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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Quarter 1 Week 1 Module 1

Learning Competency:
After going through this module, you are
expected to achieve:
1. define and understand marketing, concepts and
2. understand the goals of marketing and its
social effects; and
3. discuss the goals of marketing.


Learning Module for Principles of Marketing


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions
below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated
in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning, that is important to develop
and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the
answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after

completing the lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to
be mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what
learnings and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications
of the lessons.
• Check your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from the
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module.

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing

LESSON Definition and Concept of Marketing Principles,

1 Goals
and Approaches.


As we study and immerse ourselves in “Principles of Marketing” in the process,

it is necessary to know some Marketing Principles and Strategies. The pre-
requisite of this subject is Organization and Management and Applied
Economics. The module is subjected to discuss Module 1 – The elements of
Marketing Principles, Strategies and Contemporary Marketing Approaches.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

After going through this module, you are expected to achieve:
1. define and understand marketing, concepts and principles;
2. understand the goals of marketing and its social effects; and
3. discuss the goals of marketing.
Let us start your journey in
learning with a Pretest.

Smile and Enjoy!


Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Place True if the statement is
Correct and Place False if the statement false. Write your answer in the space
provided before the number.

___________1. Marketing concept focuses on the internal potentials of the

company and not based on the desires and needs of the market.
___________2. Achieving the organization’s long-term goals by satisfying
customer wants and needs.
___________3. Goals of Marketing are specific metrics which are used to track
performance to make sure the firm is on track to meet specific
___________4. Focusing on customer wants and needs to distinguish products
from competition.
___________5. The Aggressive marketing strategies and policies had decreased the
consumption of goods and services.
Great, you finished answering the
questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work.
Congratulations and keep on learning!

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing



Directions: Fill-in the blanks to identify the following terms in Applied
Economics and Organization and Management subjects. Choose the answers
from the box below.

__________________1. works toward the organization’s goals using its resources

in an effective and efficient manner.
__________________2. a social science that deals with the allocation of scarce
resources to meet the unlimited human needs and wants.
__________________3. consists of the interlocking functions of creating corporate
policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization's
resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy.
__________________4. means an expression of financial value of all consumed
inputs when producing goods, services or any other supporting activities or
processes in the company.
__________________5. a state when buyers and sellers transact on the purchase
or sale of goods and services.
__________________6. ______are desires for goods and services we would like to
have but do not need.
__________________7. a special kind of want, and refer to things we must have to
survive, such as food, water, and shelter.
__________________8. is a person or group of people who are the final users of
products and or services generated within a social system.
____________________9. an economic principle referring to a consumer's desire to
purchase goods and services and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or
service. Holding all other factors constant, an increase in the price of a good or
service will decrease the quantity demanded, and vice versa.
____________________10. These are also called the factors of production. These
are needed for the production of goods and services such as Land, Labor, Capital
and Entrepreneur.

Economic Resources Costs Manager

Wants Needs Management
CONSUMER Demand Market
Economics Entrepreneur

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing


Many view marketing as process or dynamic business activity that is

designed to plan and promote the delivery or satisfy needs and wants of the
potential and present market. In the definition of marketing given by the
American Marketing Association or AMA, “Marketing is an organizational
function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and
delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in
ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.” The definition
views as an exchange process or discipline that involves strategies, activities,
positions, and institutions.
The definition of Marketing according to Dr. Philip Kotler, “A social and
managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they
need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with
others.” It is also defined as the meeting of the minds between the seller and the
buyer to satisfy human needs and wants with profit on the part of the marketer
and the satisfaction of thee buyer for the money he spent. On the bases of this
view, marketing is an organization intervention and functions that set the
process of creating, communicating and delivering value to customers.
From the academic point of view, marketing is the art and science of
creating tangible products or services and finding the market, getting and
retaining them to attain profitable operations. On one hand, it is a societal
process that marketers must communicate the sustainable value of the product
or service to its target market. It is a critical business process for attracting
customers to satisfy their needs and wants.
Marketing is also an integrated process through which companies create
value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture
value from customers in return. Simply put: Marketing is the delivery of
customer satisfaction at a profit.
Goal: Attract new customer by promising superior value and keep and grow
current customers by delivering satisfaction.
Two Interacting Components of Marketing

Company Market
The company and its market are equally important. It is marketing that gives
fulfilment to both components. Marketing people should balance between the
company’s requirements for profit and desired market share.

