Ce511 S1 Cay Sim1.1

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Technological Institute of the Philippines

Quezon City

938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City

College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Civil Engineering


Structural Steel Design

Simulation 1.1

Cay, Anthony S.


1512510/ BSCE/ 4th Yr.

Engr. Jerome Tadiosa


I swear on my honor that I did not use any appropriate aid, nor give such to others, in accomplishing this
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Memorandum No. P-04, s. 2017-2018, and that I will be sanctioned appropriately once I have committed
such acts.

Cay, Anthony S.

Part I
Ultimate Stress
The ultimate stress (also called the ultimate strength) of the material is the largest stress on the stress-
strain curve. From the test data given, the ultimate stress for this material is 66,832.3 psi.

Proportional Limit
The stress-strain curve for most materials has an initial region in which the material stress is linearly
related to the material strain. The proportional limit marks the uppermost stress on this linear portion of
the stress-strain curve. The proportional limit is a stress. For stresses above the proportional limit, the
stress-strain relationship is non-linear. The proportional limit is determined by inspection of the stress-
strain curve. Using data point 36, the proportional limit for this material is 58,624.8 psi.

Elastic Modulus (based on proportional limit)

The elastic modulus is defined as the slope of the stress-strain curve in the linear region between the
origin and the proportional limit. Note that the elastic modulus has stress units. The slope of the line
connecting the origin with data point 36 is 176,805.0 psi, and this value could be used as the material's
elastic modulus. However, test data always contain some amount of experimental error, and using only
one data point is not the best method to compute the elastic modulus since the effect of experimental
error is not addressed. A better approach is to fit a line through the data points between the origin and
the proportional limit and to then determine the slope of this best-fit line. This can be accomplished by
using a linear regression analysis for the data up to and including the proportional limit.

Elastic Modulus (based on linear regression)

Using data points 1 through 36 and forcing the line to pass through the origin, the best-fit line has a slope
of 267,048.7 psi. This value is the elastic modulus for the material.

Validity of best-fit line

The validity of this best-fit line is indicated by the regression coefficient R. A perfect fit of the line to the
data points is indicated by a regression coefficient of R = 1.0, but normally, the regression coefficient will
be something less than 1. In reducing the stress-strain data, the analyst wants to find the line that has
the largest value of R. The regression coefficient for the best-fit line through data points 1 - 36 is R =
0.0000. This value of R indicates that the data are very poorly described by a line. Check the data point
specified for the proportional limit. Points that fall in the curved portion of the stress-strain curve should
not be included in the linear regression analysis. The elastic modulus value of 267,048.7 psi should not
be accepted as valid for these data.
Yield Stress
If the transition from a straight line to a curve on the stress-strain diagram is gradual, it may be difficult to
specify a precise value for the proportional limit. Furthermore, it may be overly conservative to use the
material's proportional limit as a practical elastic limit for design purposes. For these reasons, a yield
stress (also called yield strength) can be established for use in design. The yield stress marks the point
at which a significant increase in strain occurs without a significant increase in stress. The yield stress is
often determined from stress-strain data by means of an offset method. These offset methods define the
yield stress (or strength) according to the amount of permanent set that results in the material due to the
applied stress.

0.20 Percent Offset Method

To find the yield stress by the 0.20% offset method, construct a line having the same slope as the linear
portion of the stress-strain curve (i.e., slope equal to the elastic modulus of 267,048.7 psi) that passes
through the horizontal axis at a strain of 0.20%. (Note that 0.20% strain is another way of writing a strain
of 0.002 mm/mm.) The point where this line intersects the stress-strain data curve defines the yield
stress. For these data, the yield stress defined by the 0.20% offset method is 65,686.7 psi.

0.05 Percent Offset Method

To find the yield stress by the 0.05% offset method, construct a line having the same slope as the linear
portion of the stress-strain curve (i.e., slope equal to the elastic modulus of 267,048.7 psi) that passes
through the horizontal axis at a strain of 0.05%. (Note that 0.05% strain is another way of writing a strain
of 0.0005 mm/mm.) The point where this line intersects the stress-strain data curve defines the yield
stress. For these data, the yield stress defined by the 0.05% offset method is 65,526.5 psi.

