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In the story, "Footnote to Youth", what is the first reaction of Dodong’s father when Dodong told him

that he will marry Teang?

Select one:
a. angry at Dodong
b. inflexible silence
c. complacent about the marriage

d. extremely happy
What is the overall lesson of the story, "Footnote to Youth"?

Select one:
a. Living in a rural community is exciting and rewarding.
b. Being obedient is a virtue.
c. Loving your parents is the best thing to do as a child.

d. The untoward consequences of marrying at an early age.

In the story, "Footnote to Youth," which line in the dialogue hinted on the setting of the story?

Select one:
a. “Must you marry Teang?”
b. “Dodong, Dodong, you come up”
c. “You have objections, itay?”

d. “I am going to marry Teang”

In the story, “The Wedding Dance,” this is the mood that was created in the scene when Awiyao
invited Lumnay to join the wedding celebration.

Select one:
a. embarrassing
b. angry
c. submissive

d. happy
An impression about the relationship of Awiyao and Lumnay from the story, “The Wedding
Dance,” in relation to mood.

Select one:
a. mental and physical health
b. social influence
c. leadership
d. negotiation

What events in the story “Footnote to Youth” recur in cycles?

Select one:
a. Dodong as a young farmer.
b. Marrying at a young age
c. Swimming in the river

d. Couples live a happy life

Which of these promptly describes the home of Dodong and Teang from the story, "Footnote to

Select one:
a. happy and contented
b. mean but contented
c. simple but happy

d. simple and mean

Read the story “Footnote to Youth” and find out how the main character Dodong is affected by his
family and the rural community he lives in.
Which of the choices below describe the character of Dodong?

Select one:
a. loving
b. obedient
c. submissive

d. assertive
Which of the following scenes from the story, "Footnote to Youth" was deemed exciting and

Select one:
a. The day Dodong's first child was born.
b. The late night Blas told Dodong he wants to marry Tona.
c. The night when Dodong shows eagerness to marry Teang.

d. The day Dodong recalled of his youth and his early marriage.
In the story, "Footnote to Youth", how would you describe Dodong's actions?

Select one:
a. impatient
b. humble
c. angry

d. selfless

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