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing
This is composed of two other interacting components: the customer and
competition. The overriding objective of the company is not just to satisfy the
needs and want of its customer. It must profitable and better than its competitor.
Otherwise, the competitor could win the customers because it is able to satisfy

Customer Needs and Wants

Figure 2. Concept of Marketing

Need is one important component in the marketing of products. It is the

consumer’s desire for a product or service. The product or service must have
specific benefits that satisfy the functional or emotional needs. On the other
hand, basic needs are food, clothing, and shelter. We cannot live without them
and marketers must be able to provide them to human population.
Wants are higher-level human needs as they appeal more to the emotions. These
are the social needs for recognition and the development of higher social
satisfaction is limitless.
Traditional concept marketing is a marketing strategy a company uses to
determine if it can produce a viable product consumer want or need, whether
the company can produce enough products to fill the need, and the marketing
method by which the need can be filled.

Several Distinct Traditional Approaches:

1. Production concept focuses on the internal potentials of the company and not
based on the desires and needs of the market.

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing
2. Marketing concept a philosophy which states that organization must try hard
to find out and satisfy the needs and wants of consumers while at the
same time accomplishing the organizational goals.
3. Sales concept refers to the idea that people will buy more goods and services
through personal selling and advertising done aggressively to push them
in the market.
4. Relationship concept/marketing an approach that centers on maintaining and
improving value-added long-term relationships with current customers,
distributors, dealers and suppliers.
5. Societal Marketing Concept views that organizations must satisfy the needs of
consumers in a manner that gives for society’s benefit.

Goals of Marketing
1. Focusing on customer wants and needs to distinguish products from
2. Integrating all the organization’s activities to satisfy customer wants and
3. Achieving the organization’s long-term goals by satisfying customer wants
and needs


top-level broad goals to show Specific SMART objectives to

how the business can benefit give clear direction and

from channels. So, goals are the commercial targets.
broad aims used to shape Objectives are the SMART targets for
strategy. They describe how marketing which can be used to track
marketing will contribute to the performance against target. The SMART
business in key areas of mnemonic helps as a test or filter which the
growing sales, communicating firm can use to assess the
with audience and saving quality of measures


The main difference between the contemporary marketing orientation and
traditional marketing orientation is that while the former is consumer-focused,
the latter is company-focused. Traditional marketing is concerned with pulling
customers and does not really consider the customer's diverse needs. Rather it
is concerned with the market or industry in which the company operates in.
Contemporary marketing aims for customers satisfaction in order to build a
relationship with them. Therefore, the types of marketing strategies under
contemporary marketing are concerned with the needs of customers.

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing
Since it first emerged as a distinct business and management phenomenon,
marketing has evolved significantly with new types of marketing to address
changing trends in the market.
Here are some of types of marketing:
1. Business to Business - B2B 4. Cloud Marketing
Marketing 5. Telemarketing
2. Business to Consumer - B2C 6. Guerrilla Marketing
Marketing 7. Push Marketing
3. Brand Marketing 8. Influencer Marketing

Emerging Types of Marketing and their Applications:

Based on a 2017 report by Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers, an internet trend
investment firm, 3.4 billion people use the internet. Therefore, the internet has
become an easy and quick way to research, reach and engage customers.
1. Search engine optimization is majorly concerned with increasing a business’
visibility and rankings on search engine result pages. It is a simple way of
attracting organic traffic of potential customers to a website. SEO can be
maximized with paid adverts (Google AdWords), strategic content marketing
and social media networks.
2. Pay per Click advertising: This is advertising presented on search engine
result pages or web pages where the advertiser is only charged based on the
number of times someone clicks on the ads to go to the advertiser's targeted
3. Email marketing is a type of marketing based on the distribution of messages
through emails. Email marketing provides direct contact with customers and
allows businesses to create relationships with their customers. Updates,
exciting news, and call to actions can be sent directly to customers.
4. Referral marketing: is a type of marketing where an individual or customer
pleased with the results gotten from a product refers the product to another
5. Affiliate marketing: is a prominent type of internet marketing where a third
party promotes a product and earns commission, or a piece of the profit gotten
from every sale made through that referral.
6. Video marketing: Videos act as one of the most interactive types of online
marketing and can prove to be a great way to raise awareness about a business
or product.
7. Inbound marketing is a very powerful contemporary marketing strategy that
focuses on different tactics to draw consumers in and convince them to buy
goods. It is one the result-oriented types of marketing that uses content to drive

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing


Independent Activity
Directions: Write you answer in yellow pad paper.
1. Assume you are about to graduate. How would you apply marketing principles to
your job search? In what ways would you be able to market yourself and impress
the human resource specialists create, communicate, and deliver value as a
potential employee, and what would that value be, exactly? How would you prove
that you can deliver that value?
2. Is marketing always appropriate for political candidates? Why or why not?


Marketing is an organizational functional and a set of processes for creating,

communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer
relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Marketing
evolved from Production concept to Societal Marketing Concept. It is also viewed as
integrated process through which companies create value for customers and build
strong customer relationship in order to capture value from customers in return.

Marketing concept which holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists
of determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the satisfaction
more effectively and efficiently than competitors do.

Traditional marketing is an umbrella term that covers the wide array of advertising
channels we see daily. These may include print media, billboard and TV advertising,
flyer and poster campaigns and radio broadcast advertising.

Another marketing theory that's considered to be traditional is the marketing mix.

Made up of the 7 P's. These include product, place, promotion, price, packaging and
positioning. All these components, when combined, create a solid marketing
proposal. However, this theory as well as Ansoff's, can be drastically improved with
the use of contemporary marketing strategies. Contemporary marketing aims for
customers satisfaction in order to build a relationship with them. Therefore, the types
of marketing strategies under contemporary marketing are concerned with the needs
of customers.

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing



Directions: Complete the following statements. Write the word/s that would
complete the given statement.
1. _________ is one important component in the marketing of products.
2. According to Kotler, Marketing is a social and managerial _________ whereby
individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and
exchanging products and value with others.
3. _________ are higher-level human needs as they appeal more to the emotions.
4. __________________________ and coordinated marketing aims to achieve its
profit, objectives and goals. These goals and objectives hinge on the increase in
sales volume and customer’s patronage.
5. Attract new customer by promising superior value and keep and grow current
customers by ___________________________.


Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
Write your answer in the space provided before the number.

___________1. Customer-oriented and coordinated marketing aims to achieve its

profit, objectives and goals. These goals and objectives hinge on the increase in
sales volume and customer’s patronage.
a. Maximize the Consumption of c. Maximize Choice of Goods or
Goods Service
b. Maximize Consumer d. None of the above
___________2. The process must conform to standards in terms of product quality.
a. Marketing Process c. Production Process
b. Sales Process d. Marketing Process
___________3. Higher-level human needs appeal more to the emotions. These are the
social needs for recognition and the development of higher social satisfaction
which is limitless.
a. Needs c. Wants
b. Drives d. Social needs
___________4. This tool is used to check that the marketing activities of a company
are on track and are used to track performance to make sure the firm is on track
to meet specific objectives.

