2021 Spring - Ia ST DKG Bulletin

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The Iowa State Organization

of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Spring 2021 Volume 75 Issue 1

Pandemic delays in-person convention to 2022

by BEV RINEHART (Chi) en Popovich, International
2021 Convention Co-Chair parliamentarian, Leadership
After an early-February determined that this arrange-
Leadership Committee vote, ment will meet the DKG
the majority of this year’s
Iowa State Convention has
by-laws’ requirement that
the State Organization hold P
been postponed to 2022. a convention in and elect
A business meeting will its officers in odd-numbered
be gaveled in virtually on years.
June 12 at 10 a.m. when Multiple factors entered ment of the resort is well istrative board adopted a
state officers will be elected into the decision, primarily aware of the uncertainties pilot project that authorizes
and installed, a guest speak- uncertainty about aspects of of the present public health state organizations to trans-
er will be presented and a the pandemic, State Presi- crisis and has transferred our act business electronically
time will be fixed to adjourn. dent Laurie Marple (Alpha) room block deposit to next this biennium.
This procedure will permit said. year. Along with State Orga-
the meeting to be continued “Some of our members “I know this is not as good nization business, members
June 24-25, 2022, at Arrow- were sharing their feelings as holding an in-person 2021 logging in to the virtual
wood Resort. of not planning to attend if convention,” Marple said. meeting June 12 will still be
After consulting with Hel- they did not receive their “However, the threat of able to hear a message from
vaccine before the conven- the pandemic is still around Dr. Lace Marie Brogden, our
tion,” Marple said. and we want to plan respon- International Representative
What’s “If enough members were sibly and be realistic. from Ontario, Canada.
Inside... not comfortable enough to
attend the convention with-
“We did not have a lot of
time to make a decision. Ar-
“I would like to thank the
Convention Committee for
~2~ out their vaccine, we run into rowwood already had other their flexibility, input and
a problem of not meeting our events planned for next concern as they moved for-
Laurie’s Letter
contract with Arrowwood. June. Luckily, by making the ward during the planning
“We are responsible for decision early, we were able process,” Marple said.
~4-8~ a certain percentage of the to secure June 24-25, 2022, “I would also like to thank
Committee News blocked room revenue,” for our meetings,” Marple the Leadership Committee
Marple said. “If we do not said. for their guidance and con-
~9~ meet our guarantee, our Members intending to fidence in making a difficult
State treasury would be re- attend the June 12 virtual decision while still keeping
Legislative Forum sponsible for paying Arrow- meeting must register in ad- our membership in mind the
wood in excess of $2,000. vance. Info will be published whole time.
~ 10 - 11 ~ Convention committee in a special Bulletin in May. “I’m sure there may be
Chapter News co-chair Yettee Girard (Al- This online meeting will questions and I ask you to
pha Phi) contacted Arrow- still permit members to elect reach out to me with them,”
wood Resort about the pos- officers virtually because, Marple said. Her contact in-
~ 14 -15 ~
sibility of postponing. with the appearance of the formation is (563) 320-3708
Mu Connect Project She learned that manage- pandemic, the DKG admin- or marple854@aol.com.
2 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN Spring 2021

Laurie’s Letter: Embracing the change made real

by LAURIE MARPLE (Alpha) an online format. You did not let us of you for your support, encouraging
Iowa State Organization President down; we had 90+ members attend the words and assistance throughout this
We are quickly approaching the end event. biennium. Whenever I asked for input
of another biennium. We learned from these virtual or guidance, you were there for me. I
Where does the time meetings and appreciated the positive had amazing mentors who helped me
go? feedback that we received from many along the way and I cannot thank them
Two years ago I of our members. It was a win-win situ- enough.
announced my theme: ation. I have truly enjoyed and grown by
“Embracing Change Individual chapters have also em- being your president. I embraced the
and Enjoying the Journey.” Never did braced change by employing creativ- change in my life and I most surely
I anticipate how appropriate this theme ity along with technology in holding enjoyed the journey.
was going to be for my time in office. meetings and moving forward with My congratulations to the incoming
Our chapters, state and international chapter projects. Iowa State officers as they pave the
society have had to embrace change Many chapters have been hav- way forward, leading us in the next bi-
and I hope all have enjoyed the jour- ing online meetings with educational ennium. I know they will do a remark-
ney. programs and finding ways to stay able job; our Iowa State Organization
Last year, as members looked connected “from a distance.” is in good hands.
forward to the International Conven- Pandemic restrictions have required
tion in Philadelphia, we learned that it that we embrace the changes and, ******
would be cancelled due to the pan- though we yearn to get together, we
demic. Our international officers made continue to find ways to conduct busi- EMAIL CONCERNS
a tough decision, but knew it was the ness and have a little fun.
best for all involved. And, now, we find ourselves plan- Recently, Internet trolls have ac-
Luckily we were able to “attend” ning this summer’s state convention. cessed my email account and members
using technology. We listened to Because of virus positivity rates, the in our Iowa State Organization have
speakers and watched the installation slow roll-out of vaccinations and received scam emails from me ask-
of our international officers. the emergence of variants, the State ing for the purchase of gift cards for
Though we were disappointed to Leadership Committee has voted veterans.
not be there in to hold a brief In addition to getting the word out
person and to virtual Iowa State to our state members, I have contacted
have the chance meeting in 2021, International. If you remember, this
to reconnect with
Despite all our have elections was a problem that headquarters dealt
our sisters from all challenges, though, and installation with this summer and we were di-
over, we did em- good work continues.. of state officers rected to refrain from including email
brace the change and fix the time to addresses of international officers on
and enjoyed the adjourn to 2022. our websites or in publications.
new experience of (Read more about Headquarters is again suggesting
attending a convention virtually. this on page 1.) that we use caution and refrain from
As our state leadership committee Despite all our challenges, though, putting contact information of our
planned for summer district meetings, good work continues. I would like to state officers in our program books and
we made the difficult decision to “go congratulate the members of Alpha, as we communicate through emails.
virtual” to train chapter committee Psi and Alpha Pi Chapters as recipients Email addresses for our state of-
chairs and officers. of $100 Mini-Grants (as announced in ficers are password protected on our
Our district directors and leadership the EEC Committee report on page 4). state website. I am suggesting that as
team rose to the occasion and planned, We applaud you and all members you send emails out you use “Bcc” for
arranged and presented a very success- for their efforts to make a difference in recipients’ email addresses. Though
ful training. your communities. Your work does not these nasty folks seem to be very good
In September, our Fall Executive go unnoticed. at what they do, we don’t want to give
Board meeting also needed to shift to Finally, I would like to thank all them any extra help.
Spring 2021 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN 3

