of roads,
railroads and bridges around the nation, Transport Minister meets Chairman of CCCC TDG
Regions and States are more easily accessible
by land from one another, thus leading to
Tainjin Dredging Co., Ltd and party of the PRC
significant commercial growth region-wise.
YANGON , 21 Feb—
The Ministry of Construction is building Minister for Transport U
roads and bridges on a large scale. It is Thein Swe received a
needed to carry out constant maintenance delegation led by
work on transport facilities. Some roads are Chairman Mr Qian
eroded in the rainy season, which causes Xianguo of CCCC TDG
hindrances to transport. So, earthen roads Tainjin Dredging Co.,
are being upgraded to gravel ones, and then Ltd of the People s
Republic of China at his
to tarred ones. As a result, many regions,
office here this evening.
which once lagged behind others in They held
development, have enjoyed sweet taste of discussions on dredging
rapid development. of silt along Yangon
Smooth transport lies at the core of River and cooperation
regional development. Across the nation are in tasks for river
Transport Minister U Thein Swe meeting Chairman Mr. Qian development on mutual
more and more river-spanning bridges, in
addition to new roads and railroads. Many of Xianguo of CCCC TDG Tainjin Dredging Co., Ltd and party of the basis.
the new roads have ensured close and constant
relations among local national races in
highlands. Setsan Village BEHS (Satsu) gets new building
Pyinyaung Bridge on Meiktila-Taunggyi- YANGON, 21 Feb— A
Kengtung-Tachilek Road in Pyinyaung ceremony to open the new
Village, Thazi Township, Mandalay Region, school building of Setsan
was inaugurated on 19 February. The 200 Village Basic Education
High School (Satsu) in
feet long bridge is of broad crest type.
Bogale Township of
Pyinyaung Bridge, the 257th among the Ayeyawady Region was
above-180 feet long bridges constructed by held at the school on 17
Public Works in the nation, and the 15th in February.
Mandalay Region, will contribute towards Swiss Ambassador to
improvement in the economic, education, Myanmar Mr Christoph
health care and social sectors of the areas Burgener, Deputy
along it. Director-General U Myo
Nyunt of No. 1 Basic
Commodity flows get swifter and swifter
Education Department
between Regions and States, and local under the Ministry of
people are enjoying better living conditions Education, South East
and greater development due to emergence Asia Humanitarian Aid
of networks of transport facilities Coordinator Mr Thomas
throughout the country. Fisler of Swiss Agency Ceremony to open a new school building of Setsan Village Basic
for Development and Education High School (Satsu) in Bogale Township of Ayeyawady
cooperation (SDC) Region in progress.—MNA
National C’ship formally opened the new
BEHS (Satsu) to of Swiss Government and donated with
school building.
Tennis Tourney: 26 Next, Mr Thomas township education constructed the storm- furnishings, water supply
and sanitation system.
Fisler handed over officers of Bogale and resistant new school
Feb to 2 March relevant documents of 18 Pyapon township. Then, buildings in Bogale About 2300 students can
learn at those schools
Y ANGON , 21 Feb—The Myanmar Tennis new school buildings built a villager spoke words of Township and Pyapon
which can also be used as
Federation will organize National Championship for 15 schools in Bogale thanks. Township in place of the cyclone-shelters for
Tennis Tournament (2011) at Theinbyu Tennis and Pyapon townships With a contribution damaged ones destroyed 15,000 persons in case of
Court in Mingala Taungnyunt Township, here, including Setsan Village of 2.5 million USD, SDC by cyclonic storm Nargis natural disaster.—MNA
from 26 February to 2 March.
The tournament comprises men’s singles and Want to join BA (Hons) Course of Wales University?
doubles (open), women’s singles and doubles, YANGON, 21 Feb—Those who have got advanced who completed BA (Hons) of University of Wales
men’s over-35, over-45, over-55, and over-60 diploma from STI Education may join BA (Hons) may join MBA Course of University of Bradford or
singles and doubles. in Business Course (Final Year) under University MBA Course of University of Wales at STI.
Interested persons may sign up at MFF of Wales, UK, in Myanmar. For more details, contact STI Education at 377,
(Theinbyu Tennis Court) no later than 12 noon on Those who have got an internationally- Upper Shwebontha Street, Pabedan Township, or
25 February. More on the tourney, dial 372360, recognized advanced diploma or a degree from a at Myanmar Info-Tech at Room (7), Building (4) in
381991, 381992, ex (0).—MNA university may apply for the course. And those Hline Township (507048, 507151).—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011 3

Philippine volcano blast prompts Residents of Irosin

township, Sorsogon
hundreds to flee Province, about 600
kilometres (373 miles)
M ANILA , 21 Feb— blue sky, with the ash many scrambled to safety, southeast of Manila,
Hundreds of villagers fled drifting southwest toward residents streamed out of Philippines, watch Mt.
to safety Monday after a four farming towns in houses in Irosin town to Bulusan volcano as it
restive volcano belched Sorsogon Province, where gaze or take pictures of the spews ash into the sky
ash and smoke into the about 1,200 villagers fled mid-morning spec-tacle on 21 Feb, 2011 in
sky after a monthlong lull, to emergency shelters and using their cell-phones. another phreatic
officials said. houses of relatives, said Internet explosion.—INTERNET
Despite Mount Benito Ramos, who heads
Bulusan’s ash explosion, the government’s disaster-
its 13th since November, response agency.
Security forces inspect a destroyed television
there were no signs of an Army trucks helped
station in Sulaimaniyah, 260 kilometres (160 imminent eruption invo- villagers move from
miles) northeast of Baghdad, Iraq, on 20 lving magma pushing out communities hit by the
Feb, 2011. Gunmen burst into a Kurdish of the cone, said govern- ashfall and emergency
ment chief volcanologist teams handed out
television station in northern Iraq on Sunday,
Renato Solidum. protective masks, Ramos
shooting up the equipment and setting fire to The huge plume of said. There have not been
the building. grayish smoke shot up to any government orders to
more than a mile (2 evacuate communities
kilometres) toward the near the mountain. While

At least 31 killed in suicide blast Dismal commute predicted as storm hits

in Afghanistan Midwest
police said. worst of the storm hit,
The attack occurred around noon Delta Airlines canceled
in Imam Sahib District of Kunduz about 700 flights to and
from the Twin Cities
Province in northern Afghanistan
Airport and other
where there has been a sharp slide in airlines thinned out their
security in recent months, said district schedules, said airport
police chief Abdul Qayum Ebrahimi. spokeswoman Melissa
At least 40 people were wounded in Scovronski. She said
the blast, he said. ‘‘We were in a meeting. Sunday afternoon the
An Afghan man stands on the roof It was a very powerful explosion,” storm had shut down two
of a house damaged after an air said Ebrahimi, who works in the district of the airport’s four
strike in Nangarhar province on runways.
police office next door to the blast site.
21 Feb, 2011.—INTERNET Heavy snow is blown by high winds along In Detroit, airlines
“People had gathered in the front
Highway 13 near Burnsville, Minn, on 20 Feb, canceled roughly 230
of the department to get identification 2011.—INTERNET
KABUL, 21 Feb—A suicide bomber flights though the city’s
blew himself up at the entrance to an M INNEAPOLIS , 21 advised people to stay Metro Wayne County
He said the explosion occurred in
Afghan government office Monday, Feb— Hundreds of off the highways as a Airport, while more than
the District centre on a day when people
flights were canceled at winter storm blew 200 flights through
killing at least 31 people — many gather to shop. “They become the
Minneapolis-St Paul through the upper Chicago’s O’Hare Air-
who were waiting in line to obtain target of the terror today,” he said. port were off.
International Airport and Midwest on Sunday.
government identification cards, Internet officials in several states Even before the Internet

Suspected US missiles kill Global arms sales passed

seven in northwest Pakistan $400 billion in 2009
D ERA ISMAIL KHAN , 21 Feb—Suspected US STOCKHOLM, 21 Feb—The world’s 100 largest
missiles killed seven alleged militants, including arms dealers, excluding Chinese vendors, sold
some thought to be of Arab origin, in a Pakistani weapons for $401 billion in 2009, with US vendors
tribal region along the Afghan border early remaining in first place, according to a report
Monday, Pakistani intelligence officials said. published on Monday.
The strike was the first since the arrest of a US
“Despite the continuing global economic
Embassy employee who shot two Pakistanis in
recession in 2009, the total arms sales of 100 of
late January. There had been speculation that
the world’s largest arms-producing companies
Washington had put a hold on the disputed tactic
A man lies on a hospital bed after increased by $14.8 billion from 2008,” the
as it wrestled with Pakistan over whether the
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
American has diplomatic immunity and should be sustaining injuries in an explosion in (SIPRI) said in a statement upon releasing the
The Pakistani intelligence officials said three western Herat Province on 20 Feb, 2011. report.
missiles hit a house overnight Monday in the The explosion killed three people, including That amounts to a year-on-year increase of
village of Kaza Panga in the Azam Warsak area of eight percent, and “an increase of a total of 59
a policeman, and wounded one other percent in real terms since 2002”, the think tank
South Waziristan tribal region. Arabs and Turkmen
were believed to be among the dead, the officials person. A mine planted in a road by said, pointing out that 61.5 percent of all 2009
said, speaking on condition of anonymity because militants caused the blast in Shindand arms sales made by the top 100 arms dealers could
they are not authorized to speak to reporters on the be attributed to 45 companies based in the United
District, the governor of the District said. States.
Internet INTERNET Internet

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011

Russian defence satellite in wrong orbit

A BU D HABI , 21 Feb—A Russian defence the failed launch hasn’t completed its work, but
satellite sent into the wrong orbit can’t perform preliminary data indicates the booster unit and
its mission, said First Deputy Defence Minister possibly the control system were responsible for
Vladimir Popovkin. The Geo-IK-2 defence its failure to go into the proper orbit.
satellite was launched from the Plesetsk spaceport Popovkin said the satellite is “incapable of
earlier this month by a Rokot rocket. fulfilling its mission because its orbit is wrong.”
Popovkin said the commission investigating Internet The Geo-IK-2.—INTERNET

