Alison Course Due To COVID - 19 For Vocational

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No Day Courses Topic Duration Link

1. Define the forms used in sentences using the

different Present tenses.
2. List commonly used time words and phrases and be
able to use them in simple sentences.
3. Explain the use of modal verbs in sentences about
the past and the present.
4. Describe how we can talk about states, actions and
habits using different tenses.
Past and Present 5. Justify the differences in intonation and sound
1 17-Mar-20 1-2 hours upper-intermediate-level-english-past-
Tense depending on the mood and motivation of the speaker.
6. Prove how open and closed questions are effective in
7. Relate the different purposes of using auxiliary verbs
and give examples.
8. Review the use of subject and object in sentences
using the Past and Present tenses.
9. Analyse the differences in verb forms in the different
tenses, past and present.

1. Name different types of rooms and things we find in

people's homes.
2. Use the verb 'to be' properly in sentences describing
people and places.
3. Demonstrate the proper use of grammar forms in
question and answer sentences.
4. Illustrate the use of different prepositions in
sentences about places and for giving instructions.
Describing Place /elementary-level-english-course-
2 18-Mar-20 3-4 hours
and Things describing-places-and-things-
Describing Place 5. Be able to use a positive and negative modal verb in /elementary-level-english-course-
2 18-Mar-20 3-4 hours
and Things sentences describing activities in towns and cities. describing-places-and-things-
6. Justify why we use certain persons and pronouns learning-outcomes
when we are describing things.
7. Prove how a modal verb can be used to express
possibility and impossibility.
8. Present different kinds of shops and the things we
can buy and sell in them.
9. How to choose the correct 'Wh...' word when asking
questions about places.

1. Define the two main parts of the human brain and

how they are associated with certain traits or
2. List useful phrases for describing yourself and
others, including the correct use of verb forms and
3. Explain the role of subject, object and agent in active
and passive sentences.
4. Describe the function of the past participle and the
verb 'to be' in the Passive form.
5. Justify how the verbs 'have' and 'get' can be used in
active and passive forms and be able to give examples.
3 19-Mar-20 3-4 hours /upper-intermediate-level-english-
Expressions 6. Prove how, normally in English, the main subject
comes at the beginning of a sentence and new or
additional information comes at the end and be able to
give examples.
7. Relate how the object in sentences with 'get' changes
depending on whether the function is purposeful or
8. Summarise how the word 'mind' is used in different
phrases as expressions and be able to provide
9. Review the meanings of different expressions by
completing knowledge-check exercises.

1. After completing this course you will be able to:

2. Discuss the role of tourist information offices and
their staff.
3. Explain guided tour itineraries using the present
simple and predictive future tenses.
4. Politely take a guided tour booking from customers
English for
4 20-Mar-20 using indirect questions. 1-2 hours /tourist-information-offices#course-
5. Provide specific and subtle directions in a guided plan
tour commentary.
6. Utilize adjectives and superlatives effectively in a
guided tour commentary.
7. Use the passive voice effectually in a guided tour

1. Recognise want and would like .

2. Ask a price.
3. Refer to things in plural or singular.
4. Ask for something politely.
5 21-Mar-20 Make a Request 5. Form a "Wh" question. 1-2 hours
6. Reply to questions.
7. Make a "to be" question.
8. Reply briefly "Yes, I am".
9. Understand types of shops etc.
1. Explain the differences between 'even though', 'even
if', 'though' and 'although'.
2. Demonstrate the correct use of phrasal verbs for
certain situations.
3. Justify the use of gerunds and infinitives after certain
4. Show the meaning of adjectives used to describe
6 22-Mar-20 Discussing Work 5. Analyse the most appropriate work-related idioms 1-2 hours advanced-level-english-discussing-
for certain situations. work-learning-outcomes
6. Practice the use of gerunds and infinitives after
question words and expressions with quantifiers.
7. Review the use of work-related collocations.
8. State verbs after which we use the infinitive with 'to'
and verbs after which we use 'the gerund'.
9. Describe instances where linking words can express
contrast with no change in meaning.

1. Answer restaurant customer questions using the

definite article and the indefinite article.
2. Recommend and compare restaurant dishes using
adjectives and comparative adjectives.
3. Discuss the passive voice in describing restaurant
English for
7 23-Mar-20 Restaurants 1-2 hours english-for-tourism-restaurant-service-
4. Describe restaurant dishes using past-participle
Services learning-outcomes
5. List some French terms frequently used in restaurant
6. Explain the correct expressions to use during the
three stages of restaurant service.
1. Effectively provide potential hotel guests with
information during inquiries using English language
2. Make a hotel reservation for guests utilizing the
English for correct English vocabulary and terminology.
Tourism 3. Check guests in and out of hotels in the correct
8 24-Mar-20 1-2 hours english-for-tourism-hotel-reception-
(Reception & sequence. and-front-desk-learning-outcomes
Front Desk) 4. Understand and utilize the correct English language
phrases for check-in and check-out.
5. Resolve customer complaints with helpful and non-
offensive English language phrases.

1. Relate how common words and their opposites are

2. Demonstrate the rules for using adverbs of frequency
with other words.
3. List family-related vocabulary and verb-noun
phrases that describe activities.
4. Review how to use auxiliary verbs in positive,
negative and question sentences.
Describing 5. Practice using contractions with words for different elementary-level-english-course-
9 25-Mar-20 1-2 hours
Activities functions. describing-activities-learning-
6. Show how to use time words and expressions in outcomes
7. Identify how to use questions and answers in simple
conversations for making arrangements.
8. Illustrate appropriate grammar and vocabulary
related to special occasions.
9. Explain how to produce an invitation card for an
1. Name the types of things and places we describe
when on holiday. Include the different categories we
2. Give examples of how we use adjectives to describe
3. Read and listen to texts and audio and answer
comprehension type questions.
4. List some expressions we use to describe travel
10 26-Mar-20 English for Travel 5. Illustrate the rules for spelling adjectives, 1-2 hours elementary-level-english-course-
comparatives and superlatives. english-for-travel-learning-outcomes
6. Provide examples of irregular adjectives.
7. Explain why we use the word 'than' in comparative
8. Show your ability to ask for and give directions to
places, in sentences.
9. Define imperative verbs and show examples of how
they are used.

1. Examine reading, writing and communication in the

English language.
2. Discuss how to write for different purposes and
Speaking and
3. Identify how a journalist goes about reporting in a
11 27-Mar-20 Writing English 2-3 hours speaking-and-writing-english-
fair and honest manner.
Effectively effectively-learning-outcomes
4. Discuss how to analyze the language of the media.
5. Explain various ways to read and study a text.
6. Describe how to use language effectively to

1. Identify what emotional intelligence is and what it is


2. Explain what emotional intelligence is and why it is
3. Explain the difference between EQ and IQ
4. Describe how emotional intelligence differs from
12 28-Mar-20 Emotional 2-3 hours
other intelligences your-emotional-intelligence/content
5. Recognise how and why emotions are important
6. List some emotional intelligence competencies that
can be developed
7. Identify emotional intelligence competencies that
you need to develop personally

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