Keeling 1994

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Risk factors associated with temporomandibular joint

sounds in children 6 to 12 years of age

Stephen D. Keeling, DDS, MS," Susan McGorray, PhD, b Timothy T. Wheeler, DDS, PhD, ~ and
Gregory J. King, DMD, DMSc ~
Gainesville, Fla.

The relationship between temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sounds and a person's dental and skeletal
characteristics is poorly understood. In this study, data were obtained from 3428 grade
schoolchildren (mean age = 9.0 years, SD = 0.8, range 6 to 12 years), without a history of
orthodontic treatment. Each child had been examined independently by one of six orthodontists to
assess: TMJ sounds (none, click, crepitus), gender, age, race (white/black), skeletal relationships
(convexity, maxillary, and mandibular positions), malocclusion (molar class, overjet, overbite, anterior
crowding, posterior crossbite), maximum opening, chin trauma (none, cut, scar), and history of lower
facial trauma. Temporomandibular joint sounds were present in 344 children (10.0% of the sample);
276 (8.1%) had an isolated unilateral sound, 254 (7.4%) had unilateral clicking, 50 (1.5%) had
bilateral clicking, 22 (0.6%) had unilateral crepitus, and 11 (0.3%) had bilateral crepitus. Univariate
analyses compared children with and without sounds for each variable; logistic regression analyses
examined the relationship between groups of variables and TMJ sounds. The prevalence of TMJ
sounds was associated with examiner (• = 23.4, df = 5, p < 0.001); increased prevalence of TMJ
sounds occurred in children with maxillary anterior crowding (t = 2.8, p < 0.006), mandibular
anterior crowding (t = 3.0, p < 0.002), and increased maximum opening (t = 4.7, p < 0.001). In
contrast to other reports on children, the prevalence of joint sounds was not associated with age,
race, gender, or molar class. After accounting for examiner differences and date of school
examination, we concluded that those grade schoolchildren with larger maximum opening, increased
anterior crowding, and deeper overbites had an increased risk for having a TMJ sound. (AM J

T h e term temporomandibular joint disor- to range from 2.7% 5 to 26.6%. 6 In studies that used a
ders (TMD) describes a condition characterized by pain stethoscope, prevalence rates range from 0% 7 to
in the preauricular area, the temporomandibular joint 35.8%. 8 In an adult population, TMJ sound prevalence
(TMJ) or the muscles of mastication, by a limitation of has been described as dependent on the method used
the range of mandibular motion, and by the presence with rates increasing to 78% when a stethoscope was
of joint sounds during jaw function. I In addition, pain used and to 94% when phonographic recordings were
on movement and deviation on opening have been con- made. 9
sidered signs of TMD. 2 Studies that have examined the association between
Temporomandibular joint sounds have been de- TMJ sounds and gender, age, and various descriptors
scribed as clicking, popping, crepitus, and grating and of morphologic/functional malocclusion are reported in
a r e the most prevalent of all the signs of TMDP '4 Pa- Table I. In children, gender differences have been re-
tients seeking care for TMD exhibit joint sounds sig- ported in only two populations, 1~ with girls having
nificantly more frequently than do controls. 4 more frequent clicking than boys. The majority of stud-
The prevalence of TMJ sounds in children deter- ies have not found gender differences in TMJ sound
mined by palpation/unaided listening has been reported rates in children.
Several cross-sectional studies have described in-
creasing prevalences of TMJ sounds with increasing
From the University of Florida.
a g e . 7'8'11"16 Interestingly, this association with age has
Supported by NIH-NIDR Grant DE 8715.
'Department of Orthodontics. College of Dentistry. not been confirmed in longitudinal studies in chil-
bDivision of Biostatistics, Department of Statistics, College of Liberal Arts dren. '~ In several longitudinal studies, the presence
and Sciences.
Copyright 9 1994 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
of TMJ sounds has been described as intermittent and
0889-5406194153.00 + 0.10 8/1/41966 episodic, with the nature of the sound changing in char-

280 Keeling et al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 1994

Table !. Factors associated with clinically determined TMJ sounds in untreated children