China Mars probe set for November launch Using asteroids as space ships
China Academy of Space build a space exploration to voyage to Mars
Technology official. programme on par with NEW YORK, 21 Feb—A study conducted by Gregory
The 110-kilogram those of the United States Matioff, an adjunct professor of physics at the New York
(240-pound) micro- and Russia. City College of Technology, suggests the best way to
satellite was originally It currently has a travel to Mars might be to hitch a ride on a passing
due to blast off in October probe — the Chang’e 2 asteroid.
2009 with Russia’s — orbiting the moon and The advantage of such a method would be that an
“Phobos Explorer” from carrying out various tests asteroid would provide plenty of radiation shielding for
the Baikonur Cos- in preparation for the Mars-bound astronauts. Current studies suggest a 1,000-
modrome in Kazakhstan expected 2013 launch of day round trip to Mars would increase the chances of the
but the launch was the Chang’e-3, which it astronauts contracting cancer by 1 percent to 19 percent,
China’s first Mars probe will be launched from
postponed, according to hopes will be its first not to mention DNA damage and the possibility of
a Russian rocket in November, two years later
previous reports. The unmanned lunar landing. cataracts caused by exposure to cosmic background
than originally planned, state media reported on
orbiter is due to probe It became the radiation.
the Martian space world’s third nation to The downside to hitching a ride on an asteroid is that
SHANGHAI, 21 Feb— China’s Mars ex- environment with a put a man in space rocks that pass close enough to the Earth and then close
China’s first Mars probe plorer, Yinghuo-1, marks special focus on what independently — after enough to Mars are few and far between. One candidate
will be launched from a the country’s first attempt happened to the water the Soviet Union and the would be suitable for a journey in 2037 and two more in
Russian rocket in at deep space exploration that appears to have once United States — when 2086. The other problem is that each of these asteroids
November, two years later after sending a probe to been abundant on the Yang Liwei piloted the would not be available for a return trip for many years.
than originally planned, the moon, the state-run planet’s surface, pre- one-man Shenzhou-5 So, they would likely only be useful for Earth people
state media reported on China Daily reported, vious reports said. space mission in 2003. who intended to colonize Mars rather than just explore
Monday. citing comments from a China is aiming to Internet the Red Planet and then return.—Internet

Cars soon will roll into the app store Printers used to produce human skin
NEW YORK, 21 Feb—Auto engineers, diagnostic information from a car by a WINSTON-SALEM, 21 Feb—US medical the Advancement of Science conference
racing to keep up with rapid computer satellite link, or to reprogramme a researchers are using modified printers to in Washington. The Wake Forest research
innovation, are designing smartcars that transmission controller or recalibrate produce skin for burn victims, the project’s is funded by the Institute of Regenerative
can talk to smartphones. braking while the car is parked at home, leader says. Medicine, which hopes to use skin printing
To ensure that electronics, without a trip to the dealer. “We started out by taking a typical to treat the wounded on the battlefield one
governing everything from navigation Cisco has developed an desktop inkjet cartridge. Instead of ink we day.
to braking, do not become obsolete in experimental dashboard that consists use cells, which are placed in the cartridge,” A small piece of skin is taken from
months, they are crafting vehicles of LCD panels instead of dials and Dr Anthony Atala, director of the Wake the patient using a chemical solution. The
flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen buttons. It is one big touch screen where Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine cells are then separated. “We expand the
advances. drivers can drag and drop instruments in Winston-Salem, NC, told CNN. cells in large quantities. Once we make
“Cars need to be upgraded — over and information displays. It will be able The process may be five years away those new cells, the next step is to put the
the air — and they have to have to accommodate yet-to-be-invented from clinical use, he said. cells in the printer, on a cartridge, and print
smartphone connections now,” Erik systems that could give vehicle-to- Scientists from Wake Forest, Cornell on the patient” without touching him,
Goldman, president of Hughes vehicle collision warnings or apprise University and the Medical University of Atala said. “It’s like a flat-bed scanner that
Telematics, told The New York Times. drivers of dangerous intersections South Carolina are to present findings moves back and forth and puts cells on
That means being able to draw ahead.—Internet Sunday at an American Association for you.”—Internet
Portal 2 supports PlayStation Move, until it doesn’t
NEW YORK, 21 Feb—It looks like PlayStation blog—that’s the official
Valve’s Portal 2 won’t support German Sony PlayStation blog—
PlayStation Move, after the company reportedly listed Faliszek as
reportedly said it would. Portal 2? confirming exclusive features for the
You know, the first-person puzzle PS3 version of Portal 2, including
game about a guy with a gun that puts online saves, a special PC-version code
holes in things that connect by means (not sure what it unlocks), and
of non-Euclidean space. Think “complete PlayStation Move support.” A medical worker cleans a surgery
wormholes with people instead of Turns out it may not be so room. Ink-jet printing technology has
HP’s Misto PC/coffee table allows
starships. complete after all. inspired scientists to look for ways to
family members to gather in the By “the company,” I mean “There’s a story making the rounds build sheets of skin that could one day
living room to watch movies, view Valve’s Chet Faliszek, listed on regarding Portal 2 support for PS3 be used for grafts in burn victims,
photos or play games. Valve’s “people” page as a writer for Move,” wrote Valve in a followup experts said Sunday.
INTERNET the games publisher. The German statement.—Internet INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011 5

Many stick with Staying healthy prime concern for

fast food after heart Canadians
attack VANCOUVER, 21 Feb— The concept of wellness and how a person can live
a good mental and physical life through exercise, diet and positive outlook
NEW YORK, 21 Feb— It would seem proved the major attraction of the Wellness Show in Vancouver over the
logical for patients who have had a heart weekend as about 30,000 people turned out for the three-day event.
attack to cut back on fast food. With about 250 booths set up in the Vancouver Convention Centre, the
Some devoted fast food eaters do. Japanese water purifier venture
Nippon Basic displays a portable water range of exhibitors proved wide as visitors could check out the latest in holistic
But six months later, more than half can healing, vitamins and supplements, massage therapy, fitness, cooking and
purifying system “Cycloclean,”
still be found at their favourite fast food food, and even wellness for domestic pets.
powered by pedaling a bicycle to make
places at least once a week, according to Jeanette Savard who has been organizing the Wellness Show for the past 19
a maximum of 5 liter of clean water in
a study in the American Journal of a minute at a technolocy fair in years, said she started the event because of her long interest in fitness, eating well
Cardiology. Tokyo.—INTERNET and lifestyle and wanted to get the concept under one roof.—Xinhua
Of nearly 2,500 heart attack patients
studied by John Spertus, at the University
of Missouri at Kansas City, 884 — or 36
Gene test for prostate cancer
percent — reported in a survey while still could prevent overtreatment
hospitalized that they had eaten fast food
frequently in the month before their CLEVELAND, 21 Feb—Researchers are making progress in the
heart attack. “Frequently” was defined development of a genetic test that is purported to have the
as once a week or more. When Spertus potential to help in determining when men need immediate
and his colleagues checked back six treatment and when they can take the watchful waiting approach.
months later, 503 were still eating fast Many men with prostate cancer are overtreated. They are sent
food every week. into surgery, when surgery is not actually needed at the time.
“Fast food consumption by patients “The biggest challenge with newly diagnosed prostate cancer
with AMI (acute myocardial infarction) is deciding what to do for men with low-grade, nonaggressive
decreased 6 months after the index A group of seniors leave a temple and return to a
tumors on biopsy”, reports chairman of the Cleveland Clinic’s
hospitalization, but certain populations HelpAge day centre after praying in Colombo’s
Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, Dr Eric Klein. He
— including younger patients, men, those Ratmalana District, on 16 September, 2010.
goes on to say, “even low-grade tumours have lethal capabilities.
currently working, and less educated So right now, about 90 percent of men with low-risk cancer HelpAge Sri Lanka is a charity set up to improve the
patients — were more likely to consume choose treatment, typically surgery to remove the prostate or quality of life of senior citizens, and the day centres
fast food, at least weekly, during follow- radiation therapy.” provide meals, social events, and some medical
up,” he wrote.—Reuters Internet assistance for low income seniors.—INTERNET

CIC, Blackstone buys S Korean airlines post record high

Morgan Stanley Japan sales in 2010
SEOUL, 21 Feb — South Korea’s airlines posted record sales
loan portfolio last year on the back of the global economic recovery and
growing travel sentiment, a government report showed on
HONG KONG, 21 Feb—China Investment Corp
(CIC.UL), the country’s $300 billion sovereign
According to the report released by the Ministry of Land,
wealth management fund, has teamed up with Suitcases are seen in a factory Transport and Maritime Affairs, seven South Korean airlines reg-
private equity fund Blackstone Group LP (BX.N) formerly owned by Samsonite in istered a combined 17.44 trillion won (15.68 billion US dollars)
to buy a Japanese loan portfolio from Morgan Hénin-Beaumont, northern in sales last year.
Stanley (MS.N) at a steep discount, the Financial France, in 2007. The luggage- Their total oper-ating profit also stood at a record high of 1.
Times reported on Monday. 74 trillion won. These airlines include Korean Air Lines Co and
maker Samsonite is planning to
CIC and Blackstone paid 35 cents on the Asiana Airlines Inc, the nation’s two largest national flag carriers,
raise $1 billion from a share sale
dollar for the portfolio, which had a face value of along with smaller budget carriers, such as Jeju Air Co, Jin Air Co
in Hong Kong, the world’s hottest
$1.1 billion, the newspaper reported, citing sources and T’way Airlines. Korean Air, the nation’s top flag carrier,
familiar with the matter, adding that CIC had put initial public offering market posted 11.46 trillion won in sales, a 22 percent jump from a year
up most of the money. last year. earlier, with its operating profit surging 739 percent to 1.12
Reuters INTERNET trillion won, the ministry said.—Xinhua

