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"As we evolve, our homes should, too."

-Suzanne Tucker (Interior Designer)

Furniture and technology are intimately linked. The technological development becomes
the way to create a new form of expression and structure available for furniture producers.
Progress in furniture has been enabled with technological shift.

Nowadays, furniture has become part of the lifestyle around the world. Furniture takes up
the majority of space and helps make your home and business facilities feel lived in, welcoming
and complete. No matter what your style is, decorating your dwelling with awesome furniture
can lead to a healthier lifestyle both mentally and physically that increased productivity.

Many people, furniture means more than just as furniture, it tends to give solace from the
stresses from the outside world and sometimes it represents their economic status. It is important
to pick timeless, functional pieces that fit your space and budget when choosing furniture.

As the proponents have the capacity to raise capital and there is a high demand of
furniture in the market with the possibility of earning profit.

The proponents introduce “DECOR” to meet the market needs in which individual and
industry can avail the quality products.


Prehistoric Furniture
When people learned to farm and lived in permanent settlements they began to make furniture. In
Europe some of the earliest known furniture comes from a stone age a village at Sara Brae in the
Orkney Islands in Scotland about 2,000 B.C. The Stone Age famers lived in stoned huts with
roofs of whalebone and turf. Inside they made store furniture such as cupboards and beds.
Ancient Egyptian Furniture
Meanwhile in Egypt rich Egyptians lived in large, comfortable houses with many rooms. Walls
were painted and floors had colored tiles. Inside their homes rich Egyptians had wooden
furniture such as beds, chairs, tables and chests for storage. However instead of pillows they used
wooden headrests.
Ordinary people lived in simpler homes made of mud. People may have slept on the flat roof
when it was hot and they did most of their work outside because of the heat. For the poor
furniture was very basic. Ordinary Egyptians sat on brick benches around the walls. They used
reed chests or wooden pegs on walls to store things.
Ancient Greek Furniture
In Ancient Greece even in a rich home furniture was basic. The Greeks stored things in wooden
chests or hung them from wooden pegs on the walls. A rich home would also have a dresser to
display expensive cups. People reclined on couches (which could also act as beds). The couches
were simply wooden frames with rope webbing and mats or rugs laid on top.
Roman Furniture
In Rome rich people enjoyed luxuries such as mosaics and (in colder parts of the empire) panes
of glass in windows and even a form of central heating called a hypocaust. Wealthy Romans also
had wall paintings called murals in their houses.
The wealthy owned very comfortable furniture. It was upholstered and finely carved. People ate
while reclining on couches. Oil lamps were used for light. Of course for the poor Roman
furniture was very basic and sparse.
Saxon Furniture
Life even for rich Saxons was hard and rough and furniture was very simple. Usually in a Saxon
hall there was only one room shared by everybody. The thanes (upper class Saxons) and their
followers slept on beds with straw mattresses and pillows but the poorest people slept on the
Very little is known about Saxon furniture but it must have been basic and heavy such as wooden
benches and tables although upper class Saxons liked having tapestries on their walls. There
were no panes of glass in windows, even in a Thane's hall.
Furniture in the Middle Ages
In Saxon times a rich man and his entire household lived together in one great hall. In the middle
Ages the great hall was still the center of a castle but the lord had his own room above it. This
room was called the solar. In it the lord slept in a bed, which was surrounded by curtains, both
for privacy and to keep out drafts. The other members of the lord's household, such as his
servants, slept on the floor of the great hall. At one or both ends of the great hall there was a
fireplace and chimney. However in the middle Ages chimneys were a luxury.
About 1180 for the first time since the Romans rich people began to have panes of glass in the
Medieval furniture was very basic. Even in a rich household chairs were rare. Most people sat on
stools or benches. Rich people also had tables and large chests, which doubled up as beds. Rich
people’s homes were hung with wool tapestries or painted linen. They were not just for
decoration. They also helped keep out drafts. In the Middle Ages furniture (for the rich) was
usually made of oak.
16th Century Furniture
In the 16th century life became more comfortable for the wealthy. Furniture was more plentiful
than in the Middle Ages but it was still basic. In a wealthy home it was usually made of oak and
was heavy and massive. 16th century furniture was expected to last for generations. You
expected to pass it on to your children and even your grandchildren. Comfortable beds became
more and more common in the 16th century and increasing numbers of middle class people slept
on feather mattresses rather than straw ones.
In the 16th century chairs were more common than in the Middle Ages but they were still
expensive. Even in an upper class home children and servants sat on stools. The poor had to
make do with stools and benches.
During the 16th century glass windows became much more common. However the poor still had
to make do with strips of linen soaked in linseed oil.
Chimneys were also a luxury in the 16th century, although they became more common. Poor
people simply had a hole in the roof to let out the smoke.
In wealthy Tudor houses the walls of rooms were lined with oak paneling to keep out drafts.
People slept in four-poster beds hung with curtains to reduce drafts. In the 16th century some
people had wallpaper but it was very expensive. Other wealthy people hanged tapestries or
painted cloth on their walls.
None of the improvements in 16th century furniture applied to the poor. They continued to live
in simple huts with one or two rooms (occasionally three). Smoke escaped through a hole in the
thatched roof. Floors were of hard earth and furniture was very basic, benches, stools, a table and
wooden chests. They slept on mattresses stuffed with straw or thistledown. The mattresses lay on
ropes strung across a wooden frame.
17th Century Furniture
In the late 17th century furniture for the wealthy became more comfortable and much more
finely decorated. In the early 17th century furniture was plain and heavy. It was usually made of
oak. In the late 17th century furniture for the rich was often made of walnut or (from the 1680s)
mahogany. It was decorated in new ways. One was veneering. (Thin pieces of expensive wood
were laid over cheaper wood). Some furniture was also inlaid. Wood was carved out and the
hollow was filled in with mother of pearl. At this time lacquering arrived in England. Pieces of
furniture were coated with lacquer in bright colors.