Sample* Age Gender . Occlusion shiftlinterference Trauma Others

Saskatchewan, Canada ~3't4 Yes No {Class II molar} No {Muscle tenderness}

{Overjet > 7 mm)
{Buccal erossbite}
Northern Sweden t~ No {Yes}~ No No No {Opening <50 mm}
{Lateral pterygoidten-
Groningen, Netherlands 39 No No No {Permanent> deciduous}
Malmo, Sweden ~9'n No No {Interferences in No
Varberg, Sweden (cross- Yes Yes No {Unilateral con- {Ocelusal Wear}
sectional data) u'n tact in RP} {Maximum9 opening}
{Orthodontic treatment}
{Number of teeth}
Varberg, Sweden (longi- No No Lateral deviation
tudinal data) ~7'1g'35 RCP-IP
Vertical deviation
Tel Aviv, Israel ~ Yes No No No Occlusal wear
Jaw locking
TMJ tenderness
Cardiff, Wales n No No No
Ghent, Belgium ~ {Yes} No No No
University of Illinois 15 {Yes} No No No No {Large interincisal angle}
University of Florid# No

*Sample location with references noted.

{}Univariate association only. Variable did not enter multivariate model analysis.
1Not all age groups.
RP, Retruded contact position; RCP-IP, retruded contact position and intercuspal position.

acter and the sound disappearing over time, with Or Other studies have not shown a relation between TMJ
without treatment. 1~176 sounds and occlusal descriptors (see Table I). Interest-
In the individual case, it is difficult toidentify the ingly, the Saskatchewan data set, when treated with
i:ause o f a clinically determined TMJ sound. 2~ Clicking multivariate methods to model TMJ sound presence
sounds have been associated with uncoordinated muscle using logistic regression, showed that only age re-
function, irregularities of the joint compartmerits,22 disk mained as a predictor of TMJ sound presence; the oc-
displacement with 23and without 2~reduction; crepitation clusal descriptors did not add significantly to the
has been associated with degenerative arthritis. ~ Joint model)4
sounds also have been associated with arthrosis of the A relation between lateral deviation of the mandible
articular surfaces, 26 subluxation, 27 fluid c~ivitation, 2~ between retruded contact and intercuspal position and
sudden movement of ligaments, 29 and lack of synovial Unilateral contact in retruded contact position and TMJ
fluid. 3~ Sounds in children has been shown),
A relation between morphologic malocclusion and the majority of Studies have shown no relation between
signs and symptoms of dysfunction in children has been TMJ sounds and functional malocclusions (see Table
suggested. 3~33 However, these telations are most often I). In those studies thathave, the relationships have
between components of occlusion and an index of dys- been univariate and have not held up under multivariate
function. ~ Only one data set, the Saskatchewan sample statistical analysis. ~2
of 6- to 17-year-old children, 13.14demonstrated a sig- In addition, increased prevalence of TMJ sounds in
nificant relation between morphologic malocclusion and children has been associated in a univariate fashion with
TMJ sounds: increased prevalence of TMJ sounds oc- muscle tenderness, l~ reduced mouth opening,37"3s
curred with Class II molar relation (versus Class I and deviation in the open/close cycle, 39 occlusal wear, s.".12
III), overjets greater than 7 mm, and buccal crossbites. increased maximum opening, orthodontic treatment,
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Keeling et al. 281
Volume 105, No. 3