McDonald’s selling stake in Indian JV

MUMBAI, 21 Feb— McDonald’s Corp (MCD.N) Hardcastle Restaurants owns the restaurant chain
is selling its 50 percent stake in one of its Indian joint in west and south India. In northern and eastern part
ventures to the local partner for an undisclosed of the country the chain is owned by Connaught
amount and converting it into a franchisee operation, Plaza Restaurants Private Limited.
the Economic Times reported on Monday. A spokesman for Hardcastle Restaurants in India
The world’s biggest restaurant chain will exit said he could not immediately comment on the
Hardcastle Restaurants Private Ltd, one of report, and Jatia did not respond to a mail by Reuters
McDonald’s two 15-year-old equal joint ventures seeking comment. The Economic Times said the
that run its outlets in India, the newspaper said citing change in ownership at one of the Indian joint
the vice chairman of Hardcastle Restaurants. ventures meant McDonald’s would no longer invest
“We are excited. It gives us the freedom to grow in Hardcastle Restaurants, but would lend its brand
aggressively and take quick decisions,” Amit Jatia name and help with training, development and A McDonald’s outlet in Bangalore.
told the newspaper. knowledge.—Reuters INTERNET

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011

Mexico state congress asks ban of video game Crocodile kills boy in
In this too-real violence. Outback community
product Chihuahua state legislators said Sunday they DARWIN, 21 Feb—A crocodile attacked and killed
image have asked federal authorities to ban the game, a 14-year-old boy who was swimming in a creek in an
“Call of Juarez: The Cartel,” which is based on drug Outback Aboriginal community, police said Monday.
released by
cartel shootouts in Ciudad Juarez. Police, park rangers and residents spent Monday
Ubisoft About 6,000 people died in drug-related combing the remote area for any trace of the boy, who
Entertain- violence in Ciudad Juarez in 2009 and 2010, was attacked while playing in the creek with his
ment, the making the city, located across from El Paso, brothers in the Northern Territory’s Milingimbi
cover art Texas, one of the deadliest in the world. community, east of Darwin, on Sunday.
for ‘Call of The web site of game developer Ubisoft Northern Territory police Superintendent Helen
Juarez: The Entertainment SA says the title is due for release Braam said officials were interviewing the young
this summer. Screen shots from the game show Aboriginal witnesses, who speak limited English, to
Cartel’ for
three characters armed with a pistol, an assault rifle get more information on what happened.
Xbox 360 is and a shotgun ready to open fire on a city street. “As you can imagine, the community is quite
shown. The game’s promotional slogan urges players, devastated and shocked by what’s happened,” Braam
INTERNET “Take justice into your own hands and experience said. Both saltwater and freshwater crocodiles were
CIUDAD JUAREZ, 21 Feb—A shoot-em-up video the lawlessness of the modern Wild West.” No one hunted to near extinction in Australia, but have become
game set in the border town of Ciudad Juarez has answered a message left at the company’s San plentiful in the tropical north since they became
angered local officials who are busy fighting all- Francisco office.—Internet protected by federal law in 1971.—Internet

Natural gas Italy stops new boatloads of migrants

R OME , 21 Feb—
pipeline Italian police intercepted
explodes in two boats carrying around
60 illegal immigrants as
northern European Union experts
began helping authouri-
Ontario ties manage the inflow of
VANCOUVER, 21 Feb— migrants fleeing turmoil
A natural gas pipeline in North Africa, police
ruptured in northern and reports said.
Ontario, igniting a Police spotted the
fireball that sent flames first boat carrying 13
A view shows the Channel Seven Network immigrants earlier in the A boat full of illegal immigrants enters the port of
hundreds of feet into the the Italian island of Lampedusa on 20 Feb,
air, but service was studios in Melbourne on 21 February, 2011. day several miles off the
islet of Lampedusa south 2011.—INTERNET
slowly being restored, West Australian Newspaper Holdings (WAN)
officials said on Sunday. has agreed to takeover Seven Media Group in a of Sicily, but did not escorted it to the tiny Tunisian territorial
A section of the $4.1 billion deal to create Australia’s largest reveal the nationalities island, Italian ANSA waters heading to the
TransCanada Corp of the migrants. news agency reported. island, one carrying
television and newspaper company and more
mainline exploded near Authorities stopped Late Sunday, a about 100 migrants and
than trebles the size of WAN. another boat carrying coastguard plane spotted the other about 40.
Beardmore, Ontario late
INTERNET some 50 people and two other boats in Internet
on Saturday, forcing “a
few hundred” people to
briefly evacuate their
India brings hope to stalled N Zealand urges US-Australia on Pacific
homes, the Ontario fight against polio fisheries
Provincial Police said. TILKESHWAR, 21 Feb—Tilkeshwar is one of Murray McCully said the
No injuries were India’s forgotten villages. fishery, rich in lucractive
reported, and the fire It’s 20 miles (30 kilometres) from the nearest tuna, was the most
burned itself out after paved road, untouched by electricity, running water, significant economic
several hours, Sgt Greg sanitation and even the barest of health care. Life is asset of many Pacific
Moore said. so bleak that nearly all adult men leave to search for island nations but its
TransCanada said menial work for their families’ survival. value was being eroded
the rupture involved pipe Here, deep in the floodplains of the Kosi River, by illegal fishing.
No 2 of its three-pipe the polio virus has stubbornly hidden. And it is here McCully told a New
mainline system linking where the long-stalled global fight to eradicate the Zealand-US diplomatic
western and eastern crippling disease might be on the verge of a badly forum in Christchurch
Canada, and pipes No 1 needed victory. A New Zealand fishing trawler is seen off the country’s that Wellington was the
and No 3 do not appear The sudden optimism has been stoked by a coast. New Zealand on Monday urged the United States largest provider of aerial
to have been damaged startlingly effective campaign by the government and Australia to boost efforts to stop illegal fishing in surveillance across the
in the incident. and aid groups to finally drive polio out of India. the Pacific, saying the planet’s last sustainable fishery Pacific fishery but could
Reuters Internet was running out of time.—INTERNET do more with US and
WELLINGTON, 21 Feb Australian cooperation.
Orphanage blaze kills ten children in Estonia —New Zealand on “I believe the time
T ALLINN, 21 Feb—A fire raced through an “By the time rescue workers and firefighters Monday urged the has come for New
orphanage for disabled children in western Estonia on arrived at the scene three or four minutes later the United States and Zealand, the US and
Sunday, killing 10 of them, a rescue service spokesman building was completely in flames,” he said. Australia to boost efforts Australia to dramatically
said. Ten children were killed, one adult was injured, to stop illegal fishing in step up our collective
There were 37 children and nine adults inside the Saaremets said. Most of the victims were wheelchair- the Pacific, saying the surveillance activity in
wooden building when the fire started at 2:30 pm bound and were unable to escape the rapidly spreading planet’s last sustainable the region to provide a
(1230GMT) in the coastal town of Haapsalu, said fire, he said. The others were evacuated to a nearby fishery was running out comprehensive assault
Viktor Saaremets, a spokesman for the Western Estonia building and were not hurt, Saaremets said. The cause of time. on illegal activity,” he
Rescue Services Centre. of the fire was not immediately clear.—Internet Foreign Minister said.—Internet

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 6 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011 7

Tenth-day regular session of First

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw …


Speaker U Khin Aung Myint submits nomination to the post of

Auditor-General of the Union made by the elected President.—MNA
(from page 1) elected President to qualification prescribed
Next, the Pyidaungsu Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. in sub-section (a) of
The elected President Article 237 of the consti-
Director-General U Myint Thein of Hluttaw Office acting as master of Hluttaw Speaker submit-
ted the nomination to the nominated U Lun Maung tution of the Republic of
ceremonies at tenth-day regular session of First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
post of Auditor-General to the post of Auditor- the Union of Myanmar
of the Union made by the General of the Union in and that if there were any
accord with sub-section Hluttaw representative
(a) of Article 242 of the inclined to raise objection
constitution of the Re- against the nominee, they
public of the Union of may report to the Direc-
Myanmar and Pyidaung- tor-General of the Hluttaw
Office this evening with
P YIDAUNGSU su Hluttaw Rule 26.
The Pyidaungsu clear evidence, in accord
Hluttaw Speaker an- with sub-section (b) of
nounced that the contact Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Rule
persons of respective par- 27.
ties may take out the cur- Next, the Pyidaung-
riculum vitae of the nomi- su Hluttaw Speaker an-
nee, suitable to be ap- nounced the tenth-day
regular session of First
pointed as the Auditor-
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
General of the Union ended and the eleventh-
nominated by the elected day regular session would
President, at the Director- continue at 11 am on 22
General of Hluttaw February.
Office, to examine The session came to
whether or not the said an end at 11.20 am.
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw representatives arrive at Hluttaw Building.—MNA person possesses MNA

MCDC family Htamane contest held CEO Magazine organizes Myanmar

Executive Forum

Myanmar Executive Forum of CEO Economics and Management

MCDC Chairman Mayor U Phone Zaw Han and wife Daw Moe Thida Magazine in progress at Chatrium Hotel.—MNA
encourage participants.—MCDC YANGON, 21 Feb — Mingyikyaik, Myanmar General Secretary) and U
Organized by CEO Eco- Executive Forum under the Thaung Tin (KMD CEO)
M ANDALAY , 21 Daw Moe Thida enjoyed ruary. A total of 14 teams nomics and Management name of “2011 Prospect” gave talks at the forum. It
Feb—Chairman of Man- the sixth MCDC family participated in the event. Magazine under the spon- was held at Chatrium Ho- was also attended by man-
dalay City Development Htamane contest 2011 The mayor and officials sorship of City Mart Su- tel here on 18 February. aging directors and those
Committee Mayor U held in the compound of presented prizes to the permarket, MDG Co Ltd, Dr Maung with managerial role.
Phone Zaw Han and wife MCDC Office on 18 Feb- winning teams.—MNA IBTC Co Ltd and Maung Lay (UMFCCI MNA

