Soal PGSD Bahasa Inggris 20 20 Ganjil Santhi

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Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2020/2021

Mata Kuliah : ENGLISH for ELEMENTARY Dosen Penguji : Santhi Pertiwi, M.Pd
Program Studi : PGSD Hari / Tanggal : SELASA , 5 JANUARI 2020
Jenjang Pendidikan : S1 Waktu : 90 Menit
Semester : 1 ( satu ) Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku

Petunjuk :
1.Berdo’a sebelum mengerjakan dan bacalah soal – soal dengan seksama
2.Jawaban ditulis pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan
3.Semua lembar soal dan jawaban diserahkan kembali kepada pengawas


1. Active : The University of California has accepted me.

Passive: _____________________________________
a. I was accepted by the University of California.
b. I have been accepted by the University of California.
c. I am accepted by the University of California
d. I had been accepted the University of California
2. Active : Tom gave me some books.
Passive: ______________________
a. Some books were given by Tom
b. I was given some books by Tom
c. I am given some books by Tom
d. Some books had been given to me
3. Active : When did someone write the letter?
Passive: ____________________________
a. When was someone wrote the letter?
b. When was the letter written?
c. When is the letter written?
d. When were the letter written by someone?
4. Active : No one has invited John to the meeting.
Passive: _______________________________
a. John has not been invited to the meeting.
b. John had been invited to the meeting.
c. John was not being invited to the meeting by no one.
d. John has been invited to the meeting by no one.
5. Active : Somebody stole my bag.
Passive: ____________________
a. I was being stolen by somebody.
b. My bag has been stolen.
c. My bag was stolen.
d. My bag was being stolen by somebody.

6. Active : Did my direction confuse you?

Passive: _________________________
a. Were you confused by my direction?
b. Were you being confused by my direction?
c. Was my direction confused you?
d. Are you confused by my direction?
Halaman 1 dari 5
Kode-Nama MK :
Hari/ Tanggal Ujian : Soal telah dicek
Waktu Ujian : 90 Menit oleh:
Ruangan :

7. Active : People spell “stop” with one “p”.

Passive: ___________________________
a. “Stop” is being spelt with one “p”.
b. “Stop” has been spelt with one”p” by people.
c. “Stop” is spelt with one “p”.
d. “Stop” was spelt with one “p” by people.
8. Active : No one has ever hypnotized me.
Passive: __________________________
a. I have been hypnotized by no one.
b. I have never been hypnotized.
c. I have ever been hypnotized.
d. I had never been hypnotized by no one.
9. Active : Aurel will eat the food.
Passive: ________________________
a. The food would be eating by Aurel.
b. The food will be eaten by Aurel.
c. The food has to be eaten by Aurel.
d. The food will be being eaten by Aurel.
10. Active : Will someone deliver the papers tomorrow?
a. Will the papers delivered by someone tomorrow?
b. Would the papers be delivered tomorrow?
c. Will the the papers delivered by someone.
d. Will the papers be delivered tomorrow?
11. Active : The manager should sign these contracts today
Passive: ______________________________________
a. These contracts should sign the manager today.
b. These contracts should be signed.
c. These contracst would be signed by the manager.
d. These contracts should be signed by the manager today.
12. Active : Raheesh is calling the other members.
Passive: ______________________________
a. The other members are being called by Raheesh.
b. The other members were called by Raheesh.
c. The other members is being called by Raheesh.
d. The other members have been called by Raheesh.
13. Active : The delegates had received the information before the recess.
Passive: _________________________________________________
a. The information had received by the delegates before the recess.
b. The information has been received by the delegates before the recess.
c. The information is being received by the delegates before the recess.
d. The information had been received by the delegates before the recess.
14. Active : Somebody has shot the president.
Passive: ___________________________
a. The president is being shot by somebody.
b. The president was being shot.
c. The president has been shot.
d. The president had been shot by somebody.

15. The speed of light is _______________ the speed of sound.

a. the faster c. as fast
b. much faster than d. faster
16. He is ________________ his father.
a. taller c. the tallest
b. as tall as d. tall
17. Today is ________________ yesterday.
a. as hot c.hotter than
b. the hottest d. hot
18. Of the three shirts, this one is __________________.
a. as pretty as c. prettier than
b. the most pretty d. the prettiest
Kode-Nama MK :
Hari/ Tanggal Ujian : Soal telah dicek
Waktu Ujian : 90 Menit oleh:
Ruangan :

19. Sam’s grades are ______________ his sister’s.

a. higher than c. the highest
b. high d. as high
20. He visits his family _____________________ she does.
a. less frequently than c. the least frequently
b. the most frequently d. frequently
21. This chair is ____________________ the other one.
a. the most comfortable c. as comfortable
b. comfortable d. more comfortable than
22. This magazine is ________________ that one.
a. the best c. better than
b. as good d. better
23. These shoes are ____________________ of all.
a. less expensive than c. the least expensive
b. expensive d. as little expensive
24. If I had studied hard, I _______________________ the exams.
a. will pass c. would pass
b. pass d.woul have passed
25. She would join the team if she ________________ you.
a. were c. was
b. is d. had been
26. If I get my salary this month, I _________________ buy that bag.
a. will c. would have bought
b. would d. had bought
27. If I were a bird, I would fly.
The fact of the sentence above is _____________________________
a. I’m a bird so I will fly
b. I didn’t fly because I wasn’t a bird.
c. I was a bird so I would fly.
d. I can’t fly because I’m not a bird.