and increased number of teeth, "'~2 jaw locking and or chin was recorded as (0) no or (1) yes. Chin trauma
TMJ tenderness, s and a large interincisal angle. ~5 was scored as (0) none, (1) cut/bruise, or (2) scar.
Facial trauma has not been associated with TMJ 4. Morphologic malocclusion. The following parameters
sounds, i0o15.36-39 were assessed with the child in centrie (habitual) oc-
Collection of data on clinical signs of TMD in pop- clusion: Overbite was scored in units of 1/3, from
(0) open bite to (4) greater than 100% overbite. Over-
ulation studies by multiple examiners is further com-
jet was measured in millimeters using the central in-
plicated by the poor reliability of the measures2 '2~176
cisors. Molar relationship was scored for right and
Reported symptoms of dysfunction have been shown left sides in 1/4 cusp increments from (0) greater than
to have poor consistency,4~ the capability of question- full cusp Class II to (1) greater than full cusp Class
naires to detect clinical signs of dysfunction (click, III. Presence/absence of teeth, both deciduous and
crepitus) has been shown to be poor. 42.43 permanent, in the oral cavity was recorded. Anterior
The available evidence does not strongly support crowding/spacing from canine to canine, in each
the suggestion that TMJ sounds are associated with arch, was scored as none, slight (>0 to --<3 mm),
morphologic or functional malocclusion. However, be- moderate (>3 to -<6 mm), or excessive (>6 mm) on
cause the relationship between sounds and morphologic a scale from (0) excessive space to (6) excessive
malocclusion were demonstrated in one of the largest crowding.
5. Mandibular function. Joint sounds were scored as (0)
samples reported (albeit, in only univariate anal-
none, (1) clicking, or (2) crepitus by using light finger
yses) ~3"z4and many studies may be limited in their abil-
pressure laterally over the TMJ area, while the sub-
ity to detect these relationships because of their small jects opened and closed their mouths. Maximum ver-
sample sizes ( < 5 0 0 ) and the poor reliability of clinical tical openh,g of mandible was measured in millimeters
measures, these associations need further examination. between the incisal edges of the central incisors while
The purpose of this study was to examine whether de- the subjects opened their mouths as wide as possible.
mographic and malocclusion features of children would 6. Soft tissue relations, hzterlabial gap was measured in
be predictive of temporomandibular joint sounds. millimeters from the inferior portion of the upper lip,
at the midline, to the superior portion of the lower
METHODS AND MATERIALS lip. The subject was instructed to lick his/her lips,
Subjects swallow, and relax before this measurement. Incisor
The 4393 third and fourth grade students attending the exposure was determined at the maxillary central in-
21 public elementary schools located in Alachua County, Fla., cisors with a millimeter ruler with the lips at rest.
during the academic years 1990 and 1991 were targeted for Training of examiners
inclusion. Those students who had health permission screen-
ing forms on file with the schoo! system and were present on The six examining orthodontists met to design and to
the day of the school screening were examined. review the screening forms and examination procedures. Be-
fore the initiation of data collection, all orthodontists partic-
Examination form ipated in calibration sessions, and each examined the same
39 elementary school students. Differences between ortho-
Examinations were performed in a room separated from
dontists were observed for several variables, and results of
the classroom (typically, a media center or vacant classroom)
this comparison were thoroughly discussed. Kappa statistics"
with the student standing erect in front of a seated examiner.
have been calculated to assess interexaminer reliability re-
Each examiner used a handheld or headheld light, a millimeter
garding presence or absence of TMJ sounds (Table II). These
ruler, gloves, and tongue depressor for check retraction. Only
statistics, comparing pairs of orthodontists, ranged from
one of the six examining orthodontists examined each child;
- 0 . 1 0 to 0.66, with a median value of 0.36. It has been
all examiners did not go to each school. The mean number
suggested Kappa values less than zero be interpreted as show-
of children seen by an examiner was 569.8, with a range of
ing poor agreement, 0.00 to 0.20 slight, 0.21 to 0.40 fair,
369 to 1008. Information from six specific areas was recorded
0.41 to 0.60 moderate, 0.61 to 0.80 substantial, and 0.81 to
on a standardized examination form:
1.00 perfect. "~ Thus these data suggest, based on the median
1. Demographics. Data included name, address, phone value, fair agreement among examining orthodontists for de-
number, date of birth, sex, race, and history of ortho- termining the presence or absence of TMJ sounds in a
dontic therapy. person.
2. Skeletal relationships. The facial profile was assessed
visually as Class I (orthognathic), II (convex), or III Statistical analysis
(concave). The anterior/posterior positions of the Descriptive statistics and graphic methods were used to
maxilla and mandible were assessed as (1) rctro- examine the data and characterize the population. Univariate
gnathic, (2) orthognathie, or (3) prognathic. analysis compared students with TMJ sound(s) to those with-
3. Trauma. History of trauma to the incisor teeth, lips out a TMJ sound for demographic, malocclusion, and screen-
282 Keelim, et al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 1994