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 7 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011
Mon State Court U Win Court and Retired Asso-
Myint proposed by the ciate Region Judge of
elected Region Chief Ayeyawady Region
Minister in coordination Court Daw Nyunt Nyunt
with the elected Chief Swe as Judges of the High
Justice of the Union as Court of the Region
judges of Sagaing Region proposed by the elected
High Court. The speaker Chief Minister in
announced the approval coordination with the
of the nomination as all elected Chief Justice
the 101 Region Hluttaw of the Union.
representatives made no Afterwards, the speaker
objection. announced the approval
The regular session of the nominations as all
The regular session of First Taninthayi Region Hluttaw in progress. —MNA of First Sagaing Region 28 Region Hluttaw repre-
Hluttaw concluded at sentatives made no objec-

Regular sessions of First

Region and State Hluttaws
(from page 16) submitted the nomina-
of the Union and the tions of State Judge U
elected State Chief Thein Ko Ko of Shan State
Minister. Next, the (East) Court and
speaker announced the Associate Region Judge
approval of the nomina- of Yangon Region Court
tion as all the 20 State Daw Khin Swe Tun
Hluttaw representatives proposed by the elected
made no objection. State Chief Minister in
Then, the speaker coordination with the The regular session of First Ayeyawady Region Hluttaw in progress. —MNA
submitted the nomina- elected Chief Justice of
tions of Director U Kyaw the Union as judges of announced the approval concluded at 10.45 am. 10.10 am. tion.
Lin Maung of the State Kayin State High Court. of the nomination as all the Sagaing Region Taninthayi Region The regular session
Constitutional Tribunal The speaker announced 24 State Hluttaw repre- At the regular session At the regular session of the first Taninthayi Re-
and Associate Region the approval of the nomi- sentatives made no objec- of Sagaing Region of Taninthayi Region gion Hluttaw concluded
Judge of Yangon Region nation as all the 23 State tion. Hluttaw, the speaker of the Hluttaw, the Speaker of the at 10.44 am.
Court Daw Than Than Hluttaw representatives Then, the speaker Region Hluttaw submitted Region Hluttaw submitted Bago Region
Aye proposed by the made no objection. submitted the nomina- the nomination of Retired the nomination of Director At the regular ses-
elected State Chief Min- The regular session tions of Director U Hla Director U San Ko of Su- U Myint Win of Supreme sion of Bago Region
ister in coordination with of First Kayin State Tin of Supreme Court preme Court as Chief Court (Mandalay) as Chief Hluttaw, the Speaker of
the elected Chief Justice Hluttaw concluded at (Mandalay) and District Justice of Sagaing Region Justice of the Region High the Region Hluttaw
of the Union as judges of 10.06 am. Judge of Mawlamyine High Court proposed by Court proposed by the submitted the
Kayah State High Court. Chin State District Court U Myint the elected President in co- elected President in coordi- nomination of Region
The speaker announced At the regular session Thein Tun proposed by ordination with the elected nation with the elected Chief Judge U Maung Maung
the elected State Chief Chief Justice of the Union Justice of the Union and Shwe of Bago Region
the approval of the nomi- of Chin State Hluttaw, the
Minister in coordination and the elected Region elected Chief Minister of Court as Chief Justice
nation as all the 20 State speaker of the State Hluttaw
of the Region High
Hluttaw representatives submitted the nomination with the elected Chief Jus- Chief Minister. Next, the the Region. Next, the
Court proposed by the
made no objection. of Associate Director U tice of the Union as speaker announced the speaker announced the ap-
elected President in co-
The regular session Win Myint Kyaw of Su- judges of Chin State High approval of the nomina- proval of the nomination as ordination with the
of First Kayah State preme Court (Yangon) as Court. The speaker tion as all the 101 Region all the 28 Region Hluttaw elected Chief Justice of
Hluttaw concluded at Chief Justice of Chin State announced the approval Hluttaw representatives representatives made no ob- the Union and elected
10.12 am. High Court proposed by of the nomination as all made no objection. jection. Chief Minister of the
Kayin State the elected President in co- the 24 State Hluttaw Then, the speaker Then, the Speaker of Region. Next, the
At the regular session ordination with the elected representatives made no submitted the nominations the Region Hluttaw sub- speaker announced the
of Kayin State Hluttaw, Chief Justice of the Union objection. of Region Judge U Myo mitted the nominations of approval of the nomi-
the speaker of the State and the elected State Chief The regular session Maung of Sagaing Region Region Judge U Tin Aung nation as all the 76
Hluttaw submitted the Minister. Next, the speaker of First Chin State Hluttaw Court and State Judge of of Taninthayi Region Region Hluttaw repre-
nomination of State Judge sentatives made no ob-
U Saw San Lin of Kayin jection.
State High Court as Chief Then, the Speaker of
Justice of Kayin State the Region Hluttaw sub-
High Court proposed by mitted the nominations
of Retired Region Judge
the elected President in
U Kyi Thein of Bago Re-
coordination with the
gion (West) Court and
elected Chief Justice of Associate Director U Tin
the Union and the elected Hon (a) U Yu Kyon of
State Chief Minister. Next, Supreme Court (Manda-
the speaker announced the lay) proposed by the
approval of the elected Chief Minister
nomination as all the 23 in coordination with the
State Hluttaw representa- elected Chief Justice of
tives made no objection. the Union.
Then, the speaker The regular session of First Bago Region Hluttaw in progress. —MNA (See page 9)

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 8 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011 9
by the elected President in Chief Minister of the Re-
coordination with the gion. Next, the speaker
elected Chief Justice of the announced the approval
Union and elected Chief of the nomination as all
Minister of the State. Next, the 122 Region Hluttaw
the speaker announced the representatives made no
approval of the nomina- objection.
tion as all the 46 State Then, the Speaker of
Hluttaw representatives the Region Hluttaw sub-
made no objection. mitted the nominations of
Then, the Speaker of Associate Director U Myo
the State Hluttaw submit- Myint of Supreme Court
ted the nominations of Di- (Yangon) and Director U
rector U Thein Aung of Hla Aye of Supreme Court,
The regular session of First Yangon Region Hluttaw in progress.—MNA State Constitutional Tri- Associate Director Daw
bunal and Associate Sandar Thwe of Supreme
Regular sessions of First elected Chief Justice of the jection.
Director Daw Si Si of Su- Court (Yangon), Associ-
Union as Judges of Then, the Speaker of
Region and… Mandalay Region. After- the State Hluttaw submit- preme Court (Yangon) ate Region Judge Daw Soe
Hluttaw, the Speaker of wards, the speaker an- ted the nominations of As- proposed by the elected Soe Aung of Yangon Re-
(from page 8) Chief Minister of the State gion Court, Region Judge
the Region Hluttaw sub- nounced the approval of sociate Director U Thein
Afterwards, the in coordination with the Daw Aye Than of Bago
mitted the nomination of the nominations as all 76 Myint of Supreme Court
speaker announced the elected Chief Justice of Region (West) Court and
State Judge U Soe Thein Region Hluttaw representa- (Mandalay) and District
approval of the nomina- the Union as judges of Associate Director Daw
of Shan State Court as tives made no objection. Judge U Nyi Nyi Soe of
tions as all 76 Region Rakhine State. After- Thin Thin Nwe of Supreme
Chief Justice of the The regular session Mandalay District Court
Hluttaw representatives wards, the speaker an- Court (Yangon) as Judges
Region High Court pro- of the first Mandalay Re- proposed by the elected
made no objection. nounced the approval of of the High Court of the
posed by the elected Presi- gion Hluttaw concluded Chief Minister in coordi-
The regular session the nominations as all 46 Region proposed by the
dent in coordination with at 10.23 am. nation with the elected
of the first Bago Region State Hluttaw representa- elected Chief Minister of
the elected Chief Justice Mon State Chief Justice of the Union
Hluttaw concluded at tives made no objection. the Region in coordina-
of the Union and the At the regular session as judges of Mon State.
10.15 am. The regular session tion with the elected Chief
elected Chief Minister of of Mon State Hluttaw, the Afterwards, the speaker
Magway Region Justice of the Union.
At the regular session Afterwards, the speaker
of Magway Region announced the approval
Hluttaw, the Speaker of the of the nominations as all
Region Hluttaw submitted 122 Region Hluttaw rep-
the nomination of Region resentatives made no ob-
Judge U Sein Tun of jection.
Magway Region High The regular session
Court as Chief Justice of of the first Yangon
the Region High Court pro- Region Hluttaw
posed by the elected Presi- concluded at 11.10 am.
dent in coordination with Shan State
the elected Chief Justice of At the regular session
the Union and elected Chief The regular session of First Magway Region Hluttaw in progress.—MNA of Shan State Hluttaw, the
Minister of the Region. the Region. Next, the
Next, the speaker speaker announced the The
announced the approval of approval of the regular
the nomination as all the 68 nomination as all the 76
Region Hluttaw representa- Region Hluttaw repre- session of
tives made no objection. sentatives made no ob- First Mon
Then, the Speaker of jection.
the Region Hluttaw sub- Then, the Speaker of State
mitted the nominations of the Region Hluttaw sub- Hluttaw
Director U Myint Thein mitted the nominations of
of Supreme Court and As- Associate Region Judge in
sociate Region Judge Daw Hla Hla Yi of Yangon progress.
Daw Nu Yin of Mandalay Region Court, Associate
Region Court proposed MNA
Region Judge Daw Tin
by the elected Chief Nwe Win of Yangon Speaker of the State announced the approval of the first Rakhine State Speaker of the State Hluttaw
Minister in coordination Region Court, Associate Hluttaw submitted the of the nominations as all Hluttaw concluded at submitted the nomination
with the elected Chief Jus- Region Judge Daw Kyin nomination of Associate 31 State Hluttaw repre- 10.25 am. of State Judge U Kywe
tice of the Union. After- Thaung (a) Daw Lay Lay Director U Khin Maung sentatives made no objec- Yangon Region Kywe of Shan State (North)
wards, the speaker an- Mon of Yangon Region Gyi of Supreme Court as tion. At the regular session Court as Chief Justice of
nounced the approval of Court, Associate Region Chief Justice of the State The regular session of of Yangon Region the State Court proposed
the nominations as all Judge U Kyi Thein (a) U High Court proposed by the first Mon State Hluttaw Hluttaw, the Speaker of by the elected President in
68Region Hluttaw repre- Kyi Thein Aung of Man- the elected President in concluded at 10.15 am. the Region Hluttaw sub- coordination with the
sentatives made no ob- dalay Region Court, coordination with the Rakhine State mitted the nomination of elected Chief Justice of the
jection. Associate Region Judge elected Chief Justice of At the regular session Director U Win Swe of Union and the elected Chief
The regular session Daw Khin Thin Wai of the Union and the elected of Rakhine State Hluttaw, Supreme Court (Yangon) Minister of the State. Next,
of the first Magway Magway Region Court, Chief Minister of the State. the Speaker of the State as Chief Justice of the Re- the speaker announced the
Region Hluttaw District Judge U Thaung Next, the speaker an- Hluttaw submitted the gion Court proposed by approval of the nomination
concluded at 10.14 Nyunt of Pathein District nounced the approval of nomination of State Judge the elected President in as all the 138 State Hluttaw
Mandalay Region Court proposed by the the nomination as all the U Kyauk of Rakhine State coordination with the representa-tives made no
At the regular session elected Chief Minister in 31 State Hluttaw repre- Court as Chief Justice of elected Chief Justice of objection.
of Mandalay Region coordination with the sentatives made no ob- the State Court proposed the Union and the elected (See page 10)

