God Is Compassionate

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Before I truly commit my life to our Lord Jesus Christ, I used to think before that He is
like an angry God who will only cares and loves people who are good and hates the opposite.
When someone is doing something good to his fellowmen, God would really love him and I can
somehow imagined the smile on His face because of what that person has done. I grew up
believing that God is only concerned for those people who are doing right and good, and don’t
even bothered Himself to look after people who are not. By God’s intervening grace, I was being
converted to Christianity in the year 2014. It was one of my unexpected moments in my life,
ever. My journey as a born-again Christian is not that easy as what I have thought before yet it’s
surely a life-changing experience. But one thing that I am truly grateful for is that God truly
made Himself known to me, personally. My faith is being tested day by day. But all of my rainy
and gloomy seasons, God never failed to reveal Himself to me, those who are truly and deeply in
love Him. The more I realize how sinful I am, the more I appreciate God’s forgiveness, and by
that, the more I know how compassionate God is.
No man is perfect, only God. We may be have a good days – these are the days when our
spiritual disciplines are all in place and we are reasonably satisfied with our Christian
performance and thinking that God would surely bless us. On contrary, we have also bad days –
these are the days when it seems we’ve done everything wrong and are feeling very guilty. Often
times, when we had our bad days, we are in doubt if God would still work the same way when
we had our good days. Why then do we think this way? I am certain it is because we do believe
that God’s blessing on our lives is somehow conditioned upon our spiritual performance. If
we’ve performed well and had a “good” day, we assume we are in a position for God to bless us
and deserves His compassion. We know God’s blessing and compassion come to us through
Christ, but we also have vague but very real notion that they are also conditioned on our
behavior. I have learned that regardless of our performance, we are always dependent on God’s
grace, His undeserved favor to those who deserve His wrath. Some days we may be more
accurately conscious of our sinfulness and hence more aware of our need of His grace, but there
is never a day when we can stand before Him on our own feet of performance, when we are
worthy enough to deserve His blessing and compassion. No matter what we have done before in
the eyes of God, still, God is God, who will always chose to show His grace and mercy and gives
us forgiveness as we ask for it sincerely. The only hope we have is the only hope that the Cross
gave to us. In Psalms 1045: 8, God is being described as a God who is loving, merciful, slow to
become angry and full of compassion (full of constant love, in Today’s English Version).

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