Table Ii. Kappa statistics for assessing interjudge agreement for presence of a TMJ sound (N = 39 for
each pair)

J, e I a I " I C I O I I
A 0.22 0.64 0.46 0.29 0.37
B -0.07 -0.10 0.36 -0.04
C 0.64 0.47 0.66
D 0.29 0.37
E - 0.03

ing-related variables. Chi-square tests, t tests, and Wilcoxon Univariate results assessing associations between
rank sum tests were used where appropriate to test for dif- categorical factors and TMJ sounds are presented in
ferences between the TMJ sound and no TMJ sound groups.46 Table III. As shown, the prevalence of TMJ sounds was
A p value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically sig-
associated with examiner, with rates ranging from
nificant. All available data for each variable were used.
Logistic regression47 was used to evaluate the joint or 6.25% to 13.78%. Statistically significant associations
multivariate effect of the explanatory variables with regard were not detected between TMJ sounds and gender,
to the presence of TMJ sound(s). The primary goal of this race, history of facial trauma, chin trauma, profile clas-
analysis was to develop a parsimonious model for the prob- sification, maxilla classification, mandible classifica-
ability of having a TMJ sound, by selecting an important tion, posterior crossbite, or anterior crossbite.
subset of the explanatory variables. This yielded information Comparisons of ordinal and continuous variables
regarding the relative risk associated with each variable, si- for those with and without TMJ sounds are presented
multaneously taking into account other variables related to in Table IV. Significant differences between these two
TMJ sound. Only students with complete information for all groups were detected with regard to maximum opening
variables under consideration were used in this analysis. A capacity and anterior crowding. Maximum opening was
forward selection procedure, with the significance level re-
greater in children with TMJ sounds. In addition, max-
quired for variable entry set at 0.05, was used to develop the
illary anterior crowding and mandibular anterior crowd-
model. A priori, it was decided to include the five variables
distinguishing the six orthodontists if any one of the variables ing were greater in those with TMJ sounds. The TMJ
was selected. Goodness-of-fit of this model was evaluated sound and no sound groups of children did not differ
with a Hosmer-Lemeshow test.'~ These procedures were per- with respect to age, overjet, interlabial gap, incisor
formed on a Unix workstation with SAS~9 and S-pluss~ sta- exposure, screening date, overbite, or molar classifi-
tistical software. cation.
The relation between presence of TMJ sounds and
RESULTS molar relation was further explored by examining right
A total of 3742 out of 4393 third and fourth grade and left molar Class combinations, both symmetries and
public elementary school children in Alachua County, asymmetries (Table V). No differences in TMJ sounds
Fla., were examined between Jan. 2, 1990, and Feb. among the various molar class combinations were de-
20, 1991; these students represented 85.2% of the tar- tected, with the use of logistic regression t'o evaluate
geted population. After the exclusion of students with the joint effects of left and right molar class combi-
missing TMJ sound data (n = 12) and those with a nations (Chi-square for covariates indicating molar
history of previous orthodontic treatment (n = 302), a class groupings = 2.452, 4 df, p = 0.65).
sample of 3428 students remained (78% of the targeted Logistic regression analysis was used to identify a
population). The mean age of this sample was set of variables that, taken together, produced a parsi-
9.0 +_ 0.8 years (range: 6 to 12 years), with a monious model of the probabilky of having a TMJ
52.2/47.8 male/female ratio. The racial makeup was sound. This multivariate approach allowed the simul-
59.8% white, 34.1% black, and 6.1% other (including taneous estimation of relative risk of TMJ sounds for
Oriental and Spanish). each of a set of factors. Interactions between risk factors
Temporomandibular joint sounds were recorded in were explored and quantified. The final model was
344 children (10.0% of the total sample), with clicking based on forward selection criteria, univariate results,
in 304 (8.9%), crepitus in 33 (1.0%), and click/crepitus and a priori m6del building decisions.
in 7 children (0.2%). In children with only clicking, The explanatory variables in the final model, along
254 (7.4%) had a unilateral click, whereas 50 (1.5%) with their relative risk estimates and 95% confidence
had bilateral clicking. Unilateral crepitus was observed intervals, are presented in Table VI. Variables repre-
in 22 (0.6%), bilateral crepitus in 11 (0.3%). senting each orthodontist and screening date were in-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Keeling et al. 283
Volume 105, No. 3

