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Final Requirement in World Literature (Eng 413-BIT)

Portfolio in World Literature


The portfolio should specify student’s acquired knowledge and information on the
specific topics discussed in the course.

It should have the following parts:

1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Statement of purpose (e.g. it should answer what is the portfolio all about?)
4. Topics (the student should provide his/her own insights on following topics
discussed. It is suggested that s/he provides images, caricature, diagram,
illustration to elucidate his/her ideas)
4.1. Western Literature
4.2. Greek and Roman Literature
4.3. Works of Shakespeare
4.4. Asian and Oriental Literature
4.5. Chinese Literature
4.6. Japanese Literature
4.7. Indian Literature
5. Reflection


The student portfolio should follow the following format given:

Font size: 12
Font style: arial
Short bond paper
1.5 spacing (if typewritten)
Readable and neatly done (if handwritten)


The portfolio should be submitted in PDF format through Google Classroom

(Classwork) on February 20, 2021.

Rubric for Grading

Completeness of Entries 25 points

Accuracy of Information Presented 25 points
Provided images, caricature, diagram, etc. 20 points
Followed required format and sequence 15 points
Promptness 15 points
100 points



Faculty Department of English
College of Arts and Letters
Department of English

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