National Headquarters moves one step closer to sale

An upcoming Austin, TX, City
Council vote is likely to clear the way
for the DKG International Organization
to sell its current headquarters building.
An ongoing conflict between DKG
and the city over plans to sell to the
developer of a high-rise building was
partially resolved Jan. 26 when repre-
sentatives for DKG made their case to
the Austin City Planning Commission.
City officials had applied for historic
site designation for the headquarters
building against the wishes of DKG,
blocking International’s request for a
demolition permit needed by the devel-
After presentations by the Austin
Historic Landmark Commission, DKG
members and leaders and the buyer’s The DKG building at 416 W. 12th St., Austin, TX, now is on a more clear path
team, the Commission voted on two to sale after a pair of Planning Commission votes in late January.
critical decisions: the historic designa-
tion for the property was denied and a lan says the organization’s total taxes The potential buyer has indicated
recommendation for Downtown Mixed alone are around $80,000 on an as- that building plans presented by the de-
Use (DMU) rezoning was approved sessed property value of $3.6 million. veloper include constructing a garden
without any conditional overlays, such “While respectful of the place the on the property that will commemo-
as height restrictions. building holds in our history as the fifth rate the history of DKG and its work
These decisions clear the way for location for our headquarters, it has throughout the world.
consideration of the demolition permit become evident that it is finally time Throughout the process, groups both
and rezoning by the full Austin City to consider seriously the many recent internal and external to DKG were
Council this week. offers presented by potential buyers in commenting on social media, posting
International President Becky Sa- the area,” Sadowski said. information from a variety of different
dowski said the Administrative Board Sale of the building at 416 W. 12th perspectives, and even publishing arti-
will begin consideration of potential St. in Austin will provide the organi- cles and editorials in local publications.
future sites for a headquarters building zation a capital infusion in addition to “We appreciate the members who
in the Austin area as the process moves allowing the organization to upgrade contacted the commissioners on behalf
into the final stages. from the limitations of the 60+ year-old of DKG and committed their time to
She explained that the organiza- building. record supportive videos regarding the
tion has been engaged in trying to sell Though the current building, which impact of our work as an organization
the headquarters property for several was built in 1956, is on the Historic for use in our case,” Sadowski said.
months. Register, the Society was actually She added that because social me-
“Charged to be fiscally responsible founded on the University of Texas dia is often the place members discuss
stewards of the organization, DKG campus in Austin in 1929 so this prop- these issues and voice concerns, the
leaders have carefully considered over erty is not DKG’s “original” home. DKG staff is posting responses when
the past biennia the increasing costs of Whellan argued that the sale “will possible in an effort to provide accurate
maintenance, rising property taxes in have a direct and meaningful impact” information and to promote transpar-
downtown Austin and aging wiring that on the organization. He also made clear ency.
impacts technological improvements,” that, “while Delta Kappa Gamma has “We are committed to making every
she said. enjoyed their time (in the current build- effort to keep members informed over
DKG representative Michael Whel- ing), it’s not who they are.” the next few months,” Sadowski said.
4 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN Spring 2021

EEC awards annual mini-grants to three chapters

by SUSAN CARLSON (Alpha Omega) coats that were donated to the Student legislative focus each year.
Educational Excellence Cmte. Chair Success Store. Several legislative goals have been
The Educational Excellence Com- Psi chapter also focused on “Em- put in place for 2021 to initiate, en-
mittee recently announced three recipi- brace your Environment” for their proj- dorse and support desirable legislation
ents of $100 Mini-Grants for 2021. ect goals. or other suitable endeavors in the inter-
Each award is designed to be Families in their region over just the ests of education and of women educa-
matched in funds and effort by the past two years were not only hit with tors. They include:
chapter receiving the award. a tornado but are also dealing with the • Support a comprehensive Safe
Alpha Pi’s grant request focused on fallout of the pandemic and this sum- Harbor Law to protect victims of
“Supporting Early Career Educators.” mer’s derecho. human trafficking in the State of
Their project originally intended In cooperation with the Marshall- Iowa.
to provide age-appropriate children’s town public school administration and • Support a rate of Supplemental
books for medical clinic waiting rooms. an area social worker, Psi members State aid for public schools that en-
Since coronavirus restrictions no have provided support for an Angel sures adequate, equitable and time-
longer permit patients to wait in medi- Tree for families in need who are not ly funding of PreK-12 education.
cal offices, the chapter shifted their eligible for assistance in other locations • Support legislation that ensures
plans, creating a program called “Reach (due to household size/income ratios, public tax funds are allocated to
Out and Read.” etc.). public schools.
In partnership with a local library, Marshalltown schools accommodate • Encourage and assist Iowa State
the chapter has now set a goal that each a diverse population, many of whom chapters in efforts to advocate,
child that attends a well-child appoint- have come from harsh and challeng- lobby, build coalitions and engage
ment will receive a book at the end of ing conditions such as moving to Iowa in actions that support and improve
each visit so that by the time the child from refugee camps or searching for a public education at all levels, in-
is age five they will receive 10 books. safe place to live and raise their chil- cluding PreK-12, community col-
Alpha chapter focused on “Embrace dren. leges and regent universities.
your Environment” in their grant re- The continued goal of Psi members The committee is also tasked with
quest. is to provide for as many needs as pos- continuing the Educational Excellence
Members are working to provide sible, including many of the physiolog- Award certificates, organizing the mini-
incentive items for the Eastern Iowa ical needs such as food, blankets for grant process of applications, grant cat-
Community College Student Success warmth and proper protection from the egories, evaluation processes and mon-
Store. elements. etary awards, as well as overseeing the
These items include food, diapers Grant recipients for 2020 included Iowa-Kosovo Project.
and clothing. Students earn points for Alpha Iota, “Building Bridges Books Though Covid-19 has interfered
attending classes regularly and use for Youth and Families”; Eta, “Embrac- with some of the Kosovo initiatives,
these points to make purchases at the ing Diversity Through Multilingual the committee seeks to explore ways to
Success Store. Books for English Learners”; Zeta, consistently raise funds at the chapter
Helping maintain a well-stocked “Making and Filling Care Bags: En- and state level for the project.
store will encourage those who were couraging Our Most Vulnerable Chil- There are plans to send a DKG
at risk in school and did not complete dren”; Alpha Omega, “Iowa Teacher member to Kosovo who would then
their high school diplomas. Supply Swap”; Alpha Phi, “Call to gain ideas of how DKG can use their
Alpha chapter members understand Freedom Bags”; and Mu, “Filling the skills with Kosovo teachers as well as
the needs of students who are work- Toolbox: Lila Mae’s House - The Gar- provide assistance for a DKG member
ing toward their HiSET (High School den.” who will be teaching in Kosovo.
Equivalency Test) and this partnership Mini-grant applications (informa- Members of the Educational Excel-
will allow for those students to contin- tion is available on the State website) lence Committee include Susan Carl-
ue to work toward their goals. are due each year no later than Dec. 15. son (Alpha Omega), Mary Tofilon
Alpha members held a diaper drive A significant task of the Educational (Alpha), Mary Huffman (Iota), Nancy
in a parking lot where items collected Excellence Committee is to develop, Middaugh (Beta) and Rhonna Fiirh
included diapers, wipes and even four implement and communicate the State (Zeta).
Spring 2021 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN 5