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 9 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011

Regular sessions of First

Region and State Hluttaws Regular session of
(from page 9) mitted the nomination of
Then, the Speaker of Judge U Myint Thein of First Kayin State
the State Hluttaw submit- Ayeyawady Region
ted the nominations of As- Court as Chief Justice of
sociate Region Judge the Region High Court
Hluttaw in progress.
Daw Khin May Tint of proposed by the elected
Yangon Region High President in coordination
Court and State Judge U with the elected Chief Jus-
Khin Maung Htay of Chin tice of the Union and the MNA
State High Court as Judges elected Chief Minister of
of the High Court of the the Region. Next, the
State proposed by the speaker announced the
elected Chief Minister in approval of the nomina-
coordination with the tion as all the 72 Region
elected Chief Justice of Hluttaw representatives
the Union. Afterwards, the made no objection.
speaker announced the Then, the Speaker of
approval of the nomina- the Region Hluttaw sub-
tions as all 138 State mitted the nominations of
Hluttaw representatives Director-General Daw
made no objection. Thein Thein Nyunt of Su-
The regular session preme Court, Deputy
of the first Shan State Director-General U Kyaw
Hluttaw came to an end at Min of Union Election
10.30 am. Commission Office, As- Regular session of First Mandalay Region Hluttaw in progress.—MNA
Ayeyawady Region sociate Region Judge U
At the regular session Than Tun of Yangon Re- of the High Court of the elected Chief Justice of tions as all 72 Region of the first Ayeyawady
of Ayeyawady Region gion Court and Head of Region proposed by the the Union. Afterwards, the Hluttaw representatives Region Hluttaw came to
Hluttaw, the Speaker of Office U Myo Nyunt of elected Chief Minister in speaker announced the made no objection. an end at 10.15 am.
the Region Hluttaw sub- Supreme Court as Judges coordination with the approval of the nomina- The regular session At the regular sessions
of the first Region or State
Hluttaws, the nominations
of Chief Justice and
Judges of the High Court
of the Region or the High
Court of the State were
systematically carried out
in accord with Article 308
of the Constitution of the
Republic of the Union of
Myanmar and Provisions
of Rules 49 and 50 of
Region or State Hluttaw.
Regular session of First Sagaing Region Hluttaw in progress.—MNA MNA

Rail Transportation Minister inspects Yangon (Hlinethaya)- ongoing tasks and called
for timely completion of

Pathein (Begarat) Railroad Project the works meeting set

The minister then
inspected laying of rail
tracks near Singaung
railway station in
Kangyidaunt Township
and provided cash as-
sistance to railroad work-
ers. He inspected laying
of rail tracks between
Singaung railway station
and Subkwin railway sta-
tion, and progress in con-
struction of Subkwin
railway station.
Minister U Aung Min inspects construction of Einme river-crossing bridge.—MNA Staff of Myanma
N AY P YI T AW , 21 Shansu Village at the (Hlinethaya)-Pathein Hlinethaya railroad bridge near Einme, under Railways are working
hard to put Einme-
Feb—Minister for Rail down-road of (Begarat) Railroad section, Sakkaw railway pass bridge on Daka-
Pathein (Begarat)
Transportation U Aung Ayeyawady Bridge Project. station yard and railway Einme motor road.
section of Yangon
Min, accompanied by (Nyaungdon) in The minister inspected station in Nyaungdon At the briefing hall
Deputy Minister U Pe Nyaungdon Township progress in construction Township, Einme railway of Yangon-Pathein Rail- (Begarat) Railraod
Than, visited construc- on Nyaungdon- of Hteikwagyiinn Bridge station and under pass road Project, the minis- Project into service as
tion site of Shansu rail- Samalauk-Hlinethaya near Insu Village on bridge and 933-foot long ter heard reports on soon as possible.
way station yard near section of Yangon Nyaungdon-Samalauk- Einme river-crossing progress of the works and MNA

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 10 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011 11

Hard times again at Haiti nursing home

PORT - AU -P RINCE , 21 Feb—Skinny youths in
ragged T-shirts crowd menacingly around the barred
kitchen door of a city-run nursing home, waving
empty bowls and demanding some of the sardines
and mashed corn that the elderly residents depend
“Thieves! Thieves!” 68-year-old Exume
Fleurentis yells from a dusty porch nearby, swinging
a broken crutch over his head.
Hungry themselves, the youths ignore the
Spanish bullfighter Manuel Jesus Cid, ‘El Cid’, partially blind man. They scamper off after kitchen
performs during a bullfight at the La Macarena workers give them some food, leaving a little less
for the residents of the Asile Commune. Elderly women sit in the Asile Commune, a city-
bullright in Medellin, Colombia, on 19 Feb,
Food is just one of the challenges for the Asile run nursing home, in the Bel-Air slum of Port-
au-Prince, Haiti, on 18 Feb, 2011.—INTERNET
Woman’s cells SoCal truants monitored by GPS devices home, as well as for elderly Haitians scattered
keep on ANAHEIM, 21 Feb—A supposed to be when detention or other through the mud-prone camps of tents, tarps and
bed sheets that barely cover hundreds of thousands
fighting cancer technology company they are supposed to be traditional remedies.
says a pilot programme there. PC Magazine said left homeless by the January 2010 earthquake that
DETROIT, 21 Feb—A using the Global “The idea is for this Sunday the devices, killed more than 300,000 people.
Michigan bus driver’s cells Positioning System to not to feel like a which cost as much as In Port-au-Prince’s crowded encampments,
are being used to fight monitor truants in punishment, but an $400 each, require the about 20 percent of elderly quake victims are going
breast cancer decades after Southern California isn’t intervention to help them user to check in when hungry a year after the disaster, according to a
they were taken from her. a punishment. develop better habits and leaving for school in the survey by HelpAge International, a network of
“It’s the weirdest The Anaheim Union get to school,” Miller morning and then four non-profits that helps disadvantaged elderly people
feeling,” Sue Cutting of High School District is Sylvan of AIM Truancy more times into the early across the globe. About 11,000 older Haitians
Northville told the Detroit issuing kids who are Solutions told The evening. As an added living in camps were interviewed. More than 2,300
Free Press. “My son called chronically late for Orange County Register. incentive to get to school reported eating just one meal a day or less.
one day and said, ‘Mom, school a handheld GPS The GPS device is on time, each kid gets a Things were supposed to be getting better at
I’m watching your cells device that requires them being field tested on morning wake-up call Asile Commune, a two-storey concrete building
on YouTube.’” to check in at regular middle-school kids with telling them to hit the surrounded by tarps and tents that shelter about
In 1984, a Michigan intervals and ensures four or more unexcused deck and get to class. 2,000 quake victims on the edge of the Bel-Air
Cancer Foundation they are where they are absences in lieu of Internet slum.—Internet
scientist put a scraping of
her non-malignant breast Suicide car bomb rocks Planet could be ‘unrecognizable’ by
cells, taken during surgery
for fibrocystic disease, into
Mogadishu base 2050, experts say
a standard culture solution. MOGADISHU, 21 Feb—A suicide car bomb exploded
While most cells divide a Monday at a Somali government security camp in
—A growing, more
few dozen times and die, Mogadishu, causing an unknown number of casualties,
affluent population
Cutting’s began a security official said.
competing for ever
reproducing without scarcer resources could
stopping or mutating. make for an “unreco-
The Karmanos gnizable” world by
Cancer Institute in Detroit 2050, researchers
patented the tissue, known warned at a major US
worldwide as MCF-10. As science conference on Undated image of Earth’s city lights released by
the first known non- Sunday. NASA. A growing, more affluent population
cancerous human epi- The United Nations competing for ever scarcer resources could
thelial breast cell line to has predicted the global make for an “unrecognizable” world by 2050,
spontaneously reproduce, population will reach researchers warned at a major US science
it offers an endless supply Police officers ride on the back of a pick-up seven billion this year, conference Sunday.—INTERNET
of tissue that can be studied truck in Mogadishu on 15 Feb.—INTERNET and climb to nine billion
to trace the progression of “A suicide attacker detonated an explosives-laden by 2050, “with almost Council. To feed all those the annual meeting of
breast cancer.—Internet vehicle at the Darwish camp,” a base used by police all of the growth mouths, “we will need to the American Associa-
Brazilian fisherman units near the capital’s seaport, security official occurring in poor produce as much food in tion for the Advan-
Jose Alfredo de Souza Mohamed Ali said. countries, particularly the next 40 years as we cement of Science
Costa shows a live He said the blast, which was heard across several Africa and South Asia,” have in the last 8,000,” (AAAS).
shipworm he just Mogadishu neighbourhoods, had caused some said John Bongaarts of said Jason Clay of the “By 2050 we will
pulled out of a casualties but he could not say how many.—Internet the non-profit Population World Wildlife Fund at not have a planet left
mangrove trunk near
Curuca at the mouth of
Two earthquakes jolt Russia’s that is recognizable” if
current trends continue,
the Amazon River on Kamchatka Clay said.
18 Feb, 2011. VLADIVOSTOK, 21 Feb—Two earthquakes, one The swelling popu-
Although it resembles with a magnitude of 6.6 degrees and another with lation will exacerbate
a worm, the shipworm a magnitude of 6.5 degrees on the Richter scale problems, such as
is actually a type of Sunday night, rattled the east coast of Russia near resource depletion, said
mollusk related to the the Kamchatka Peninsula, local media reported on John Casterline, director
clam and is commonly Monday. of the Initiative in
eaten raw by the There were no immediate reports of damage or Population Research at
region’s residents. injuries, and no tsunami alert was issued. Ohio State University.
INTERNET Xinhua Internet

