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Watch the following video: Bad Software Engineering KILLED Cyberpunk 2077’s Release
Answer the following questions:
1. From a software engineering perspective, identify key points on what went wrong with
the release of Cyberpunk 2077?
- Planning
- Culture
- Engineering Approach
- Poor Business Decision Making
- Poor Engineering Practice
- CD Projekt Red isn’t actually practicing Continuous Delivery and Continuous

2. In relation to your upcoming software projects, identify lessons learned from the release
of Cyberpunk 2077 that would allow you to avoid such failures.
- During the planning process for the software projects, it is not recommended
to fix both Time and Scope of the project at the same time, the focus should
only be one of the two but never both. By fixing the scope, it can give us more
time to enhance or fix the current state of the project, while focusing on Time
will help us be specific on the features of the software.

3. Research for a major software failure that happened in the Philippines.

- Link of the Article
Comelec data leaked by hackers (

- Give a summary of what happened.

Hacker groups Anonymous Philippines and LulzSec Pilipinas claimed
responsibility for Philippines worst-ever data leak, as the personal information
of voters was divulged. The entire database of 340gb of the Philippines'
Commission on Elections (COMELEC) was leaked online, including sensitive
information such as passport information and fingerprint data of 70 million
voters. The incident was termed as the Philippines' worst data leak.
- Why did it happen?

Weakness in Cybersecurity causing hackers to breach and threaten the

Confidentiality and the Integrity of the data.

- Who was impacted by the software failure?

The Comelec and the Registered Voters are prone from identity theft.
- What was the extent or cost failure?

Assessments as to the extent of damage caused (or risk posed) by the hacking
incident and the subsequent data leak vary. Naturally, Comelec constantly
downplayed the risks associated with the breach. At the height of the
controversy, it insisted on multiple occasions that the breach was not a
significant cause for alarm. At one point, its spokesperson even floated the
idea that the leaked database could actually be fake.

- Lessons learned from the failure?

In order to avoid this kind of Failure, Strengthening the Cybersecurity must be

one of the main focus of the developers.

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