Members tackle State committee initiatives

Several State committees serve the society and to help tion of the dissolving Pi), Rules Committee Chair,
have been advancing their out as the organization looks chapter’s treasury funds; sends along the following
specific causes and projects at ways of reducing the bud- • The chapter name Sigma greeting:
throughout the winter. get to save the state money. will not be used again. “Hello DKG Sisters. I
Check out what’s been EXPANSION Also at the fall meeting, hope you are doing well.
going on at the State level: At the fall Executive Dianna Davis (Alpha Rho), Speaking of ‘doing well,’
FINANCE Board meeting, Expansion Southeast District director, the Rules Committee would
The Finance Committee Committee chair Yettee Gi- moved on behalf of the com- welcome chapter rules sub-
has been addressing two is- rard (Alpha Phi) moved on mittee that the State Execu- missions.
sues over recent months, in- behalf of the committee to tive Board dissolve Alpha We have only received
creasing dues and adjusting ratify the electronic vote of Chi chapter in Louisa and two since the training last
reimbursement funds to of- the Executive Board that re- Washington counties. The spring.
ficers and chairs. sulted in the dissolution of motion carried and the chap- It is difficult, I know, to
After much discussion, Sigma Chapter in Cherokee, ter was dissolved effective do virtually. Perhaps the sec-
the committee decided to not Buena Vista, Sac and Ida Sept. 26, 2020. tions could be divided and
increase dues for the mem- counties in the Northwest The same procedures circulated for evaluation
bership. District effective June 30, were enacted in dissolving round-robin style.
“We listened to our mem- 2020. The motion carried. Alpha Chi as were used with That’s what Alpha Pi did.
bers and felt it was not a Upon dissolution, sev- Sigma’s dissolution. The Some shine at composing,
good time to do that,” chair eral procedural requirements chapter name Alpha Chi will some at editing, etc.
Laurie Marple (Alpha) said. must be met. They include: not be used again. It seems a daunting task
Still feeling a need to trim • The chapter’s charter is RULES to make updates and chan-
the budget, the committee returned to the State Or- Linda Podhajsky (Alpha —Committees, cont. on p. 6
decided to go with a 50 per- ganization for forward-
cent reduction of reimburse- ing to Headquarters;
ment funds to officers and • Initiation membership
chairs that attend convention register and articles of
and conferences. state historic signifi-
“We appreciate the will- cance are retained in the
ingness from those of you state archives;
that replied to go with this • The State membership
option,” Marple said. chair assists in the trans-
“We felt that this would fer of members who
be a step in the right direc- wish to maintain their
tion of cutting some but not membership to the chap-
all of the funds that our of- ters of their choice;
ficers and chairs receive. • The Sigma chapter trea-
“We also felt that this surer turns over remain-
was a sign to our members ing chapter funds to the
that we tried other options State treasurer after all Judy Dahlke (Eta) (left) presents an Educational Ex-
before implementing an chapter debts have been cellence Award to Autumn Long (center) and Lisa
Reeves (right) of Raising Readers in Story County
increase in dues,” Marple paid;
(RRSC) “for their continued programming that im-
added. “Down the road other • The State treasurer, af- proves language and literacy development in chil-
possibilities may need to be ter dues are collected dren throughout Story County.” The award goes on
looked at, but for now this in June and transfers of to say that the organization’s “exceptional efforts in
will help us.” current Sigma members recruiting and training dedicated volunteers, along
Marple offered her thanks have been completed, with maintaining a knowledgeable, compassionate
on behalf of the committee pays each receiving staff are admirable.” Long is RRSC manager of busi-
for members’ willingness to chapter a pro-rated por- ness analytics and Reeves is director of RRSC.
6 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN Spring 2021