Percent Elongation
Percent elongation is a measure of the material's ductility. It is defined as the strain of the material at
failure, expressed as a percentage. Assuming data point 36 corresponds to fracture,
Part II
Explanation of Stress-Strain Curve

Ultimate Stress

The ultimate stress (also called the ultimate strength) of the material is the largest stress on the stress-
strain curve. From the test data given, the ultimate stress for this material is 732.933 MPa.

Proportional Limit

The stress-strain curve for most materials has an initial region in which the material stress is linearly
related to the material strain. The proportional limit marks the uppermost stress on this linear portion of
the stress-strain curve. The proportional limit is a stress. For stresses above the proportional limit, the
stress-strain relationship is non-linear. The proportional limit is determined by inspection of the stress-
strain curve. Using data point 14, the proportional limit for this material is 571.277 MPa.

Elastic Modulus (based on proportional limit)

The elastic modulus is defined as the slope of the stress-strain curve in the linear region between the
origin and the proportional limit. Note that the elastic modulus has stress units. The slope of the line
connecting the origin with data point 14 is 23,412.997 MPa, and this value could be used as the material's
elastic modulus. However, test data always contain some amount of experimental error, and using only
one data point is not the best method to compute the elastic modulus since the effect of experimental
error is not addressed. A better approach is to fit a line through the data points between the origin and
the proportional limit and to then determine the slope of this best-fit line. This can be accomplished by
using a linear regression analysis for the data up to and including the proportional limit.

Elastic Modulus (based on linear regression)

Using data points 1 through 14 and forcing the line to pass through the origin, the best-fit line has a slope
of 38,688.692 MPa. This value is the elastic modulus for the material.

Validity of best-fit line

The validity of this best-fit line is indicated by the regression coefficient R. A perfect fit of the line to the
data points is indicated by a regression coefficient of R = 1.0, but normally, the regression coefficient will
be something less than 1. In reducing the stress-strain data, the analyst wants to find the line that has
the largest value of R. The regression coefficient for the best-fit line through data points 1 - 14 is R =
0.0000. This value of R indicates that the data are very poorly described by a line. Check the data point
specified for the proportional limit. Points that fall in the curved portion of the stress-strain curve should
not be included in the linear regression analysis. The elastic modulus value of 38,688.692 MPa should
not be accepted as valid for these data.

Yield Stress

If the transition from a straight line to a curve on the stress-strain diagram is gradual, it may be difficult
to specify a precise value for the proportional limit. Furthermore, it may be overly conservative to use the
material's proportional limit as a practical elastic limit for design purposes. For these reasons, a yield
stress (also called yield strength) can be established for use in design. The yield stress marks the point
at which a significant increase in strain occurs without a significant increase in stress. The yield stress is
often determined from stress-strain data by means of an offset method. These offset methods define the
yield stress (or strength) according to the amount of permanent set that results in the material due to the
applied stress.

0.20 Percent Offset Method

To find the yield stress by the 0.20% offset method, construct a line having the same slope as the linear
portion of the stress-strain curve (i.e., slope equal to the elastic modulus of 38,688.692 MPa) that passes
through the horizontal axis at a strain of 0.20%. (Note that 0.20% strain is another way of writing a strain
of 0.002 mm/mm.) The point where this line intersects the stress-strain data curve defines the yield stress.
For these data, the yield stress defined by the 0.20% offset method is 493.102 MPa.

0.05 Percent Offset Method

To find the yield stress by the 0.05% offset method, construct a line having the same slope as the linear
portion of the stress-strain curve (i.e., slope equal to the elastic modulus of 38,688.692 MPa) that passes
through the horizontal axis at a strain of 0.05%. (Note that 0.05% strain is another way of writing a strain
of 0.0005 mm/mm.) The point where this line intersects the stress-strain data curve defines the yield
stress. For these data, the yield stress defined by the 0.05% offset method is 477.742 MPa.

Percent Elongation

Percent elongation is a measure of the material's ductility. It is defined as the strain of the material at
failure, expressed as a percentage. Assuming data point 25 corresponds to fracture, the percent
elongation for this material is 0.0000 percent.

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