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From the Theoretical s8 premiere:

- Bajorans developed a cure for Ketracel White (?)

- Army Service condition of Bajoran Citizenship (?)
- Jem'Hadar made citizens (?)
- Kira counseled a Jem'Hadar for PTSD and they eventually converted; first domino
in missonary efforts, led by said Jem'Hadar
- Bajorans's & Jem'Hadar missionaries are going into the Gamma Quadrant to convert
other soldiers, talk them into defecting with 'we have a cure' and 'free will' -
but prophets gave you this
- Bajoran's remained independent. Now a unified Gov't - looking to expand, and
possible homeworld for Jem'Hadar?
- Been constantly at odds and negotiations with Cardassia for a NZ. Bajorans
eventually just take a disputed world (?)
- Cardassia gets nervous, asks for Fed help - petition to join the Federation
(season finale?)
- Bajorans protest; theatens treaty
- Jake misses father, angry at the leaving, has been lost, reclusive; hard to
connect to others
- Joseph Yates-Sisko; only knows the idea and revery around father, and what mom
told him, but doesn't know Sisko, has no real connection.
- Bashir is S31; Deputy director maybe? Someone just above who made the call to
kill Nog?
- Does Ezri know? Yes and still together
- What happened to Bashir? How did he lose his way?

- KiraYoshi; closer with Kira than family?

- Is he religious? Prophets?
- Analogy of Republican in a Liberal family...
- Or KiraYoshi died... on s31 mission.
- Bashir feels responsible. Mega guilt made him distant (?)
- O'Briens know full story, don't blame Bashir.

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