Fellowship, scholarship, membership groups forge on

—Committees, cont. from p. 5 the recommendation until the tricts need to be represented.
es, but once you get started, not so bad. scholarship is awarded at the Iowa “We also need someone to be a chair-
You can do it! State Organization Convention (in person of this committee,” Schwartz
Iowa State Rules Committee” odd years) and at the summer dis- said. “Let me know or let one of the
WORLD FELLOWSHIP trict meetings (in even years); committee member know right away as
The Iowa World Fellowship Com- • Iowa State Organization Scholarship time is running out - roxy@iowatele-
mittee has started the process of seek- ($600); com.net.”
ing applications for the 2021-22 grant • Iowa State Organization Road Schol- Nomination Committee members
program. arship ($600). This scholarship is are Roxy Schwartz (Nu Alpha Gam-
International student advisers at required to be a Road Scholar trav- ma), Michelle Anderson (Theta), Peg
Iowa colleges and universities ave been el experience. Read more about the Roemig (Alpha Nu) and Judy Shimon
sent information and applications for program at roadscholar.org. (Alpha Omega).
the Iowa $1,000 international student Basic requirements of the process are MEMBERSHIP
grant. that the applicant be an active member Pat Yates (Iota), State Membership
“Our grant supports women from of DKG for a minimum of five years Chair, understands how the past year
foreign countries who are pursuing for the Memorial Scholarship and three has been very different in meeting DKG
higher education in Iowa and plan to years for the State Scholarship and the membership needs, and her committee
use their education to educate others Road Scholar award. has been on the case trying to generate
when returning to their homeland,” Applicants must also be accepted strategies for improvvement.
committee chair Dena Higginbotham and enrolled in a graduate program of “Hopefully, you have all been using
(Beta) said. a nationally accredited institution of social media, newsletters and other
“Thank you to chapters who have higher education and provide evidence communication to keep your members
corresponded with and/or sent gifts to of leadership, service and excellence in informed and in touch with each other,”
our current grant recipients across the scholarship. Yates said.
state,” she added. The three scholarship application She said chapters should take advan-
Applications are due by April 1. forms are updated and can be found tage of the Membership Recruitment
The World Fellowship Committee will on the Iowa State wiki. The deadline is Plan to develop lists of prospects and
score the grant applications, compile April 15. contact them with an Orientation Plan,
the data and award four grants. The Iowa State Organization Schol- even though in-person meetings may
Grant recipients will be notified of arship Committee members include not always be possible.
the committee’s decision by May 15. Judith Olson (Chi), Diane Burgmaier Yates reminds chapters that pros-
SCHOLARSHIP (Beta Kappa), Bonnie Downes (Alpha pects become members when they pay
The Iowa State Organization of the Iota), Janice Reutter (Eta); and Paula their dues; induction may occur later.
Delta Kappa Gamma Society Interna- Warren (Xi). “Perhaps you want to save induction
tional offers up to 30 scholarships an- NOMINATION until your chapter can meet in person,”
nually to members of the Society to The state nomination committee has Yates said.
enhance the fulfillment of its fifth pur- a full slate of officers candidates for the The usual Remembrance Ceremony-
pose, “To endow scholarships to aid coming biennium of 2021-2023. conducted regularly at State Conven-
outstanding women educators in pursu- Information on these women will tion will be postponed to the in-person
ing graduate study.” appear in a special issue of the Bulletin event in the summer of 2022.
Committee chair Judith Olson (Chi) in early May along with the bylaws to Yates asks that information about
says there are three scholarship possi- be voted on. chapter members who have passed
bilities: State Nomination Committee chair away since last February be emailed to
• Iowa State Organization Memo- Roxy Schwartz (Nu Alpha Gamma) patmyates@centurylink.net.
rial Scholarship ($800). A member says what the nomination committee is Specific information needed to be
does not apply for this scholarship. still in need of is members in the south- reported for these remembrances is
She is to receive it as an honor by west, northeast and central districts to found with the updated list of those
being recommended by her chap- come forward to be on the nomination who have passed during the last bien-
ter. She is to know nothing about committee for 2021-2023 since all dis- nium on page 7.
Spring 2021 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN 7

In Memoriam Beisser earns mentor honors

Honoring DKG Members Eta chapter is recogniz-
We Have Lost in this Biennium ing a member of 35 years
and past Eta president, Dr.
During the past biennium, we have been saddened by Sally Beisser, the Ellis and
the reports of several members who have passed away. Nelle Distinguished Profes-
Some chapters, as you will notice, have lost several sor of Education at Drake
members in the past two years. Since we are not meet- University for her many ac-
ing face-to-face this summer for State Convention and complishments.
a Ceremony of Remembrance, the Iowa State Member- Beisser received the Mad-
ship Committee honors these faithful DKG ladies and elyn M. Levitt Mentor of the
is sharing their names here. (We hope we did not miss Year award in spring 2020.
anyone…these are from forms we received.) This award was established
As a reminder, upon the death of a member, please to recognize faculty and staff Dr. Sally Beisser
contact Pat Yates (Iota), Membership Committee chair, who are committed to stu-
to submit the required information (patmyates@centu- dent success in and out of Award was also created in
rylink.net). Submitted items should include the Death the classroom. honor of Madelyn Levitt’s
of a Member Form (Form 6); an obituary and personal In 1994, the Madelyn commitment to Drake and
comments about the deceased; and a photo that that does Levitt Mentor Award was her ongoing interest in fac-
not need to be returned. created in honor of Levitt’s ulty achievement and aca-
This year we will combine the remembrance informa- commitment to Drake and demic excellence.
tion into a form that can be downloaded. her ongoing interest in fac- Each year a member of
ulty and staff achievement the Drake University faculty
Shirley M. Kilfoy (Alpha) 01/02/2020 and academic excellence. is honored with this award
Sue Ellen Wiele (Alpha) 10/12/2019 Each year, this award for their teaching excellence.
Florence M. Nelson (Epsilon) 08/16/2019 recognizes the individual’s This nomination was also
Dorothy E. Logan (Zeta) 01/16/2020 commitment to student suc- from a group of undergradu-
cess at Drake by honoring ate, master’s and doctoral
Ruth Ann Kelleher (Theta) 12/10/2020
a member of the faculty or students.
Angela Svoboda (Theta) 01/14/2021 staff for excellence in advis- In 2016, Beisser received
Marjorie Schloss Spevak (Tau) 01/23/2021 ing and mentoring of stu- the Fellowship and in 2017
Dorothy M. Tuttle (Tau) 07/20/2020 dents. she was awarded the distinc-
Margaret Orr (Alpha Iota) 12/06/2020 The nomination was from tion of Ellis and Nelle Dis-
Dr. Beisser’s School of Edu- tinguished Professor of Edu-
Betty L. Scott (Alpha Iota) 02/07/2020
cation (SOE) students in- cation at Drake University
JoAnne E. Doehrmann (Alpha Nu) 11/21/2019 by nomination of her Dean
cluding three undergraduate
Betty May Golden (Alpha Nu) 02/16/2019 students, two master’s de- in the School of Education
Barbara G. Maas (Alpha Nu) 05/08/2020 gree students and one doc- and decided upon by a com-
Corrine Lucille Tandy (Alpha Nu) 11/23/2019 toral candidate who is now mittee of university deans.
Waive Harriet Shields (Alpha Omicron) 01/05/2020 an elementary principal.
In 2016, she earned a Send chapter
Linda C. Fabbro (Alpha Pi) 01/10/2020
Madelyn M. Levitt award news to
Betty C. Hoth (Alpha Pi ) 08/22/2020 established to recognize
Dorothy Leila Heering (Alpha Pi) 11/26/2020
faculty who exhibit an in-
Severna A. Cowell (Beta Alpha) 06/14/2020
formed mind in inspirational
Doris Andresen (Beta Gamma) 09/13/2020 dialogue with students, rigor for inclusion
Dr. Heather Ludwig (Beta Gamma) 02/07/2020 in intellectual endeavors and in the next
Carma Imogene Hutchins (Beta Zeta) 07/16/2020
a contagious enthusiasm for Bulletin.
their subject matter. Deadline is
Jeanette L. Pohlman (Beta Omicron) 12/11/2020 In 1994, this Madelyn
April 15, 2021.
Levitt Teacher of the Year
8 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN Spring 2021

