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Class # 01

Speaking using Verb To Be

 Self-Introduction
 Sharing positive & negative information
 Class activity with different tasks
 Social Expressions
 Home Task : 1) Introduce Yourself
2) Role play
Spoken English VERB TO BE

My name is Arefin Sunny. My future plan is to be an entrepreneur.

I’m 20.
I’m interested in reading books.

I’m from Dhaka.

My favourite colour is blue.

I’m a student.
My favourite sports are cricket
and badminton.
I’m single.
My father is a businessman and
my mother is a homemaker.

Present Past Future

I am I’m I was I will be I’ll be

We We’re We We We’ll be
You are You’re You were You will be You’ll be
You You’re You You You’ll be
They They’re They They They’ll be

He He’s He He He’ll be
She is She’s She was She will be She’ll be
It It’s It It It’ll be
Sunny Sunny’s Sunny Sunny Sunny will be

Fluency Practice: subject tense practice

We am/is/are
a student(s) / a book.
Positive They was/were fine
at home.
It will be
Spoken English VERB TO BE

Examples: Positive

I’m a student. I’m fine. I’m at home.

We’re bosom friends. He’s angry with me. They’re at school.
It’s my book. It’s delicious. Sanmar Ocean City is in GEC.
It’s mine/yours/Sunny’s. It’s very hot/cold today. He’s with me.
This is my brother’s mobile. Shahan is afraid of dogs. It’s on the table.

She was my favourite teacher. It was fun. He was in Dhaka last week.
He was studious. He was late yesterday. I was on my way home.

I’ll be a businessman. It’ll be good. I’ll be at home tomorrow.

I’ll be your friend. I’ll be free in the evening. He’ll be there.

Teacher Students Teacher Students

Practice (positive) (positive) (Question) (Answer)

Negative is not = isn’t was not = wasn’t will not = won’t

Contraction are not = aren’t were not = weren’t

Present Past Future

I am not I’m not I wasn’t I will not be I won’t be

(was not)
We We aren’t We We We won’t be
You are not You aren’t You weren’t You will not be You won’t be
You You aren’t You (were not) You You won’t be
They They aren’t They They They won’t be

He He isn’t He He He won’t be
She is not She isn’t She wasn’t She will not be She won’t be
It It isn’t It (was not) It It won’t be
Sunny Sunny isn’t Sunny Sunny Sunny won’t be

Note: am not- contraction ain’t Spoken English- I’m not

Spoken English VERB TO BE

Fluency Practice: subject tense practice

We ‘m not /isn’t /aren’t
a student(s) / a book
They wasn’t /weren’t fine
at home
It won’t be

Examples: Negative

I’m not a doctor. I’m not well today. I’m not at home.
They aren’t friends. He isn’t interested in music. He isn’t here.
It isn’t your book. It isn’t important
important. It isn’t with me.
It isn’t mine/yours. The programme isn’t interesting. I’m not with him.

He wasn’t my classmate. It wasn’t good. He wasn’t at home last night.

I wasn’t so studious. I wasn’t free at that time. I wasn’t
n’t there.

He won’t be a businessman. It won’t be good. I won’t be at home tomorrow.

I won’t be your friend. I won’t be free tomorrow. He won’t be there.

Teacher Students Teacher Students

Practice (negative) (negative) (Question) (Answer)

Task-1: Complete the text below with the correct form of the verb "to be" :

_______ name _____Biva. She _____ from England. _______ is eleven

years ______. Her favourite sports______ baseball and basketball. ______
favourite colour _____ red. ______is happy.
Spoken English VERB TO BE

_______ name is Peter. _______ is from the USA. He _______ ten years
old. _______ favourite sport _______ football. His favourite colours _______
green and yellow. He _______ short, _______ isn't tall.

They _______ Tom and Mary. _______ are from Spain. They _______ nine
years _______
_________. Their favourite sport ________ football. Their favourite
colours _______ blue and pink. Tom _____ blonde but Mary _____ blonde,
she _______ dark-haired.

Sumon _____ from Dhaka. He _____ 25 years old and works as a Software
Engineer at XYZ Computers in Chittagong. He _____ very communicative and
has a lot of friends. Two of his best friends ______ Pavel and Saika. Pavel
_____ from Kustia. He _____ 26 years old. SaSaika _____ a very funny girl. She
_____ 24 years old. Sumon and Pavel ______ single, but Saik
Sa ka ______. She
_____ married to a nice man. He _____ a teacher. She
e says they _____ very

Teacher Students
Practice (Question) (Answer)

Task-2: Put the words in the correct order


1. happy
appy / are / they / always. _________________________________________________
2. all / are / awake / you. _____________________________________________________
3. today / is / terrible / he / a / in / mood. _________________________________________
4. no / more / father / is / his. __________________________________________________
5. Late / Sunny / never / is. __________________________________________________
6. isn’t / it / important. _______________________________________________________
7. you / of / I / sick / am. _____________________________________________________
8. absent
bsent / was / the last / class / in / he. ________________________________________
9. next
ext Friday / in / won’t be / Chittagong / I. ______________________________________
10. interested
nterested / am not / I / politics / in. ___________________________________________
11. dear
ear / Hilsha fish / nowadays / is. ____________________________________________
12. a / couple / will / they / happy / be. ___________________________________________
13. way / the / was / I / on. ____________________________________________________
14. you / to / listening / I / of / tired / am. ____
15. lost / Abdullah / completely / Umar / were / and. ________________________________
Spoken English VERB TO BE

Formal Starters Formal Responses

1. Hello!
I’m fine, thanks and how are you?
2. How are you?
I’m fine, thanks. And you?
3. How are you doing?
Very well, thank you.
4. How is everything?
I’m very well indeed.
5. How’s everything going on?
I’m alright, thank you.
6. How have you been keeping?
Quite well, thank you.
7. I trust that everything is well.
8. Nice to meet you / see you.
9. It’s nice to meet you / see you.
10. It’s really nice to meet / see you.
Nice to meet you / see you too.
11. Glad to meet you.
Glad to meet you / see you too.
12. I’m glad to meet you.
13. Pleased to meet you.
14. I’m pleased to meet you.
Informal Starters Informal Responses
1. Hi.
2. What’s up?
So-so, thanks.
3. Good to see you.
So far so good.
4. How are things (with you)?
Not too bad, thanks.
5. How is it going?
Not so good, thanks.
6. How are you doing?
Can’t complain.
7. How are these days?
Just surviving, thanks.
8. How have you been?
9. How’s life been treating you?

Task-3: Practise the conversations with your partner.

Conversation--1 Conversation-2
A: Hello. How are you? A: Hello. How’s everything?
B: Pretty well, thanks. And you? B: Fine, thanks. How about you?
A: I’m fine, thanks. A: Just fine. What’s new?
B: It’s good to see you again. B: Nothing much.

Following Sunny’s
S introduction, prepare yourr one.

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