Furthermore new types of furniture were introduced in Stuart times. In the mid-17th century
chests of drawers became common. Grandfather clocks also became popular. Later in the century
the bookcase was introduced.
Chairs also became far more comfortable. Upholstered (padded and covered) chairs became
common in wealthy people's homes. In the 1680s the first real armchairs appeared.
However all the improvements in Stuart furniture did not apply to the poor. Their furniture, such
as it was remained very plain and basic.
18th Century Furniture
In the 18th century the wealthy owned comfortable upholstered furniture. They owned beautiful
furniture, some of it veneered or inlaid. In the 18th century much fine furniture was made by
Thomas Chippendale (1718-1779). In 1754 he published a catalogue The Gentlemen and Cabinet
Makers Director. Another furniture maker was George Hepplewhite (?-1786). In 1788 his widow
published a book of his designs The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Guide, which had a big
influence on Regency furniture. Thomas Sheraton (1751-1806) was a cabinet maker. In 1791-93
he published his designs in The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing Book. The famous
clockmaker James Cox (1723-1800) made exquisite clocks for the rich.
In America the first great cabinet makers were Duncan Phyfe (1768-1854), John Goddard (1724-
1785) and Samuel McIntire (1757-1811). As usual furniture for the poor remained basic and
19th Century Furniture
Well off Victorians lived in very comfortable houses. (Although their servants lived in cramped
quarters, often in the attic). For the first time furniture was mass-produced. That meant it was
cheaper but unfortunately this lead to a fall in design standards. To us middle class Victorian
homes would seem overcrowded with furniture, ornaments and nick-knacks. However only a
small minority could afford this comfortable lifestyle.
In the early 19th century skilled workers usually lived houses with two rooms downstairs and
two upstairs. The downstairs front room was kept for best. The family kept their best furniture
and ornaments in this room. They spent most of their time in the downstairs back room, which
served as a kitchen and living room. As the 19th century passed more and more working class
people could afford this lifestyle.
20th Century Furniture
At the start of the 20th century working class homes had two rooms downstairs. The front room
and the back room. The front room was kept for best and children were not allowed to play there.
In the front room the family kept their best furniture and ornaments. The back room was the
kitchen and it was where the family spent most of their time. Most families cooked on a coal-
fired stove called a range, which also heated the room.

