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Assignment No.

Islamic Studies (ISL201)

Answer of Assignment Question

Point#1. His Prophet hood is universal.

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

(Chapter no.21 Verse no.107)
َ‫ك إِاَّل َرحْ َمةً لِ ْل َعالَ ِمين‬
َ ‫َو َما أَرْ َس ْلنَا‬
And We sent not you, but a mercy for all worlds.
In this verse, Allah Paak says:we have sent Hazrat Mohammad PBUH as a mercy
for all the worlds.So we can say that not only one world but he was sent as a Prophet
for All the Worlds.

Point#2. He is seal of Prophet hood.

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

(Chapter no.33 Verse no.40)
Qَ ‫َما َكانَ ُم َح َّم ٌد أَبَا أَ َح ٍد ِم ْن ِر َجالِ ُك ْم َو ٰلَ ِك ْن َرسُو َل هَّللا ِ َو َخاتَ َم النَّبِي‬
‫ِّين ۗ َو َكانَ هَّللا ُ بِ ُكلِّ َشي َعلِي ًما‬
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the
Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has
full knowledge of all things.
Allah Pak sent the Holy Prophet PBUH as the last Prophet in the World. No Prophet
will come after them PBUH till the day of resurrection All Kind of Prophecy have
ended on Hazrat Mohammad PBUH. The Holy Prophet PBUH also said that I am the
last Prophet And no Prophet will Come after me. (Mafhoom-e-Hadees Pak)
Point#3. Deen is completed upon him.

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

(Chapter no.5 Verse no.3)
‫يت لَ ُك ُم اإْل ِ ْساَل َم ِدينًا‬
ُ ‫ض‬ ُ ‫ت لَ ُك ْم ِدينَ ُك ْم َوأَ ْت َم ْم‬
ِ ‫ت َعلَ ْي ُك ْم نِ ْع َمتِي َو َر‬ ُ ‫ْاليَوْ َم أَ ْك َم ْل‬

This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour
upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion
Islam is a complete religion.Because no Prophet will come till the Day of Judgment,
That is why the religion of islam has also been completed on the Messenger of Allah
PBUH.Also On the occasion of Hajjat-ul-Wada, the Messenger of Allah said:I have
Conveyed the Complete religion to you. (Mafhoom-e-Hadees Pak)

Point#4. A position of praise and glory will be granted to him on the Day of

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

(Chapter no.17 Verse no.79)
َ َ‫ك ﳓ ع َٰۤسى اَ ْن یَّ ْب َعث‬
‫ك َربُّكَ َمقَا ًما َّمحْ ُموْ دًا‬ َ َّ‫َو ِمنَ الَّ ْی ِل فَتَهَ َّج ْد بِ ٖه نَافِلَةً ل‬
And offer Tahajjud in someportion of the night, this is specially for you in
addition. It is near that your Lord may make you stand at aplace where all
should praise you.
Allah Says O Prophet Mohammad PBUH We will put you in a position where
Everyone praise you.This also means that on the day of Resurrecttion, Allah will
Grant us forgiveness through the Messenger of Allah PBUH.The Messenger of
Allah himself said, “On the Day of Resurrection, I will be the first to intercede
With Allah. (Mafhoom-e-Hadees Pak)

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