a. SMART Objectives c. Objectives
b. Goals d. Key Performance Indicators
___________5. Company are selling products and/or services by first promoting its
benefit that is environmentally friendly or produced in an environmentally friendly
a. Marketing Research c. Innovative marketing
b. Green Marketing d. None of the above
___________6. Is a marketing strategy a company uses to determine if it can produce
a viable product consumer want or need, whether the company can produce
enough products to fill the need, and the marketing method by which the need
can be filled?
a. New concept in Marketing c. Tradition Concept in
b. Sales Concept Marketing
d. Marketing Concept
___________7. This concept refers to the idea that people will buy more goods and
services through personal is?
a. Marketing Concept c. Production Concept
b. Sales Concept d. None of the above
___________8. An organizational function and a set of processes for creating,
communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer
relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
a. Marketing c. Production
b. Marketing Research d. Sales
___________9. It views that organizations must satisfy the needs of consumers in a
manner that gives for society’s benefit.
a. Marketing Concept c. Production Concept
b. Sales Concept d. None of the above
___________10. Top-level broad goals to show how the business can benefit from
channels. So, goals are the broad aims used to shape strategy. They describe how
marketing will contribute to the business in key areas of growing sales,
communicating with audience and saving money.
a. SMART Objectives c. Objectives
b. Goals d. None of the above


Following a string of protests for the scrapping of the controversial anti-

terrorism bill, many university students and alumni reported Sunday that
suspicious Facebook accounts were created bearing their names, prompting some
school officials to reach out to the privacy commission to address the issue.

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing
Reflective Question: As a future entrepreneur and/or marketer, how can you
prevent falsified information that will spread in social media or online or
suspicious account about your business and to you personally?


To further explore the concept learned today and if it possible to connect

the internet, you may visit the following links:
Topic: Marketing Concept

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing


Armstrong, Gary (2013). Marketing: An introduction 11th, Global ed. Harlow,

England: Pearson

Attar, Asiyeh, (2019) CONTEMPORARY TYPES OF MARKETING, Retrieved from

Garrovillas, Eduardo P ( 2007), Out of the Box Marketing Principles, that work
and make sense. Books Atbp. Publishing Corp

Go, Josiah (1996). Contemporary Marketing Strategy in the Philippine Setting,

Manila: National Bookstore

MEDINA, ROBERTO G. (2008), Principles of marketing revised edition REX


PAGOSO, CRISTOBAL, et al. Principles of Marketing: Philippine Setting with

E-commerce: Nelson Publication Paranaque

Williamson, Will (2020), Traditional Vs Contemporary Marketing Strategies,

Retrieved from

Learning Module for Principles of Marketing

Answer Key

1. True 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True


(1 )Manager (2) Economics (3) Management (4) Costs (5) Market (6) Wants (7)
needs (8) Consumer (9) Demand (10) Economic Resources.
Independent Activity
The Learners will expect to write the statements below:
1. Learners are expected to write any of the following possible answers:
a. Make an impressive or creative Resume;
b. Prepare himself (personal/ grooming);
c. Prepare appropriate business attire;
d. Research the company. Applicant need to know more about
target company;
e. Tell about your strong and weak sides;
f. Work-out possible common interview questions.
2. Learners is expected to write the following key words:
a. Promotion of political candidates;
b. Using online platforms for campaigns;
c. Market the candidates his/her ideas and perspective his/her chance
of winning;
d. Convince the audience to agree with their ideas or political agenda
to get votes.
e. Using jingles and videos for campaigns;
f. Using of advertisements on TV, Radio and Online.
Rubrics for Grading the Essay:
5- If the paragraph consists of 5 or more sentences with correct and complete
4- If the paragraph consists of 3 to 4 sentences with correct information.
3- If the paragraph consists of 2 to 3 sentences with correct information.
2- If the paragraph consists of 2 sentences with correct information
1- if the paragraph consists of only one sentence with correct information.


1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. C 7.B 8. A 9. C 10.D
Learning Module for Principles of Marketing

Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V

Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Remylinda T. Soriano
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID LRMS PDO II: Albert James P. Macaraeg

Reviewers/Validators: Remylinda T. Soriano, EPS, Math

Angelita Z. Modesto, PSDS
George B. Borromeo, PSDS

Editors: Ellaine I. Dela Cruz, DBA

Isabel A. Gumaru, DBA

Writer: Jupiter Q. Whiteside

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