This lifestyle changed in the early 20th century as gas cookers became common. They did not
heat the room so people began to spend most of their time in the front room or living room, by
the fire. Rising living standards meant it was possible to furnish all rooms properly not just one.
During the 20th century ordinary people's furniture greatly improved in quality and design.
In the 1920s and 1930s a new style of furniture and architecture was introduced. It was called Art
Deco and it used geometric shapes instead of the flowing lines of the earlier Art Nouveau. The
name Art Deco came from an exhibition held in Paris in 1925 called the Exposition
Internationale des Arts Decoratifs.
In the late 20th century Britain became an affluent society and standards of furniture for ordinary
people continued to rise.
Two famous furniture designers of the 20th century are Ron Arad (1951-) and John Makepeace
Name Address
Cabrera, Kathleen Anne A. #101 Purok Bisitas, Paligui, Apalit, Pampanga
Gicale, Marc Gio Franz F. #20 Muzon St., San Roque, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Lobo, Anuar I. Purok 4, San Juan, Macabebe, Pampanga
Lopez, Kate D. Block 16, Lot 31, Northville Sampanga, Apalit, Pampanga
Padilla, Carla I. District 7 Block 68, Lot 21, Pandacaqui, Mexico, Pampanga
Tiglao, Dave L. #601 Sitio Sumpung, San Patricio, Mexico, Pampanga

The proponents decided to come up with the company name “Décor”. The company top
priority is to satisfy and give the best that it can give to the customer’s home while maximizing
its beauty, durability and its use. The company chooses the right materials for every product
from top to bottom for you giving every penny you give equalizes its value ensuring you that
luxury feel and contentment every time you use our furniture.
Our initial assumption on our company name “Décor” stands for “Decorative Corners”
ensuring that the company stand strong to its principles toward giving a high quality and luxury
experience on every corners of your home.


Décor aims to be the most preferred furniture manufacturer offering innovative and superior
quality products at affordable prices around the Philippines.
Décor is committed to provide its customers with a wide range of selection for home and office
furniture at affordable prices and durable quality.
The Company value the support and cooperation of its employees, suppliers, and community
leaders. We appreciate the wave of foreign and domestic competition and encourage FAIR play
in marketing and product innovations.
The company recognizes the consumer’s value for money and will see to it that they deserve the
best for every peso. We offer alternatives for Customer having difficulty in understanding the
true function and cost of our product.
TRUST is our intimate passion, QUALITY SERVICE is our regular guidance and SATISFIED
CUSTOMER is our pride and shining armour.

The proposed location for the head office and manufacturing area will be at #1424,
Miranda Street, Barangay San Nicolas, Angeles, 2009 Pampanga with a 250 square meters.
It is located area perfectly suitable for our production where the raw materials are within
reach and the company has no hazardous materials that can harm any residential dwellings and
other business enterprises. In addition the place is big enough to facilitate all the operations
including the storage area. The Proponents critically choose this location because the site is
placed in an area to meet logistics and transportation strategies and in a conducive are where can
supply the intermediaries in less cost possible.
This chapter focuses on the characteristics of the organization and what type of
management will be employed. This includes what type of organization to be use, formal
documents needed (e.g. Articles of Partnership), the organizational chart of employees and their
job description and its specification. It also involves advantages and disadvantages of the
Organization and its management.
Theory Z
The DECOR aims to establish the Organizational Management Theory Z as it leads to
improvements in organizational performance. As an organization that strives to be the preferred
furniture manufacturer that provides innovative and superior quality and affordable products, the
proponents’ management is one of the vital factors to achieve this high level of excellence that
we envision.
This management approach focuses on long-term working relationship with the employees as
they will have some trainings, seminars, and career development to the workers. Aside from this,
their jobs are assured and secured to feel more motivated to work in our organization.
 Long Term job assurance and security for employees.
 Coordination of employees within the workplace is present.
 Good communication and harmonious relationship between management and its
 Absenteeism will be lesser so that the production will not be interrupted.
 Effective and efficient internal control that will lead to a better financial performance.
 The establishment, maintenance and winding up is costly.
 Employee participation in decision making process is not always considered.
 Lack of confidence of employees in giving up opinions due to the larger issues at hand
and criticism of the top management.
 Employees tend to relax in their workplace without even consider thinking about any
other careers.
The form of business organization of the proposed Décor is general partnership. It is a
partnership where all partners have responsibility for the business and unlimited liability for
business debts. Partners will have an agreement to further define the rights, responsibilities and
duties for each partner. Also, they should contribute capital, property, skills, labor or most any
kind of involvement with the business. In return, each general partner shares the business profits
according to their agreement.
 Easy formation and require a limited paperworks
 Pass- through tax treatments
 Equal right of management structure
 No legal requirement to draft before start the business
 Increased ability to raise funds when there is more than one owner
 Wider pool of knowledge, skills, and contacts
 Improved management when there is numerous owner
 Personal assets are at-risk
 Partners are deemed to be an agents
 Partners are jointly and severally liable for each others actions
 General partners are personally liable for the business debts.
 Partnership terminated upon death or withdrawal of one of the partners
 Partners cannot transfer interest without the unanimous consent of the partners
(Partnership Name)


