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Lab Report 5

pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

1. Acids are substances that produce hydrogen ions (H +) when dissolved in water.
Lemon juice is an example of an acidic solution.

A. What does lemon juice taste like?

Sour taste
B. What effect does lemon juice have on some metals?

corrode some metals

2. Bases are substances that produce hydroxide ions (OH -) when dissolved in water.
Hand soap is an example of a basic solution.

A. What does soap feel like?

feel soapy and slippery

B. What does soap taste like?

taste bitter or chalky

3. The strength of an acid or base is measured on the pH scale. The term “pH” is
short for “potential of hydrogen”. It is a measure of how many excess H + ions there
are in a solution. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, with 0 representing the highest
concentration of hydrogen ions. Complete the following table.

Type of Solution pH < 7, pH > 7, or pH = 7 OH- < H+, OH- > H+, or OH- = H+

pH < 7 OH- < H+

pH > 7 OH- > H+
pH = 7 OH- = H+

4. Test: Use the Gizmo to find the pH of each of the available solutions.

0-14 pH indicator paper

Material in the tube pH value Acidic, alkaline, or neutral?
Baking soda 8 alkaline

Bleach 12 alkaline

Coffee 5 acidic

Cola 2 acidic

Hand soap 9 alkaline

Juice (lemon) 3 acidic

Juice (orange) 3 acidic

Juice (tomato) 4 acidic

Milk 7 neutral

Milk of magnesia 10 alkaline

Saliva (human) 7 neutral

Shampoo 7 neutral

Stomach acid 1 acidic

Vinegar 4 acidic

Water (distilled) 7 neutral

Water (ocean) 8 alkaline

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