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Star Wars Reading and Watching Order

I. Before the Republic Year

Dawn of the Jedi 25,793 BBY
Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm 25,793 BBY
Star Wars Eruption 25,793 BBY
Dawn of the Jedi - Into the Void 25,793 BBY
The Adventures of Lanoree Brock, Je'daii Ranger 25, 793 BBY
Dawn of the Jedi - Prisoner of Bogan 25,793 BBY
Dawn of the Jedi - Force War 25,792 BBY
II. Old Republic
Tales of the Jedi - The Golden Age of the Sith 5,000 BBY
Tales of the Jedi - The Fall of Sith Empire 5,000 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Precipice 5,000 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Skyborn 5,000 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Paragon 4,985 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Savior 4,975 BBY
Tales of the Jedi - Ulic-Qel Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon 4,000 BBY
Tales of the Jedi - The Saga of Nomi Sunrider 4,000 BBY
Tales of the Jedi - The Freedon Nadd Uprising 3,998 BBY
Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith 3,997 BBY
Tales of the Jedi - The Sith War 3,996 BBY
Star Wars Tales: Shadows and Light 3,993 BBY
Tales of the Jedi - Redemption 3,986 BBY
Knight of the Old Republic Vol. 1 3,964 BBY
Knight of the Old Republic Vol. 2 3,963 BBY
Knight of the Old Republic Vol. 3 3,963 BBY
Knight of the Old Republic: War 3,962 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Purgatory 3,960 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Sentinel 3,959 BBY
Star Wars Tales: Unseen, Unheard 3,952 BBY
The Old Republic - Blood of the Empire 3,678 BBY
The Old Republic - Threat of Peace 3,653 BBY
The Old Republic - The Lost Suns 3,643 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Pantheon 3,000 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Secrets 3,000 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Pandemonium 2,975 BBY
Lost Tribe of the Sith - Spiral 2,974 BBY
Star Wars: Visionaries - Prototypes 1,500 BBY
Knight Errant - Aflame 1,032 BBY
Knight Errant - Deluge 1,032 BBY
Knight Errant - Escape 1,032 BBY
Star Wars Tales: The Apprentice 1,000 BBY
Star Wars Tales: All for You 1,000 BBY
Jedi vs. Sith 1,000 BBY
III. Rise of the Empire Era
Star Wars Tales: Heart of Darkness 700 BBY
Star Wars Tales: Yaddle's Tale - The One Below 300 BBY
Republic: Vow of Justice 88 BBY
Star Wars Tales: Stones 58 BBY
Jedi - The Dark Side 53 BBY
Star Wars Tales: Survivors 47 BBY
Star Wars Tales: Children of the Force 47 BBY
Star Wars Tales: The Secret of Tet-Ami 44 BBY
Star Wars Tales: Mythology 44 BBY
Star Wars Tales: Life, Death and Living Force 44 BBY
Issues/Pages Publisher Year Published Remarks
1 Dark Horse 2/1/2012 Encyclopedia Style
5 Dark Horse 12/18/2012
1 Titan Magazines 4/30/2013
320 Del Rey 4/1/2014 Novel
1 Kindle Daily Post 4/25/2013 Short Story
5 Dark Horse 7/24/2014
5 Dark Horse 6/24/2014

6 Dark Horse 8/6/1997

5 Dark Horse 5/6/1998
1 Del Rey 5/28/2009 eBook
1 Del Rey 7/21/2009 eBook
1 Del Rey 2/10/2010 eBook
1 Del Rey 4/27/2010 eBook
2 Dark Horse 11/15/1993
3 Dark Horse 8/1/1994
2 Dark Horse 9/1/1994
6 Dark Horse 2/6/1996
6 Dark Horse 7/1/1996
22 Dark Horse 5/11/2005
5 Dark Horse 7/25/2001
18 Dark Horse 8/21/2013
18 Dark Horse 12/18/2013
12 Dark Horse 4/30/2014
5 Dark Horse 10/24/2012
1 Del Rey 10/25/2010 eBook
1 Del Rey 2/21/2011 eBook
6 Dark Horse 7/13/2005
3 Dark Horse 8/13/2010
3 Dark Horse 11/6/2009
5 Dark Horse 3/21/2012
1 Del Rey 7/18/2011 eBook
1 Del Rey 3/5/2012 eBook
1 Del Rey 7/24/2012 eBook
5 Dark Horse 6/25/2013 eBook
12 Dark Horse 4/2/2005
5 Dark Horse 7/1/2013
5 Dark Horse 5/30/2012
5 Dark Horse 4/10/2013
6 Dark Horse 10/1/2003
10 Dark Horse 10/1/2003
6 Dark Horse 5/1/2002
12 Dark Horse 6/25/2003
16 Dark Horse 9/27/2000
- Dark Horse 5/30/2000
6 Dark Horse 9/25/2002
5 Dark Horse 3/6/2012
10 Dark Horse 9/25/2002
12 Dark Horse 9/25/2002
- Dark Horse 9/25/2002
10 Dark Horse 12/11/2002
15 Dark Horse 9/29/1999

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