That we, the undersigned partners, all of legal age, residents and citizens of the
Philippines, have on this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming
a general partnership under the following terms and conditions and subject to existing and
applicable laws of the Republic of the Philippines:
That the name of this partnership shall be “Décor” and shall transact business under the said
company name.
That the purpose for which this partnership is formed as follows:
To engage in the business of owning and operating furniture shop that provide a quality furniture
products that matches the customer needs and in any other activities as may be necessary, related
or incidental to carry on the business of the Partnership as provided therein.
That the principal place of business of this partnership shall be located at #1424, Miranda Street,
Barangay San Nicolas, Angeles, 2009 Pampanga.
That this partnership shall have a term of (10) ten years from and after the original recording of
its Articles of Partnership by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
That the names, nationalities and complete residence addresses of the partners are as follows:
Name Nationality Address
Cabrera, Kathleen Anne A. Filipino #101 Purok Bisitas, Paligui, Apalit,
Gicale, Marc Gio Franz F. Filipino #20 Muzon St., San Roque,
Floridablanca, Pampanga
Lobo, Anuar I. Filipino Purok 4, San Juan, Macabebe,
Lopez, Kate D. Filipino Block 16, Lot 31, Northville
Sampanga, Apalit, Pampanga
Padilla, Carla I. Filipino District 7 Block 68, Lot 21,
Pandacaqui, Mexico, Pampanga
Tiglao, Dave L. Filipino #601 Sitio Sumpung, San Patricio,
Mexico, Pampanga
That the capital of this Partnership shall be the amount of ____________ (P_________),
Philippine Currency, contributed in cash by the partners, as follows:

Name Amount Contributed

Cabrera, Kathleen Anne A.
Gicale, Marc Gio Franz F.
Lobo, Anuar I.
Lopez, Kate D.
Padilla, Carla I.
Tiglao, Dave L.