Table Ill. Association between categorical variables and TMJ sounds

Clickl crepitus [ Chi square test
Variable Group n percent I (df)

Gender Female 1634 10.28 0.142 (1)

Male 1789 9.89 p = 0.707
Race White 2046 10.41 1.578 (2)
Black 1167 9.25 p = 0.454
Other 209 11.48
Orthodontist A 542 9.41 23.404 (5)
B 384 6.25 p < 0.001
C 369 7.86
D 434 7.60
E 682 13.78
F 1008 11.31
History of trauma No 2051 10.63 1.579
Yes 1375 9.31 p = 0.209
Chin trauma None 2937 10.15 0.259 (2)
Cut/bruise 45 8.89 p = 0.878
Scar 433 9.47
Profile Class I 2036 9.18 5.001 (2)
Class II 1332 11.56 p = 0.082
Class 11I 50 10.00
Maxilla Retrognathic 20 20.00 2.207 (2)
Orthognathie 3091 10.09 p = 0.332
Prognathic 309 9.71
Mandible Retrognathic 1204 11.63 4.909 (2)
Orthognathic 2083 9.22 p = 0.086
Prognathic 132 10.61
Posterior No 3155 10.21 0.980 (1)
Crossbite Yes 265 8.30 p = 0.322
Anterior No 3275 10.08 0.047 (1)
Crossbite Yes 147 9.52 p = 0.827

cluded in the model to account for these factors; the spective clinical trial evaluating early Class II ortho-
other variables were maximum opening, anterior dontic treatments. The primary variables of interest
crowding/spacing scores, and overbite classification. were molar relation, overjet, overbite, and numbers of
From this analysis we conclude that increased risk for permanent teeth, as inclusion/exclusion criteria for the
having a TMJ sound is associated with larger maximum clinical trial were based on these measures. The addi-
opening, increased anterior crowding, and deeper tional data were collected to characterize the popula-
overbites. The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test tion. No attempt was made to exclude any subjects; the
was performed on this model, and a lack of fit was not response rate of 85% appeared to adequately represent
indicated (Chi-square = 7.184, p = 0.52). the population.
Table VII illustrates the joint effect of two of the The reported prevalence rate of palpable TMJ
selected variables, maximum opening and anterior sounds (10.0%) in Alachua County grade schoolchil-
c r o w d i n g . Maximum opening and anterior crowd- dren most closely resembled that reported in the Sas-
ing/spacing were used as continuous and ordinal vari- katchewan population) 3 Our data confirm earlier re-
ables, respectively, in the model, but have been dis- ports that crepitus is an infrequent finding (1%) in chil-
played in categories in Table VII for illustrative pur- dren,'2""37"39"s~'52and that unilateral sounds are far more
poses. The percent of students with TMJ sounds ranged common than bilateral. 51"52
from 2.0% for the group with variables associated with In contrast to other reports, the prevalence of
the lowest level of sounds to 18.9% for those students joint sounds was not associated with age or gender
with explanatory variables associated with the highest in our sample of schoolchildren. Cross-sectional
levels of TMJ sound. studies 8'n'n'~4 showing increased prevalence of TMJ
sounds with age have included older children (ages 13
DISCUSSION to 17 years) than those in this report. With the exception
Alachua County, Fla., 3rd and 4th grade school- of two Swedish populations of older children (ages 15,
children were screened to identify subjects for a pro- 17, and 18 years) where the girls had greater prevalence
,, ,, fLe'et;net
" al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
284 March 1994

Table IV. Comparison of ordinal and continuous variables for those with and without TMJ sounds