Take action! There is a method to marketing

by MARY ZIRKELBACH (Tau) potential members to visit a chapter
Iowa State Communications Chair meeting.
(Zirkelbach also serves on the Interna- Develop connections with local print
tional Communications and Marketing or TV media groups. Share interesting
Committee) DKG stories and photos.
This is a great time for your chapter FOSTER RELATIONSHIPS
to create an action plan for marketing, The third step is to nurture relation-
communicating meaning and value to ships. Just as we nurture garden seeds,
others who might be interested. we should keep in touch with those
Active participation in activities who have a need for the value of DKG.
or leadership, increased and retained Keep your communications and in-
membership or purchasing of chapter teractions informative and helpful. Pro-
fundraising items are all possible when It is important to know and be able spective members will pay attention to
a plan is implemented. to describe your chapter, project or goal exchanges that are positive and uplift-
Five steps serve as the “nitty gritty” in a manner that engages others to want ing.
needed to produce a successful plan. to support or be a part of it. Build relationships with possible
Use it within a recruiting campaign to Creating this 10-minute talk could new members, possible new officers
promote Society benefits to prospec- be a group activity for the chapter. It and possible purchasers of items for
tive members and future Society offi- would be an opportunity to market in- fundraisers.
cers. Use it for a fundraiser or to retain ternally to chapter members as well as BE PERSISTENT
members. to make the plan to market to women The fourth step is to follow up with
Acting on a marketing plan takes educators externally. these individuals. Be consistent and un-
thought and time, but a plan that the This could also be the foundation of tiring as you nurture those who have a
chapter can follow is well worth it. a chapter brochure that would explain need for the benefits of DKG.
Think of your chapter marketing plan the who, what and why of DKG locally. It may take three invitations or three
as a map to successful communication. It is essential that members know their requests to attract a new member. Don’t
DETERMINE VALUE product—its value—before they speak give up with the first negative response.
The first step is to determine the val- to others. Continue to invite potential members
ue of the organization to its members. FIND YOUR AUDIENCE to attend meetings or to support a fund-
“Why do members continue to support The second step is to identify indi- raiser...or to be a future chapter officer
DKG?” Is it for the professional devel- viduals who need what DKG has to of- and a leader in the Society.
opment opportunities? Are members fer and then attempt to grab their atten- CLOSE THE SALE
in need of scholarships to further their tion. As a salesperson would say, it is
educations in master’s or doctoral-level One way is to sponsor an event that time to “close the sale” in the fifth and
programs? will attract public coverage either on most important step.
Do members find value in network- social media or garner local or school You have worked diligently to find
ing with members both near and far? coverage. Another idea is to work with and nurture individuals who need and
Are they finding the value of attending a local group on the same project, e.g., value DKG, who support your cause
conferences and conventions for per- raising money for a safe house for hu- for raising funds or who might be a po-
sonal and professional growth? Have man trafficking with a Rotary club. tential officer.
they heard about the opportunities to Members could give programs or You know these new members will
be published? speak to groups that include those who find benefits. You have created a so-
The value could then be conveyed would believe DKG could fill a person- lution. You have shown them the im-
through an “elevator speech,” a 30-sec- al need. portance. You have created a helping
ond persuasive discourse on the value Create a buzz! Use social media to relationship with a solution. You have
of membership in the Society and its start conversations sharing the value of shown confidence and positive think-
benefits. DKG with others. ing.
And what if you had 10 minutes to Share the DKGSI blog with mem- Repeat the value of something they
talk about the benefits of DKG? bers and other women educators. Invite —Marketing, continued on p. 13
Spring 2021 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN 9
10 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN Spring 2021