That the profits and losses of this partnership shall be divided equally.
The partners shall provide their full-time services and best efforts on behalf of the partnership.
No partner shall receive a salary for services rendered to the partnership. Each partner shall have
equal rights to manage and control the partnership and its business. Should there be differences
between the partners concerning ordinary business matters, a decision shall be made by
unanimous vote. It is understood that the partners may elect one of the partners to conduct the
day-to-day business of the partnership; however, no partner shall be able to bind the partnership
by act or contract to any liability exceeding Pesos: Five Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P500,000.00),Philippine Currency, without the prior written consent of each partner
In the event a partner withdraws or retires from the partnership for any reason, including death
and insolvency the remaining partners may continue to operate the partnership using the same
name. A withdrawing partner shall be obligated to give seven (7) days' prior written notice of
(his/her) intention to withdraw or retire and shall be obligated to sell (his/her) interest in the
No partner shall transfer interest in the partnership to any other party without the written consent
of the remaining partner(s). The remaining partner(s) shall pay the withdrawing or retiring
partner, or to the legal representative of the deceased or disabled partner, the value of his interest
in the partnership, or (a) the sum of his capital account, (b) any unpaid loans due him, and (c) his
proportionate share of accrued net profits remaining undistributed in his capital account. No
value for good will shall be included in determining the value of the partner's interest
A partner who retires or withdraws from the partnership shall not directly or indirectly engage in
a business which is or which would be competitive with the existing or then anticipated business
of the partnership for a period of Five(5) years within the Province of Pampang where the
partnership is currently doing or planning to do business.
That the partners undertake to change the name of this partnership, as herein provided or as
amended thereafter, immediately upon receipt of notice or directive from the Securities and
Exchange Commission that another corporation, partnership or person has acquired a prior right
to the use of that name or that the name has been declared as misleading, deceptive, confusingly
similar to a registered name, or contrary to public morals, good customs or public policy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signatures this ____ day of
______, 20___, at ________.
Kathleen Anne A. Cabrera Marc Gio Franz F. Gicale
(name of partner) (name of partner)

Kate D. Lopez Anuar I. Lobo

(name of partner) (name of partner)

Carla I. Padilla Dave L. Tiglao

(name of partner) (name of partner)
Organizational Chart is one of the factors that you should start first in establishing a business. It
is an illustration showing the bearing between positions inside in the organization. The
management should implement business policies and programs that is consistent with the lawful
interest in order to achieve the main objectives of the organization
Along with this, the proponents decided to choose the “Line and Staff” type of Organization,
because of the following reasons stated below:
 simple to understand
 potent and high operative
 flexible and adaptable
 quick decision making
The proponents are assuring that this type of Organizational Chart will be the best suitable for
our business since it is easily understood by our members from top management down to its
employees. A person with line authority knows to whom they are responsible and their exact
function for the mission set by the company. Aside from this, Decision making is relatively easy
since each member has a power to decide as long it is within the scope of his authority


General Manager


Sales Manager Production Head Security Guard

Cashier Production Worker (5)


Job Description

 Plan, coordinate and manage all business operations to achieve business goals
 Responsible for the preparation of financial statements of the business
 Develop strategies to improve overall quality and productivity
 Communicate and embody the company vision and values
 Regularly communicate with team to delegate work, guide performance and evaluate
 Provide direction and guidance to employees in their assign job duties to ensure that they
follow company policies and procedures.
 Responsible for recruitment of employees
 Respond to employee concerns in timely manner.
 Prepare regular reports for top management
 Develop and maintain relations with principal suppliers and clients

Job Specification

 Accomplished a bachelor’s degree in any business related course.

 Minimum of at least two years of managerial experience.
 Must be knowledgeable in preparation of financial statements preferably Certified Book
 Easily adapt to changes.
 Good time management skills
 Outstanding organizational and leadership skills
 Knowledge of proper advertising techniques and procedure
 Demonstrated customer and personal service skills
 Willing to work full time


Job Description
 Inspecting financial statements and internal control to identify errors, misstatements and
 Plan effective auditing processes.
 Preparation of audit reports to keep Management informed of audit-related findings,
observations and recommendations to serve as basis in making sound decisions.
 Understanding the entity and its environment

 Pay attention to detail, and understands how timeliness and accuracy of work impacts
overall client experience

Job Specification

 Must be a Certified Public Accountant.

 At least have a 3 year experience Auditing Field
 Have an attitude of professional scepticism
 Has substantial knowledge of and familiarity with auditing standards, programs, tools,
banking policies, regulations, procedures and practices
 Possess ethical requirements set by PSA
 Must be flexible to accommodate tight deadline in a high pressure environment


Job Description

 Transporting and delivering items to clients or businesses in a safe and timely manner
 Ensure that the delivery schedule is followed.
 Can do loading and unloading of Furniture to be delivered and ensures that they are
properly stacked and secured inside the delivery vehicle.
 Reviewing orders before and after delivery to ensure that orders are complete, the charges
are correct, and the customer is satisfied.
 Preparing reports and other documents relating to deliveries.
Job Specification

