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Tema 6 : Food and Drinks

Materi : How food and drinks are served (Makanan/ Minuman Disajikan)

Food Drinks

A plate of (satu piring …) A glass of (satu gelas …)

A bowl of (satu mangkuk…) A cup of (satu cangkir …)

A pan of (satu nampan…) A mug of (satu mug/ gelas besar …)

A slice of (satu potong…) A bottle of (satu botol…)

A loaf of (satu lembar …) A can of (satu kaleng …)

A cone of (satu contong …) A cube of (satu piring …)

A jar of (satu toples …) A box of (satu kotak ….)

A bar of (satu batang …)

How food and drinks are made (Makanan dibuat/ diolah)

 Boiled : direbus
 Fried : digoreng
 Baked : dipanggang
 Roasted : dibakar
 Steamed : dikukus
 Mixed : dicampur
 Blent : dicampur
 Frozen : dibekukan

What does it taste? (Rasa manakan)

 Sweet = manis example : sugar, chocolate, mango
 Hot/ spicy = pedas example : chilli, pepper, paprika, sausage
 Sour = asam example: lemon, orange
 Salty = asin example : salt, cheese
 Bitter = pahit example : coffee, medicines, paria
 Tasteless = hambar example : rice, water
 Chewy = kenyal example : gum, pudding
 Crunchy = renyah example : chips, crispy
 Fresh = segar example : fruits
A. Untuk menanyakan pilihan makanan atau minuman yang disukai, bisa menggunakan:
Do (You, They, We)
Which one like to eat/ drink?
Does (He, She, It)

Contoh :
1. Apa yang Dina suka untuk makan? (Which one does Dina like to eat? )
2. Apa yang kamu suka untuk minum ? (Which one do You like to drink? )

B. Untuk memilih suatu benda dibandingkan benda lainnya bisa menggunakan:

1. Subject + Like/ Likes + Object 1 + better than + Object 2

2. Subject + Prefer/ Prefers + Object 1 + to + Object 2
3. Subject + Would rather + Object 1 + than + Object 2

Contoh : Yuda lebih suka secangkir kopi daripada sebotol minuman ringan.

 Yuda likes a cup of coffee better than a bottle of soft drink.

 Yuda prefers a cup of coffee to a bottle of soft drink.
 Yuda would rather a cup of coffee than a bottle of soft drink.

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