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 11 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011


Consignees of cargo carried on MV TAY SON Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA Consignees of cargo carried on MV HANSEDUO
3 VOY NO ( ) are hereby notified that the vessel MACHAN VOY NO (285) are hereby notified that the VOY NO (004) are hereby notified that the vessel
arrived on 20.2.2011 and cargo will be discharged vessel will be arriving on 22.2.2011 and cargo will be will be arriving on 21.2.2011 and cargo will be
into the premises of S.P.W(7) where it will lie at the discharged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie
consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to
byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8
am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day
now declared as the third day after final discharge declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo now declared as the third day after final discharge
of cargo from the Vessel. from the Vessel. of cargo from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted
after the Claims Day. the Claims Day. after the Claims Day.
Phone No: 256916/256919/256921 Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 Phone No: 256908/378316/376797
MINISTRY OF RAIL TRANSPORTATION Daewoo Shipbuilding wins 1.8 bln dollar
MYANMA RAILWAYS containership order
INVITATION TO SEALED TENDER SEOUL , 21 Feb — agreed with AP Moller- “This deal is a momen-
1. Sealed Tender is invited for supply of the following items in Euro; Daewoo Shipbuilding & Maersk, the world’s tous event to change the
Tender No Description Quantity Marine Engineering, biggest container line, to whole landscape in the
12(T)4/MR(ML) Spare Parts for Locomotive 15 Items South Korea’s second- containerships market,”
build vessels able to carry
2010-2011 Engines (Turbocharger GP, Housing, Turbine, largest shipbuilder, won a Daewoo Chief Executive
Injector Nozzle Tip, Plunger & Barrel and Valve) 18,000 containers in Officer Nam Sangtae said
2 trillion won (1.8 billion
Closing date/time - 24.3.2011 (Thursday) (12:00) hr London, Daewoo Ship- in a statement. “This order
2. Tender documents are available at our office starting from 22.2.2011 during
US dollars) worth of deal
building said in an e-mailed is the prelude to fierce
office hours and for further details, please contact: Deputy General Manager, Supply to build 10 recordsized competition for fuel
containerships. statement on Monday.
Department, Myanma Railways, Corner of Theinbyu Street and Merchant Street, efficiency among shipping
Botahtaung, Yangon. Phone: 95-1-291985, 95-1-291994. The local shipyard The deal also includes
lines across the globe as
options for 20 more ships
fuel prices will likely stay
Extreme tides flood with the same size, higher down the road,”
estimated to be worth Lee Sok-je, a shipbuilding
Marshalls capital about 4 trillion won analyst at Mirae Asset
MAJURO, 21 Feb— Ex- dicted more to come on assuming the options are
Securities in Seoul, told
treme high tides have Sunday evening before exercised. Xinhua.—Xinhua
flooded parts of the low- the current high tide lev-
lying Marshall Islands els ease.
capital Majuro with a Flooding of the
warning Sunday of worse Marshall Islands atolls,
to come because of rising many of which rise less
sea levels. than a metre (three feet)
Two local residents wade through flooding Several areas of the above sea level, will in-
caused by high ocean tides in low-lying parts of city were flooded Satur- crease in “frequency and
Majuro Atoll.—INTERNET day and forecasters pre- magnitude” in the com-
ing years, University of
100 whales die in New Zealand mass stranding Hawaii marine researcher
A man holds “The Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond
Purse” on display at the Doha Jewellery and Watches
WELLINGTON, 21 Feb — whales were already dead down on the beach near Murray Ford said. Exhibition, 20 Feb, 2011.—XINHUA
More than 100 pilot and DOC rangers had to Mason Bay where the Ford, who is studying
whales died in a mass euthanise the 48 remain- whales were stranded, rising sea levels in the At least 11 people killed as bus
stranding at a remote ing survivors as there was making it too dangerous Marshall islands, said the
New Zealand beach, con- no prospect of refloating to try to get them back into weekend’s extreme tides falls ridge in Thailand
servation officials said on them. “We were quickly the sea. of 1.67 metres were ex- BANGKOK, 21 Feb — A At around 08:00 am
Monday. Hikers on aware that it would be at “We were worried we acerbated by La Nina, a bus carrying teachers fell local time, the bus skidded
Sunday reported finding least 10 to 12 hours be- would be endangering the weather phenomenon that from a ridge in northern off the road and fell from
107 whales beached on fore we could attempt to lives of staff and volun- has caused the base sea province of Nan in a 300-metre ridge in Nan’s
Stewart Island, off the refloat them and that teers,” he said. level to rise by 15 centi- Thailand on Monday Songdwae district during
South Island’s southwest given the hot, dry condi- Pilot whales up to six metres (six inches) in re- morning, killing at least its way from northern
coast, a Department of tions many more would metres (20 feet) long are cent months.—Internet 11 people. province of Chiang Rai to
Conservation (DoC) soon perish,” he said. the most common species a school in Nan, Pol Lt
spokesman said. The spokesman said a of whale seen in New Verdict due in appeal of Col Kiatthiyot Suwan-
khasri said. From the total
He said some of the storm was also bearing Zealand waters.—Internet
Mumbai gunman of 31 passengers, 11 were
An electric car and power
MUMBAI, 21 Feb — Two Indian judges are on killed, 17 injured and
station made by Japan’s
Monday to give their decision in the appeal of the three other missing, news
Mitsubishi Motors are on
display at the Canadian sole surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai at- website of local
International Auto Show tacks against his conviction and death sentence, newspaper Matichon
in Toronto, Canada, on lawyers said. reported.
20 Feb, 2011. The 11-day Prosecution and defence lawyers said the The police suspected
Canadian International judgement in the case of Pakistani national Moham- that the driver was
Auto Show opened on med Ajmal Amir Kasab was due to be handed down speeding and was not
Thursday in Toronto. from 11:00 am local time (0530 GMT) at the familiar with the road.
XINHUA Mumbai High Court.—Internet Xinhua

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 12 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011 13

Moscow lowers heating despite Siberian Ugandan Mamma Mia! Actors appear
temperatures President says with amped-up brides
temperatures, after residents
complained of overheated
may release You’ve heard the old
warning about waving red
their prey.
Organizers said
apartments, a report said Friday. rap album in front of a bull. dresses originally priced
“If buildings are overheated, this A department store up to $10,000 were going
means that the networks (of urban President Yoweri eagerly waved white in for $249 to $699.
heating) are badly adjusted. Museveni says he might front of hundreds of Grace was among
We need to take care of it,” Sergei release an album after a amped-up brides-to-be on the victors. “I got a
Sobyanin said according to the Ria rap he performed became Friday in a chaotic bargain. It was $499,
Novosti news agency. a smash hit on Uganda’s tradition known as the originally $3,000,” she
Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, The mayor made the proposal radio stations and in its “Running of the Brides.” said.
pictured in 2010, has asked local during a meeting after deputy mayor nightclubs. “It was crazy,” said She said she and her
services to lower heating in the Piyotr Biriukov pointed out that “I was very happy successful competitor shopping team had
Russian capital despite extremely despite the sub-zero temperatures, with the reaction of the Lauren Grace of stayed overnight at a
low temperatures, after residents residents complained of being too youth because that means Woodbridge, NJ. hotel. They arrived
complained of overheated hot instead of too cold, the report Cast members from outside the store at 4 am.
they are very thirsty for
apartments, a report said. said. the Broadway show and waited four hours
the music of their
District heating, a system that “Mamma Mia!” were before they were allowed
ancestors,” the 67-year- even on hand for the to pounce on the deeply
Moscow’s mayor has asked local connects residential buildings to
old told a news conference noisy Manhattan event, discounted dresses at the
services to lower heating in the Russian centralised municipal heating, is
widespread in Russian cities. before elections on which was punctuated by Filene’s Basement/
Capital despite extremely low
Friday. cheers when brides nailed SYMS event.
Australian city to expel 22,000 bats from “So after the election
you may get quite a big
downtown gardens album of the classics.”
A colony of 22,000 them away with loud rare and protected trees. The leader, nick-
bats may be coming to a industrial noise. The But conservation named “M7”, performed
neighbourhood near court ruled that the grey- groups say the gardens
two children’s folk chants
you after an Australian headed flying foxes, the are a critical roosting
from his birthplace in
court served the flying largest bats in Australia, habitat for the bats, listed
Western Uganda at
foxes with an eviction could be driven out of as a “vulnerable”
the Royal Botanical species by the several election rallies
notice and allowed the
Gardens in the heart of government, and, if over the last few months Lauren Grace, centre, of Woodbridge, NJ, is hugged
government to chase
Sydney as the colony chased away, they have — “Naatema akati” (I cut by her aunt, Diane Wood, after selecting her wedding
News Album grew too big and few places to go other a stick) and “Mp’enkoni” gown during the ‘Running of the Brides’ at Filene’s
basement, on 18 Feb, 2011 in New York.
threatened hundreds of than the city. (Give me the stick).

