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Solved: ABC health care Uppervale Health Center runs two

ABC health care Uppervale Health Center runs two programs

ABC, health care. Uppervale Health Center runs two programs: drug addict rehabilitation and
aftercare (counseling and support of patients after release from a mental hospital). The center’s
budget for 2010 follows:

Muriel Clayton, the director of the center, is keen on determining the cost of each program.
Clayton compiled the following data describing employee allocations to individual programs:

Clayton has recently become aware of activity-based costing as a method to refine costing
systems. She asks her accountant, Huey Deluth, how she should apply this technique. Deluth
obtains the following budgeted information for 2010:

1. a. Selecting cost-allocation bases that you believe are the most appropriate for allocating
indirect costs to programs, calculate the budgeted indirect cost rates for medical supplies; rent
and clinic maintenance; administrative costs for patient charts, food, and laundry; and laboratory
b. Using an activity-based costing approach to cost analysis, calculate the budgeted cost of
each program and the budgeted cost per patient-year of the drug program.
c. What benefits can Uppervale Health Center obtain by implementing the ABC system?
2. What factors, other than cost, do you think Uppervale Health Center should consider in
allocating resources to itsprograms?

ABC health care Uppervale Health Center runs two programs


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