Variable sounds n I Mean SD Median

I Range
p value

Age no 3029 9.47 0.77 9.43 6.95-12.61 0.449

yes 343 9.50 0.75 9.54 7.73-12.30
Overjet (mm) no 3080 3.54 1.95 3 -4-12 0.874
yes 346 3.52 1.87 3 -2-12
Interlabialgap (mm) no 2339 1.25 2.00 0 0-12 0.824
yes 255 1.28 2.14 0 0-15
Incisor exposure (mm) no 2340 1.62 1.80 0 0-10 O.15l
yes 255 1.79 1.82 2 0-10
Maximum opening (mm) no 3077 47.21 5.81 46 25-70 0.001
yes 346 48.77 6.10 49 32-68
Screening date~ no 3079 260.74 82.20 295 1-415 0.088
yes 346 253.12 84.74 288 113-347
Overbite2 no 3063 1.58 0.88 2 0-4 O.164
yes 344 1.65 0.86 2 0-4
Molar class3, left no 3057 4.34 1.22 5 0-10 0.941
yes 342 4.31 1.30 5 0- tO
Molar class3, right no 3060 4.21 1.27 5 0- l 0 0.46 l
yes 344 4.15 1.37 5 0-I0
Anterior crowding4, upper no 3008 2.92 0.99 3 0-6 0.006
yes 332 3. l0 1.05 3 0-6
Anterior crowding4, lower no 3040 3.38 0.90 3 0-6 0.002
yes 335 3.54 0.95 3 0-6

*Two sample t tests were used for variablesage through maximumopening;Wilcoxonrank sum tests were used for the rest of the variables.
~Numberof days from I/1190 to screeningdate.
2Overbite coded from 0 to 4 with 0 = none, 1 = > 0 to -- 33%, ..., 4 = >100%.
3Molar class coded from 0 to l0 with 0 = >FC II, 5 = Class l, 10 = >FC III.
4Crowding coded from 0 to 6 with 0 = >6 mm space, 3 = none, 6 = >6 mm crowding.

of TMJ sounds than boys, 1~ most reports have not crowding and TMJ sounds was unexpected and is dif-
reported gender differences in children. Ninety-seven ficult to explain. Of the articles reviewed, only one
percent of ot/r sample was between 6 and I l years of reported a relation between anterior crowding and TM
age, and thus most likely prepubertal. The findings of dysfunction?3 In this study, TMJ sound data were a
no age or gender differences in prepubertal children component of the dysfunction scores, but were not eval-
(this article and others), plus the previously mentioned uated separately. Our logistic regression model indi-
reports of age and gender differences in older children cated that increased maximum opening was associated
(presumably postpubertal), suggest that changes during with increased TMJ sound prevalence. The overbite
the time of puberty may be linked to the appearance of variable, which did not have a univariate relation to
TMJ sounds. These changes might involve hormonal TMJ sounds, would probably not have entered the
changes or occlusal interferences during maturation of model predicting TMJ sounds had the maximum open-
the occlusion. Unfortunately, there are no studies re- ing measures taken into consideration the amount of
porting on longitudinal signs of T M D during the peak anterior overbite.
pubertal years (l I to 16 years). It has been speculated that an association between
With the sole exception of the Saskatchewan TMD and craniofacial structure exists. 3'33 However,
sample '3a4 of 6- to 17-year-old children which detected scant data appear in the literature to examine these
univariate relations between TMJ sounds and Class II relationships. A review of the literature uncovered only
molar, overjet > 7 mm, and buccal crossbites, all other one report examining craniofacial structure and TMJ
previous reports examining children have not shown s o u n d s Y These authors reported no relation between
that morphologic malocclusion is associated with TMJ measures of facial divergence and TMJ sound presence.
sounds. However, the data in this report support the We did not assess vertical facial proportions directly
concept that certain morphologic malocclusions (ante- (long, short, average anterior facial height), but did
rior crowding, deep overbite) a r e associated with TMJ assess lip incompetence and incisor display at rest.
sounds in children. The relation between anterior These measures of vertical facial features were not re-
AmericanJournal of Orthodonticsand DentofaclalOrthopedics Keeling et al. 285
Volume 105. No. 3

