Situations B2 Oral Exam

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You’d very much like to have the Internet on your computer at home. Your parents have
agreed, but your brother/sister you share your room with is not keen on the idea. Tell him/her
why you think it’s a good idea and try to convince him/her that it will be useful for him/her as
well. Include the following:

¤ a new world opens up

¤ all the information you need
¤ help with your studies
¤ fun

Start by saying there’s something you’d like to discuss.

You are planning a one-day trip with your class. There are three ideas:

¤ Hortobágy National Park

¤ visiting museums in Budapest
¤ Kis-Balaton wildlife reserve

You are discussing which trip to choose with a classmate. Tell him/her which you would
prefer and give reasons. Try to convince him/her why you would both enjoy the trip. Include
the following:

¤ what you want to see there

¤ why worth visiting
¤ what to do there for a day
¤ how long you’d spend travelling
¤ meals

You are planning to go to a summer camp with your friend. The school offers three camps:

¤ sports camp (water polo, surfing and basketball included)

¤ young artists’ camp (painting and pottery)
¤ folk art and folk dancing

You are discussing which camp to choose with your friend. Tell him/her which you would
prefer and give reasons. Try to convince him/her to go together. Include the following:

¤ why there?
¤ what it offers
¤ activities you would like to do
¤ whether you have ever tried any of these activities
¤ whether you have heard anything (good or bad) about these camps
You’d very much like a pet at home. Your parents haven’t agreed yet. Tell your father/mother
what pet you would like and why you think it’s a good idea to have another family member.
Try to convince him/her that they will like it too. Include the following points:

¤ What pet?
¤ Where to get it
¤ What it eats and needs
¤ How to take care of it
¤ Your duties

You’ve had a hard week at school, so you’ve decided to have a relaxing Saturday night. You’d
like to go to the cinema and see a good film. Your friend would prefer to stay at home. Try to
convince him/her to go with you. Include the following points:

¤ which film you should see and why

¤ why it is excellent entertainment
¤ what else you could do after the cinema
¤ where and when you should meet

You’d very much like to get a driving licence because quite a few of your classmates already
have one. Your father/mother thinks you are too young. Tell him/her why you think it’s a good
idea and try to convince him/her. You know he/she is also worried about school grades.
Include the following points:

¤ makes life easier

¤ now cheap at a school in the neighbourhood
¤ only two afternoons a week
¤ grown up already
¤ you can help parents to do certain jobs
You’d very much like a pet at home. Your parents haven’t agreed yet. Tell your father/mother
what pet you would like and why you think it’s a good idea to have another family member.
Try to convince him/her that they will like it too. Include the following points:

¤ What pet?
¤ Where to get it
¤ What it eats and needs
¤ How to take care of it
¤ Your duties

You’ve had a hard week at school, so you’ve decided to have a relaxing Saturday night. You’d
like to go to the cinema and see a good film. Your friend would prefer to stay at home. Try to
convince him/her to go with you. Include the following points:

¤ which film you should see and why

¤ why it is excellent entertainment
¤ what else you could do after the cinema
¤ where and when you should meet

You’d very much like to get a driving licence because quite a few of your classmates already
have one. Your father/mother thinks you are too young. Tell him/her why you think it’s a good
idea and try to convince him/her. You know he/she is also worried about school grades.
Include the following points:

¤ makes life easier

¤ now cheap at a school in the neighbourhood
¤ only two afternoons a week
¤ grown up already
¤ you can help parents to do certain jobs
You have only three Hungarian TV channels at home. You’d very much like to be able to
watch a wider variety of TV programmes. Your parents have agreed to subscribe to a cable
TV package. You want to choose a package that includes your favourite channels. From the
list choose four channels that you want to have:

¤ Music Box ¤ Discovery Channel

¤ Eurosport ¤ Cartoon Network
¤ BBC Prime ¤ MTV Europe
¤ CNN ¤ National Geographic
¤ Travel Channel ¤ Duna TV

Tell your examiner which channels you’ve chosen and discuss your choice with him/her.
Include the following:

¤ type of information
¤ type of entertainment
¤ a programme you would like to see
¤ language practice

You and your friend are invited to the party of the International Club. Your friend’s parents do
not want to let him/her go because the party is in a nearby town and you can get back only in
the morning. Try to convince your friend’s father/mother to let him/her go. Include the
following points:

¤ a very safe place

¤ mostly university students
¤ a lot of friends
¤ your mobile phone
¤ opportunity to practice English
¤ an early bus in the morning

You are rather busy at school on weekdays, but you don’thave many extra classes in the
afternoon. You have only tennis on Monday after school. You have decided to join an extra
class on another afternoon. Your school offers the following classes:


Choose the afternoon activity that you are most interested in and discuss why you have
chosen that class with the examiner.
You have only three Hungarian TV channels at home. You’d very much like to be able to
watch a wider variety of TV programmes. Your parents have agreed to subscribe to a cable
TV package. You want to choose a package that includes your favourite channels. From the
list choose four channels that you want to have:

¤ Music Box ¤ Discovery Channel

¤ Eurosport ¤ Cartoon Network
¤ BBC Prime ¤ MTV Europe
¤ CNN ¤ National Geographic
¤ Travel Channel ¤ Duna TV

Tell your examiner which channels you’ve chosen and discuss your choice with him/her.
Include the following:

¤ type of information
¤ type of entertainment
¤ a programme you would like to see
¤ language practice

You and your friend are invited to the party of the International Club. Your friend’s parents do
not want to let him/her go because the party is in a nearby town and you can get back only in
the morning. Try to convince your friend’s father/mother to let him/her go. Include the
following points:

¤ a very safe place

¤ mostly university students
¤ a lot of friends
¤ your mobile phone
¤ opportunity to practice English
¤ an early bus in the morning

You are rather busy at school on weekdays, but you don’thave many extra classes in the
afternoon. You have only tennis on Monday after school. You have decided to join an extra
class on another afternoon. Your school offers the following classes:


Choose the afternoon activity that you are most interested in and discuss why you have
chosen that class with the examiner.
You are spending two weeks in England. You would like to buy a present to take back to
Hungary for your best friend. Talk to your English friend about your plan and ideas for the
present. Discuss what present to buy and ask where you could buy it. You know that your best
friend is interested in

¤ music
¤ eating
¤ books
¤ cars
¤ Internet games
¤ travelling

Start talking to your English friend.

You have moved to a new flat. Your best friend is coming to see how you are doing there.
Discuss the following points:

¤ why you moved here

¤ if it is better/worse than where you used to live
¤ shopping and entertainment facilites
¤ neighbours

Start talking to your friend.

You have decided to find a job for the summer in an English-speaking country. You have
found three job opportunities on the Internet:

¤ Picking strawberries in South-East England

¤ Looking after children 10-14 years old in a summer camp in California
¤ Working in a zoo in Canada

Choose the job you are most interested in and discuss your choice with your Examiner.
You are spending two weeks in England. You would like to buy a present to take back to
Hungary for your best friend. Talk to your English friend about your plan and ideas for the
present. Discuss what present to buy and ask where you could buy it. You know that your best
friend is interested in

¤ music
¤ eating
¤ books
¤ cars
¤ Internet games
¤ travelling

Start talking to your English friend.

You have moved to a new flat. Your best friend is coming to see how you are doing there.
Discuss the following points:

¤ why you moved here

¤ if it is better/worse than where you used to live
¤ shopping and entertainment facilites
¤ neighbours

Start talking to your friend.

You have decided to find a job for the summer in an English-speaking country. You have
found three job opportunities on the Internet:

¤ Picking strawberries in South-East England

¤ Looking after children 10-14 years old in a summer camp in California
¤ Working in a zoo in Canada

Choose the job you are most interested in and discuss your choice with your Examiner.
Your ask your best friend to babysit your 3-year-old sister for the day, because you must go to
the dentist. Discuss the following with your friend:

¤ How long he/she has to look after your sister

¤ your sister’s eating habits
¤ what your sister likes/dislikes doing/playing
¤ your sister’s daily routine

Start by asking if your friend can do you a favour.

You would like to organise a party for your classmates. You are planning the party with your
best friend (the Examiner). Tell your friend when and where you think the party should be.
Ask for your friend’s advice. Discuss the menu as well. Include the following points:

¤ which evening? ¤ what time to start and finish

¤ your big garden ¤ dishes easy to make
¤ vegetarian food? ¤ traditional Hungarian dishes?
¤ soft drinks ¤ what guest should bring along with them
¤ your mum’s cakes and pancakes

Start talking to your friend.

You and your friend are invited to a pyjama party. Your friend’s parents are not happy because
you will not spend the night at home. Try to convince your friend’s father/mother to let
him/her go. Include the following points:

¤ it is very safe because your friend’s parents will be there

¤ mostly friends from the school
¤ you can talk on the phone
¤ you can take a taxi home
¤ you will get home early next morning

You decided to go to the cinema with your brother and see a good film. Your brother would
like to watch a DVD at home with some friends. Try to convince him/her to go with you.
Include the following points:

¤ there is a good film on at the cinema near you

¤ you can also see previews at the cinema
¤ your friends would also prefer going to the cinema
¤ you watched DVDs the day before too
¤ you could go to a Mcdonald’s afterwards
Your ask your best friend to babysit your 3-year-old sister for the day, because you must go to
the dentist. Discuss the following with your friend:

¤ How long he/she has to look after your sister

¤ your sister’s eating habits
¤ what your sister likes/dislikes doing/playing
¤ your sister’s daily routine

Start by asking if your friend can do you a favour.

