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NAMA Anggun Septiani

NIM 185070207111007
KELAS Reguler 1

In the final debate competition, research skills, reading skills and presentation skills are
needed.Critical thinking, research, speaking and understanding public issues is very important. There
are a judges, timekeepers, fasilitator and the coaches in the final debate.
The topic of final debate is :
“Social media has an negative impact for our social and political life”

She understands that there are indeed negative effects from social media, but according to her
AGREE 1 social media also provides many benefits such as in relationship, career and personal success.
Jessica Social media can have a negative impact because it allows a platform to share miss
information and then people share it because it is filled with emotional triggers.
He caught that there was a perspecting gap with Jessica. He strongly believes that social media
has a positive impact for politics and social life. The first positive impact is accessibility.
Social media makes very broad access for the whole world to the benefit of mutual
empowerment. Social media empowering people of countries to share believe so that they can
tell the world about events that actually occur so as not to get false information from
government. In the end, social media is very helpful in transparency.

He responded about the positive impact of accessibility. Accessibility that is too far will be
very dangerous and can bring up hackers. Social media can also be controlled by upper groups
and becomes a propaganda. Social media can indeed be used for sharing beliefs, but sharing
beliefs that are added to a sense of hatred will certainly be wrong and meaningless
He refutes Jessica that social media can actually show the world that people are filled with
emotion and caring.

AGREE 2 Social media makes people lose manners. Social media eliminates body language values.
Bella Many random people write anything when they don't really understand it or experience it.
Social media creates problems with self esteem. People become crazy like and praise, it shows
that social media is really dangerous.

Social media provides many benefits. We can find socializing, funny friends, and keep us
DISAGREE 2 connected with people all over the world. Social media allows us to keep in contact and dean
Jeff Thomas with our family. That connection really really helps us all.

AGREE 2 Social media can indeed make us connected. But too many fake messages make us lose real
Bella contact.
Social media really makes us able to connect with our family and close friends. That was a
really good impact.
Jeff Thomas

Social media can record all of our activities. Social media can make people captured photos,
AGREE 3 know fingerprints and many other personal data. That can be really dangerous. Personal data
Mr. Black can be misused. That is the dark side of social media. Social media and technology really bring
a negative impact on political and social life.
Social media makes a very good social movement. This has had a positive impact on many
fields including industry. Social media is not just about Facebook and tweeters, but there is
DISAGREE 3 online gaming and massive industry run by billions of people. Research shows that more than
Mr. Asnorlva 40% of people find their partners through social media. It shows that social media has a
positive impact and gives happiness to many people.

AGREE 3 Technology and finding a partner through social media are good. But what about the issue of
Mr. Black funding regulation. How does social media and technology prepare for hacking cases?
Many institutions have made efforts to translate technology so that it can bring good for us all.
Social media really has many negative impacts for all people in the world.
Mr. Asnorlva

AGREE 4 Before the advent of social media we were accustomed to meeting people face-to-face. With
Jessica social media truly making a new world for us all. Social media is very prone to bring up cyber
Harlbow bullying, body shaming, and other things that endanger us.
Social media has many positive effects in maintaining relationships with family and others. By
using social media we can create a better connection. Social media also has a positive impact
on the market.
AGREE 4 True social media can facilitate us in the market. But there is a large velocity of money and
Jessica can be dangerous.
DISAGREE 4 Social media has many positive impacts in the business world. We have become easier in
Fabbyan doing business with social media.

Social media has a negative impact on social media. Based on studies found that many young
people consume drugs and suffer stress because of the use of social media. Very good face to
face communication is lost because of social media. That is a very serious negative effect.
Social media has lots of activities besides instagram and tweeter, we can play video games
that make it enjoy. Social media makes people more connected with others in various ways.

A study shows that all platforms on social media such as Facebook, tweeters and video games
have a high risk of causing stress and depression.

There are indeed negative impacts from social media, but we cannot generalize all of people.
Beyond that, social media still has a very good impact in establishing connections with others.


Advantages :
 The moderator has good eye contact
 The moderator emphasizes the correct intonation
 The moderator always reminds the topic of each speaker change
 Paricipants express their opinions well and reliable sources
 The language presented is easy to understand
Disadvantages :
 The moderator ran out of breath while talking
 An explanation of the rules of the debate is explained at the beginning even
though the debate participant has not been called
 Speaker 1 (Jessica) too often sees the notes and contents of her submission, not
emphasizing the pro argument
 Speaker 2 (Jeff Thomas) uses the words "ladies and gantleman" which actually
should be avoided in debates and too excessive in body language
 Speaker 4 (Jassica Harlbow) often stammers and stops long enough and also looks

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