Table V. Symmetries and asymmetries in molar Table Vl. Logistic regression model for TMJ
classification and TMJ sound prevalence* sounds (yes, no)
Right Relative
Parameter [ risk 95% confidence
0,1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9,10 Variable estimate estimate* interval**
L~ ClassH Classl Classlll
Orthodontist t 1 -.0.50 0.61 0.42-0.89
0,1,2,3 701671 12/132 0/1 2 - 0.92 0.40 0.25-0.65
Class II 10.4% 9.1% 0.0% 3 - 0.23 0.80 0.59-1.08
4,5,6 36/288 218/2239 2/15 4 -0.99 0.37 0.22-0.61
Class I 12.5% 9.7% 13.3% 5 - 0.72 0.49 0.31-0.78
7,8,9,10 0/1 2/22 2/28 Screening date s 0.00 1.00 0.99-1.00
Class III 0.0% 9.1% 7.1% Maximum opening 0.05 1.06 1.03-1.08
Anterior crowding 3 0.26 1.30 1.14-1.48
*Logistic regression analysis indicated no significant effect of various Overbite 0.15 1.16 1.00-1.34
molar class combinations (Chi-square = 2.453, 4 df, p = 0.65).
*Value >1 corresponds to increased risk of sounds.
**For relative risk estimate.
1Compared to orthodontist no. 6.
lated to TMJ sound presence in children. In addition, 2Number of days from Jan. !, 1990, to screening date.
measures of facial convexity and maxillary and man- 3Maximum code of maxillary or mandibular crowding used.
dibular horizontal positions were not associated in either
a univariate or multivariate way with the presence of
TMJ sounds. Table VII. Anterior crowding, maximum
Fewer TMJ sounds were detected as the screening opening, and TMJ sound prevalence
progressed during the year. This trend also occurred in
Anterior crowdinglspacing
assess!ng incisor trauma) 4 Perhaps the orthodontists
tired of the task or developed more stringent criteria for Maximum 0,1,2 J 4,5,6
what constituted a TMJ sound. These data suggest that opening Space 3 J Crowding Total
there are challenges in maintaining consistency between
25-42 1/49 16/255 27/369 441673
and within examiners in assessing clinical outcome 2.0% 6.3% 7.3% 6.5%
measures during long-term clinical investigations. 43-46 2/56 27/390 54/451 831897
The results show variations among examiner 3.6% 6.9% 12.0% 9,3%
subgroups in prevalence of children with TMJ sounds. 47-51 8/81 39/417 43/396 901894
9.9% 9.4% 10.9% 10.1%
These differences might have resulted from differences
52-70 13/95 47/407 411217 101/739
in each examiner's population subset, differences be- 13.7% 11.6% 18.9% 13.7%
tween examiners in what constituted a TMJ sound, or TOTAL 24/281 129/1469 165/1453 318/3203
random misclassifieations. To support the first, data 8.5% 8.8% I 1.4% 9.9%
indicated that the orthodontists did evaluate different
groups of students With regard to several variables (gen-
de.r, age, overjet).* In support of the latter two, others
have also show n only moderate .interjudge reliability in pies of pers0ns seeking care and those not seeking care,
judging TMJ sounds, z~176Such differences in interpre 7 as well as the risk factors involved and the natural
tation could account for large differences in reported history of these disorders, are largely lacking: 6 al-
prevalences in the literature s-s and suggest that collec- though some recent reports appear promising in their
tion of prevalence data on TMJ sounds remains prob- approach. 4'4~ The prevalence of TMJ sounds appears
lematic. to decline rather dramatically after the fourth decade of
Although the signs and symptoms of TMD are pres- life: 8
ent in 28% to 86% of the adult population, whereas Temporomandibular disorder has been described as
0nly 3% to 7% of the population seek care for a tem- a condition characterized by pain, limitation in range
poromandibular joint or facial pain condition, it is not of motion, and TMJ sounds. One report has associated
at all clear which signs and symptoms of TMD are increase sound prevalence with reduced maximum
important in terms of illness.SS Adequate data describing opening (<50 mm) in 17-year-old adolescents? s How-
the incidence and prevalence in randomly selected sam- ever, our data support the finding of Egermark-Eriksson
et al. H,~2of a positive relation between maximum open-
*Original research data available on request. ing and TMJ sounds in children. These findings caution
286 Keelinget al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 1994

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