Luhrmann to shoot ‘Gatsby’ movie in Sydney

S YDNEY , 21 Feb— endorsement of our Sydney’s Fox Studios
Moulin Rouge director state’s world-class film and pre-production
Baz Luhrmann is to shoot making capabilities — would begin in March.
a 3D remake of F Scott we’ve won (the) right to The project would
Fitzgerald’s “The Great produce this iconic New bring more than Aus$120
Gatsby” starring Leon- York story ahead of New million (US$121.7) into
ardo DiCaprio in Sydney, York itself,” said the local economy and
officials said Sunday. Keneally. create hundreds of jobs,
Luhrmann, an Au- “The Great Gatsby she added. File photo of film
stralian, had also will be a boon for the “This comes at a director Baz
considered filming in NSW film industry, good time for the film Luhrmann, who is to
In this film publicity image released by New York — the setting particularly given Baz industry,” Keneally said.
Newmarket Films, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is shoot a 3D remake of
of the novel — but New Luhrmann’s com- “Australia was F Scott Fitzgerald’s
shown in a scene from, ‘Hesher.’—INTERNET South Wales Premier mitment to maximising thought to be losing “The Great Gatsby”
Kristina Keneally said use of local cast, crew international filmmaking
A dogged Aussie collective Sydney finally won out and visual effects due to the strong Aussie
starring Leonardo
DiCaprio in Sydney,
lands at the Oscars on the Warner Bros- expertise.” dollar. Put simply, this is
officials said
backed blockbuster. Keneally said the a big win.”
NEW YORK, 21 Feb—The Australian filmmaking Sunday.—INTERNET
“What better movie would be based at Internet
collective Blue-Tongue Films has been around
since 1996, when a handful of friends made a short Cuba’s celebration of books
that turned out good enough to warrant persistence.
Next Sunday, they’ll enjoy a moment in movies’ draws millions
biggest spotlight: the Academy Awards. Among H AVANA , 21 Feb—A river of people flows
the nominees of Hollywood veterans and glamorous through the old colonial fortress, and the antics of
movie stars is Jacki Weaver, whose supporting clowns and music blasting from loudspeakers are
actress nod represents not just her fine, disarming interrupted only when an announcer summons the
performance in David Michod’s crime film “Animal parents of a lost child. It’s a festival all right, but a
Kingdom,” but the ascendance of Blue-Tongue festival of books.
films and its tenacious gang of mates. The high walls of El Morro and La Cabana,
“We’ll all be watching it from wherever we which offer a spectacular view of Havana’s bay, People attend the annual International Fair
are,” says Nash Edgerton, one of the group’s house a giant celebration that mingles literary Book at the Morro Castle fortress in Havana,
founders, speaking from Berlin. chitchat with an exuberant popular fair where some Cuba, on 16 Feb, 2011. Cuba is in the middle of
“It’s a long shot, but awesome that it got that 6 million visitors socialize, browse for sandwiches hosting the 20th edition of its’ International
far.” of sizzling pork and scramble for novels, essays Book Fair, which was inaugurated on 10 Feb.
Internet and scientific tomes.—Internet INTERNET

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 13 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011
Ranieri resigns as Roma coach Results on 20 February Messi to the rescue as Barcelona go
agency ANSA he had de-
cided to quit.
West Bromwich A. 1 - 1 Wolverhampton W. five clear in Spanish league
England - FA Cup MADRID, 21 Feb — Ar- Madrid at the Spanish first
“After the final whistle Manchester C. 5-0 Notts County gentine Lionel Messi division summit.
of a vibrant game I went Fulham 0-1 Bolton W. scored a vital 77th-minute Barcelona looked set
into the changing rooms Leyton Orient 1-1 Arsenal winner as Barcelona la- to drop two more points
to thank the team for their Italy - Serie A
AS Roma’s coach boured to a 2-1 home win after Andoni Iraola’s pen-
performance and I de- Lecce 2-0 Juventus
Claudio Ranieri. over Athletic Bilbao on alty had cancelled out
cided to hand in my resig- Chievo 1-2 AC Milan
R OME, 21 Feb — Sunday to restore their David Villa’s third-minute
nation,” he said. Fiorentina 0-0 Sampdoria
Claudio Ranieri has re- five-point lead over Real opener, however, Messi
“I’ve always thought Genoa 4-3 AS Roma
signed as Roma coach fol- popped up with his 25th
about the good of Roma, Lazio 1-0 Bari
lowing Sunday’s disas- league goal of the season
both the club and the team. Parma 2-2 Cesena
trous 4-3 defeat at Genoa, to clinch the points at
“Today we began with Udinese 0-0 Brescia
despite having led 3-0. Camp Nou.
the desire to fight for the Napoli 1-0 Catania
It was the club’s fourth “We couldn’t afford an-
victory for all those who Spain - Primera Division
defeat in a row and Ranieri other slip-up as Real Ma-
love this shirt and this city. Almeria 1-1 Deportivo La Coruna
then told Italian news drid were close,” said
Internet Getafe 0-1 Racing Santander Barcelona’s Argentinian Messi. “We won a very im-
Montpellier stun Lille to give Osasuna 4-0 Espanyol forward Lionel Messi cel- portant match. There isn’t
Villarreal 1-1 Malaga
title rivals hope Sevilla 1-0 Hercules
ebrates his goal during that much left of the league
PARIS , 21 Feb — the Spanish league foot- to go now and every game
Barcelona 2-1 Athletic Bilbao ball match.—INTERNET is vital.”—Internet
French league leaders Lille
Germany - Bundesliga I.
saw their 13-game un-
beaten run in all competi-
Bayer Leverkusen 4 - 2 Stuttgart Pato rescues Milan against
Monchengladbach 2 - 1 Schalke
tions come to an abrupt Chievo in Serie A match
end on Sunday as they ROME 21 Feb — AC
sank to a potentially dam- Arsenal held as Orient snatch Milan maintained their
Lille’s Moussa Sow
aging 1-0 defeat at
Montpellier. Moroccan at- (down) fights for the late leveller in FA Cup grip on top spot in Serie A
ball with Montpellier’s after Alexandre Pato
tacking midfielder Younes LONDON, 21 Feb — Ar- Arsene Wenger’s team scored a late winner to earn
Belhanda claimed the French goalkeeper senal were held to an em- had enjoyed a famous 2-
Geoffrey Jourdren. them a 2-1 success at 10-
game’s only goal in the barrassing 1-1 draw by 1 win over Spanish cham- man Chievo on Sunday.
84th minute, condemning INTERNET Leyton Orient in the FA pions Barcelona in their AC Milan’s Brazilian
Robinho had given
Lille to a first league de- two points of Lille, while Cup fifth round after the Champions League last 16 them a controversial first- forward Pato cel-
feat since October and fellow title contenders League One (third-tier) first leg on Wednesday, half lead before Gelson ebrates at the end of the
breathing new life into the Marseille, Lyon and Paris side snatched a last-gasp but they were brought Fernandes equalized in Serie A football match.
title race in the process. Saint-Germain are now all equalizer at Brisbane back down to earth in east the second period, but INTERNET
Rennes won 2-1 at within four points of the Road on Sunday. London as Orient substi- Pato came off the bench miliano Allegri described
Toulouse to close to within leaders.—Internet tute Jonathan Tehoue can- the victory as a gift to club
to score the winner before
celled out Tomas
Hooper scores twice as Celtic Rosicky’s opener.
Bostjan Cesar was dis-
missed for a second
president Silvio
Berlusconi, who was cel-
beat Rangers 3-0 Wenger made 10 changes booking late on. ebrating 25 years as club
GLASGOW, 21 Feb — English Championship from the line-up that beat Milan coach Massi- owner.—Internet
Gary Hooper grabbed a outfit Scunthorpe last sum- Barca, with 18-year-old
fine double to inspire mer - struck twice in the Leyton Orient’s Cap- Spanish centre-half Ignasi Leverkusen go second in Bundesliga
Scottish Premier League first-half while recent sign- tain Stephen Dawson Miquel making his debut, with win over Stuttgart
leaders Celtic to a stun- ing Kris Commons added (R) vies with Arsenal’s and Orient were never B ERLIN, 21 Feb — table on Sunday with a
ning 3-0 win over bitter a brilliant third in the sec- Danish player Nicklas overawed against the Bayer Leverkusen went 4-2 win at home to strug-
rivals Rangers here on ond period.—Internet Bendtner. —INTERNET understudies.—Internet second in the Bundesliga glers VfB Stuttgart that
Sunday to record their
biggest victory over them Tseng wins LPGA Thailand by Bayer Leverkusen went dropped their guests fur-
second in the Bundesliga ther into the relegation
since November 2005.
The Englishman -
5 shots; Wie second table on Sunday with a battle.
PATTAYA, 21 Feb — Top- Wie settled for a 70 to 4-2 win at home to strug- With bottom side
bought from unglamorous
ranked Yani Tseng earned finish second in the season- glers VfB Stuttgart. Moenchengladbach beat-
her third tournament win in opening LPGA event, INTERNET ing Schalke on Sunday
three weeks Sunday, while Kim had a 71 was evening, only five points
shooting a 6-under 66 to another stroke back in a tie
Roddick wins 30th career ATP title now separate the bottom
pull away for a comfortable for third with Karrie Webb, MEMPHIS, 21 Feb — US played alongside a WTA five clubs and Stuttgart, the
five-shot victory over who shot a 69. Paula top seed Andy Roddick women’s event. 2007 German champions,
Michelle Wie in the LPGA Creamer was fifth at 8 un- captured his 30th career Roddick, whose prior are level on 19 points with
Thailand. ATP title on Sunday by Memphis titles came in ‘Gladbach at the foot of
Gary Hooper, pictured der after a 71.—Internet
Tseng led by one defeating Milos Raonic 7- 2002 and 2009, ranks the table.
during Celtic’s Scottish
stroke over Wie and IK 6 (9/7), 6-7 third among active play- Stuttgart fought in vain
FA Cup match against
Kim going into the final (11/13), 7-5 to deny the ers in titles — only Roger as they came from behind
Rangers at Ibrox earlier
Canadian his second title Federer with 67 ATP ti- twice before Lever-
this month, grabbed a round of the season-open-
in as many weeks. tles and Rafael Nadal kusen’s Stefan Reinartz
fine double to inspire the ing LPGA event and had
Eighth-ranked Rod- with 43 have more. headed the winning goal
Scottish Premier League the lowest score of the day
dick fired 20 aces to join Internet on 81 minutes then Stefan
leaders to a stunning 3- with seven birdies and one
US legend Jimmy Kiessling netted his sec-
0 win over their Old Firm bogey to finish at 15-un- Tseng Yani tees off
Connors and Germany’s ond of the game in added
rivals.—INTERNET der 273. from the 9th hole during Tommy Haas as three- time.—Internet
the final round of the time winners at the $1.32
S P O R T S LPGA Thailand golf
million Memphis indoor
tournament, which was
US top seed Andy