 With Professional Driver's License (Non-Pro is not allowed)

 Knows how to drive manual and automatic vehicles
 With working experience as a company driver is an advantage
 With knowledge in car mechanics and maintenance
 Familiar in driving Manila and other parts of Luzon
 Must be hardworking and willing to work within flexible schedules Familiarity with GPS
devices or map apps


Job Description

 Achieving growth and hitting sales targets and eventually generates revenue for the
 Implementing a sales plan that expands company's customer base and ensure its strong
 Present sales, revenue and expenses reports and realistic forecasts to the general manager
 Responsible of maintaining and improving relationships with the client.
 Responsible of promoting the products to the customers.

Job Specification

 Must be a graduate of a Bachelor’s degree.

 Well groomed, outgoing personality and good interpersonal skill
 Energetic and innovative person
 Good integrity & attitude
 Excellent command both in written and spoken English is advantaged
 Target oriented
 Proficient in English
 Good analytical thinking, negotiation skill and presentation skill
 Ability to work calmly under pressure


Job Description
 Overall in-charge in the management, planning, coordination and control of the
manufacturing process

 Responsible in the efficient production of goods at the right cost and required quality
 Responsible for achieving production target volume and shipment schedule
 Systematic oversight of manufacturing processes, materials, manpower, and machinery.
Responsible in improving systems that are already in place.
 Ensure strict compliance by all production employees of work instructions, processes and
procedures in place.
 Responsible in monitoring of product standards and implement quality control programs.
 Responsible for safety and discipline of all production employees
 Responsible for the training and coaching of team members, conduct periodic
performance appraisal

Job Specification

 Candidate must possess at least Bachelor/College Degree of any course

 Minimum of 2 years managerial experience working in the same position
 With background in Furniture industry
 Adequate knowledge of organizational effectiveness and operations management
 Leadership and organizational skills
 Must be willing to work under pressure


Job Summary

 Protect the furniture’s property and staff by maintaining a safe and secure environment
 Welcome guests and assist whenever needed
 Keep the peace and safety of the furniture shop
 Observe for signs of crime or disorder and investigate disturbances
 Apprehend criminals and evict violators
 Report any suspicious or incidents

Job Specification

 Proven work experience as a security guard or relevant position

 Excellent knowledge of public safety and security procedures/protocols
 Vigilant skills and detail orientation
 Integrity and professionalism
 Must have pleasing personality
 Can work under pressure
 Must be able to interact effectively with a wide range of people.
 Willing to work full time


Job Description

 Prepares daily cash collection report and other needed reports

 Enjoys working with the public and has a friendly personality
 Assist customers in the in-store check-out process.
 Scanning goods and ensuring pricing is accurate
 Responsible of receiving payments, issuing receipts, gift-wrapping packages and keeping
track of all cash and credit transactions.
 Scan the customer’s selections, ensure that prices and quantities are accurate, accept
payments, issue receipts, answer inquiries, and provide helpful information to customer
products, promotions, or item location.
 Respond to complaints, process refunds or exchanges of items, and maintain a clean

Job Specification

 Must have an experience in a customer service position and good knowledge of how cash
registers operate.
 Have a strong work ethic and high level of accuracy.
 Ability to handle transactions accurately and responsibly.
 High level of energy with strong customer service skills.
 Enjoys working with the public and has a friendly personality


Job Description:

 Operate stone production process like cutting, grinding, polishing by equipment working
instruction, technological standards, and equipment safely using rules.
 Make sure that workstation is clean and free of hazardous materials.
 Address problems with production equipment and machinery and fixed them as needed.
 Cleans equipment.
 Keep factory clean.
 Affixes labels, company logos, and other exterior details to products.
 Packs up completed products and prepare them for shipment.
 Unloads, organizes, and stocks shipments.
 Adhere to all production and handling of materials in the factory.
 Ensures that all production deadlines are met.
 Reports to immediate supervisor.

Job Specification:

 At least High School graduate.