28. I wouldn’t have been in jail if I hadn’t stolen that car.

The fact of the sentence above is ________________________________
a. I am in jail because I steal that car.
b. I’m not in jail because I don’t steak that car.
c. I stole that car so I was in jail.
d. I didn’t steal that car so I wasn’t in jail.
29. He would tell you about it if he ___________ here.
a. is c. were
b. was d. has been
30. She __________________ the house if she had found the right buyer.
a. will sell c. would sell
b. is going to sell d. would have sold
31. I could understand the French teacher if she _________________ more slowly.
a. speaks c. had spoken
b. spoke d. is speaking
32. The teacher will not accept our work if we _________________ it in late.
a. turned c. are turning
b. turn d. had turned
33. You and I talked with the professor yesterday, ____________ ?
a. don’t we? c. aren’t you?
b. didn’t we? d. didn’t I?
34. You have two children, _____________ ?
a. haven’t you? c. didn’t you?
b. aren’t you? d. don’t you?
35. The boys don’t have class tomorrow,_____________ ?
a. did they? c. do they?
b. aren’t they? d. does he?

Kode-Nama MK :
Hari/ Tanggal Ujian : Soal telah dicek
Waktu Ujian : 90 Menit oleh:
Ruangan :

36. There are only twenty –eight days in February, _________ ?

a. are there? c. aren’t there?
b. do they? d. isn’t there?
37. We’ve seen that movie, _________________?
a. did we? c. haven’t we?
b. don’t we? d. had we?
38. She is collecting stickers, ______________?
a. isn’t she? c. doesn’t she?
b. has she? d. is she?
39. I’m clever, _______________?
a. aren’t I? c. don’t I?
b. am I? d. haven’t I?
40. Kevin will come tonight, _____________?
a. will he? c. isn’t he?
b. can’t he? d. won’t he?

Marianne Moore (1887-1972) once said that her writting could be called poetry only because there was no other
name for it. Indeed her poems appear to be extremely compressed essays that happen to be printed in jagged lines
on the page. Her subjects were varied: animals, labores, artist, and the craft of poetry. From her general reading
came quotations that she found striking or insightful. She included these in her poems, scrupulously enclosed in
quotation marks and sometimes identified in footnotes. Of this practice, she wrote, “  ‘why the many quotation
marks?’ I am asked. . . when a thing has been said so well that it could not be said better, why paraphrase it?Hence
my writting is, if not a cabinet of fossils, a kind of collection of flies in amber.” Close observation and
consentration on detail are the methods of her poetry.

Marianne Moore grew up in kirkwood, Missouri, near St. Louis. After graduation from Bryn Mawr College in
1909, she taught commercial subjects at the Indian school in Carlisle, Pennsylvannia. Later she became a librarian
in New York City. During the 1920’s she was editor of The Dial, an importan literary magazine of the period. She
lived quietly all her life, mostly in Brooklyn, New York. She spent a lot of time at the Bronx Zoo, fascinated by
animals. Her admiration of the Brooklyn Dodgers – before the team moved to Los Angeles- was widely known.

Her first book of poems was published in London in 1921 by a group of friends associeted with the imagist
movement. From that time on her poetry has been read with interest by succeeding generations of poets and
readers. In 1952 she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for her Collected Poems. She wrote that she did not write
poetry “for  money or fame. To earn a living is needful, but it can be done in routine ways. One writes because one
has a burning desire to objectivy what it is indispensable to one’s happiness to express...”

41.          What is the passage mainly about?

a) The influance of the imagist on Marianne Moore
b) Essayists and poets of the 1920’s
c) The use was quotations in poetry
d) Marianne Moore’s life and work
42.          Which of the following can be inferred about Moore’s poems?
a) They are better known in Europe than the United States
b) They do not use traditional verse forms
c) They were all published in The Dial
d) They tend to be abstract
43.          According to the passage Moore wrote about all of the following EXCEPT
a) Artists
b) Animals
c) Fossils
d) workers
44.          What does Moore refer to as “flies in amber” (line 9)?
a) A common image in her poetry
b) Poetry in the twentieth century
c) Concentration on detail
Kode-Nama MK :
Hari/ Tanggal Ujian : Soal telah dicek
Waktu Ujian : 90 Menit oleh:
Ruangan :

d) Quotations within her poetry

45.          The author mentions all of the following as jobs held by Moore EXCEPT
a) Commercial artist
b) Teacher
c) Magazine editor
d) Librarian 

46.          The word “period” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

a) Movement
b) School
c) Region
d) time

47.          Where did Moore spend most of her adult life?

a) In Kirkwood
b) In Brooklyn
c) In Los Angeles
d) In Carlisle

48.          The word “succeeding” in line 19 is closest in meaning to

a) Inheriting
b) Prospering
c) Diverse
d) later

49.          The word “it” in line 21 refers to

a) Writing poetry
b) Becoming famous
c) Earning a living
d) Attracting readers

50.          It can be inferred from the passage that Moore wrote because she
a) Wanted to win award
b) Was disatisfied with what others wrote
c) Felt a need to express herself
d) Wanted to raise money for the Bronx Zoo


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