Chapters honor members,

engage in activities, learning

Four chapters hit milestone

decade ‘birthdays’ in 2021
Congratulations to Eta, Theta and Iota chapters who cel-
ebrate the 80th anniversary of their founding in 2021. In ad-
dition, Alpha Nu will be ringing in 60 years this year.
Below are the names of all of the active Iowa chapters and
their founding dates:
Verna Peterson (Chi) (center) has been a member of the
CENTRAL DKG since 1950 (70 years). She received a bouquet and
Gamma (82 yrs.) - 03/04/39; Delta (82 yrs.) - 10/30/39; cards to celebrate her 70th year as a member; she also
Zeta (81 yrs.) - 03/08/40; Eta (80 yrs.) - 11/08/41; Tau (69 celebrated her 98th birthday on July 29, 2020. Chi mem-
yrs.) - 04/17/52; Psi (66 yrs.) - 10/22/55; Alpha Kappa (62 bers have appreciated Verna’s leadership skills, her
yrs.) - 06/05/59; Beta Gamma (53 yrs.) - 04/20/68; Beta knowledge and her friendship through the years. In the
Theta (52 yrs.) - 11/01/69 photo (l-r) are Arla Kintigh (author of Clayton Goes to
the Fair who presented a program to the group), Judith
NORTHEAST Olson, Verna Peterson, Maryanna Hubbard and Sandy
Theta (80 yrs.) - 11/08/41; Iota (80 yrs.) - 11/08/41; Lamb- Heerdt.
da (77 yrs.) - 01/15/44; Xi (73 yrs.) - 03/06/48; Phi (67 yrs.)
- 05/15/54; Alpha Pi (58 yrs.) - 04/06/63; Beta Alpha (55 BETA ALPHA
yrs.) - 04/30/66 Despite the pandemic, Beta Alpha chapter members con-
NORTHWEST tinue to “host” a monthly guest speaker and business meet-
Mu (77 yrs.) - 02/26/44; Chi (67 yrs.) - 10/02/54; Alpha ing; however, they now attend from the comfort of their own
Phi (57 yrs.) - 10/10/64; Alpha Omega (55 yrs.) - 04/16/66; home and forego time for dining pleasure.
Beta Omicron (49 yrs.) - 05/05/73 At their most recent meeting, Investigator Brent Ostrand-
er of the Clayton County Sheriff’s Department began by in-
quiring if any of Beta Alpha members were aware of or were
Alpha (83 yrs.) - 02/26/38; Omega (66 yrs.) - 10/29/55;
themselves a victim of identity theft.
Alpha Epsilon (63 yrs.) - 04/13/58; Alpha Iota (62 yrs.) -
Officer Ostrander recognized that investigating is a time-
04/11/59; Alpha Nu (60 yrs.) - 10/14/61; Alpha Rho (58
consuming event for the investigator as well as the victim. It
yrs.) - 04/13/63; Alpha Sigma (58 yrs.) - 11/09/63; Beta Nu
is vital, though, that local law enforcement agencies receive
(49 yrs.) - 04/22/72
a report.
SOUTHWEST The thief has to have intent: to target you and scam you
Beta (82 yrs.) - 01/14/39; Pi (73 yrs.) - 04/17/48; Beta Zeta with a benefit for them—your money! It can be done by
(53 yrs.) - 10/05/68; Beta Kappa (51 yrs.) - 10/03/70; Nu email, social security, credit cards, fake IDs, bank accounts
Alpha Gamma (7 yrs. formerly Alpha Gamma (reorganized and check forgery. Identity theft is punishable as a felony if
in 2014) - 11/04/56 —Chapters, continued on p. 11
Spring 2021 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN 11

Chapters meet indoors, outdoors, even online

—Chapters, continued from p. 10 Bake Bake Sale” to take the place of
it is over $1,000 or an aggravated mis- the group’s annual silent auction.
demeanor if under. Money from the sale will help fund
All technology users can be targets the annual Nu Alpha Gamma scholar-
but the elderly are most affected, many ship offered to a Dallas County high
times with crimes of the heart. Iowa school graduate who is a college junior
has the lowest rate with 1400 victims a or senior in the field of education.
Brent said victims should not pan- For the past two years, Beta Theta
ic—this crime is common now. One members have assembled and distrib-
should contact their county fraud de- Deb Irving
uted welcome gift boxes to first-year
partment if they feel they’ve been tar- educators in Hardin County school dis-
geted. NU ALPHA GAMMA tricts.
LAMBDA Quilting expert Deb Irving was the This year, the third year for this proj-
Lambda chapter met outdoors in featured speaker at the Nu Alpha Gam- ect, the chapter sent $20 gift cards to 11
September at Flora Park with a BYOB ma chapter’s November meeting at the first year educators instead. The project
(BYO Bag, not Bottle) and celebrat- Hotel Pattee in Perry. was financed through member dona-
ed the 50-year membership of Barb Irving currently teaches family and tions.
Blinks, Clara Burchett and Lois Cipalo. consumer science at West Central Val- For many years, Beta Theta has
Our October and November meetings ley High School in Stuart and is an of- celebrated the chapter’s November
were Zoomed through our local North- ficer in Nu Alpha Gamma. birthday with a white elephant gift ex-
east Iowa Community College campus Irving began working in 1993 at the change. This year, each member donat-
which enabled the use of a large screen Living History Farms in Urbandale, ed to a charity of her choice, including
connection. where she was initially employed to the option to support local first year
In October, Caring Transitions in- construct period clothing for the more educators.
formed us of downsizing and transition than 300 people who worked there, During a “zoomed” birthday cele-
services and in November our Iowa sometimes six or more outfits per per- bration, members shared why they had
House representatives and senator up- son per year. selected specific charities.
dated us on legislative issues. After three years, she became super- TAU
“Wine, Tea and Talk” Zoom has en- visor for vintage textiles at the historic To ward off the January blahs, Tau
abled us to enjoy casual conversation farm, taking care of the many quilts in members conducted a “show-and-tell”
and to catch up from the coziness of the collection, and she organized the of favorite books via a Zoom meeting.
home. Our members created a book list annual quilt show for 21 years. Ironically, several members had ei-
and lending library of DKG Educators As part of her job, Irving was in- ther selected the same title, or had al-
Award Recipient Books and member- volved in selecting quilts from the col- ready read several of the titles shared
recommended books give us the oppor- lection for inclusion in the 2009 Quilt by other members.
tunity to curl up with a good book on a Show calendar and in Meredith Pub- Chapter president Janet Hayes,
cold winter evening. lishing’s “Grandma’s Best Full Size decked out in authentic baseball gear,
To brighten the day of educators and Quilt Blocks.” An avid collector, one promoted Wait Till Next Year by Doris
support staff in the classroom, mem- of her quilts was featured on the cover Kearns Goodwin.
bers are writing notes and sending of “Quilting Pieces of the Past.” Kristin Merkle (freely admitting that
treat bags to schools. Our soon-to-be- “Some of the quilts in my collection she’s had little time to read titles not
finished “Getting to Know You” book- are antiques and some are current cre- related to her middle school teaching
let (complete with a flattering photo) ations,” Irving told the Nu Alpha Gam- assignment) gave a thumbs-up to My
will help us discover little known facts ma members. “All have a story behind Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide
about each other. them.” World by Malcolm Mitchell.
We wish our fellow DKG sisters Long-term Nu Alpha Gamma mem- The wide variety of titles and topics
good health and joy in each day as we bers were also recognized at the meet- offered each member some new insight
live through these historic times! ing and plans were finalized for a “No- to possible new books to look into.
12 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN Spring 2021
Spring 2021 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN 13

Plan strategies Please encourage our grant recipients with a card or an email!