 Male, must be of legal age
 Pay Close attention to detail.
 Exhibits ability to work cautiously but efficiently in potentially hazardous conditions.
 Is familiar with all factory safety procedures and guidelines.
 Works efficiently and manages time effectively.
 Possesses physical strength and stamina to stand, walk, and lift for long periods of time.

Management policy is used to implement the management by being aware to follow and to know
the policies of the company. It is an operating rule that can be referred to as a way to maintain
order, security and consistency of the company’s goal and mission.


Every company need an employee to work for them and help in the achievement of their goals.
One of our company’s objective is not only supporting them financially but more of that is
giving them more of what they need as a worker, to train them well that will serve for the
company as an advantage to help with the improvement and betterment of the company.

Hiring Process and Requirements

Hiring process should be done by use of media. The Passing of requirements is the reviewing of
applicants, testing of candidates and selecting the right candidates to interview.

1. Applicants must submit their resume.

2. General Manager will review the submitted resume.
3. Will set the interview for the chosen applicants.
4. Passing of requirements.

 Medical Certificate (must be recent)

 Barangay Clearance
 Diploma
 (Applicable to General Manager, Accountant, Sales Manager and Production Manager)
 NBI/ Police Clearance
 NSO Birth certificate
 SSS, Pag-ibig, PhilHealth

5. All hired applicants shall undergo an orientation led by the General Manager for their
respective duties and work

Finance Policies
1. Issuing cash receipts for every customer

2. All financial reports should be made on time by the General Manager

3. No corruption

4. All receipts must keep by the cashier

Production Policies

Décor establish good manufacturing policies to meet quality standards and ensure the

handle and manufacture products safely and consistently. These policies set the minimum

requirement for the controls, facilities, equipment, product testing and processes.

1. No smoking within the company’s premises.

2. Workers should not wear accessories during working hours.

3. No work = No pay

4. Proper hygiene in the workplace. Each worker must wear proper gear for safety.

5. Personal things must be at the locker room

6. Production equipment/utilities must be placed on their proper place after the

production process.

7. Manipulating the Attendance AND Time-off (DTR) is strictly prohibited.

8. Unauthorized leave/absences are strictly prohibited.


It indicates here the benefit plan to the employees. And also the pay rates, annual salary
increases, receive overtime payment, bonuses, and the 13th month payment. The holidays and
sick leave.
Holidays – refers to pay received by an employee on the occasion of a regular or special day, in
the case of regular holidays, the employees is paid even if he did not work. They will receive
double pay if they work on a regular holiday. In the case of special holidays, the employee is not
paid if she did not report for work. But if the employee works on a special holiday, he is entitled
to 130% of his usual salary.
Sick leave – employees who rendered the services of at least one (1) year will be given the
benefit of sick leave, provided that employees will have to submit a medical certificate verifying
the fact of illness.
For those employees who work for the company in one year of service, he/she shall have 5 days
of sick leave with pay, and for those employees under probationary period can also can have
their sick leave without pay, in order to get back to their work, they have to provide a medical
certificate stating they are fit to work.
Overtime pay - if the employees work beyond eight (8) hours, the employer is required to pay
an additional compensation equivalent to the employee’s regular wage plus at least twenty-five
percent (25%) of such regular wage. There is an increased in thirty percent (30%) if the workers
tender overtime on a holiday or rest day.
Bonuses - bonuses are compensation for employees for their work perform, they are paid in
addition to salary or wages.
Phil Health – The firm and employees are required to contribute to Phil Health an amount based
on the salary range of each employee to cover the medical and hospitalization needs of the

SSS (Social Security System)

The firm and each employee are required to contribute to SSS an amount based on the salary
range of each employee. The SSS benefits include:
Retirement benefits consisting of monthly pension to the primary beneficiaries and pension to
the dependents.
Sickness benefits
Maternity benefits equivalent to 100% of the average salary credit for normal delivery of the
forty-five (68) days and caesarean of seventy eight (100) days employees that give birth to
eligible for this benefit but payment will be for the complete deliveries.
13th Month Pay – all employees are required to pay their rank and file employees thirteenth
month pay, regardless mature of their employment and irrespective of the methods by which
their wages are paid, provided they worked for at least one month during the calendar type.

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