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 14 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 22 February, 2011 15
Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas
WEATHER sunshine hours on 20-2-2011 was (9.8) hours (Approx).
Rainfall on 21-2-2011 was (Nil) at Mingaladon,
Monday, 21st February , 2011 Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-
2011 was (1.97) inches at Mingaladon , (1.89) inches at
Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr. M.S.T.
Kaba-Aye and (3.54) inches at Central Yangon. Maximum
During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly cloudy
wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (7) mph from
in Upper Sagaing and Taninthayi Regions, Kachin,
Southwest at (14:30) hours MST on 20-2-2011.
Rakhine and Mon States and generally fair in the
Bay Inference: Weather is partly cloudy in the
remaining Regions and States. Night temperature were (3°C)
Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.
below February average temperature in Chin State and
Forecast valid until evening of the 22ndFebruary
(5°C) below February average temperature in Upper
2011: Light rain are likely to be isolated in Upper Sagaing
Sagaing Region and Kachin State and (4°C) above February
and Taninthayi Regions, Kachin and Chin States weather
average temperature in Rakhine and Mon States and about
is partly cloudy in Yangon and Ayeyawady Regions,
February average temperatures in the remaining Regions
Shan, Rakhine, Kayin and Mon States and generally fair
and States. The significant night temperatures were Loilem
in the remaining Regions and States. Degree of certainty
and Haka (4°C) each, Putao (5°C), Lashio and Namhsan
is (60%).
(6°C) each.
State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar
Nay Pyi Taw
Maximum temperature on 20-2-2011 was 94°F.
Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood of
Minimum temperature on 21-2-2011 was 61°F. Relative
isolated light rain in the Southern Myanmar areas.
humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 21-2-2011 was (65%).
Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for
Rainfall on 21-2-2011 was (Nil).
22-2-2011: Partly cloudy.
Yangon (Kaba-Aye)
Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for
Maximum temperature on 20-2-2011 was 97°F.
22-2-2011: Partly cloudy.
Minimum temperature on 21-2-2011 was 69°F. Relative
Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for
humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 21-2-2011 was (56%). Total
22-2-2011: Partly cloudy.

Bayne probably won’t race MYANMAR INTERNATIONAL

Programme Schedule
for Sprint Cup title (22-2-2011) (Tuesday)
DAYTONA BEACH, 21 Feb—Daytona 500 winner
Trevor Bayne says he’s probably not going to attempt Transmissions Times
to run for the Sprint Cup championship this year. Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MST
The 20-year-old became the youngest winner Oversea Transmission - (22-2-11 09:30 am ~
in Daytona 500 history Sunday with a surprise 23-2-11 09:30 am) MST
victory in NASCAR’s biggest race.
Local Transmission
He’s scheduled to run only 17 Cup races this
* Opening
season for the Wood Brothers while he competes for
* News
the Nationwide Series title for Roush-Fenway Racing.
* Mant Hero, Beauty Queen On Shweli River
NASCAR rules this season made drivers pick
* Implementing New Farm Land Project Utilizing
just one series to collect points, and Bayne chose
Underground Water
the second-tier Nationwide Series.
* News
He can change his mind, but he would not be
Trevor Bayne, center, holds up the trophy in Victory * Songs for you
given retroactive points for the Daytona 500.
* News
NASCAR officials were still discussing Lane with help from Eddie Wood, left, and Leonard
* Foundation of Taungoo Kingdom (500 th)
Monday if his win would count toward seeding in Wood, right, of Wood Brothers Racing, after winning
the NASCAR Daytona 500 auto race at Daytona Anniversary (Episode-1)
the Chase for the Sprint Cup championship. International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla, * News
Internet on 20 Feb, 2011.—INTERNET * A Day in Bagan
Oversea Transmission
7:50 am 4:10 pm 5:10 pm
* Opening
5. Nice & Sweet Song 2. The Mirror Images 7. Musical Programme
* News
8:00 am Of The Musical 5:20 pm
* Mant Hero, Beauty Queen On Shweli River
6. Health Programme Oldies 8. Documentary
* Implementing New Farm Land Project Utilizing
8:10 am 5:30 pm
4:20 pm Underground Water
7. Songs Of Yester 3. Myanmar Traditional 9. Star Garden * News
Years 6:00 pm * Songs for you
Tuesday, Cultural Performing
10. Evening News
22 February 8:20 am * The Beauty and Lifestlye of Taung Yoe Tribe
Arts Competitions 6:15 pm
View on today 8. Myanmar Traditional * News
12345678901 4:30 pm 11. Weather Report
Cultural Performing * A Day in Bagan
4. Teleplay (Agri) 6:20 pm * Foundation of Taungoo Kingdom (500 th)
7:00 am Arts Competitions
4:45 pm 12. Kyae Pwint Myaye Anniversary (Episode-1)
1. Paritta By Venerable 8:25 am Yin Khone Than
9. Song Of National 5. University Of * News
Mingun Sayadaw 6:35 pm
Races Distance * Exquisite Silver Jewellery
-Uppatasanti Paritta 13. Teleplay (Health)
8:30 am Education * Weaving Industry of Lotus Cloths
7:25 am 7:00 pm * News
10. Musical Programme (TV Lectures)
2. To Be Healthy 14. TV Drama Series * Youth of the Future (Puppet)
8:40 am -Second Year
Exercise 8:00 pm * News
11. International News (Physics)
7:30 am 15. News * Planetary Posts! What do they serve?
8:45 am 5:00 pm 16. International News
3. Morning News * Music Gallery
12. Local Talent 6. Songs For 17. Weather Report * News
7:40 am 4:00 pm Upholding 18. Just for Laughs * Industrial Advencement for The National Interest
4. Dhamma Puja Song 1. Martial Song National Spirit 19. TV Drama Series * Myanmar Movie “An Ugly Fate”

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar.

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 15 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

4th Waning of Tabodwe 1372 ME Tuesday, 22 February, 2011

Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy

Riots beget riots, not democracy
Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire VOA, BBC-sowing hatred

among the people
We favour peace and stability
RFA, DVB-generating public
We favour development outrage
We oppose unrest and violence Do not allow ourselves to be
Wipe out those inciting unrest swayed by killer broadcasts
and violence designed to cause troubles

Regular sessions of First Region and State Hluttaws continue

Approval sought for nomination of Chief Justice,
Judges of Region or State High Courts

The regular session

of First Kayah State

Hluttaw in progress.


NAY PYI TAW, 21 Feb – The regular sessions of the First speaker of the State Hluttaw submitted the nomination of Court. The speaker announced the approval of the
Region and State Hluttaws were held in the respective State Judge U Tu Ja of Kachin State Court as Chief Justice nomination as all the 51 State Hluttaw representatives
regions and states at 10 am today. Nomination of Chief of Kachin State High Court proposed by the elected made no objection.
Justice of Region or State proposed by the elected President President in coordination with the elected Chief Justice of The regular session of First Kachin State Hluttaw
in coordination with the elected Chief Justice of the Union the Union and the elected State Chief Minister. Next, the concluded at 10.30 am.
and the elected Chief Minister of Region or State and speaker announced the approval of the nomination as all Kayah State
nomination of judges of the High Court of the Region or the 51 State Hluttaw representatives made no objection. At the regular session of Kayah State Hluttaw, the
State proposed by the elected Chief Minister of Region or Then, the speaker submitted the nominations of speaker of the State Hluttaw submitted
State in coordination with the elected Chief Justice of the State Judge U Zaw Win of Kayah State Court and the nomination of Director U Tin Win of Supreme
Union were approved by respective Hluttaw Associate Region Judge of Mandalay Region Court Court (Mandalay) as Chief Justice of Kayah
representatives. Daw Pyone Pyone Aye proposed by the elected State State High Court proposed by the elected
Kachin State Chief Minister in coordination with the elected Chief President in coordination with the elected Chief Justice
At the regular session of Kachin State Hluttaw, the Justice of the Union as judges of Kachin State High (See page 8)

22-2-2011 NL.pmd 16 2/22/2011, 4:23 AM

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