to market DKG Contact information for 2020-21

—Marketing, continued from p. 8
World Fellowship grant recipients:
need and that they can’t say no to, but
will say “Yes, I’ll join”...“Yes, I’ll sup- Hameeda Tayyiebur Agata Guskaroska
810 Commons Circle SW #1072 706 24th St., Unit 6
port your fundraiser”...“Yes, I will be Mount Vernon, IA 52314 Ames, IA 50010
an officer”...“Yes, I want to be a mem- 319.214.7151 201.937.0945
ber of Delta Kappa Gamma!” htayyiebur21@cornellcollege.edu agatag@iastate.ed
“The Covid pandemic marketing
Sofia Lopera Cardona Van Tran
motto,” according to Ruth P. Stevens,
810 Commons Circle SW #167 2515 Olive St., Apt. 2
a retention consultant, is “Retention is Mount Vernon, IA 52314 Cedar Falls, IA 50613
the new acquisition.”1 319.412.5492 319.859.5560
That fits our Society as well. We sloperacardona22@cornellcollege.edu vtran@uni.edu
need to spend time looking at our own
chapters and working with those mem-
bers who are inactive as well as pro-
spective women educators.
Do they understand the value of
Dates to Remember
DKG and how the organization fits IOWA STATE ORGANIZATION gmail.com).
their needs? Are we nurturing their re- November 1: deadline for Education-
lationships in a consistent and untiring March - Legislative Day, Iowa State al Foundation Seminar Award appli-
manner? Does your chapter have a stra- Capitol Building - CANCELLED cations
tegic plan recruiting and maintaining April 15 - deadline for Iowa State December 15 - deadline for Mini-
members? Scholarship Application (submit to Grant Applications (submit to Susan
Every member today can market Judith Olson, jaolson@ncn.net) Carlson, secarlson3768@gmail.com)
DKG if she knows the value, recogniz- April 15 - deadline for Iowa State June 24-25, 2022 - Iowa State Con-
es the need and can share the informa- Road Scholarship Application (sub- vention, Okoboji - Arrowwood Resort
tion with others. mit to Judith Olson, jaolson@ncn.net) & Convention Center
Beta Beta chapter in North Carolina April 15 - deadline for Iowa State Me- June 9-10, 2023 - Iowa State Conven-
uses “Reclamation, Recruitment and morial Scholarship Application (sub- tion, Honey Creek Resort State Park,
Retention through Relationships” as its mit to Judith Olson, jaolson@ncn.net) Lake Rathbun, Moravia
focus for the year. April 15 - deadline for special sum-
Their goal is to “...break down any mer convention Bulletin (submit to
barriers to our sisters selecting to re- editor Carole Henning, clhenning60@ INTERNATIONAL EVENTS
main active members.” They under- gmail.com).
stand the importance of looking at their May 1: deadline for Cornetet Individ- Summer 2021
own membership and assessing the ef- ual Professional Development (CIPD) July 7-10 - Portland, Oregon
fectiveness of their outreach. Grant Applications July 11-18 - Leadership/Management
These five points of marketing apply (Application and instructions for Seminar ​IGNITE! - University of
to both members and non-members. Projects Grants and available at www. Texas, Austin
Implementing a marketing strategy dkgef.org. Deadlines are Feb. 1, May July 21-24 - San Antonio, Texas
takes planning and takes time, but it 1, and Sept. 1 of each year. ) Summer 2022
will pay off if all of the five steps are June 12 - virtual Iowa State Organiza- July 12-16 - New Orleans, Louisiana
executed, step by step. It’s time to take tion Convention (register in advance) Summer 2024
action! September 25 - Iowa State Executive National Harbor, Maryland (Gaylord
Footnote: Board, virtual meeting only National, D.C. Area)​
“Reimagining B2B Marketing During October 1 - deadline for the fall Iowa Summer 2026
Covid and Beyond,” BRAND United State News Bulletin (submit to edi- Aurora, Colorado (Gaylord Rockies)
Webinar, 12/03/20. tor Carole Henning, clhenning60@
14 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN Spring 2021

Mu chapter designs strategy for connecting

Welcome to an extend- The Northwest (NW) Re-
ed interview with Connect gional ring welcomes mem-
Project directors Suzanne bers to the first international
Bartels, Kathy Verschoor, focus of DKG. It involves
Jill Brown and Dr. Connie broadening our perspective
Hoag from Mu chapter in from Iowa to include all six-
Woodbury county in north- Suzanne Jill Connie Kathy teen states/provinces (Cana-
west Iowa. Bartels Brown Hoag Verschoor da).
These four women have The NW Conference is
agreed to share the vision, Q: What is the purpose of ences and opportunities. scheduled for July 2021 in
processes and goals de- the project? Our disclaimer: We rec- Portland, OR, and will pro-
signed to connect Mu chap- ognize our Society has three vide unique focuses and per-
ter members with the total A: We envisioned Mu Con- levels: chapter, state, and in- sonal views of the Society.
Society structure using six nect as having three purpos- ternational. For our purpos- These three additions
rings/degrees of a bullseye. es. es, however, we have insert- served to bridge our con-
• Belonging: The most ed three additional rings: the nections. The document
Q: What prompted you important purpose is member – center/heart ring, sequence became: the Wel-
to develop the Mu Connect to bring our chapter to- our Iowa State district - ring come to Mu Connect, the
Project? gether and to intention- three and the International Six Ring Graphic, the Mem-
ally welcome and sup- regional - ring five. ber page, the Mu Chapter
A: Implementing the Soci- port each other in all page, our NW Iowa District
ety Membership Recruit- personal, professional Q: What was your rationale 5 page, the Iowa State Or-
ment Plan during the past and organizational en- for adding the three addi- ganization (ISO) page, the
two years has resulted in Mu deavors. tional rings? Society NW Regional page,
chapter’s membership joy- • Reflecting: We chose to and the International page.
fully increasing from 28 to review our chapter’s his- A: By adding the heart/mem-
40 talented and dedicated tory and honor our cur- ber ring, we emphasized the Q: What technology was
educators. rent chapter members’ Society illustration, “The used to create the document?
Not only did the induct- unique, rich and contin- Heart of the Society is Its
ees bring energy and fresh uous contributions to all Members.” A: Google Drawings was
perspectives to our chapter, of DKG. We believe that belong- the source of the 6 Degree
they also provided the mo- • Recognizing: The third ing has two perspectives: 1) graphics. We constructed
tivation to view the entire purpose was to discover discovering what DKG can each page featuring two
Delta Kappa Gamma Soci- new ways to personally offer us and 2) sharing our circles: the small center one
ety International (DKG) in value, enhance and hon- individual talents and skills with the specific topic print-
new and personalized ways or our membership. to the “organization greater ed within and a large outer
– from the inside out. than ourselves.“ circle with prompts.
Our team capitalized on Q: How does the bullseye The Northwest Iowa Dis-
the opportunity to refresh symbolize your project? trict 5 ring is the first asso- Q: How was the material
and revitalize our chapter ciation beyond our chapter. shared?
through a connection map- A: The bullseye graphically This outreach to Chi, Alpha
ping process - Mu Connect. presents the networking Pi, Alpha Omega and Beta A: The packets were assem-
Our goal for everyone, no structure by demonstrating Omicron chapters is a con- bled with ancillary pages
matter her length of mem- the depth, breadth and seam- necting transition. of the introduction, specific
bership, was to experience less connectedness of our As it happens, District 5 is directions and motivational
“a genuine spiritual fellow- Society. hosting the next Iowa State inserts.
ship” while examining Mu’s The radiating rings sym- Convention in Okoboji, so We chose to use hard-
connections to “The Society bolize expansion to organi- what better time to get to copy documents delivered
Like No Other.” zational functions, experi- know our colleagues? —Connect, cont. on p. 15
Spring 2021 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN 15