You would like to organise a party for your classmates. You are planning the party with your
best friend (the Examiner). Tell your friend when and where you think the party should be.
Ask for your friend’s advice. Discuss the menu as well. Include the following points:

¤ which evening? ¤ what time to start and finish

¤ your big garden ¤ dishes easy to make
¤ vegetarian food? ¤ traditional Hungarian dishes?
¤ soft drinks ¤ what guest should bring along with them
¤ your mum’s cakes and pancakes

Start talking to your friend.

You and your friend are invited to a pyjama party. Your friend’s parents are not happy because
you will not spend the night at home. Try to convince your friend’s father/mother to let
him/her go. Include the following points:

¤ it is very safe because your friend’s parents will be there

¤ mostly friends from the school
¤ you can talk on the phone
¤ you can take a taxi home
¤ you will get home early next morning

You decided to go to the cinema with your brother and see a good film. Your brother would
like to watch a DVD at home with some friends. Try to convince him/her to go with you.
Include the following points:

¤ there is a good film on at the cinema near you

¤ you can also see previews at the cinema
¤ your friends would also prefer going to the cinema
¤ you watched DVDs the day before too
¤ you could go to a Mcdonald’s afterwards
You are spending two weeks in England. You would like to buy a present for your best friend.
Talk to your English friend about your plan and ideas for the present. Discuss what present to
buy and ask where you could buy it. You know that your best friend is interested in

¤ music
¤ eating
¤ books
¤ cars
¤ Internet games
¤ travelling

Start talking to your English friend.

You and your sister would like to watch different TV channels at the same time. You would
like to watch some sports (a football match) and your sister would like to watch some
cartoons. Talk to your sister (the Examiner) and try and convince her.

¤ sports events are more interesting

¤ cartoons are very childish
¤ sports events are live on TV
¤ she can watch cartoons all day the next day
¤ you are a big fan of the football team

Star talking to the Examiner.

You are planning your holiday with the family. You would like to go to France for two weeks.
Discuss the following with the Examiner:

¤ way of travelling (car, bus, plane, etc.)

¤ what documents you need to take with you
¤ where to stay (hotel, campsite, etc.)
¤ what to take with you (food, clothing, etc.)
¤ what you would like to do there (sightseeing, etc.)

Start talking to the Examiner.

You ask your best friend to babysit your 4-year-old brother for the day, because you must go
to see your doctor. Discuss the following with your friend:

¤ How long he/she has to look after your brother

¤ your brother’s eating habits
¤ what your brother likes/dislikes doing/playing
¤ your brother’s daily routine
Start by asking if your friend can do you a favour.
You are spending two weeks in England. You would like to buy a present for your best friend.
Talk to your English friend about your plan and ideas for the present. Discuss what present to
buy and ask where you could buy it. You know that your best friend is interested in

¤ music
¤ eating
¤ books
¤ cars
¤ Internet games
¤ travelling

Start talking to your English friend.

You and your sister would like to watch different TV channels at the same time. You would
like to watch some sports (a football match) and your sister would like to watch some
cartoons. Talk to your sister (the Examiner) and try and convince her.

¤ sports events are more interesting

¤ cartoons are very childish
¤ sports events are live on TV
¤ she can watch cartoons all day the next day
¤ you are a big fan of the football team

Star talking to the Examiner.

You are planning your holiday with the family. You would like to go to France for two weeks.
Discuss the following with the Examiner:

¤ way of travelling (car, bus, plane, etc.)

¤ what documents you need to take with you
¤ where to stay (hotel, campsite, etc.)
¤ what to take with you (food, clothing, etc.)
¤ what you would like to do there (sightseeing, etc.)

Start talking to the Examiner.

You ask your best friend to babysit your 4-year-old brother for the day, because you must go
to see your doctor. Discuss the following with your friend:

¤ How long he/she has to look after your brother

¤ your brother’s eating habits
¤ what your brother likes/dislikes doing/playing
¤ your brother’s daily routine
Start by asking if your friend can do you a favour.

You are not feeling well. It is possible that you have flu. Explain your symptoms to your
doctor (the Examiner) and ask for his/her help. Include the following points:
- describe your symptoms;
- ask about what you have to do to recover;
- ask about the medicine;
- ask about the next check-up.

Start the conversation.


Your friend, Julia (the Examiner) has got weight problems. Give her advice. Answer her
questions. Try to convince her about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Start the conversation.


You and your foreign friend, James (the Examiner) are in a typical Hungarian restaurant.
Discuss what you want to order. He has never tried Hungarian food. Convince him to try
some and recommend some dishes and drinks. Answer his questions.

Start the conversation.


Starters Soups
Pancake with meat filling Hortobágy style Goulash soup
Fried cheese in breadcrumbs Fish soup

Main dishes Desserts

Chicken paprika with dumplings Fruit salad
Stuffed cabbage Sponge cake Somló style

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