NW chapter enhances relationships with project

—Connect, continued from p. 14
using the U.S. Postal Service to provide
members with a ready-to-use packet.

Q: How has the Pandemic influenced

your process and presentation?

A: Our chapter has met via Zoom this

Society year. Adjusting our project pre-
sentations from in-person to Zoom was
a challenge.
The team met many times virtually,
exchanged ideas by email, etc., and
continues to meet at least monthly to
finalize preparations for our chapter
newsletter enclosures and actual meet-

Q: How were members engaged?

A: A variety of engagement methods

were used. Our monthly chapter news-
letter provided the opportunity to focus
on upcoming plans and then to review have been and where we are going as A: Yes! We are pleased our workshop
each presentation. a group. The individual ring prompts proposal has been accepted for the next
Each month a different style of en- were a springboard for honoring our Iowa State Convention.
gagement was presented: examples Mu chapter history. We invite you to join us in person or
using team-directed presentations, Recognizing: This adventure pro- virtually so that we may fully share the
chapter members interviewing their vided the opportunity for each member details of our session “6 Degrees of a
colleagues, connecting the Society lev- to more clearly see her connection to Bullseye – Mu Chapter’s Strategy for
els to the Mu directory pages and state all the levels of DKG membership. Connecting.”
officers’ virtual participation. And, as a chapter, we recognize how If we can assist you in adapting our
our individual and combined efforts project to your chapter, we welcome
Q: Referring to question #2, how do impact our District, the Iowa State Or- the opportunity to do so. Email us at
you perceive Mu Connect has met your ganization and the Society. kverschoor1@yahoo.com, skbartels@
intended purposes? yahoo.com, jillbrown125@gmail.com
Q: What responses have you received or hoagconstance@gmail.com.
A: Belonging: It seems the pandemic from your members?
has provided a framework for us to
make even deeper personal connec- A: The project has not been fully com-
tions. pleted at the time of this publication,
If so, Mu Connect supported that en- but the preliminary responses are very 2023 Iowa State
gaging process by bringing us together positive. We plan to survey members Convention
in new and amazing ways. We must in May 2021 to further assess the proj- will be June 9-10, 2023,
share that we are very eager to greet ect’s impact. at Honey Creek Resort
one another personally, face-to-face.
State Park at Lake
Very eager! Q: Do you have plans to share Mu
Reflecting: Mu Connect has pro- Connect beyond the Iowa State Bulle- Rathbun in Moravia.
vided knowledge about where we tin?
16 Iowa State Delta Kappa Gamma BULLETIN Spring 2021

Iowa State 2021-2022 Chapter Presidents

Chapter Name
Alpha Roseann Robe
Beta Linda King
State Officers Beta Dena Higginbotham
Gamma Angela Pratt
President Laurie Marple (Alpha) Delta Sue Edwards
1220 Rustic View Ct., Eldridge, IA 52748 Zeta Jennifer Pryke
marple854@aol.com Eta Mary Martens
Theta Ann Nicholson
First Vice-President Kristin Merkle (Tau) Theta Deanne Robinson
6942 Hemingway St., Johnston, IA 50131 Iota Erin Yates
kmerkleiadkg@gmail.com Lambda Karen Sudmeier
Lambda Christine Davis
Second Vice-President Liz Poock (Alpha Pi) Mu Kayla Ruhland
2456 Sable Ave., Readlyn, IA 50668 Xi Judy Piersma
lizpoock@gmail.com Pi Sandy Harris
Tau Janet Hayes
Secretary Suzanne Bartels (Mu) Phi Virginia Dedor
922 Evans St., Sloan, IA 51055 Chi Dorothy DeGroot
skbartels@yahoo.com Psi Naomi Musal
Psi Jocelyn (Jo) Frohwein
Treasurer Sandy Aronson (Alpha Omega) Omega Lona Aldrich
Box 441, Albert City, IA 50510 Alpha Epsilon Ellie Rickelman
sandy.k.aronson@gmail.com Alpha Iota Jane Evans
Alpha Kappa Shawn Helle
Parliamentarian Pam Wittkamp (Alpha Iota)
Alpha Nu Kathy Fisch
2400 Arbor View Dr., Burlington, IA 52601
Alpha Pi Pat Fox
Alpha Rho Glenda Dinwiddie
Alpha Sigma Linda Golden
Immediate Past-President Karen Dole (Xi)
Alpha Phi Marjorie Wagner
1413 10th St. SW, Mason City, IA 50401
Alpha Omega Sandy Aronson
Beta Alpha Norma Thiese
State Editor Beta Gamma Barbara Kenney
Beta Zeta Kelly Polson
Carole Henning (Tau) Beta Theta Chris Leichsenring
6727 Eagle Ridge Dr., Johnston IA 50131 Beta Kappa Robyn Ploeger
clhenning60@gmail.com Beta Kappa Denise Ackerlund
Beta Nu Pauline Antons
iowadkg.weebly.com Beta Omicron Chris VanDeventer
http://upsilonstate.pbworks.com Nu Alpha Gamma Sharon Ulrich

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